32 and TTC #1

Fleur, I think the dotted lines just means that they're basing your O day solely off temps or something. Looking at your chart, I think they might have it right due to your temping steadily rising now. I'm no expert though.
Good morning, ladies! Hope everyone had a good rest of your weekend! :)

Fleur, your chart is confusing for sure! I hope it straightens itself out soon! Your temps do look really good though, I'm keeping my FX for you!

Crystl, your temps are looking fabulous! Almost testing day!!! :dance:

2b, your temps are looking wonderful too! And almost testing day for you as well! :dance: I so hope that I'm seeing bfp posts from both of you on Saturday! :)

Katie, I really hope that is a symptom, and a good one at that! How have you been feeling since then?

AFM, I had my colonoscopy yesterday and everything looked great...no active Crohn's. Wahoo! I knew that was the case but it's reassuring to hear anyways. So now that I'm passed that, we can go back to focusing on TTC again! They did a pregnancy test yesterday before the procedure just in case, since they have to sedate you for it. I was 9dpo yesterday and obviously it came back negative. I expected it to and I'm really not expecting to be pregnant this cycle as we weren't trying, but we also didn't use protection (and hit 2 days before O day as well as O day itself). So I guess there's a chance still that I am and that isn't showing up yet, but I honestly hope I'm not as then I would worry about the sedation from yesterday. AF should start on Saturday, and then DH's SA is scheduled for the 17th, and my HSG is scheduled for the 20th. I'm ready to start this testing and move on with the process, so I'm looking forward to AF's arrival so we can be on to the next steps!
Glad everything turned out good in your colonoscopy, turtle. I have my fingers crossed that you'll get your BFP soon!
Turtle, yay for great results! Glad that everything looks good and that you can concentrate just on TTC now. This month is busy for you with all the tests!
By the way, don’t pay any attention to my chart, this month is just a test run. I keep waiting up at different times during the night and temping anytime from 4 to 8 am so the temps aren’t accurate. I know I’m not getting a BFP this month but I’m planning to put in more effort next cycle.

crystlmcd, thanks. I’ve read the “diagnosis” bit and it says my fertility signs are confusing / contradictory... join the club lol. I’m hoping it will be easier next month, so fed up of the restless nights!
Any more symptoms? Why is the 2WW so long, ugh!
Turtle: I love making lists, and checking things off, and it sounds like that's exactly how things are going for you right now! Sometimes babies take two to make, and sometimes they take a whole team. Team Turtle!

I've had zero other "symptoms". I am refusing to call my achy uterus a symptom because that would mean I was symptom spotting and I promised myself I wouldn't do that. HA. BUT if, BY CHANCE, I happened to obsessively check Google to see what an "achy uterus when you're TTC" might be a symptom OF, it could be that I O'd later than I expected, thus making all DHs and my vigorous efforts meaningless, or I could be pregnant, or it could mean I have the black plague. Google's helpful like that.
Thank you, ladies! I'm happy to get back to just concentrating on TTC (although the month off of not worrying about it sure was nice!); Fleur, you're right, I did/do have a lot of tests planned for this month! Whew! Katie, I absolutely love lists and checking things off too! I'm such a Type A personality, and knocking things off the to do list has just been so much fun for me! ;) I LOVE what you said about it taking a team sometimes! :hugs:

Fleur, I'm sorry that this cycle of charting is basically just a throw away cycle, but nothing lost in the process I guess, right?

Katie, you're cracking me up! I feel so much happier (and more sane) when I don't symptom spot too! You're right, Google is helpful like that...let's hope that it doesn't mean you have the black plague at least! :rofl:
Not really much else for me. Boobs are sore, cramps here and there, extra hungry and I felt a little nauseous yesterday (but maybe I was just hungry). All things that could just mean the witch is on her way! Stupid TWW!
crystlmcd, How did I manage to not notice your profile pic?! Hilarious!

Ladies, I know we’re trying not to get excited about your temps, but I can’t help it! There are some goooood looking charts in here!

Fleur, sorry about the sleep and don't give up on your whole chart because of a day or two … it’ll balance itself out. Just make notes so you can remember.

Turtle0630, glad everything turned out well with your tests and I’m SUPER excited for your future TTC’ing!

KatieMK, my last few cycles I started to have a sore, full feeling pelvis. It was weird. Not symptom spotting is almost freaking impossible sometimes.

AFM, one word - exhausted! Not as much sleepy as just completely zapped of energy.
Quick question (it's 6h50 and I'm on my phone). Had an even more restless night than usual, went to bed at around 1 am, took my temp each time I woke up : 36.49 at 2.45 am, 36.58 at 4 am and 36.38 at 6.45 am. Been using my 4 am temps the past few days, hence why my temps seem to be rising so much, but not sure which one to use today?
Ugh took me forever to type this, will catch up later. Thanks ladies!
I don't know that you can use any :( it would be hard to trust them with such short spurts of sleep. Maybe the rough sleep is a good sign though!
My nights have been like this since I started temping, that's why I'm not putting any stock in my chart. I've rarely had a longer than 3 hour stretch of sleep. Oh well. Thanks cutie! Going to sleep for another hour if I can.
My nights have been like this since I started temping, that's why I'm not putting any stock in my chart. I've rarely had a longer than 3 hour stretch of sleep. Oh well. Thanks cutie! Going to sleep for another hour if I can.

oh, gotcha! when I was in doubt, I typically put in my lowest temp. Enjoy your sleep!
Cutie, hopefully the 2nd trimester is not as exhausting for you!

I pretend like I'm not excited about my temps but I am. I can't wait to take it in the morning and see where it is! Crossing my fingers it stays up since normally by today it has started to drop.
Fleur, you must be so tired! Here's hoping you'll start to sleep through the night again.

So glad everything is looking up for you Turtle! Best wishes with all of the upcoming testing :flower:.

Sending energy vibes your way cutieq... too bad you can't get hopped up on caffeine hey?

AFM, cuckoo! Not handling this 2WW well at all. Doesn't help that I'm out of town for the next two days for a course... I cannot concentrate on anything beside symptom spotting! :wacko::wacko::wacko:
cutie, thanks so much for your help this morning. My temps are going back down. If the restless nights continue I’ll just give up temping, I’m so tired all the time and my temps aren’t even accurate because of the random wake-up times.
I remember that exhausted feeling, I would be falling asleep by 5pm every day! Are you working? You should get your energy back by the end of the first trimester I believe.

crystlmcd, did you test? I’m also getting excited for you!

Katie, you’re funny! Google is not my friend when I’m TTC. I’m either seeing symptoms everywhere, or convincing myself I have a problem with hormones or my uterus lining or that my body rejects the embryo as a foreign object.

Turtle, hope you’ll get a BFP quickly once you’ve got all the tests etc. out of the way. I’m also a list person!

2b4us, thanks, I’m giving this a few more days before I give up!
Maybe it will do you good to go on that course, you can focus on other stuff and the time will go quickly till you can test!

Not much to add, just waiting for AF to come (I know I’d feel it if I was pregnant). Next month I won’t take such a relaxed approach, I’ll go back to intensive BDing for 10 days :haha: If I’m not pregnant in March, I’m wondering whether to give April a miss because the baby would be due around Christmas time. I’ve always said I wouldn’t want a December baby (actually I didn’t want a November – February baby lol), but what if that month was the one it worked…!
I haven't tested yet. I want to but I'm trying to hold out!

Hoping your sleeping gets better fleur. I'm sure you're probably exhausted.

2b, I'm the same way. This TWW is worse than any so far. I'm going crazy!
:nope: Arghhh, looks like I've started spotting. Not so hopeful now...
Hi! It looks like AF started for me this morning, 3 days early! That's kind of annoying but is in perfect timing to still be able to keep my scheduled HSG appointment. I'm just excited to be moving forward, honestly!

Fleur, I'm the same way on months!!! I've never wanted a baby in pretty much the same months you said (Nov - Feb), but particularly in December. But I don't think I can really be picky at this point and stop trying! Especially because like you said, what if that was the month that worked?! So I won't be picky and will just take what I can get, when I can get it...and hope I don't get December in particular! :haha:

Crystl, that's so exciting that your temps are still up!!! Oh, I'm getting so excited and hopeful for you! And trying to keep it in check so as not to get your hopes up too. ;)

2b, I'm really sorry that you started spotting. :( I hope that it stops and doesn't turn into AF! Do you normally spot before AF?

Cutie, I hope you start getting some of your energy back soon! :hugs:

Katie, how are you doing?
I'm... fine? I hate the TWW. sigh. I've moved on to intermittent cramps and twinges. I'm blaming everything on the quantity of :sex: that has been involved in this process. That achy uterus day was not long past when I think I O'd (the 5th), so I don't want to get too hopeful. I'm still a little uncertain about the length of my cycles though, since I haven't been off BCP all that long. I guess it's POSSIBLE I O'd earlier, but then again, it's possible I O'd later. GUESS WE'LL SEE. I'm going with 6DPO right now, so implantation earlier would be odd. If I need to test, I'm planning for the 20th.

I don't think I can handle this whole "let's just try and see!" process. I'm going to need to invest in some OPKs I think!

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