30 yo and TTC #1

I'm sorry some of you girls are having a rough time and I want to welcome the newbies.

LSD we are on the same schedule. My test day falls on valentines day so I think I will try my best to wait until after.

For some reason I feel so positive this cycle and have been thinking of ways to announce to my husband when it does happen.
Thanks for welcoming me... and for your advice. AF is scheduled to come the 17th, so I'm hoping she stays away. I'm still feeling the symptoms so we shall see.

Thanks so much and good luck to everyone =)
Thanks so much ladies! What would I do without your support? Actually, I know the answer to that... drive DH even more crazy, lol.

Interested in opinions on this. This morning I woke up at normal time to take my temp. For whatever reason I decided to do a little experiment and take it 3 times in a row. I didn't move in between times....just took it, read it, and temped again. The results were strange to me.

1st - 97.33
2nd - 97.18
3rd - 97.16

Doesn't that seem to be a pretty significant difference between time 1 & 2? I mean it was a time difference of just 60 seconds and no moving. Weird, or is it just me? Oh well. I decided to go with the first temp since I'd normally go with my first temp. I dunno...wondering if any of my fellow tempers had thoughts on that.

Oh, maybe I'm just bored since school has been closed aaaaall week due to snow. Apparently my new hobby is temping experiments. I need a life. (;

Hmmm. That does seem kind of weird but I guess it could just be due to slight differences in where it is in your mouth, etc. But looking at your chart all of those would be above your coverline so that would make me feel better to know that I wouldn't have thought it dropped below. I would use the first temp too.

Ugh. I need things to keep my mind off of this TWW!!! I am still sort of symptom spotting, not as bad as last time but like I'll notice a little cramp and go...oooh. Or had a thought yday that I might be going to the bathroom more often. I am still not quite as excited as I was last cycle (I was so convinced I was pregnant!!). I have been off the pill for a year now and I have never had sore bbs until last cycle so I just knew I had to be! The cycle before (where I had the chemical I never really had tender bbs). But I guess I am here analyzing again! I did so good until 5dpo!!! ugh.

That sounds super frustrating! So annoying that our bodies fake us out.
Ugh. I need things to keep my mind off of this TWW!!! I am still sort of symptom spotting, not as bad as last time but like I'll notice a little cramp and go...oooh. Or had a thought yday that I might be going to the bathroom more often. I am still not quite as excited as I was last cycle (I was so convinced I was pregnant!!). I have been off the pill for a year now and I have never had sore bbs until last cycle so I just knew I had to be! The cycle before (where I had the chemical I never really had tender bbs). But I guess I am here analyzing again! I did so good until 5dpo!!! ugh.

Good luck! And I feel you. I'm trying really hard not to symptom spot. It helps that we didn't BD in the two days prior to O. So It's easier to remain calm. But I still find myself thinking about it and wondering. Then I have to talk myself off the ledge. I'm actually hoping AF may show early so that I can get it over with prior to Valentine's Day
Oh girls, I think it's impossible not to symptom spot. I'm doing better so far...still early...but a few crazy thoughts pop into my head here and there. What's helping helping me is remembering that I had almost every symptom one could imagine the last 2 cycles, so I'm able to remind myself that they mean nothing. But anything new...fair game for me to obsess about! Lol. The only thing that's different than normal so far is that my CM - though the same type as normal - is more in excess than usual at this point. Means nothing though. I keep telling myself that.

Btw, I watched the Great Sperm Race. VERY informative documentary...except now I'm even more concerned that it'll never happen. Lol...probably shouldn't have watched it.
I wish I had more to help you ladies but I didn't ever get to the point of using opk's or temping! (Although,I am not sure that I would have!)

Anyways, I saw my psychiatrist today. We talked about all of my emotions etc. and it really sounds like everything is due to being pregnant. He asked me what my threshold for going back on meds would be. I told him, if I can't function, can't get through work without a panic attack or crying, that would be my indicator. He has a scale he uses every week and based on my responses he said, "you seem to be struggling, but you are functioning." I know I have been struggling, that's why I have been calling an emailing! He said that around week 12, we will have a better idea of whether or not I need to go back on meds but that the first trimester is really rough. So, I will see him again in one month (I had been going every three months previously). I know that my current job and its stressors are also playing a role in everything. So my hope is that as I transition, things will gradually get better. He asks me to rate my overall quality of life and when I have been so tired I hardly see my husband (he comes home late several nights a week) and don't get out to see my friends, of course my quality of life is gonna suck! But I think he understands that.

As for the morning sickness- I haven't gotten sick since that initial time! I am doing well with yogurt, banana, and I had a waffle with a little margarine. I occasionally get a little nauseated but it passes usually with water or some crackers or something. I just wish I weren't so tired.
welcome new ladies.

Curious, i dont want to discourage you at all, but my first cycle of BC(after being on it for 17 years) was 45 days.. i have never been more excited for AF to show up! silly huh..
Good luck with the anxiety m. I'm pulling for you to get through the hormones as calmly as possible.

Dos, I am soooo bad! Although this past week I've been so stressed and tired I've been relatively good. Next week after I've caught up on my sleep and prior to me wanting to punch people for making stupid comments at work I will probably go nuts for a few days until AF shows up.

Also, I need to get the ADD under control! It just took me 10 minutes to type this because I kept getting distracted and forgetting what I was saying.
welcome new ladies.

Curious, i dont want to discourage you at all, but my first cycle of BC(after being on it for 17 years) was 45 days.. i have never been more excited for AF to show up! silly huh..

No, thank you, I really appreciate the perspective. I know that's pretty common. I'm hoping that even if I do have a super long cycle I'll catch the egg by doing all these OPKs. I swear the line's darker today but we'll see. And if not I know I'll be super relieved that the cycle is finally over too! :)
I'm sorry some of you girls are having a rough time and I want to welcome the newbies.

LSD we are on the same schedule. My test day falls on valentines day so I think I will try my best to wait until after.

For some reason I feel so positive this cycle and have been thinking of ways to announce to my husband when it does happen.

Valentines Day! My test day falls before that but how sweet to find out on Valentines Day that ya'll are going to have a baby! I mentioned that to my husband just then and he said he didn't care about that. MEN! ha.

Oh girls, I think it's impossible not to symptom spot. I'm doing better so far...still early...but a few crazy thoughts pop into my head here and there. What's helping helping me is remembering that I had almost every symptom one could imagine the last 2 cycles, so I'm able to remind myself that they mean nothing. But anything new...fair game for me to obsess about! Lol. The only thing that's different than normal so far is that my CM - though the same type as normal - is more in excess than usual at this point. Means nothing though. I keep telling myself that.

Btw, I watched the Great Sperm Race. VERY informative documentary...except now I'm even more concerned that it'll never happen. Lol...probably shouldn't have watched it.

I have been finding new things to obsess about as well! I noticed today on FF that when I added my water cm information that my percentage of being pregnant went up....and so I started obsessing! LOL I'm really going to hold out on testing.

I'm going to visit my sister this weekend and that cute little baby of hers! I'm going to be taking a picture or two of her in this cute little lamb hat and Minnie mouse hat I crocheted this week! (I guess it didn't help that I was crocheting baby stuff this week while obsessing!)

Hope all you lovely ladies have a great weekend! :)
Oh girls, I think it's impossible not to symptom spot. I'm doing better so far...still early...but a few crazy thoughts pop into my head here and there. What's helping helping me is remembering that I had almost every symptom one could imagine the last 2 cycles, so I'm able to remind myself that they mean nothing. But anything new...fair game for me to obsess about! Lol. The only thing that's different than normal so far is that my CM - though the same type as normal - is more in excess than usual at this point. Means nothing though. I keep telling myself that.

Btw, I watched the Great Sperm Race. VERY informative documentary...except now I'm even more concerned that it'll never happen. Lol...probably shouldn't have watched it.

Oh I know! When I watched it I was like, well this is impossible! How does anyone get pregnant?!?

I wish I had more to help you ladies but I didn't ever get to the point of using opk's or temping! (Although,I am not sure that I would have!)

Anyways, I saw my psychiatrist today. We talked about all of my emotions etc. and it really sounds like everything is due to being pregnant. He asked me what my threshold for going back on meds would be. I told him, if I can't function, can't get through work without a panic attack or crying, that would be my indicator. He has a scale he uses every week and based on my responses he said, "you seem to be struggling, but you are functioning." I know I have been struggling, that's why I have been calling an emailing! He said that around week 12, we will have a better idea of whether or not I need to go back on meds but that the first trimester is really rough. So, I will see him again in one month (I had been going every three months previously). I know that my current job and its stressors are also playing a role in everything. So my hope is that as I transition, things will gradually get better. He asks me to rate my overall quality of life and when I have been so tired I hardly see my husband (he comes home late several nights a week) and don't get out to see my friends, of course my quality of life is gonna suck! But I think he understands that.

As for the morning sickness- I haven't gotten sick since that initial time! I am doing well with yogurt, banana, and I had a waffle with a little margarine. I occasionally get a little nauseated but it passes usually with water or some crackers or something. I just wish I weren't so tired.

Glad you are feeling better in terms of the morning sickness. Hopefully your emotional struggles will start to improve soon. It seems like your doctor is supportive and will help you get through it. Hoping for a much smoother rest of pregnancy for you!
That settles it I'm definitely not watching the great sperm race, unless i have wine chocolate and possibly razor blades how I'm feeling today!
So got my bloods back from repeat prolactin and now normal so no pituitary tumour which I'm mostly glad about slightly disappointed because had in my head would be a quick fix and would take a tablet and get pregnant, very short sighted i know! But now have been called to say doctor wants to see dh about his second sperm test which means more abnormal results which I'm gutted about and also panicking about. Really starting to hate ttc!
That settles it I'm definitely not watching the great sperm race, unless i have wine chocolate and possibly razor blades how I'm feeling today!
So got my bloods back from repeat prolactin and now normal so no pituitary tumour which I'm mostly glad about slightly disappointed because had in my head would be a quick fix and would take a tablet and get pregnant, very short sighted i know! But now have been called to say doctor wants to see dh about his second sperm test which means more abnormal results which I'm gutted about and also panicking about. Really starting to hate ttc!

Glad no tumor!
That settles it I'm definitely not watching the great sperm race, unless i have wine chocolate and possibly razor blades how I'm feeling today!
So got my bloods back from repeat prolactin and now normal so no pituitary tumour which I'm mostly glad about slightly disappointed because had in my head would be a quick fix and would take a tablet and get pregnant, very short sighted i know! But now have been called to say doctor wants to see dh about his second sperm test which means more abnormal results which I'm gutted about and also panicking about. Really starting to hate ttc!

I'm glad you don't have a tumor and hopefully the results will be something that you can work with. I am ready for us to see a doctor but scared of finding out that there could be something wrong
I think I have completely lost it. Hello, my name is Nathalie and I am a symptom spotter. I don't know anymore if I am or am not pregnant because one minute I feel/think something and the next I don't.

True Story: yesterday was my wedding anniversary and during dinner I received a nice text message from my brother congratulating us with some nice words and I completely lost it. Tears were flowing down and I turned to my husband and said, "I don't know why I'm crying!"
I took another test this morning (I know, don't shoot me!) and it was another BFN.

That settles it I'm definitely not watching the great sperm race, unless i have wine chocolate and possibly razor blades how I'm feeling today!
So got my bloods back from repeat prolactin and now normal so no pituitary tumour which I'm mostly glad about slightly disappointed because had in my head would be a quick fix and would take a tablet and get pregnant, very short sighted i know! But now have been called to say doctor wants to see dh about his second sperm test which means more abnormal results which I'm gutted about and also panicking about. Really starting to hate ttc!

I'm both happy and sad for you. Glad it isn't a tumor. But, I'm sorry there still appear to be problems. I will keep my fingers crossed for you that everything turns out alright and that whatever is wrong is a very simple fix.Don't lose hope, we will all get there one day.

Is it just me or is this thread not showing up in the feed anymore?

It didn't show when I got on here. I had to go into my unread posts section. I wonder what happened.

I think I have completely lost it. Hello, my name is Nathalie and I am a symptom spotter. I don't know anymore if I am or am not pregnant because one minute I feel/think something and the next I don't.

True Story: yesterday was my wedding anniversary and during dinner I received a nice text message from my brother congratulating us with some nice words and I completely lost it. Tears were flowing down and I turned to my husband and said, "I don't know why I'm crying!"
I took another test this morning (I know, don't shoot me!) and it was another BFN.


It's okay. We are all symptom spotter. I flipped out at various court personnel today and wondered if it was moodiness. then I realized, I'm still tired from my trip and the person I was screaming at is an idiot who totally deserved my ire. So, probably not a symptom. At least not of being pregnant. Maybe of being mean. :flower:
I think it's because we've been relocated to TTC Groups. Apparently we're booted from TTC#1! LOL. Not a big deal but a head's up might be nice. I was looking all over!

Well, FF gave me crosshairs this morning. I'm 99% sure they're false. I really don't think I O'd with OPKs with barely a second line and my chart's a mess from all the travel. I feel like my body adjusted back to EST almost immediately but maybe I should adjust my last couple temps for where I was. I know I had that huge dip and the EWCM but I'm guessing my body tried to O'd and didn't. I'll see what my temps tomorrow and my OPK this afternoon do.
Yeah, I kinda disagree with FF on the crosshairs. Taking into consideration the negative OPK's and the fertile CM that continued, I highly doubt you've ovulated yet. I bet your ovulation is still to come. With the traveling and everything, your cycle is probably just being a little wonky. Now that you're home and things are settling out, I'm hoping it gears up to ovulate soon!
Dos, your chart is so pretty! I'm super jealous :haha: Going to keep stalking it until you get your BFP!

I made an ObGyn appointment today since when I went in for a pre-conception visit/genetic screening a few months ago, my Vitamin D level was super low. I'm supposed to go back to have it retested after I finish a course of the high-dose pills but I'm actually going to get to meet with my Dr too so if I haven't O'd or gotten AF by then she can give me some advice. I like her because she seems willing to do what I want and happy to step in, not just wait and see. Like she already told me we could do an ultrasound to check on things post-pill after just a couple months if I wanted. At least I know I have this appointment on the books. Makes me feel a little better after my OPK got super faint again today.

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