cutie, thanks so much for your help this morning. My temps are going back down. If the restless nights continue I’ll just give up temping, I’m so tired all the time and my temps aren’t even accurate because of the random wake-up times.
I remember that exhausted feeling, I would be falling asleep by 5pm every day! Are you working? You should get your energy back by the end of the first trimester I believe.
crystlmcd, did you test? I’m also getting excited for you!
Katie, you’re funny! Google is not my friend when I’m TTC. I’m either seeing symptoms everywhere, or convincing myself I have a problem with hormones or my uterus lining or that my body rejects the embryo as a foreign object.
Turtle, hope you’ll get a BFP quickly once you’ve got all the tests etc. out of the way. I’m also a list person!
2b4us, thanks, I’m giving this a few more days before I give up!
Maybe it will do you good to go on that course, you can focus on other stuff and the time will go quickly till you can test!
Not much to add, just waiting for AF to come (I know I’d feel it if I was pregnant). Next month I won’t take such a relaxed approach, I’ll go back to intensive BDing for 10 days

If I’m not pregnant in March, I’m wondering whether to give April a miss because the baby would be due around Christmas time. I’ve always said I wouldn’t want a December baby (actually I didn’t want a November – February baby lol), but what if that month was the one it worked…!