Kim, completely agree with you on being strict with children. It's an awkward balance when they hit the age they want a little more freedom of course, striking a balance with allowing them this whilst trying to keep them safe in a world which seems so unsafe. But I can say from experience giving freedom reasonably is probably the best thing, having been a rebellious teenager myself and having found myself in all sorts of trouble! Sounds like you have struck a good balance with yours though, they sound like they have respect for you which is good. My mother thinks I'm mean by laying down rules and boundaries but I think you have to. I'm also proud of our children, they have their moments like all children but on the whole they are kind, considerate, polite and helpful.
I thought it was amusing your husband trying to decode your notes on replying here lol it's sweet he shows an interest, mine asks what I'm doing but I'm fairly sure he feigns interest lol!
I am incredibly childish but I don't mind, I don't have any intention of growing up any time soon

My husband is a sweetheart. He decided randomly to start making and handing out sandwiches whilst walking the dog because there are lots of homeless people here setting up for the night and it's horrible to think they have to do this every evening whether it's freezing or pouring with rain, the council are difficult to get them to do anything especially if you are single and homeless it would seem. I know families with children have to take priority for obvious reasons, but I don't think they go out of their way too much to help those without children which I don't think is fair. Too many people ignore them, and think it's their fault so their problem. But in reality anyone can find themselves homeless for any number of reasons! And even if they do have an addiction problem, why shouldn't they deserve help. We can't provide them with a roof over their head or plenty of money, so he gives out food. I'm always concerned to give money for a few reasons - if they have an addiction I don't want to be responsible in enabling this to continue, and I know that many of them are attacked and robbed, or even put out there to beg for someone else a little like pimping but without having to 'perform', if you get what I mean. Everyone has to eat and giving food means they get something good inside them without the risk of being beaten senseless and mugged.
If you have a soup kitchen or similar near you you may be able to ask if your children can help out with this, as they usually ask for volunteers but I'm unsure of the rules around age and if there are any restrictions but there's every chance they could help out in the kitchen making food for them

So we are at the same point in our cycle then! It's so nice when af leaves! I see how being aware of the fw could cause partners to feel pressured (I don't know if this applies to your husband), I think we feel pressure knowing about it as well. But at the same time I would prefer to know when my fw week is rather than guessing, I don't actually know how my husband feels about this. He's pretty much up for it when I want to, doesn't seem to be bothered but I don't make a point of telling him in advance too so maybe this would change if he knew?
I actually have glasses because I'm long sighted and short sighted although I don't remember which way round this is for each eye. I don't wear them because they make me feel motion sick for some reason! I probably should, it's probably a matter of getting used to them. I think my main problem is adequate hydration and diet though. Paracetamol I think is commonly known as acetaminophen in the US.
I will PM you about the song
Citrus, I think when you have been in a routine of little sleep for ages you adjust to a degree, like Kim mentioned about getting back to sleep for a while, I do this sometimes too, in the afternoons. It isn't the same as a proper night's sleep though.
Don't worry you didn't remember to temp today, it shouldn't have too much of an impact, if any.
Jessy, what do you do?
Ladders, how are you today?