32 and TTC #1

Oh man, Twinsie. That sounds rough! :hugs: You know, one of the things that I've been struggling with this cycle is being mad at my body. I haven't been TTC very long, but based on what I can see, I should be able to become pregnant right away. The thing is, it's not always about the things you can see in this process, is it? Your DH must be struggling with lots of feelings right now. To think that everything with your body is fine because it seems that way, and to find out its not. Hellllloooooo anger and guilt! It sounds like you're trying to handle the situation in a really good way. It's important for partners to be gentle with each other, I think. Especially when guilt and blame could come up.

Fx for your Dr visit... you never know what they'll say! Maybe there's a pill you haven't read about. Maybe the internet portrayed supplements to be worse than they are. I mean, the internet said my achy uterus could be the Bubonic Plague, but I'm holding out hope for something different. :winkwink: I'm trying to take the internet with a grain of salt. Unless Google says I'm pregnant, in which case it's 100% right.
Hi Twinsie, and welcome! :hi: We're happy to have you here with us! I'm so sorry about DH's testosterone results. :hugs: It's pretty crushing when you hear something that will delay ttc and make it even harder. I really hope you're able to find some good ways around it without affecting his sperm in a negative way. I think it's wonderful that you're focusing on being so supportive of him and letting him know you're not "blaming" him or anything. When my FSH results came back high, I was crushed. And the one thing that made me feel better through it was DH telling me (multiple times) that it was okay, and that no matter what happens, we're in this together. That it's him and I, no matter what, and that we'll get through anything together. I knew that already...but hearing that during a time that I felt like I was letting us down, and during a time that I was even feeling guilty about it even though I know it's something out of my control...well, it really helped. So just know that you being so kind and supportive really probably means the world to him! :hugs: Please keep us posted on what happens, and I'll be keeping everything crossed for you that it's good news! :thumbup:

Katie, you keep making me giggle over here! Thank you for that! :) I'm also holding out hope that your achey uterus is not the Bubonic Plague! :haha: And I agree that when Google tells you you're pregnant, well then Google will be 100% right. :thumbup:
Welcome Twinsie! Thanks for sharing your story. I really hope the next appointment brings some encouraging news. Kudos to you for staying positive. Don't forget, all it takes is one special :spermy:!

Congratulations on the weight loss Katie! FX though you make it through your bout of bubonic plague"iness" :winkwink:.

Looks like we can be tampon buddies Turtle! I'm expecting AF anytime now... spotting has become more substantial this evening. Ha, my pregnancy tests in the cupboard might expire before I get the chance to use them! :-k

Crystlmcd give us our BFP puhlease!!!

How are you keeping cutieq? Hoping everyone has a great weekend! O:)
No testing here, temp has dropped and ding dong the :witch: is here. Time to get prepped for next round! :ninja:
Welcome new ladies!

2b4us, sorry AF came but your ttc ninja seems to have her under control!
AF has arrived so no BFP from me.

Twinsie, welcome and sorry you're having such a rough time so far but glad to see you're supporting DH. Good luck and hopefully the doctors can give you some good news on treatment.

Edit: apparently it's just spotting so far. We'll see if she shows later today or tomorrow.
You ladies are great, thank you so much for the kind words are support!!!

Katie- lol, hilarious. I totally agree, I'm hoping the endo has more info and beneficial options for us than what Google is sharing with me! Congrats on the weight loss!! I need to get serious about my extra poundage too!!! Your efforts can motivate me!

Turtle- I definitely agree, the last thing I want to do is make hubby feel worse. He already feels inadequate and I wouldn't wish that on anybody. I have my own issues as well that make our fertility chances a bit harder so I certainly can't blame DH, not that I would anyways. I'm just hoping the endo dr schedules an appt soon!! Hopefully next week we will here from them.

2b4us- sorry AF showed her ugly face! And thanks for reminding me it only takes one!! I know we still have a chance every month. It's hard to stay positive when you know even the healthiest could with no issues only has a 25% chance per month, and our chances are even less then that, but we will get there. It helps to have people like you guys to share the struggles and ttc journey with for sure! Doesn't make me feel quite so lonely when I'm surrounded by girls (my twin sister included) that just had babies or are preggers. So thanks for listening :)

Crystl- thanks for the welcome! Sorry about AF. I hope it is just IB spotting! What dpo are you??

Happy valentines day ladies!!! Waiting for the snow to start here. Where is everyone from? And what do you do for a living? I live in the USA (Connecticut). It's starting to become a snowy winter for us here!!! But I love it! It doesn't hurt that I work a 1/4 mile down the road so I don't have to stress over driving in the bad weather as much! I'm a big baby when it comes to driving in snow ! I'm a nanny full time. But I initially went to school for biomedical. Worked for years in hospitals and such and decided I didn't like all the weekends and being on call (and having to work in snowstorms cuz hospitals never close lol). Sort of fell into a nanny job while I was in between jobs and never left ! Fell in love with the kiddos and forward a year and a half later and I'm still dong it ! I'll tell you though, nannying for 4 kids under 10 really shows you a lot! Lol it's been an incredible experience so far.
Twinsie, I live in Nebraska and we have snow in the forecast tomorrow. I'm SO ready for spring!
Twinsie, I hope you get your appointment soon.

I'm from NC and I'm a marketer at a software company. They're forecasting snow for us Tuesday and Wednesday and I'm excited! We never get snow!
Twinsie, it sounds like you're in great training for motherhood :winkwink:. Commuting a long way for work everyday would drive me nuts. I'm very thankful it only takes me 5 minutes to get to my job. I'm from Alberta, Canada and I work as a utility operator for our municipality. I would gladly give up snow any day for a sandy beach along the ocean... 'sigh' :boat:

Ahh, sorry to hear about the spotting crystlmcd. FX you'll get a BFP very shortly! :flower:
As expected, AF is officially here. On to the next cycle.

2b, I would also give up snow for the beach any day. DH and I are looking to move to the west coast sometime after he graduates college this year. Most likely we'll end up in oregon but we would love to move to California too.

I hope everyone had a great weekend!
Cutie- I would gladly give you some of my snow lol!

Crystl- sorry AF came :( that witch! She never learns that we don't want her !

Afm: I feel kind of silly for even keeping track of dpo and symtoms now that i know my chances are so slim to get pregnsnt until DH gets his T increased. But I'm 9dpo today. Nothing going on symptom wise. Cm has dried up a little. Sinus infection full blown now!

Anyone feeling any symptoms?.
It is 7 degrees outside right now, I want beach and sand too!!!! Brrrrrrrr
Side note: has anyone tried fertili tea? Or any tea that makes you "more fertile" ?
Hi, ladies! 2b and Crystl, so sorry that the :witch: arrived after all, I was holding out high hopes for you guys. :( She got me officially on Saturday night too, so I'm right there with you! It didn't start until around 9pm though so I was actually starting to get hopeful that she might stay away! Damnit, she's tricky! ;) That makes me cd3 now though and will still make me cd7 on Friday for the HSG though, so I'm happy about that! :)

Twinsie, that is wonderful that you live so close to your job and that you love it so much! I agree with 2b, that's giving you good practice for being a mommy. :) I live in Kansas City, and I'm the office manager for my brother-in-law and sister's plumbing business. It's a home based business and I work out of their basement, it's really laid back and I love it! We got snow here last night too and it's very cold, and I also would love to be on a beach right now! I am not a fan of the snow (or cold!), that's for sure! Also, don't feel silly for still tracking dpo and symptoms...just because he's having T problems doesn't mean it can't happen, right? Plus, this gives you a better idea of your cycles and what to expect month to month, even if you're not pregnant yet! :hugs:
Happy Monday! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. We were expecting a blizzard that never really showed up, but DH and I had already done our Emergency Snow Shopping, so we forged ahead with our standard snow day plan. Those always include a movie (return of the king this time), cookies (which DH ate. THE WHOLE BATCH), and a board game (Trouble. I smoked him). The two of us and our poor little pooch were all suffering from cabin fever Sunday, so we took her to the beach to run around. For all of you dreaming of the beach, I've attempted to attach a very alluring one here. :haha:

I'm feeling the first twinges of :witch: which should be hitting me anytime now as I'm CD28. My plan was to test Friday if she doesn't show her warty face! That would put me at CD31, which seems entirely reasonable to me. I've only got one test in the cupboard, so I'm rationing!


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Katie, I am so jealous of the beautiful beach. We're getting some snow right now but not a lot.

And I LOVE return of the king. Excellent choice!
Hi, ladies! 2b and Crystl, so sorry that the :witch: arrived after all, I was holding out high hopes for you guys. :( She got me officially on Saturday night too, so I'm right there with you! It didn't start until around 9pm though so I was actually starting to get hopeful that she might stay away! Damnit, she's tricky! ;) That makes me cd3 now though and will still make me cd7 on Friday for the HSG though, so I'm happy about that! :)

Twinsie, that is wonderful that you live so close to your job and that you love it so much! I agree with 2b, that's giving you good practice for being a mommy. :) I live in Kansas City, and I'm the office manager for my brother-in-law and sister's plumbing business. It's a home based business and I work out of their basement, it's really laid back and I love it! We got snow here last night too and it's very cold, and I also would love to be on a beach right now! I am not a fan of the snow (or cold!), that's for sure! Also, don't feel silly for still tracking dpo and symptoms...just because he's having T problems doesn't mean it can't happen, right? Plus, this gives you a better idea of your cycles and what to expect month to month, even if you're not pregnant yet! :hugs:

Thanks for the kind words :flower: I went with DH to his endocrinologist appt this morning and it went well. More blood tests and a semen analysis. Very curious to get the results back in a few days hopefully. I did a lot of research and ordered some fertile aid for men, the reviews sound really good for helping increase sperm count and T level. Plus it just helps make healthy sperm in general (guys with no issues take it too) so I figured it couldn't hurt! :thumbup: I'm curious to see how much it will help him. He gets another SA in two months so I hope there will be positive results by then! Then we just have to wait for all the new sperm to mature which takes 2-3 months. Wish we knew all this months ago, such a process :dohh: And as bummed as I am that we have more waiting ahead of us, I'm happy we are on the right track! And in the meantime we will keep trying and hoping for a miracle !
Best of luck to you. My hubs took Fertilaid and Fenugreek. He's never gotten a SA, btu took it anyway and he swears it gave him better swimmers.
Happy Monday! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. We were expecting a blizzard that never really showed up, but DH and I had already done our Emergency Snow Shopping, so we forged ahead with our standard snow day plan. Those always include a movie (return of the king this time), cookies (which DH ate. THE WHOLE BATCH), and a board game (Trouble. I smoked him). The two of us and our poor little pooch were all suffering from cabin fever Sunday, so we took her to the beach to run around. For all of you dreaming of the beach, I've attempted to attach a very alluring one here. :haha:

I'm feeling the first twinges of :witch: which should be hitting me anytime now as I'm CD28. My plan was to test Friday if she doesn't show her warty face! That would put me at CD31, which seems entirely reasonable to me. I've only got one test in the cupboard, so I'm rationing!

Our blizzard didn't show up either! Lol I'm ok with that!! It did still snow 4 inches and was around dinner time so we skipped our v day reservations and just made steaks! And watched a movie and had wine. I was content with that! Your snow storm plans sound nice! My hubby would eat the whole batch of cookies if I baked too! We both wanna lose a few pounds so I refrained from baking this time. Really wanted too tho :winkwink:

Besides saturday staying in, we went to visit my sister and her baby Friday night, who is 5 months old. and Sunday had a big family gathering at DH parents house that we will be buying the end of the year hopefully. Some drama going on with that but it's a long story! Right now we live in a little condo so it's almost a good thing I'm not prego yet I guess .. It would be hard to have a baby in this tiny one bedroom condo! But if it happens before we buy the house then I'll still be happy and make it work!

That beach pic is soooo nice and calming to look at. Do you live nearby? I am is jealous if you do. I seriously wish I lived near a beach!! The closest beach is an hour away from me. I'm similar in my cycle to you, cd25 today (10dpo). Do you normally have a 31 day cycle? My cycle is between 30-33 days but hopefully with vitex it'll be 30 regularly soon! GL testing! Keep us updated! Any symtoms besides AF twinges?
Best of luck to you. My hubs took Fertilaid and Fenugreek. He's never gotten a SA, btu took it anyway and he swears it gave him better swimmers.

Thank you that's good to know!!! I've read it helps with libido and overall feeling better for dtd sooo much. I'm hopeful!! :)

How long have you been ttc? I'll have to read about fenugreek too.
Best of luck to you. My hubs took Fertilaid and Fenugreek. He's never gotten a SA, btu took it anyway and he swears it gave him better swimmers.

Thank you that's good to know!!! I've read it helps with libido and overall feeling better for dtd sooo much. I'm hopeful!! :)

How long have you been ttc? I'll have to read about fenugreek too.

Definitely helped with libido and I swore I could tell a finish in his umm..completion... when he used it. :spermy:

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