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31, CD5 Need a buddy

So it appears as though my chart corrected itself noticing I have been waking at a different time of day....so now I have mostly closed circles. Yeah me, lol. On CD 10.....approaching Ov day in approx 3 days or so.

Hope everyone had a great weekend!

Woohoo! Go get busy and catch that egg!! :happydance:
Hi ladies!

Native! Did I see you said "SHE" moves more at lunch???

Als and Lysh I am so glad to hear that you are both moving out of the MS stage.

MrsB, Clandara and Zoey, I'm still in it with you too. I have my fingers crossed for this month! I'm in the dpo but I don't know exactly how many.

Als, don't worry too much about what to register for, as long as you have a crib, car seat and diapers you can make due. Newborns sleep or eat all the time anyway, so you will have LOTS of time to figure it out. I recommend only putting on the bare minimum clothing wise (if any at all), people will go shopping for the stuff on your list and will see and outfit and say "OMG!! Isn't that the cutest thing ever!" and buy 2. So you will probably end up with more clothing then your baby can wear.

Diapers are always a good thing to ask for, we told people to buy us diapers sized 1-4 for our shower and only if they absolutely wanted to, to get us one of the 20 things off our registry; we bought all of the big ticket items (crib, stroller, play pen, highchair, car seat).

Hmmmm, things we couldn't have lived without: Diapers (hahaha), a wipe warmer (for night time chages, it helps not wake the baby too much), burp cloths (lots), a wedge for in the crib and our co-sleeper. Some things are extremely useful and some things are useless, you won't know which are which until you are in the thick of it.

I highly recommend the Snap N Go, as opposed to a regular travel system, then later you can pick up a beefed up umbrella stroller (like https://www.toysrus.ca/product/index.jsp?productId=3868127) that reclines, because for the time that your LO will fit in the infant car seat you won't really want to take them in and out of it, you will just take it in and out of the car/stroller. The travel system strollers are so HUGE, especially if you don't have a giant car/trunk, the snap n go folds down very small and is light weight. Go to a Babies R Us and push them around (grab something to imitate the weight of a child because they move differently when they have weight in them). Also, be careful with the infant car seats, some of them are HUGE and won't fit in some cars.

Sorry, enough about that now, if you want an opinion on something I am always happy to give one (if I have one) and will try to help with any questions if you want- that goes for anyone.

We just got back from our week in Cuba! We had so much fun! Jacob tried to throw all the sand back into the ocean and his other favourite game was chasing and running away from the waves (pictured below). Being home is nice and sucky at the same time, at least we had the weekend to relax and recover.

Sorry this turned into a novel and I still didn't say everything I was going to!


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Hey Foosh! Glad you had a great holiday ..Lovely pics!! Is that your OH in the first pic? He looks very much the same build and colouring (and sidey length :haha: ) as my hubby.

Pic number 5 looks absolutly lush!!
So good to hear from you, Foosh! Great pics too. Looks like you had a wonderful time. :)

And yes, SHE does move a lot around lunch time. :) We found out a couple of weeks ago that we'll be having a little girl. We are so excited! Now I'm just counting down the weeks until we get to meet her.

Such great advice on the registry. I started ours this weekend and it was so overwhelming. I put everything I could think of on there (except clothes), mostly because they give a 10% discount on everything you don't receive as a gift. That will save us a bundle on the big ticket items. And, I put about 25 boxes of diapers, in several sizes, on the list, lol.
Yes that is DH crouched with J in the first pic, he is still pretty pale considering we just spent a week in the sun! Haha. Jacob takes after him, thankfully, but it is a little disconcerting to see both of their rib cages sticking out...

AH! Congrats Native! I would love to have a girl! It's so cliche, wanting one of each, but I have such a great relationship with my mum I couldn't imagine not having that with my child. Also, I really want to buy lots of frilly pink and purple dresses and Ruffle Butt diaper covers. :blush:
Hehe, My DH doesnt tan, well he does, after the lobster has gone :haha:
Those are some great pictures Lilfoosh! So nice to see a post from you! Thank you too for sharing all that information.

Also...how obsevant.....I am sorry Native I did not pick up on the "she". Congratulations on the news of having a little girl.....how exciting!

Today marks CD 12. I believe it is the critical time right now.....hope we hit it right.
How is everyone's Wednesday going?
Oh yes how rude of me! Congratulations on having a little girl xx
Thanks, ladies! I didn't make a big, official announcement of it, so no need to apologize. :)

Clandara-Yes, this is the time! :) I'm fairly certain that we hit every to every other day from CD10 to CD18 during the month we conceived. Poor DH was exhausted, lol.
Get to it Clandara! You are definitely in your "green zone"!

DH and I have tried bding every day for the month, every day for the fertile window, every other day for both and now just whenever we feel like it.... I am seriously hoping that the vacay bding took because we are approaching our 1 year mark in the next 2 cycles.... It's hard to believe it has been that long.

MrsB, when do you find out if this cycle's Clo worked?
Unfortunatly we don't! I went to my doc for CD21 blood and they siad they wouldn't take them unitl I had taken the full 3 cycles of it ](*,) I absolutly hate wasting time and thats exactly what I feel I am doing. I don't see how being on a dose that might not be doing anything for 3 months, but thats how they so it here apparently!!
:haha: sorry, you probably didn't expect a mini rant
Np, rant away! It can be so frustrating. Before I had DS I was bawling at my doc before he started taking me seriously, then all of a sudden there was an array of tests that could be run. It seems like (here anyway) if you just accept what they say then they will put everything off, like it is a test to see how important it is to you or how frustrated you are. I don't know if it works the same where you are, but it is something to think about, maybe arm yourself with information and figure out what you want so you can ask for that specific thing (like being bumped up to 100 mg of Clomid and the success rates vs side effects)?
Hey ladies!!! I have been trying to keep up and read but I have not had a chance to reply much lately. I would like to take time and reply in more detail later or hopefully within the week!! I have just been super busy/tired (even though feeling better). I just wanted to check in and I will write more soon!!
:hi: thought i'd pop in and let you know... I DID IT!!! EEEKKKKKK
By the way....that is a dark line for 10dpo!! How exciting!!!
:haha: everyone is saying that!! Some people reckon would be multiples!! I guess we will see xx

It doesn't seem real yet and I have this feeling of dread like something will happen, but i guess that's normal after waiting so long? X
That feeling is normal....I was a wreck at first. I felt a bit better when I hit 5 weeks and started to relax more at 6 weeks. I also had spotting which made it emotionally challenging. I did not even think of multiples!!!!! How amazing would that be??? However, I do regret that I let my fear of something happening overshadow the moment of seeing the double pink lines. I did not even let my husband or myself get overly excited at first because I wanted us to be cautious. So just make sure you enjoy the moment!

I am so happy for you!!!!!

Now we just need Clandara, Lilfoosh, and Zoey. Am I missing anyone?

I have been feeling better myself...I am at 15 weeks. I am still getting nauseous in the evening but nothing that is causing me to run to the toilet. I lost so much weight the first tri, so now I am focusing on eating a balanced diet and gaining some weight.

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