33yr ttc#2 - buddies needed!!!

Also, Kim I think it was you who asked, I temp orally. I know some people find other ways more accurate but orally has always worked fine for me. For me I am less concerned about the exact day I o, more just that I have which is clear from my chart. I don't really want to get into opks as it seems pretty stressful and I sooo don't need anything else to obsess over!
Ladders, I'm sorry again that you're feeling down. Bassit is right though, we will be here to root you on and cheer you up as best we can. I would be the same way about having to get more sticks and keep testing so you will know.

Citrus, it was me who asked about the "chillis" I didn't know you all were talking about the red hot chili peppers! Lol! Yes I've heard of them but never heard of them being called chillis lol I feel silly now haha I should have figured that out lol I use opk's and I'm not sure if I could do the temping because I feel like you do about the opk's. I feel like it will cause me to stress about it more than I do with just the opk's. But, if I don't get pregnant this cycle then I will probably try temping the next. I'm just worried it will add more stress and that's not something I need. IDK I'm in between wanting to and not wanting to so we'll see what happens this cycle.

Bassit, sorry af is rough on you this time. At least you got it quickly after having the implant removed though. Hopefully it'll ease up on you.

Jessy, get some rest hun. I think you're the second person who mentioned one born every minute. I haven't heard of that either. I'll also have to google that and see what it's about.
Dear lord. I disappear for five minutes (okay, a day more like) and there are a million more replies lol
I literally don't have the brain power at this point in the evening (22:30 in the UK) to focus so I do apologise this is brief and I will most likely miss people, I'm sorry!

Kim, your children are amazing, coping how they do I think is incredible and shows so much strength and determination. This is a fabulous reflection on you two as parents if ever I saw an example. I think teenage girls are determined to do things their way, they know their own minds and with the right guidance I'm sure she can do it off the meds.
Red Hot Chilli Peppers are fab, I am in love with their latest album the most, however. I can't remember what it's called because I'm tired, but the cover has a girl on the front with a bear or something... it's an amazing album... The Getaway! That's what it's called. My favourite song on this is Goodbye Angels, although the timing of me hearing this song for the first time was kind of spooky.

Knickers. I wrote this and can't remember what else I was about to say to others.

Ladders! I think you are lovely and you said something in a less than positive way about yourself, I can't remember precisely what, but try to keep hold of PMA and don't think anything than in a positive light about yourself.

You know I have lost the plot and I literally can't remember anything else. I will have to come back to this tomorrow and properly reply instead of being such a bum.

CD5 here, af has pretty much packed her bags. A teeny tiny amount of spotting but virtually zero and hasn't required a pad or liner so the husband will be pleased although this evening I have a headache so the only things getting any action will be more paracetamol. You know I only realised yesterday, because clearly I'm a right div, I actually suffer with migraines. Didn't realise this is what they were before, I thought they were simply awful headaches but there is indeed a difference. Most probably due to my lack of hydration and diet. Anyway... I hope you are all ok :)

I have to add because it amused me somewhat, because I am childish... my husband got back from his evening walk with the dog which he does most evenings. He makes up sandwiches, gets the dog ready and walks her whilst handing sandwiches out to homeless people he sees (I guess there's a homelessness issue everywhere, but there are SO many here, I find it incredibly sad). And anyway he told me how he took off her Halti to see how she'd do on only her lead and collar, saying "she did so well, and she was so happy she had it off..." cue my childish giggles that the dog had had it off. My god I'm childish
Thank you so much Happycupcake! Dh and I started young so we really try to do the best we can with them. We've always been strict with the kids but at this day and age any parent has to be strict to a certain degree. I'm very proud of the young lady and young men my babies are becoming. We can only guide them and show them the way of the world but it's not easy trying to make sure they do everything right. I know as they get older they will start to make rash and crazy decisions and I can only hope that everything we have taught them will stick with them in those moments and they end up making the right decisions in life to carry them through. I don't think you're childish at all. Sometimes we all get amused by the smallest things. Like with me being amused that my dh tried to decode my notes of what we all were talking about that day. I know what you mean about not getting on for a while and there's several replies from us all lol I did that 2 days in a row and it's hard to remember everything everyone has said and hard to reply. Your dh sounds like an amazing person! That also reflects on the two of you as human beings. It's amazing and very thoughtful of you guys to make sure the homeless in your area have something to eat. I'm sure those people look forward to seeing you or your dh on a daily basis and that's amazing! I've always wanted to get my lo's to do something like that so they can see first hand how hard life can be and see how blessed they are for the next time they want to complain because I've asked them to clean their rooms or because they can't play on the Xbox or iPad for whatever reason. I do like the red hot chili peppers but admittedly haven't listened to them in a while. I'll have to YouTube the album and see how it is. Why was hearing goodbye angels spooky? Sorry I'm just being nosey lol feel free to tell me it's none of my business lol I'm also cd5 and af is finally over. Thankfully because dh was feeling frisky tonight and I didn't tell him af got me this time. I figured if he doesn't know then he can't skip fw this time even though he promised to be sure to bd at the most important time this cycle so we'll see what happens. I don't think he deliberately skips fw I just think its just happened that way the past few months. I'm sorry you're having migraines. My mom has always suffered with migraines so I've seen how bad they can get and I wouldn't wish that on anyone. Have you had your eyes checked lately? The Dr told my mom that's usually what starts a headache then leads to migraines. After she had her eyes checked and got glasses. She still had them but not as often so maybe it'll help you too? Oh and what is paracetamol? It's also late here. It's 12:02am here now and have to get up again at 4 to get dh off to work then kids up and ready for school then I'll be laying back down to take a nap lol
God Kim how do you survive on so little sleep! I still miss the 9 hours I used to have before DS came along!

Well I tried to dtd last night but OH was having none of it. Perhaps that will mean one less time he will refused during the fw though so maybe not a terrible thing as it would have been too early. Forgot to temp this morning which is annoying. Should still be ok to get a good enough baseline to see o though. CD13 today so from tomorrow could potentially conceive.

How are you doing today ladders, any luck yet?
I am cd 4 so still a week or so off. The opks i bought say for a 29 day cycle i should start checking at cd9 so will do that.

Working today which is always less fun than being off!

Hope everyone is good.

Ladders any luck today with opks?
Citrus, sorry about no bd last night. Hopefully you're right and it's one less time he will refuse during the fw. Fx! It's so frustrating when dh's want to be a pain in behind isn't it? I've always been able to survive on little sleep but my body will let me know when it's had enough lol usually once a week after everyone goes to work and school I'll "take a nap " and sleep most of the day lol I was planning on doing that today but remembered I have a conference with ds2 teacher at 11 so I'll set my alarm for 9 and wake up about 9:30-9:45 because I'll keep hitting the snooze button haha

Jessy, I know the feeling. When I was managing my store, I always hated the first days going back after being off for one or two days. I hope you have a good day at work today.

Ladders, I'm also waiting to hear /read if you finally got your positive yet? Fx you did!
Kim, completely agree with you on being strict with children. It's an awkward balance when they hit the age they want a little more freedom of course, striking a balance with allowing them this whilst trying to keep them safe in a world which seems so unsafe. But I can say from experience giving freedom reasonably is probably the best thing, having been a rebellious teenager myself and having found myself in all sorts of trouble! Sounds like you have struck a good balance with yours though, they sound like they have respect for you which is good. My mother thinks I'm mean by laying down rules and boundaries but I think you have to. I'm also proud of our children, they have their moments like all children but on the whole they are kind, considerate, polite and helpful.
I thought it was amusing your husband trying to decode your notes on replying here lol it's sweet he shows an interest, mine asks what I'm doing but I'm fairly sure he feigns interest lol!
I am incredibly childish but I don't mind, I don't have any intention of growing up any time soon ;)
My husband is a sweetheart. He decided randomly to start making and handing out sandwiches whilst walking the dog because there are lots of homeless people here setting up for the night and it's horrible to think they have to do this every evening whether it's freezing or pouring with rain, the council are difficult to get them to do anything especially if you are single and homeless it would seem. I know families with children have to take priority for obvious reasons, but I don't think they go out of their way too much to help those without children which I don't think is fair. Too many people ignore them, and think it's their fault so their problem. But in reality anyone can find themselves homeless for any number of reasons! And even if they do have an addiction problem, why shouldn't they deserve help. We can't provide them with a roof over their head or plenty of money, so he gives out food. I'm always concerned to give money for a few reasons - if they have an addiction I don't want to be responsible in enabling this to continue, and I know that many of them are attacked and robbed, or even put out there to beg for someone else a little like pimping but without having to 'perform', if you get what I mean. Everyone has to eat and giving food means they get something good inside them without the risk of being beaten senseless and mugged.
If you have a soup kitchen or similar near you you may be able to ask if your children can help out with this, as they usually ask for volunteers but I'm unsure of the rules around age and if there are any restrictions but there's every chance they could help out in the kitchen making food for them :)
So we are at the same point in our cycle then! It's so nice when af leaves! I see how being aware of the fw could cause partners to feel pressured (I don't know if this applies to your husband), I think we feel pressure knowing about it as well. But at the same time I would prefer to know when my fw week is rather than guessing, I don't actually know how my husband feels about this. He's pretty much up for it when I want to, doesn't seem to be bothered but I don't make a point of telling him in advance too so maybe this would change if he knew?
I actually have glasses because I'm long sighted and short sighted although I don't remember which way round this is for each eye. I don't wear them because they make me feel motion sick for some reason! I probably should, it's probably a matter of getting used to them. I think my main problem is adequate hydration and diet though. Paracetamol I think is commonly known as acetaminophen in the US.
I will PM you about the song :)

Citrus, I think when you have been in a routine of little sleep for ages you adjust to a degree, like Kim mentioned about getting back to sleep for a while, I do this sometimes too, in the afternoons. It isn't the same as a proper night's sleep though.
Don't worry you didn't remember to temp today, it shouldn't have too much of an impact, if any.

Jessy, what do you do?

Ladders, how are you today?
Hey ladies thanks for checking in on me. Still seeing that fecking annoying soul destroying blank circle!!! Tested this morning and just now and nothing, every time I wee on one of those stupid sticks it's like im pissing on 2 quid and throwing it down the drain! They are so expensive and had to but another box today.
Dh did cone home last night and we dtd which had made me feel better about us because I was worried I'd already stressed him out too much.

Citrus totally get your pain with her they are too tired. I never really initiate but when I do I take it really personally if he turns me down where as I'm constantly saying no to him!

Kim you sound like you've brought your children up so well! And cupcake how lovely is your dh! I can't get dh to walk the dog or make his own sandwiches let alone make them for others!

Jessy I hope you get on with them, keep us updated when you start.

Again I'm so sorry ladies I'm all about myself again, just really struggling at the moment. Tmi I know but today my cervix feels so high and open which iv never felt before so I was sure if het positive today
Ladders I'm sorry you're having a crappy time. High and open is a good sign of O. I don't know much about opks (although I just bought some in boots on a whim) but maybe it's the tests and not you.

I have read through all the thread but I've totally lost track of everything I've read. Hope it's going well for all of you. What CD is everyone on?

I'm on CD 7 today. I think AF is finally gone (had two days of spotting on top of my actual AF). My thermometer didn't arrive today so will have to start on friday. I picked up some opks as mentioned from boots. Not quite sure when to start though. There are only 5 strips and I don't want to start too soon. I'm not really sure when I usually O. Probably between day 12 and 15 though.

I'm really interested in the grapefruit juice to increase cm because I had none last month, but I'm doing slimming world so have to syn the juice and I don't like it enough to do that. Do you think actual grapefruit would work?

I have 4 days off now so will hopefully keep up better.
Also, on another note, Bassit I see from your ticker you must have gotten married like a week after me!
CD15 here so getting to the key time. I've come to the decision I'm not going to initiate this month, but if hubby does I'll not say no! He's more than me wanting to play it cool this month but he knows the potential consequences of his actions so will leave it to him this month I think!

Annio I'd give the fresh stuff a whirl, it's got to be worth a try! Grapefruit is pretty juicy so it could help.
Hi! I'll be 32 this year and am currently ttc #2! I'd love to join you!
Hi duster, welcome. How long have you been trying?

Good idea daisies, although if I left most things to my husband, nothing would ever happen in my house including babies probably! My OH said we would BD today but I have gone to bed and he is showing no signs of following! I will have to seduce him tomorrow I think as that's when fw starts. Well, if it is a normal month that is.

Does anyone here have a gender preference? I hope I won't care when it actually comes to it but I'd love a girl to complete my family. I'm just wondering about gender swaying methods...
Ladders, keep monitoring your other signs just in case the opks have missed o. I had a random 38 day cycle a few months back where I obviously must have ovulated late. Very annoying and frustrating for you so don't worry about venting your feelings to us.
Wow annio 5 strips of be on pack 3 by now! You'll have to be much more strong willed than me! Think if I actually o this month then i might get internet cheapies next cycle and then confirm with the digital because they are so expensive can't keep this up! Along with using the conceive plus and soft cups at the wrong time it's turned into an expensive month! Ordered a bbt thermometer though because really would like the clarity that gives. Worried if my temps will be accurate though as dh does stir alot in the night and wakes me up constantly.

Daisies im so sorry obviously not taken in what's been said previously!why is it your playing it cool this month?

Welcome dustergrl the more the merrier! How long have you been ttc 2?

Thanks citrus, you guys are really helping me, ttc feels like such a lonely thing as usually it vent to my dh but trying to keep it hidden and no one else would understand so I'm very grateful to you ladies. Maybe I'll o soon and we can be 2ww buddies again!

It love another girl as i have a sister and we are really close, we look after each other's dc along with mum while the other one works so not having a pay for nursery so we are all really close and if love that for my dd in the future. Also i have a sister who has two dd, my two best friends have 2 x dd each so I don't know how to look after boys lol.
I think the girl sperm last longer so with that method are you supposed to stop once positive opk?
Hi citrus and ladders! My son is 14 months, and have had two cycles now as we are still breastfeeding. This is the first cycle we have been actively trying. DH and I may want a third, so based on age I really don't want to wait any longer to start trying. It took us 10 months of ttc with our first.

As for gender preference, I'd honestly love another boy. I wanted (and got) a boy the first time around, but stayed team yellow until birth. I think we will do the same with the next LO- it's a great surprise! I wouldn't be disappointed with a girl, though- it actually might be easier because it took us forever to pick a boy name we liked the last time around. We still have the girl names in our back pocket, but no boy names. I keep thinking, but none are "it" for me. I also feel like I shouldn't press my luck- Dorian is such a sweet little boy and listens so well.
Happycupcake, we try our best. They know if they are disrespectful to us or anyone else then literally everything gets taken away. Dd has lost everything except her bed clothes and dresser in her room for 2 months because of her attitude at one point but once she realised we weren't playing around with her then she settled down and eventually got everything back. Sometimes you have to be strict to get your point across but I understand we need to let them have some sort of freedom. Dd has her own phone and fb, instagram, snap chat all that BUT what she doesn't know is every night when she falls asleep I go in her room and literally go through everything on her phone. I also have all her passwords and randomly get on her social media without telling her to see what she's up to. So far there hasn't been anything too concerning. She's a good kid and even if I didn't already know what was going on she tells me it all anyway. Which I think is a good thing because I didn't tell my parents anything but she'll never know that lol. I don't think it was that he cared just more of him being nosey lol if I were talking to all guys on here instead of women he would most definitely care but since you're all women he asks what's going on but once I mention I'm talking about girl stuff he's automatically not intrested. I agree I would rather give food instead of money. So I asked dh if he feels pressured during fw if he knows it's fw. He says yes. Says it's like going to an audition and having to go on stage. You know your turn is coming up and are prepared but when you're on stage you slip up and get all tongue tied and forget what you're supposed to say (IDK where he got this analogy from) yes! I want to know when fw is too that's why I bought opk's and started using those so I'll know when the most important days are. Well, since the glasses didn't work then drink more water woman! (lol just kidding!) and Ohhhh! It's Tylenol! Your children sound like amazing children as well. Good job to you and your dh.

Ladders, sorry for asking what is a quid? I sometimes take it personally when dh tells me no. Thank you for the compliment on my kids. I love them to pieces. Sounds like O is close for you. Is your cervix soft too? Sorry if that's tmi lol vent away honey! You all helped me when I was upset with my dh so I'll be here to help as much as I possibly can!

Anni, I started off with a few cheap opk's from the dollar store. I ran out before I got a positive and it drove me crazy that cycle so I ordered a bunch of ic's for the next cycle and finally saw the positive so it put my mind at ease. Yayyy for off days! Time to relax a bit!

Daisies, I hope with the more relaxed approach that it'll happen for you this month! Good luck. Do you know when you will O?

Welcome Duster!

Citrus, I agree with you. If I left anything up to my dh nothing would ever get done lol he goes to work and I do everything else haha I'm hoping for another girl but if it's another boy I'll be equally excited. I'll be a little disappointed that I won't be able to get all the cute little dresses and bows but I will be happy with a happy healthy baby either way. How are you doing today? Did dh ever follow you up to bed? Sorry I'm nosey lol
Kim a quid is slang for one pound sorry it's my common English lol was just venting as I had to buy another pack and is 20 pounds for 10 sticks. It's a ridiculous price and I feel like so much stuff it's just praying on people that are desperate!

Dustergrl it took me 10 months to try #1 . Have you been on Bcp pill since ds?

Negative again this morning it's CD 14 expected my surge CD 10/11 when should I give in and stop? If I'm not ovulating will i get my af on time or will it be a long cycle?
Hi duster and welcome! I'm in the same boat of wanting maybe a third child so feel like I need to get on with it!

Ladders I'm not really an expert on ovulation, is just regular bd until AF arrives an option for you? Have you had any other fertile signs?

Dasies, a more relaxed approach might be just what you need. The month I conceived DD I took a bit of a step back from all the stressing. We did BD lots but didn't worry about when.

Kim and Jessy where are you both up to now? Is AF gone now for both of you?

I'm slightly hoping for a boy this time, I've always seen myself with a boy and I believe the baby I MC was a boy, but if I had another girl I'd be happy but maybe just a little disappointed. In the end though having a healthy baby is all that matters.

I did my first OPK this morning and was negative. I can see myself having to go buy some more. I hope my thermometer arrives today because if not I feel like there won't be much point in temping this month. I probably still will though to get into the habit of doing it.

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