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31, CD5 Need a buddy

Okay, I broke down and made a test at lunch today but got a BFN. My eyes were playing tricks on me hoping fr a second pink line, but alas....none was to be found. If I don't have anything by the weekend, then I will make another test. I was really hoping that this would be the cycle.....AF not here yet so I know there is still a chance. Hoping that my temps stay elevated! :)
So as I was taking my temp this morning and peered down at the result in the dark of the night.....my brain yelled.... noooooooooooooo! My temp dropped to just above the coverline. I think it is a no-go for this cycle. :(
Thank you Lysh..... It is dissappointing.....but....DH and I have to move forward. Maybe it will be this next cycle instead.
Hi ladies!! So sorry I have been MIA. Just so tired and work has been consuming my life these past 2 weeks. Everything on my end is great, I am 16.5 weeks along and feeling pretty good. Some food does not sit well in my tummy and I cant wait to feel the baby move, but other than that things are moving along! I think I may have felt the baby move 2 days ago, but not sure. It felt like a little butterfly flying around for 2 seconds....who knows!!

Clandara-So sorry this isnt' your month....any update??

All of you working on your BFP's, I have my fingers crossed for you!!

Lysh- I would get into comfy clothes ASAP....its so worth it :)
Hi ladies!! So sorry I have been MIA. Just so tired and work has been consuming my life these past 2 weeks. Everything on my end is great, I am 16.5 weeks along and feeling pretty good. Some food does not sit well in my tummy and I cant wait to feel the baby move, but other than that things are moving along! I think I may have felt the baby move 2 days ago, but not sure. It felt like a little butterfly flying around for 2 seconds....who knows!!

Clandara-So sorry this isnt' your month....any update??

All of you working on your BFP's, I have my fingers crossed for you!!

Lysh- I would get into comfy clothes ASAP....its so worth it :)
Good Morning everyone!

Well I am on CD 3. Had a bit of a meltdown on Saturday but hubby was there to lift my spirits. Had not too bad of a weekend overall.

How is everyone doing? Where is Mrs. B, Zoey, GX......miss hearing from Lilfoosh and Native..... So glad that Lysh and alspals are following......Hope you are all keeping well.
I'm here :hi: just plodding along quietly! Not got alot happening to be fair
Hi Mrs. B - Fair enough.....glad to see you are doing alright! :)
Thankyou :) just waiting to see if any eggies make an appearance
Hi ladies! I'm here. I check in most days, but have been so busy at work, I forget to post, lol. On my phone now, but I'll stop by via pc and post more of an update.
Time sure flies doesn't it! Almost 21 weeks......pretty awesome!
Wow native 20 weeks!! That seems to have flown!!

Don't I know it! Lol. When I think that I'm half way through this and about how fast it's gone, I get a little scared. A good scared though. :)

Glad everyone seems to be doing well. :)

Als- I felt my first "flutters" between 16 and 17 weeks. It was more like a tickle feeling. They get stronger, and more predictable (I know she's more active around lunch time).

Clandara- Sorry you had to start another cycle. It will happen though, I know it will. :)
Thanks Native....I hope to be able to share some good news soon.

CD 5 for me today. For the last 1-2 weeks, I have been sleeping really well, which is a good thing. Keeping positive this cycle.

Really cold here this week. Looking at an average of -36 with the windchill.....burrrrrrrrr!
Well hello all!! Nothing exciting going in my department. Clandara looks as though we are close in our cycle again!! I dunno my cycle was weird and lasted a really long time so I am hoping this month things get back to normal. Hard to make a baby when your cycle is so whacky. Lets get a few BFP's this month
Zoey.....I am with you on that one! Babydust to those of us still waiting for that BFP! It's nice to see you post....and that we are back on track with our cycles.

So I am on CD 7 and my FF chart shows a bunch of open circles because I am finally sleeping through the night. Apparently FF does not like it so much, lol.

How is everyone doing? Any big plans for the weekend? It is supposed to warm up a bit here......we had a heat wave today, lol.....only -20 before the wind. :D
Clandara...I wish I could share our weather with you! It is absolutely beautiful out today. We are in the mid 70's with loads of sunshine. I hate that I'm stuck in an office today.

I'll be wondering through our local arts market this weekend, enjoying the weather and looking for homemade things. :)
Hi ladies! So nice to hear from everyone again :)
Native- it sure has flown by hasn't it!! We are due so close together :) I'm excited to start feeling more baby movement hopefully soon!

I have a great feeling for multiple BFP's this month!!

As for me, it is a snow storm here in Chicago and work let us out at 12:30...yahoo!!! So I am home watching a movie and the snow and loving it! Driving to MI tomorrow early morning for my sis in law's baby shower and then back home on Sun morning. Bust busy week!! Starting to stress about registering and what I need for the baby, but trying to relax as much as possible.

Enjoy the good and bad weather :)
So it appears as though my chart corrected itself noticing I have been waking at a different time of day....so now I have mostly closed circles. Yeah me, lol. On CD 10.....approaching Ov day in approx 3 days or so.

Hope everyone had a great weekend!

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