31, CD5 Need a buddy

Yay for seeing the heartbeat Lysh, how exciting!

As for the facebook poster - I congratulated her on there but left it at that, and will leave it al that, I probably wont see her for ages anyway.
Wow, MrsB, I would be over there taking a bath and drinking gallons!! I wish it worked like that.

YAY Lysh, the first time you hear your baby is such a wonderful feeling, brought both me and DH to tears.

Yay for the tww ladies! I wish I could go into the tww forum and see threads other than "PLS HELP, No R&R" or "Does it sound like I'm out...?". There aren't any certainties and almost all of us feel the same way...I mean, especially the "PLS HELP" ones, some of the things these women are writing makes me wonder why they aren't already at the hospital let alone making a doc appointment....Then I guess, in the end, all some people want to hear is that someone's aunty's best friend's SIL's daughter had the same symptom and now has a 6 month old or whatever. Sorry about that tangent...

I told FF to put up cross hairs on cd 17, I usually ov before then and that was the last low temp I had (out of the 3 or so I have taken in the last 10 days, haha). Anyway, I am somewhere between 5 & 8 dpo, it is very dry *down there*... I'll keep you posted on the goings on of my vajayjay! :rofl: Sometimes I think it is really funny that we are all talking about these things like it's a normal conversation you would have with anyone you bumped into on the street!
I think sometimes a bit of reassurance is needed as doctors wont take you seriously until after their set times. ie 1 year?? Nice to hear about other people that went through a similar thing. But your right, somethings just need a doctor..

My best friend is going through test at the mo to see if she has PCOS, these are the same tests that I am currently having, but for different onset for the tests. she is not trying for a baby, nor is she in a relationship so not trying anytime in the near future, however last night when our friend shared her news with us, she said, wow your superfertile unlike us who will take forever to get pregnant... I was like woah hold on, just coz I am doesnt mean she will, shes too quick to assume she is the same as me, her scans all came back fine, she does not have PCO but may have PCOS but they cant say for certain and as they are currently just checking for possible hormone imbalance as shes put on weight and is depressed doesn't mean she will have the same difficulties as me. Made me feel a bit pants as she acts like shes the one going through trying so hard for a baby not me.

....wow that turned out to be a rant, didnt mean to be ... sorry ladies!!! In fact I'm not even really sure what that little rant is about, no particular resolution or wind up to it :haha:
Rant away! Sometimes we don't realize something is bothering us until we get a chance to tell someone else about it. I have started having a normal convo with DH and end up pacing and yelling (not at him just to him) about someone at work or something else very trivial that I didn't even know I was upset about. :shrug:
Funny how things can bug us when we think were fine isn't it! X
lilfoosh- Yeah....I think on the forums some people get very emotional and want answers that no one can really give them. It can get tiresome though.
It is funny when you step back and look at our conversations. lol

Mrs. B- Ranting is good!! I am sure it is frustrating to have the convo be about her and her worrying when she is not even trying right now and you are going through this right now while trying.

I have been a bit cranky today.....last week was a rough week at work and I am in my "when can I get out of this job" mode again. lol Ugh...one day!
Tons to catch up on!!

Lysh....what an amazing thing to hear your little ones HB!!! So excited for you :) How are you feeling?

Foosh- I agree that it's frustrating on those forums at times because there is no canned answer and sometimes all people are looking for is reassurance whhen there is none. I know I was one of those people at times because I was so desperate to find someone in the same situation as me, but I knew deep down that there was no one answer to make me feel better.

Mrs. B- Ugh...that is so frustrating. (And rant away of course). It is frustrating when people try to empathize with a situation they have never been close to being in. It's like you just want to shake some sense into them and say "enjoy your world right now cause you dont know what this is like". i feel your frustration 100%!!
Quick update...Scans show signs of pcos, blood tests required to confirm x
Happy Monday, ladies. I don't have much time to catch up on all the weekend postings, but will do so on my lunch break today. Hope you all have a great day! :)
MrsB that is good(ish) news! PCOS would mean you should still be able to conceive on your own, or with help if you want. Hopefully it is a mild case and you fall pregnant while they are working out the details, that would be a lovely present!

I put in a few weeks ago for a free ttc prediction from Cheri22, it is just the gender and a month associated, this is what I got:
They show me a GIRL and they relate her to FEB so this is either birth month, concieve month or the month you find out in

We will see! DH says that would be awesome, personally, I hope she is wrong and I am preggo right now! Hahaha

Ladies who are already preggo, have you told your family? How did you do it? If you haven't told yet, when and how will you do it? Anyone planning on letting the cat out of the bag at Christmas?
Good morning everyone!

CD 19....already. This month is going by so quickly!
I had a big temp drop from 36.3 to 35.7 two nights ago but I was cold through the night. Last night my temps went back to normal at 36.4.

Lysh - You must be on cloud nine hearing a HB! So excited for you!

How is everyone feeling?

Lilfoosh - I have a Cheri22 Prediction too.....its in my signature. We shall see if she is correct.

I got to see my sister-in-law's ultra sound baby picture. All I can say is WOW! They know that they are having a boy and the from the picture I saw...I think its one of those very detailed 3D kind, you can tell he is a boy. It was like looking at a picture of baby not inside a womb.....you could see each finger on his hands and all his features. Very cool. I think for myself though, I almost don't want a picture like that as I would like to keep it a surprise....:) What do you guys think you would like to do for yourselves? Would you want to see such details or wait until they are born? Who knows, I may totally change my mind when I am actually in that situation.
Clandara, hopefully your Cheri22 prediction has DEC as the conceive or find out month!! That would be so excellent!

We had a 3d ultrasound at 21 weeks, because we wanted to know the gender and the regular sonographer said it was too early to tell....bullsh!t. You can find out as early as 15 weeks but if they check that early they can be wrong (with a normal scan), so when we went for our appointment at 17 weeks and the doc told us to go for an U/S I said can we go at the next appointment (at 21 wks) because I really want to know the gender and I am worried at 17 wks it may still be a little to ambiguous...he said 17 wks would be fine to tell, but said ok to pushing the U/S to 21 wks anyway. So at 21 wks when the sonographer said it was too early to tell I was super disappointed and we went for the 3d, just to check for gender, which cost us about $75 and took about 30 secs. The 3d sonographer showed us all of him though, his little hands and feet and his belly and back, his head, it was awesome. We didn't and won't pay for an actual 3d U/S with all the bells and whistles though, we think it is too expensive and takes some of the mystery out of seeing bubs when they are born.

Edit: I should say, when the 3d sonographer showed us the baby it was in standard U/S form, she just checked out his willy in 3d! HAhaha He had his legs crossed at first and she started to say maybe it's a girl but as "girl" was coming out of her mouth, he threw his legs WIDE open and flashed his "junk" at the camera. He was (and still is) a cheeky little monkey!
Clandara I really hope your cheri predictions are for this coming month, it would be great Christmas news.
Foosh thats so awesome about your 3d it sounds like it was pretty neat!!

I'm feeling really frustrated because my temps have gone down. I know I was sick the first 3 days I started temping but it just seems as though my now temps are low. I worry that perhaps I didn't o? I just figured since I had the dip I most likely did, I would normally o around 14 as my monthly have been pretty much every 27 or 28 days. Maybe if I wasn't sick my temps would have been lower in the beginning...oh who knows. I said we were going to be relaxed and calm about this and here I am stressing and almost obsessed all over again.
Hi ladies!!
Clandara and Foosh....I sure hope your predicitons come true and you fall preggers in these next few months :)

Zoey...are you using nay other methods right now, like opk's?? maybe that would help?

As for the u/s, I would like to see the full detail of course, but want to save it for when the baby comes out!!! I want to see the full picture in the flesh :)
I woke up yesterday feeling so good. I had so much energy, was not nauseous anymore, my bb's hurt way less, etc. Then this morning I wake up and it's all back in full force!!! I was a little nervous yesterday so kind of happy it's all back.
36.5 is still pretty high Zoey! My pre-Ov temps are usually around 35.5 or 35.7 and post-Ov are over 36.0 (37.0 being a high spike). Since you started temping late you probably just missed the low temps altogether. Just try to relax for the rest of the cycle because you missed the first half with temping there isn't really anyway to figure it out, save your obsessive energy for next month if this one doesn't work out!
Lunch time!

Lysh- So happy you got to hear the heartbeat! What a great feeling!

Als- I remember feeling that way too when my symptoms would disappear for a day. I think after the 12 week scan though, I am way more relaxed. Can't wait for you (and Lysh & G x) to be at that point. :)

I thought about the 3D scan for about 10 seconds and decided it's not for me. Hubby is indifferent. I would prefer the surprise as well. I'm so impatient about everything else, so it's surprising that I don't want the 3D. I have thought about have a private 2D just to find out the gender because I'm not sure I can wait until Jan 13th!! Lol. I have a check in with the doc on the 23rd and plan to beg beg beg for an early scan. I'm going to tell them I need to know for Christmas! Lol.
alspals- I am doing okay....dealing with on and off nausea. I find that if I eat it is better, but I feel like I am very picky about what I can eat without wanting to dry heave. I have really bad days were I am nauseous all day, and then I might have an okay day here and there.

Mrs. B- At least you are getting answers so you can move and and get that BFP!!!!

lilfoosh- We told our immediate families- except for my brother and sis-in-law but we have not had the chance to see them yet.

Zoey- Sorry you have temps that are frustrating you! I used OPKs too and it helped me when I felt like my temps were being confusing. I figured between the combination of the two I could not go wrong.

As far as the 3d scan, I am not sure. My DH and I do not want to know the gender of the baby...we decided we would like the surprise of it. Unless there was a medical reason they wanted to do a 3d scan I am kind of ambiguous about it...as long as I cant see the sex of the baby!
Oh Lysh, you are so much stronger than I am!! There was no way that I could wait for the birth to find out the sex! How about crackers? Do they make you tummy turn? This too shall pass :hugs:
lilfoosh- It is funny because I am a planner, so not knowing the sex will be challenging but we want the surprise more!
I do eat crackers throughout the day. Even though I am getting tired of eating them they do help. I just feel overwhelmed because I am beyond exhausted, nauseous through the day, and moody! I feel like my house is a disaster and every stressor at work is getting to me. Don't get me wrong, I am not complaining because I am grateful that I get to go through all of this right now because it is for a good reason.....I am just overwhelmed. Is this normal the first time around? I am actually considering taking a day off from work tomorrow just so I can try to catch up on home stuff. By the time the weekend comes I tend to be so exhausted after a full work week that I get very little done.
Un/Fortunately it is very normal. I would yell at DH every 3 days or so about how filthy the house was because I just didn't have the energy to maintain it and work all day. I had to make a list of all the things I normally did and when, i.e. laundry every 3 days, sweep every other day, vacuum once a week, dusting, blah blah blah. Then I had to try to ignore it because it wasn't done the way I like it. I think it is probably much worse when you have to deal with MS too, especially if it is all day MS. Try having a bunch of small meals throughout the day, less like "meals" more like "snacks". Part of the nausea might be because your stomach is now being pushed higher by your uterus and it doesn't like having a lot of food in it anymore.

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