Morning, ladies! Crystl, that's wonderful news that your temp went back up this morning! I can't wait hear your results tomorrow, everything crossed!
2b, same to you, can't wait to hear your results tomorrow, and everything crossed for you as well!
Fleur, I'm glad that you're enjoying charting, even if it does mean more restless nights! I hope that smooths out for you soon.
Katie, you certainly crack me up! I've put on "happy pounds"! I've managed to lose some of them this year but not as much as I would like! And I think it makes total sense to try to lose some of that weight before becoming pregnant, even though that means it'll be put back on. I certainly don't want to go into pregnancy at my highest weight ever! I don't need to add more to the burden of losing after having a baby!
Cutie, how are you feeling?
My spotting is still here. It's been really weird this cycle. I've never had spotting quite like's heavier than normal, and it usually comes and goes over the days leading up to AF, it doesn't usually stick around the whole time?

AF is due tomorrow, I guess I'll see what happens!