panda, I am very sorry about the outcome. Why? What happened?
Where was endo? How dr. could see endo on the u/s?
Hoping and praying those eggs will develop to beautiful blasts.
I got BFN 14 dpiui. I tested with digital clearblue. Should be 96% acurate.
I Called my clinic for a sperm dna fragm test.
I reduced my progesterone to 100mg in case, and just waiting for AF.
my hubby wants to do another IUI. I had enough, we need to go back to IVF.
so no eggs fertilized, totally devastated. we check back tomorrow but hopes are not high. we will not even get a transfer. we were told we could use the frozen egg but since there's possible inflammation going on, we decided to wait.
my doctor believes that signs of endo were actually just that my body had tried to ovulate already. my estrogen had dropped again and there was some blood in the fluid around the ovary but she thinks that was my body trying to ovulate and eggs perishing and not endometriosis. the doctor who thought it was endo was basing that on seeing bloody fluid during retrieval but my doc's conclusion was based on the lab actually looking at eggs under microscope afterward. My doctor thinks I ovulated ahead of schedule despite the Lupron and recommends using a different antagonist to prevent that next time.
we are not happy that they waited too long to trigger, and last cycle they went ahead with cycle even though i hadn't ovulated and told them i did not want to go ahead unless they confirmed ovulation so we are leaving this clinic
my hubby is making calls and setting everything up to have phone consultations with RMA in connecticut and CCRM in colorado (i have a brother that lives close to there and can stay with him)
doctor believes the Crohns and the surgery have affected eggs so that while I do still have some good eggs, it's difficult to get them since ovaries are not functioning well and therefore not reacting consistently to stims - she is still hopeful but it sound like the probabilities are against me
i will try another clinic, but i won't be doing any medicated cycles until at least August or September now.
feeling pretty horrible today![]()
Thank you, Squig. I am hoping the new clinic has some real answers because I feel my doctor here is now just guessing. This was actually our third medicated IVF. We haven't need ICSI because we got over 50 percent fertilization the first two times but I don't know what the new clinic will say.
Update: So we got a call yesterday saying it looked like one egg was fertilizing after all and to prepare for transfer today. Then this morning we got the call that the egg never fully turned over and it was a no go for the transfer. More heartbreak all over again.
We decided now to try to use our one frozen egg. I'm terrified but it just makes sense that I'm already medicated and that we are not going to use this clinic anymore so might as well try. Where it's only one, it doesn't seem worth doing a separate cycle for it with more medications.
It's a little hard because when we first got the one frozen one, I was thinking it would be one of many saved for a second or third child and now it's kind of a hail mary to try for a first. I'm so afraid the egg doesn't make it through thaw.
Thank you, ladies, for being out there listening. I am losing hope and it's so devastating.
Panda, I hope this is it!
I am so sorry that you went through a nightmare. I hope you'll forget all this soon and in two weeks you'll tell us a great news. I hope and pray the little one will snuggle in cozy and strong.
We have done sperm dna test and the results should be in 2-3 weeks. What should we do now? I have an appointment on Friday for u/s on CD8.
My dr. wants us to wait till the results. She doesn't have a treatment for a high fragm sperm anyways. We are doing for our own peace and mind. If we do IVF and we get lucky than we did dna test for nothing...
His morfology improved from 5% to 19% last month. Motility improved from20% to 30%. He is on the normal range. I think we need to do IVF and hope that the sperm is still in good shape for the April cycle. Antioxidants, more sex and less alchohol and less stress helped a lot for his sperm quality.
This time during IVF I'll ask my dr. to test my hormones during egg retrieval and after embryo transfer. Maybe I need extra help for my TWW.
I'll do a natural cycle IVF w/o meds.
I feel this will be it. Sperm morfology was never that good during all IVFs before. I really beleave this stopped us from BFN. My IUI didn't work cos I have serious scars down there.
My CD8 u/s is tomorrow and than I'll know when is my ER.
well . . . sad news again. our little frosty doesn't seem to have made it. i started spotting brown this morning which means AF is trying to come. can't believe i'm spotting on the progesterone injections. i don't have my beta until Wed but I might ask them to move it up to Monday if period starts.
so many ups and downs this past week or so and feeling really really useless and negative and destined to fail. i need to get myself back to a better place to deal with all of this and to not feel so down that i can't do other activities and enjoy them. i feel like i'll be on the couch all weekend staring at a television forcing myself to eat when i have no appetite. it's probably a good thing that i can't drink yet because i have to wait for the beta. any words of wisdom from you ladies is much appreciated.
CCRM is your new clinic, right? I hope you find it really positive and have lots of nice things planned to see you through til August so that you really can have a break and get back on the TTC wheel refreshed![]()
I will finally see a RM consultant on 1st May. I'm hopeful he'll put a protocol in place for me. I still haven't gotten a follow up appointment for the one I was meant to see in February... all my most recent blood tests have also come back normal. So I don't know if there are other things to test or not.
Panda pan sending you good thoughts and lots of love
I hope the hives will go away soon.
I am so proud of your good spirits.
New clinic will help your dream come true soon.
ON Monday we found an egg and today it got fertilised.We'll wait till Thursday to transfer cos on the day3 DR will check the egg's shell, if it's hard, they will do assisted hatching. We have never done it before. I'll take aspirin, 300mg progesterone, we'll BD and I'll eat lots of pineapple core.
FRom 6 eggs we got 4 fertilised(perfect grade) and two with 3 pronuclei, not viable. Not a bad statistics.....
Yesterday was a good day cos my hubby told me if it won't work will do a stim IVF in US. Finally he agrees we need to do a serious baby making decisions.