Hey Panda, sounds like a nice plan to help yourself relax and prepare - and as you say, FX that everything looks good for this cycle. Of course it's hard to forget what went before, we all know that, but a lot of people swear by positive visualisation, so maybe you could use that when you find yourself looking back and getting anxious. I really hope this works for you and that you have lots and lots of lovely embryos!
I'm fine thanks. BFN for me this month although I suspect maybe I had a chemical as I did have some faint lines which then disappeared and AF came bang on time. Can't be sure but not too concerned, onwards and upwards for next month!
Oh that's good news Panda, hope this medicine does the trick for you and also that you get a good number of embryos out of it - are you hoping for some frosties or do you prefer just fresh? Big FX for you!
Well Dovkav, it's 24th today - test day? Any news?
really heartbroken today. the retrieval doctor only found 3 eggs and they also found evidence of endometriosis this time as well as dropped estrogen levels. My RE is going to call later to talk to me, but doctor said it's just important to wait now and see how they do and that even 3 eggs can result in pregnancy.
panda, I am very sorry about the outcome. Why? What happened?
Where was endo? How dr. could see endo on the u/s?
Hoping and praying those eggs will develop to beautiful blasts.
I got BFN 14 dpiui. I tested with digital clearblue. Should be 96% acurate.
I Called my clinic for a sperm dna fragm test.
I reduced my progesterone to 100mg in case, and just waiting for AF.
my hubby wants to do another IUI. I had enough, we need to go back to IVF.