Dov, the main thing is that it worked! You were very dedicated with all those supplements etc. I take Vitamin D, a B vitamin complex and omega fish oils, as well as high dose folic acid. I haven't started on the aspirin yet - at the only appointment I've had for recurrent miscarriage, where I didn't even see the consultant, the doctor made a throwaway comment about taking 150mg of aspirin a day, even if my blood clotting tests came back clear (I had blood tests done that day). But she didn't say whether it needed to be from o or BFP, and I didn't think to ask - I didn't expect it to be so long until the next appointment (which I still haven't received). However, I'm due to see a different RM consultant on Thursday, and will ask him then - I expect to o on Friday or Saturday so the timing will be perfect! I'm also interested to hear that the fish oil helps with NK cells - I haven't been tested as it's not done in NI (I'm considering going to England after I see this man on Thursday) but it's good to know I'm already doing something helpful just in case!
How are you feeling, do you have any symptoms?
Babybemine - sorry to hear BFN. Good luck with either your IVF or IUI - whichever one you do, I hope you get your BFP from it!