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31, CD5 Need a buddy

Glad your feeling better now Lysh!

When did you start getting sickness and things? I didn't expected to feel anything, not even this uncomfortable pressure, until much later! I'm suprised really xx
Mrs. B- I started to get morning sickness around 6 weeks. It started off as this mild, nauseous feeling and got progressively worse. At around 8 weeks, I would occasionally get sick to my stomach (I would tend to feel miserable for hours rather than run to the toilet because I fear vomiting, but sometimes I could not help it). I had all day morning sickness, but it always got worse at night.

If you are by chance having multiples your symptoms could be stronger due to extra hormones.

I am actually feeling sick today. I usually do not feel nauseous during the day anymore, but I am off today. My nose is also really stuffy and I am exhausted. Not sure if I have pregnancy rhinitis or a cold!!!! Today will be a comfy, read a book/watch a movie day!!!
MrsB that is so wonderful!!! So happy for you and glad it was so soon after starting treatment!

I have been sick all weekend, my Aunt died of cancer on Sunday morning (she was in her mid 40s, 2 kids - 9 & 13 y.o., and they just found it this past summer) and I think AF is getting me today.... sorry to bring it down.
Oh Foosh...I am so sorry to hear that. We lost my husband's Dad to cancer several years ago (he was 53). No matter how far in advance you know, it is never enough, and it never makes sense. My thoughts will be with you and your family.
Thanks Ladies

Foosh sorry to hear of you Aunt :hugs hope AF is kind to you
WOW.....what news! Congratulations Mrs. B! You must be absolutely thrilled!

So sorry to read the news of your aunt Lilfoosh. It is never a good time, espcially when she had such a young family. Thinking of you. :hugs:

I am concerned about my temps and chart. I think I may not Ov this month. On CD 17 and there is nothing yet. I have had CM signs but nothing else. My temp had a drop and has stayed low. Feeling down about it. Even if I do Ov now, my LP will be so short. :(
Thankyou Clandra, I am absolutly amazed, will feel better once doctor has confirmed tomorrow :)

Is it possible you may ov any day now? and have a little of a longer cycle?
Lilfoosh- I am so sorry to hear about your aunt. My thoughts are with you and your family...especially her children.

Mrs. B- Still on cloud nine? :)

Clandara- You really should be ovulating every month unless there is another issue going on. What do your temps look like? Do you use an online chart that we can take a look at? Also, if you are having trouble with the temps, have you tried ovulation sticks yet? I used the cheap ones from amazon and they were fine for me...they gave me confirmation when I needed it.
Yes... my link for my temps is under my lilypie counter. You are welcome to have a look. I always have a CM change around the 13th and i would assume that is usually when I should Ov. I may have to start the Ov sticks too.
Thanks ladies.

Clandara, it will be interesting to see what your chart does tomorrow. It looks like your temp might go up. You may just have ov'd a little later than usual. Your LP should be about as long as normal though, so if that is true this cycle will just be longer than one that you ov'd at cd13
AHA! There you go Clandara, ov on cd16, tho FF may place it on the cd17! So whatever your normal LP is the count down has begun! Actually looking at last months chart, you may have ov'd on cd17 then too, you can see the temps shift after the 17th.
:dance: I think your cycle will probably be about 29 days, like the last one, hopefully this one ends in your BFP!

AF got me full force today... not so nice and I got stuck at work with no pain killers =(
DH and I have decided to double our efforts for this month and are going to go on a little shopping spree. We are going to do the SMEP and follow it to the letter. We did something similar before inthat we were "trying" every other day from the end of AF onwards, but this time we are following the plan! THIS is the month! I had an aunt die a couple of weeks before J was conceived, so I am hoping it is a sign. Feb is also the month Cheri22 predicted for me, so ONWARDS!

How is everyone feeling?

MrsB I was reading your journal yesterday and started crying when I was reading your posts from when you got your BFP and all of the congratulatory posts following! It is such a wonderful thing and it looks like you have lots of people who shared that euphoric feeling with you! I had to stop reading cuz I was at work, it is just so hard to not get emotional when something so wonderful happens to someone so deserving! Congratulations again.

Zoey, are you hanging in there?
MrsB I was reading your journal yesterday and started crying when I was reading your posts from when you got your BFP and all of the congratulatory posts following! It is such a wonderful thing and it looks like you have lots of people who shared that euphoric feeling with you! I had to stop reading cuz I was at work, it is just so hard to not get emotional when something so wonderful happens to someone so deserving! Congratulations again.

Thank you so much Foosh :hugs: I know, as if Iwasn't emotional enough hey?? :haha:

I have now moved to a pregnancy journal and hoping they and you all will join me on there.

Sorry Af got you :hugs:
Yes Lilfoosh, I noticed that too. I am feeling more hopeful today..... Thank you for checking in! I'm sorry that AF arrived....but now you and your husband have a plan for this next cycle....My fingers are crossed for you!

I am having a much better day today. :D Hope everyone is doing well. Where is Zoey and Gx these days?
I was wondering about Gx too! I think she probably moved on to a pregnancy forum, plus we weren't too chatty during the holidays... probably feel off a few peoples' radars
Clandara- I agree with Lilfoosh after looking at your chart....if you really are concerned try to ovulation sticks along with temping for your next cycle (but hopefully you will not need too because you will get a BFP!)

Lilfoosh- You never know, maybe with the loss your family is facing a new life will come.

Mrs. B- I started a journal and just never kept up with it. I will have to check yours out!

The weather was unseasonably warm today (almost 60 degrees) so I went for a walk around my neighborhood. I am terrible about exercising, so I am really going to try to do something active at least 3 times a week and then add a prenatal yoga in there somewhere.

Well, happy tomorrow is Wednesday...halfway to the weekend!!!!
Well this morning I was charting my temperature and broken crosshairs came up. Strange thing is that they think I may have Ov on CD 11. That was a bit of a surprise considering my Ov signs came after CD 11. Keep you posted.
FF is considering cd16 & 17 as a "dip", but with the EWCM on cd15, it looks more like you ov'd on cd16. Maybe FF will change it's mind, I think it is the open circles on 11, 12, 13 & 15 throwing it for a loop. Either way you are in the dpo, let the wait begin!
Thanks Lilfoosh!

How are you doing today?

Hope that everyone's Wednesday is going quickly!
I'm doing well. I want AF to gtfo so I can jump DH! I am excited for this cycle, I hope this is the one! Like Lysh said, death brings new life. =)

How are the registrys going ladies? Anyone want to share about their showers? Anyone not able to see their toes anymore? Want me to tell you about how DH had to shave my legs and lady bits before I felt ok about going into labour? HAhaha- one tip, don't wax! A few ladies tried it but even the ones who wax normally said the pain was excruiating while they were preggo!

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