31, CD5 Need a buddy

Zoey you have to click on "share" on FF and it will give you a link to copy, then you add it to your siggy in BnB.

I haven't really been charting this month, I decided to take a break from it. Occasionally I have been taking my temp and DH will sometimes check stuff out, but normally I ov around cd14, I'm on cd19 now and last night I was low, soft and medium open - this is really strange for me, but at this point I'm not looking into it at all since every cycle I seem to say something is "strange" for me :lol: - I also had a lot of stretchy cm, but I have had it for over a week now, so I don't know what is going on. I'm not really paying any attention to it, so it is just wait and see this month. I was looking at a calendar this morning and AF should be arriving around the 10th or so, but I won't even consider POAS until the 16th, unless of course DH is insistant or I have very strong feelings that I will get a BFP....I really don't want to see another bfn!
Theres a sharing button top right, click get code and paste in here x
It did indeed :)

Its hard to tell really isnt it... also try temping with 2 decimal places if you can, much more accurate x
Hi ladies. How are you all doing today? It's a little chilly for Florida this morning. We were in the mid 30's. I know that's no where near as cold as most of you, but it made me shiver! lol.

Hope you all have a great Thursday!
Is that fahrenheit, Native??? We are 48 fahrenheit today! That's surprising!!

We are decorating for the holidays at work today! Tomorrow DH and I are going to a party (MIL & FIL are watching J) and Saturday we get out tree!!! OH YAYAYAYAYAY! I love the holidays!
Me too I love the holidays!

Today marks CD 15, so I would say that I am in my TWW. Started temping yesterday mid cycle more out of curiousity then for factual data since I missed the first 13 days of temping. Interesting though because my temp went from 35.9 yesterday to 36.0 this morning. Obviously I have no idea what that means lol but its kind of fun checking.

How is everyone doing? Zoey - I think you and I are almost the same CD. How are you doing this cycle?
Hey ladies! Sounds like everyone is doing well and enjoying the holiday season :) Wow is FL cold right now!! In Chicago we are at 45....yahoo for beautiful weather today!!!

FX'ed that we get at least 2 more BFP's during Dec!!!

I'm feeling ok. The doc appt went really well. She said I was 9 weeks yesterday so Wed is my turnaround day. I'm feeling less nauseated because I am eating like a crazy person!! I am a little annoyed at my doc right now because I told her I haven't exercised in about 2 months and have been eating the world for 2 weeks now, ever since I realized when I eat I feel better, and then she tells me I'm overweight according to my BMI and starts pushing this research project being done for people technically overweight according to their BMI. My BMI is 1.2 over the "regular" bmi for my height (and thats using my weight right now after I've gained 5 lbs in 2 weeks. I feel like she was just doing it to push people into this research group or something. But grrrrr, I was so mad when walking out of there because I am NOT overweight. I am completely normal. Def not skinny, but average. So now she made me paranoid about being fat while I'm PREGNANT and should be eating. And, before that, she looked at my bloods and saw that my Cholesterol levels are better than they should be so obviously I'm healthy and not at risk for a heart attack or anything. Grrrrrr.....
Sorry, just had to rant because I needed to get it off my chest. thanks for listening :)
We're at 17:15 and its 8oC so about 46oF, we've only had one cold morning so far and the was -3oC, 26oF.

Aww Als, I'd love to have BFP in Dec but I'm not even holding out for results this month, reckon it will be a new year new start for me

It annoys me too, I am overweight, but my BMI makes me OBESE!!! And I am not! I do weigh a lot but I am a little taller than average and I have shape, with hips and and a waist! If I see people on TV that have a similar weight as me they always look massive in comparison! I don't get it, Its because of this I get effected by white coat syndrome when I go to the docs, it completely worries me and sends my body crazy! They're too quick to judge and catergorise, in my opinion. :cry: I had a full medical a month or so back for my life insurance and I am healthier than some of the young men going in to the army according to his results, blood pressure, cholesterol and lung capacity etc! lol, does my head in :dohh:
Thank you Mrs. B for sharing that story because it is so true that white coats jump to conclusions based on 2 numbers, not looking at the whole person. It is so frustrating to me. Especially because muscle weighs more than fat so if you have muscle, then you appear to be overweight, obses, etc in the bmi scale. Esp when they have bloods on you and see how healthy everything is, why would they still go off of 2 numbers only?!?! It's so dumb!!!! And makes me so paranoid. She even told me to gain only 11-25 lbs instead of 20-35 lbs. There has got to be a middle ground, come on!!!!
Those BMI charts are BS. When I was working out with a personal trainer a couple of years ago, I was in the best shape of my life and I was 150 lbs, which according to those charts, makes me over weight. And, all my friends and DH were telling me I looked too skinny! I was 160 before preg and now I'm 163. The doc hasn't shown any concern. My cholesterol and glucose are great. I think if you eat healthy, get some moderate exercise, and feel good, you are fine. Some people just have a body type that doesn't fit their "ideal." I am tall and curvy and hold a few extra lbs just fine. Don't mean to get on my soapbox too, but those charts piss me off, lol. As if women don't have enough to worry about in this world.

I should prob clarify that mid 30's was our low temperature, lol. We'll make it up to the mid 60's by about 3pm. By Saturday we'll be back in the 70's. :)
I wholeheartedly agree that they rely too much on BMI to classify people. I would not risk my baby's health because my doc says I am overweight and should try some study or other! Especially if it is just for 1.2 of a difference. I am considered obese too, based on BMI, but I'm 5'9 (the chart says I should weigh 125 lbs!!) and fit into "normal" sized clothes. When I give blood they always run tests and everything comes in below average.... My pregnancy was considered high risk, but my doctor never once brought it up because I always checked out way healthier than expected. My blood pressure especially would always surprise him, he said I must be a very relaxed person (I'm totally not!!). Don't worry about it unless it is actually impacting your health. If you are not comfortable with the doctor, start interviewing new ones! This is someone you are going to trust with your health and your baby's, make sure it is someone you trust and who doesn't push you to do things you don't want to. Sometimes they have to tell you something you may not want to hear but that is different than pushing you to do something.
Just did my BMI and it says I'm obese...knew I was overwieght but never thought I was obese. I wouldn't worry too much about your weight you need to gain when your pregnant and eat cause the baby needs all it can get. You can always worry about your weight after the baby comes and you have only you to think about; but for now don't stress about it!!
Clandara it does seem as though we are on the same CD days!! Not sure if I o'd or not but I kinda think I may have. But I got sick yesterday and am quite ill today too so it may be throwing my temps off! I only temp'd the past few days but I shall see how it carries out. So I might be in the 2ww with you and how exciting is that!!
UGG I feel horrible and going home to bed, tomorrows another day!
:cry: my so called friend who couldn't bring herself to tell me she was expecting number 2 has now posted it all over Facebook pics and all. I thought she'd have the decency to tell me, obviously we don't mean that much to them
Wow...a lot to catch up on! I was so tired yesterday that I barely had the energy to sit and read.
I got my last teacher observation done today for the year! So that makes me feel better!
I have no idea what my BMI is right now. They did not seem concerned at my initial appt., so who knows! I do agree though that BMI is too general and does not take other things into consideration. The same as docs assuming everyone has 28 day cycles and ovulates on day 14.
Mrs B- Sorry your friend did not tell you before posting it on FB. That is pretty hurtful.
I am trying to digest dinner right now...I kind of pigged out on an italian eggplant roll. I am finding it hard to eat healthy at the moment because I am only in the mood to eat certain things and other things make me want to gag. I did manage to get a salad in tonight though!
Tomorrow is our u/s appointment to listen for a heartbeat!!!! I am feeling really positive, I am more excited than nervous right now.
Well hope everyone is having a good day/night etc.!
That's really not very nice of her, MrsB!! Maybe wait a bit until it isn't so fresh and confront her about it? Some friendships are worth saving, so it will all depend on how you are feeling in a little while. One of my "best" friends, she was my maid of honour, has only seen my son 3 times and she lives only a few blocks away. It really hurt when she didn't show up to the baby shower, and it still hurt when she didn't show up for his 1st birthday. I had to make a conscious effort to not care at first but as time has gone on I have realized it isn't worth my time. We still see each other but I am not as invested in the relationship and don't have any expectations, so she can't really let me down.

I hope you can work it out or move on, sorry it turned out like that.
Lilfoosh - That is some very good advice that you have shared today and to Mrs. B - I am sorry that you received the news in this fashion.

Lysh - Glad to hear that you are done your teacher observations. Hope you get some rest this weekend.

Native - How are you feeling?

Als - How are you doing?

I know someone posted earlier this week about Woolls - I wonder how she is doing.

I know that I have not temped this cycle more then the last three days. Interestingly enough, I always suspected that I ovulated around CD 13-14 because that is usually when I notice a CM change. So on CD 14 my temp was 35.9; CD 15 was 36.0 and today being CD 16 it was 36.2. I don't know if it is enough to assume that I may have ovulated then around the 14th....but it's interesting to see my temps rising.

Heading out to my parents tomorrow with DH for christmas baking and decorating. So glad it is Fri.
well CD 16 and I really think I O'd yesterday!! I did have a very very slight pinkish stain when I wiped ( I know TMI) but I read it could be related to O'ing. My temp was down and then spike today so I am hoping it was the day. Although no bd'ing as I was feeling so crappy we did the night before. Anyways thinking I am in the 2ww even though ff hasn't detected O yet! We have a big Chistmas party next Friday so I am hoping I can test by the....I know I know, too early!! Anyways Sticky Buby Dust to all!!
So another friends just told me she's expecting!! Her third ... something on the water
I thought I wrote earlier, but apparently I did not!
We got to see a heartbeat today! Everything is looking good for 7 weeks!

lilfoosh- Wow, that is terrible that someone who was your MOH would be that callous! I have had close friendships that I have had to learn to let go...it hurt, but in the end it was for the best.

Clandara- It is interesting temping and watching the temp. change...even though I hope you get your BFP and you won't have to bother. Have fun baking- what you are you making?

Zoey....Yay for the 2ww! Crossing my fingers for you!

Mrs. B- Okay, it is definitely your turn now!!!!!!!!!!

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