Dos, your chart is so pretty! I'm super jealousGoing to keep stalking it until you get your BFP!
I made an ObGyn appointment today since when I went in for a pre-conception visit/genetic screening a few months ago, my Vitamin D level was super low. I'm supposed to go back to have it retested after I finish a course of the high-dose pills but I'm actually going to get to meet with my Dr too so if I haven't O'd or gotten AF by then she can give me some advice. I like her because she seems willing to do what I want and happy to step in, not just wait and see. Like she already told me we could do an ultrasound to check on things post-pill after just a couple months if I wanted. At least I know I have this appointment on the books. Makes me feel a little better after my OPK got super faint again today.
glad your dr is supportive! I hope your appointment goes well!