33yr ttc#2 - buddies needed!!!

Ladders you mention drinking plenty, because I had cystitis out of the blue bang in my fw I started making more of a conscious effort to drink a 2L bottle of water plus herbal tea each day (cystitis is such an excellent reminder to drink more! Although I wish it didn't exist), and I saw a slight increase in ewcm so I reckon you are onto something there.
I wanted to start taking evening primrose oil, I bought some in liquid form from Boots and was about to take it earlier today only to remember I ought to Google drug interactions and saw there's a possible interaction between epo and my anxiety medication, so although it claims it's mild, it doesn't detail in layman terms what it is. Medically speaking it says something to do with possibly altering the seizure threshold which reads as if it may lower the potency of the medication, which I don't want! So I have to research this more thoroughly.
I hope you do get to do some bding! Is your OH partial to massage, or a sneaky foot massage? I have a thing for my feet being touched and I don't know if I'm weird or what but if it's a common thing perhaps you could fit in a massage of some description since it's relaxing and rather sensual, he may feel more in the mood especially if his day hasn't been wonderful?

Jessy have you tested since? Is it possible IB?
Thanks cupcake I will try that tonight, good to think of ways that initiate it whilst he still thinking it was his idea! Sneaky! I like it 😊
Yes definitely make sure you read any potential interactions as although you think it's fine it's herbal they can sometimes have a big impact on how your existing meds work or are metabolised etc. My drinking more seems to be helping also as today think i have a bit of ewcm, not like when on epo but is clear and stretches and couldn't afford to delay my ovulation. Downloaded fertility friend and that's saying ovulation Monday so good job I'm using the opks so if true going to try to be tonight sun and mon. Did read somewhere though that as you get older best be is actually the day before first positive opk! Don't make it easy do they!!!

Jessy I was going to say the same thing! I would test I had just brown that didn't fill a pantyliner for 3 days in place of af when I got bfp for dd!

Citrus what cycle day did you say you normally ov on? I now seem to be in a different place in my cycle to everyone else I'm going to be driving you all mad in the tww
Thanks ladies, I'm really gutted that I won't be having a baby this year having started the year pregnant. I guess I'm not back to normal from my mmc though because this AF and the last one were both light for me (although this one I seem to be passing a lot of stuff as much as normal blood, for want of a better description) I'm hoping this might be finally clearing everything out so I can be back to normal. I've also just bought myself a bbt thermometer so I can start temping this month. I've always avoided it before because my sleep pattern is not regular so wasn't sure how accurate it would be but even though I was pregnant in the middle we've been ttc for 8 months now and we're closing in on things like my sister having her baby and my due date approaching in July so I want to start tracking things a bit more accurately.

Kim and cupcake sorry AF got you.

Jessy, have you tested again?

I really did think one of us would have a christmas baby.
I just want AF to start i am definitely not pregnant because this is how af always starts but id normally have actual blood by day 2 so i am a bit frustrated. I am going to get clear blue opks and try figure out this temping thing for this month.

I am so sorry Anni, must be so hard thinking. Hoping a January baby for us all!
Sorry to you ladies who have just had af show up. I too was hoping for a bfp this month for someone in the group, but here's to making a gang of 2018 babies!

CD11 here and after feeling pretty low when af arrived I'm now excited for a new month and knowing that my cycles are hopefully regulating after stopping bc is good, it's a relief actually to have had a 'real' period to know I'll have a better idea of dates etc if we were to conceive this month.

Still thinking we'll take it easy this month. Desperate for baby no 2, but I don't want to force it this month when we've got so much going on next month. If it happens that's fantastic, but if not, baby dancing will be on while we're on holiday!

On the topic of staying hydrated, I've been drinking loads this last week or so just because I always feel better for it. I don't know if it's that, the grapefruit juice I've also been drinking, or just maybe that bc is wearing off a little more but I seem to already have more cm than last month, more as I remembered it to be. The things you notice when ttc!
I do recommend temping to all those considering it this cycle. I think it's great for having an understanding of your body, not just ttc.

Kim, I love rock music too and also get told that about the image thing! It's so annoying, why do I have to look a certain way to like a certain type of music! What bands are you into?
Hay guys would love to join your journey I'm coming up 32 in May and ttc#2 my son is 5 and really would love a baby brother however I'm team yellow just had my implant removed Thursday so looking forward to the next chapter would love one buddies to keep me sain along the way
Ladders you know I can't believe I didn't do this before I bought it! It's usually the first thing I do. I'm unsure of what the interaction is precisely and how likely it is, plus I don't take my meds for seizures. You would usually use 10mg to bring someone out of a seizure by injection or suppository, whereas I take 2mg up to three times a day for anxiety, although I try to stick to a lower dose than this. So I don't know how much of an impact epo would have, if any, on this. I think it basically can hinder them doing their job, which I don't want, but I have to find out at which doses for both epo and my meds.
Definitely try it with your OH, I reckon it may do the trick ;)

Anni it's good things seem to be levelling out for you, hopefully this makes things easier :)

Jessy I think if you don't see a proper flow soon you should probably test to be certain as this doesn't sound like you would usually experience af. I know it can take time to readjust, but to be sure and at least you will have some idea. May be you only see this weird 'period', if you can call it that, so if it stops and you don't see a bfp, then start looking out for ov.
Also, so you are aware, the CB ovulation tests (the smiley tests I think) are meant to tell you a wider fertile window so I read, but this can confuse things and you may inadvertently miss ov this way, I have read many say they make things more difficult so something to think about. I haven't used them myself, I have only used the IC type OPKs.

Daisies have you been drinking grapefruit juice because it encourages cm?

Citrus, rock music is the best :)

Hi to Bassit :)

Kim, how are you doing?

CD2 here, almost CD3, so halfway ish through af (usually 5 days but sometimes 6). Haven't been as crampy this time although I do feel sorry for myself and am remedying this by consuming Ben & Jerry's, which isn't the healthiest option but it makes my mind happier. I do this whilst watching Shameless (the UK version) of an evening. It's our thing at the moment - sofa, ice cream and a boxset. Trying to encourage my husband to take supplements as his diet isn't wonderful, but it's a task and a half... have swapped my vitamin D3, folic acid & B complex for Pregnacare liquid today and thinking of ordering some Preseed to try. We have Conceive Plus but would like to try the other too
I had this long reply written and was trying to hit the post quick reply button and somehow I deleted the whole thing! Ugh today just isn't my day! Lol I haven't had a bad day I just seem to keep deleting my messages all day 😑 anyway I'll try to remember everything and reply to everyone but for now all I remember is the list of bands I like most for citrus lol.... So here they are

Acid bath (not together anymore but love the old stuff)
Old style Marilyn Manson
Avenged Sevenfold
Five finger death punch
I absolutely love 30 seconds to Mars!
Rob zombie
Black Veil Brides
I absolutely love In This Moment
Pierce the veil
Panic! At the disco
Nine in nails
Limp bizkit
Coal chamber
That's just to name a few

Now I'll go back and read the posts again and try to reply again without deleting it lol!

What about you, citrus? What bands do you like most?
Happycupcake, I'm OK with af although I really really wanted a December baby. Mainly because of all the birthday's in our house go by 2's. 2 in June. 2 in September and then there's me, in December. So I was hoping for a Christmas baby because my birthday is 3 days after Christmas. But now I'll be OK with any month of the year baby. I just hope it doesn't take much longer to get pregnant. I'm actually worried about not getting pregnant again even though we're trying because it was so easy for the last three pregnancies. Yes! I thought I lost my ring forever and was so happy to get it back. I think you should let dh buy you a new ring. It won't replace the original ring because no ring ever will but I think it's sweet that he wants to buy you another ring. You've had a hard time with your jewelry huh lol did you get the charm out of the toilet? I would have then bleached it lol so, are you going to try the epo? Maybe you can call the pharmacy and ask them about the interaction with the medication you take? It's so funny you mention the massage. That's exactly what I do with dh when I want to dtd. I also just lean over to him when he's watching TV with his shirt off and not paying attention and just gently kiss around his back chest and sides. That usually does the trick too 😂 I'm doing OK today. Cd2 here and my cramps are starting to ease off and all 3 of my kids are home safe so I'm very happy tonight.

Ladders, the massage works! How did it go? Did you get the chance to get him in the mood or was he too grumpy when he got home? I hope you got a chance to try tonight. The good thing about you being in the tww before everyone else is you have all of us to obsess and stare at your tests and we'll all be here to root you on to hopefully the first bfp in our little group!

Jessy, will you test again to be certain that you are indeed out? If you're confident that youre not pregnant then I hope af arrives and is normal for you so you won't be wondering and questioning if it was af or something else.

Anni, I'm so sorry you didn't get to get a chance to have a 2017 baby. I really feel for you hun. I hope you get a bfp this cycle and you'll have a baby just a few weeks later.

Citrus, I love that you like rock music too! That's pretty much all I listen to. 2 of my 3 kids like rock too and ds1 likes country only. I have no idea where I went wrong (totally kidding!) I listed a few of the main bands that I like the most but there's so many more lol I like more of the early 2000's rock and some of the newer bands. Music has gotten me through so much in my life. I'm a huge fan of rock. Ohh! I just remembered one of my most favorite bands is HIM! Sorry I just had to add that in before I forgot lol anyway I asked dh if he has heard of Charlie Worsham. He said he thinks he's heard of him but can't remember a song right now. Dh mostly listens to rock too but he will listen to anything. I don't. I only listen to rock/metal and that's it lol

Bassit, Welcome! Do you temp or use opk's? Have you had your breakthrough bleeding yet? Good luck! Hopefully all of us will have a bfp this cycle!

Edited to add: Happycupcake, I don't know how I didn't see your last part of your post about shameless but I LOVE shameless! I haven't seen the UK version but I would like to watch it too. I love the US version so I'm sure the UK one is just as good. It's funny you mention sitting around watching shameless and eating sweets. That's exactly what I'm doing without watching shameless. I'm sitting on my bed eating the extra Easter candy I bought myself and reading b&b while everyone else is asleep. I'll have to go a while longer on the treadmill tomorrow but tonight, it's so worth it!
Thankfully AF arrived this morning!

Considering this cd1 as the last two days was just not red blood. Glad that i can now get on it for this cycle. I essentially told my OH that we will bd every day from next sunday (which will be cd8) for 2 weeks (he is back from training). He was a bit taken aback haha. Maybe i will do the ics then. Ill need to get to ordering them now i think.

Hi Bassit, hope you are well!
From your list Kim the ones I like the best are avenged sevenfold, saw them at the end of last year here in the U.K. And slipknot who I've never seen. Panic at the disco too, seen them lots of times. I also really like Metallica, muse (they are British, not sure if they've made it stateside), brand new, alter bridge, alexisonfire, a day to remember and pvris. That's all I can think of right now! What about you cupcake? Did you say you like rock too?

Ladders, don't worry about being ahead! Like Kim said we will all be here to cheer you on! When is o day do you think again? Must be soon so hope you managed to get some BD in? CD 10 here, about 9 days till I o. Will start taking temps tomorrow morning I think.
I find it difficult to describe what type of music i like as i love everything from Led Zepplin - Adele. I dont really listen to much in the way of modern pop music i couldnt tell you anything in the charts at the moment. I love the black crowes, queen and i am a HUGE Elton John fan. I saw him last year and he was epic!

I ordered some ovulation tests and pregnancy tests for this month. My first cycle off bc and it was 29 days long so i am happy with that!
Thanks guys but please feel free to tell me to shut up in the tww at any point lol.
Bit sure about ov I thought I'd get a positive opk this morning but negative and was a bit bummed at managed to dtd (got to do it thanks kim! Good advice cupcake!) with conceive plus and soft cups but had to iniate but there's only so often I can do that before dh gets wise and then feels pressured. But then if read today you shouldn't test for lh with fmu which I did and now I'm at work until 8pm and can't test! Ahhh.
Just hope it's positive tonight and then I can have one more go at dtd and will feel like have a good chance. Do think I have a bit of ewcm today so hoping for positive.

I used to be more into rock music but mellowed out now I'm older and more an indie girl. I love muse, foo fighters, arctic monkeys, catfish and the bottlemen are my fave at the moment.

Hi bassit welcome to the group!!

Jessie 29 days is exactly what I had the first cycle off bcp then next one was 25 which is my normal
Question if it's negative tonight do I try to be or best to leave it now until positive. Really wanted to get on in day before positive as well but what if don't get positive till later on in the week than I thought?
I don't really think it matters how often you dtd ladders, unless your OH has poor sperm quantity. I think every other day is recommended but every day is fine unless there is a reason to be concerned? I think? Anyone else?

I think I'd rather do every day if you can than risk missing it. But I'm not too sure from your post whether you are worried about dtd too much or more about whether you will both feel like it later if you do it too early? If the latter, I do sometimes feel that the more we dtd, the easier it is to dtd. It's when we haven't for a while that it is harder to get back into the groove.

Sorry - don't feel like I've been much help!
Kim, I wanted a December baby too, because Christmas seems such a lovely and exciting time to have a baby. Realistically it's probably the busiest and slightly more difficult and awkward time, but I didn't care! There are birthdays here in December too. But of course, a baby in any month is wonderful so it doesn't matter :)
You will get pregnant, don't worry! I guess it can take a little longer than it did before, I expect things to take longer in my thirties than they did in my twenties, I seemed to fall pregnant around third cycle - second was third cycle, my miscarriage before then was third cycle, my third child wasn't any cycle because I hadn't long given birth but he was three months old when we fell with our daughter. We are currently on our tenth cycle, although it's our ninth ttc as there was a month we didn't do anything, I think for some reason it was a stressful month and it didn't happen. It will happen for you though, sometimes it takes longer than other times, but it doesn't mean it won't happen.
I have clearly had rubbish luck with jewellery lol! Yes, or rather my husband fished it out of the toilet for me. He also bleached it lol
He did buy me the ring, bless his heart it was the first thing he did. He got dressed, grabbed a latte and went right to the shop to buy a ring. He went to Pandora and bought this beautiful thin silver band (I have a thing for silver and white gold) with little cubic zirconia stones dotted round it. I love it. It's virtually the same as my wedding ring except it's silver and has the stones in it, and my wedding ring is safely put away in the box the new ring came in. I think at some point I will pop into a jewellers and ask about repair, if it would look ridiculous because of the discolouration or if there's anything they can do for this, as it would be lovely to be able to wear it. I'm grateful for how thoughtful he is, though. He's so sweet.
I will ask my GP about the epo I think since I am finding differing information on Google.
It must be nice to have your children home, did they have a good time?
Shameless is hilarious. I love it. My husband introduced it to me a few years back but we didn't watch it all, we had our first together soon after we started watching it together and it kind of got left so we decided to start watching it from the start recently. It's nice to sit here with some ice cream and Shameless lol

Someone asked me about rock music I think? I can't remember who! I have loved Nirvana since early childhood because my older brother brainwashed me (he always played it and also had his own guitar. Followed by an electric guitar with amplifier... seriously what was wrong with our mother back then?!? Lol! He also formed his own band for a while), Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Nine Inch Nails, then some other indie/rock/alternative - Muse, Arctic Monkeys, Arcade Fire, Dirty Pretty Things, Garbage, The Doors, Florence + the Machine, John Lennon, Radiohead, Skunk Anansie, and then I also like dance, drum & bass, reggae too and also some classical music. This prompted me to check my playlist on my phone and it appears to be wiped off! Will have to fix this tomorrow.

Jessy I'm sorry af arrived but at the same time it's good you have an answer now and 29 days is pretty good for your first period after stopping bc! Is this within your usual range? I don't listen to the charts, I used to but I don't think I have paid attention to them since my teens! Back then I would record it on tape cassette every Sunday.

Citrus! It was you who asked me about music. The only concert I have been to was an O2 concert in Hyde Park years ago, about 2007 I think. It was good, The Strokes were playing too which is another band I love, which is also my brother's fault.

Ladders - what Citrus said is spot on. Other than this, with the OPKs, it's best to avoid fmu usually although I have had two of my positives using fmu, but usually I see best results from late afternoon or evening pee. Usually my strongest positives are about 9pm, so hopefully you will have seen a positive this evening :)

Nearly done with CD3 here and af has become much lighter which is always a relief. Still my over emotional self at this time of the month, but starting to feel slightly more positive, ish. Inadvertently caused another argument with my husband earlier, and it's because I lack in communication skills. I have Asperger's so it isn't my strong point on a good day but during this time I struggle more with communicating and I come across angry because I'm frustrated at myself for being unable to say clearly how I feel so sometimes it causes arguments but I have an understanding husband luckily, who makes every effort to help. He is also incredibly forgiving, I can't believe he's put up with me this long lol
It's almost midnight here and have to get up at 4 to get dh up and off to work then kids up and off to school. I'm really tired so I'll have to read the posts and reply in the morning but I just wanted to say that I hope you ladies have had a great Easter Sunday today! We had an amazing day and I'm wore out from the day so I'm going to bed lol I'll reply to everyone's posts when I wake up because I won't make much sense tonight.
Gosh Kim that's not a lot of sleep but I'm glad you had a nice day with everyone home. I had a busy Easter, my son is in a very grumpy mood and doesn't want to do anything but be with his mama, watch tv or play on the iPad, or eat! I try to limit the screen time but seriously! Soooo whingy!

Ooh chilis, cupcake! How did I forget them. Another band I saw for the first time last year. We have (undiagnosed) aspergers in my family too and I think I am very mildly on the spectrum in that I am quite black and white, get obsessed with things (I.e. Ttc!) and like routine. I know what you mean about it being difficult for the OH. Do any of your kids have it? I'm watching my son like a hawk for signs, I would love him regardless of course but I know it can make things difficult in school so I really just want him to be sociable.

CD11 today and took my temp for the first time this cycle. Should be a week or so til o so I will get a nice baseline.
Citrus it's because I worry that if I keep initiating he knows it's just for bd purposes and then the pressure stops him and he stressed and causes problems. I guesse I always forget how much harder it is for the bloke because we decide when is best to dtd and it's them that have to perform!

Cupcake I'm sorry you had an argument with dh but does sound like he's very understanding so your a lucky lady 😊

Kim hope you had a good sleep to make up for it not being very long!!!

So didn't get a positive opk last night and was a bit gutted but couldn't get it out my head we should still be in case positive this morning so forced the issue and managed but now thinking it could be very hard to get to do the same today! Hoping for a positive today though or will start worrying I'm not ovulating. Didn't have sore boobs second half of last 2 cycles which i used to so worried that's a sign. Going to hold off a couple of hours before testing so it's not fmu and has a chance to build up. Really nervous about it, feel as nervous as when doing an actual preg test!

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