33yr ttc#2 - buddies needed!!!

What cd are you on?

Is this unusual for you? I am so sorry it is soo deflating isnt it.i hope you get your positive this afternoon/evening. Can you bd tonight in case its positive in the morning.
Kim you sound like me with the lack of sleep! On average I see between 4-5 hours, sometimes a little more or less.

Citrus, RHCP are fab! Love them :)
Yes I get obsessive too, and find it difficult to concentrate on more than a single interest at a time, I don't like change and I like routine. All of our three children are on the spectrum in varying degrees, two are diagnosed and our daughter is being assessed but I would be pretty stunned if she wasn't diagnosed. It's hard to tell precisely where the youngest two fall on the spectrum at the moment especially where you discover ways to help them learn, I think this will become clearer as they get older but my eldest is high functioning ASD. He is happy to socialise but there are aspects he struggles with with socialising like understanding other people and things always having to be on his terms and being easily led because he takes things literally. These things I struggle with too but have seen with myself these change over time and you learn how to be with people to a degree, but I don't socialise much because I find it triggers my anxiety too much. I prefer short interactions with people rather than spending lots of time with people.

Ladders I'm sorry your test wasn't positive! Don't be disheartened though, sometimes people don't see a positive and ovulate perfectly fine, your temping will show you this if this is the case, but I think it's likely you will see a positive soon
Hay not really trying anything yet but I'm currently experiencing the withdrawal bleed which is a good sign sorry if tmi nurse said I should be fertil if I experience it soon after removal so hope it don't lasts too long and cycles return to normal fairly quickly but you all know what it's like it seems the minute you try the universe is against you well hope you all get the news your next chocked and fingers crossed for 2018 bundles x
Bassit, did you have the implant removed? Each time I had this removed I saw my cycle return quickly. You can see Fertility return to its usual self as soon as the following day in fact. Sometimes it takes longer, sometimes it doesn't, it's different for everyone but hopefully you will see things level out quickly which sounds like you will :)
Yes had removal on Thursday Friday af showed so fingers crosses can start fresh glad I didn't have to wait to long and can begin our next adventure
Ladders, are you temping alongside the opks or not? I'm not really sure how opks work, do you have a faint second line or no second line at all when it's negative?

The timing is so hard when you have busy lives! I'm going to aim for every 3 days in the build up followed by every other day during the fertile window I think. I think any more than that is unrealistic for us. I do hate the wait to o, I just want it to happen so we can relax about BDing again! I haven't had an explicit chat with OH but I did say we need to try more often this month, so I hope he is on the same page.

Bassit, I hope your cycles settle quickly.
Hi ladies, hope everyone had a lovely Easter. I'm on cd 5 today. Hoping my thermometer will arrive Wednesday so I can start temping on Thursday. Tomorrow is my 3rd 12 hour shift in a row so will catch up on Wednesday.
Thanks ladders citrus and Happycupcake. I have insomnia so I don't sleep much I never have but it gets worse when I have a lot on my mind.

Happycupcake, I don't have aspergers (sp?) but I am diagnosed with severe ADD I understand the hard to concentrate and understand some things at times. I have to go back and read things over and take notes just so I can remember what I want/need to say most of the time. This past tww it was so bad I even had to write notes of what I wanted to say instead of the notes of what you all said to trigger a response that I was going to say. I forget almost everything all the time and my attention span is non existent most days on certain things. I am taking vivance for it but recently remembered to talk to my Dr on my next appointment to see if it's safe to take while pregnant (assuming I will get pregnant soon) or see if I need to be switched back to aderall on a low dose. Two of my three children have ADHD and have to take medication but dd recently said she wants to try to stop taking it and see how she does without it so I'll be talking to her Dr about that at her appointment.

Cirtrs, as much as I love music, I've never actually been to a concert! Here on the gulf coast we have things like bay fest and there's another one right on the beach thats also one a year and it's where several different major bands come in from all over and play on certain stages all at the same time but the area is huge so you can just walk around to the different stages to see whatever band you want to see at the time. It's a 3 day event and weekend passes usually cost around $85 per person which is great considering you can see one band one minute then walk away from that stage and go see another one of a different genre in the same hour. Even though it's big name bands like 3days grace 30 seconds to Mars or stained or stone sour or whoever it is, I wouldn't actually consider that a true concert. I want to go to a venue and watch one particular band (with whatever opening act or whoever is touring with them) to actually say I've been to a real concert. I used to go to Bay Fest every year but I didn't get to go when 30stm went and that is the one band I've been dying to see! I don't remember why I didn't get to go that year but I hated I missed them. Last year our city made an announcement that we will no longer have Bay Fest here which I don't understand why because it was such a great way to boost the economy in lower Alabama but I guess I don't run the city so my opinion doesn't count lol anyway... How are you doing today? I don't know much about temping but it's good you'll get to see a good baseline before you O but sucks you have to wait so long. I think if we don't conceive this cycle I'll try temping the next so let me know how it is with just starting for you and Ladders. Hopefully it won't be too confusing for myself.

Ladders, I'm sorry you haven't got your positive yet. I'm wondering the same as citrus. Is the second line there like does it look close to positive but just not there yet or is there no line at all? Do you get a build up to positive or negative then straight to positive? You may have said already? Sorry if you have. But I'm sure every other day leading up to O will be enough then if you can manage to bd on the day of O that may help too. I understand the concept of being worried about not being able to get dh stressed out or figuring out it's fw. I didn't even tell my dh I got af this time lol he won't even catch on for a while that I haven't told him and hopefully it'll be after I O before he figures it out lol I figured if he doesn't know when fw is then he won't be stressed and won't skip the fw this time haha

Jessy, Anni , daisies how are you ladies doing?

Bassit, looks like you're body is adjusting nicely and returning to normal quickly
Hi All. Doing good thanks Kim, just had a busy weekend of family time so not had chance to type but I've been checking in and reading through your posts.

Cupcake - yes, I'm drinking the grapefruit juice as I read that can increase ewcm and I had basically none last month, just want to see if it maybe makes a difference. I love the stuff anyway so happy to guzzle away!

Hi bassit! Welcome to the group. Fingers crossed for a quick return to your cycles.

Hope your shift goes by quickly annio. Did you say you're a nurse? What kind of nursing do you do?

Ladies who temp- I'm intrigued? Where/how do you do the reading - orally or vaginally? Am I right in thinking you have to do it straight away once you wake up before you get up? It's something I might consider in a couple of months if we've not conceived.
Citrus, kim I use clearblue digital opks as I found it too stressful trying to decide whether the cheap internet ones were positive or not. Been testing since cycle day 8 and should have ovulated yesterday but still no surge and been testing twice a day. Oh never temped but think I'm going to start. I'm just so worried I'm not ovulating anymore as i always got a positive on these when ttc #1. Tried to be last night but dh refused and that was mast chance until Sunday because of work so that's me out this month before I even got started. Feel so upset and deflated. Don't think I can do this again it's just too consuming and upsetting. And literally all of heard all weekend is people who got preg so quickly and they hope there ready! And we wasn't even trying blah blah blah. Why is this so hard for me!

Now cm gone creamy so don't know what's happening
Oh ladders i am so sorry you feel out before you even ovulate. When you say your dh refused was it because he was tired or because he knew you were in your fw?

Have you tested this morning. I ordered the clear blue ones. I didnt want to mess about with the strip ones as thought the clearblue ones show you a smiley face?

Kim i am doing ok, cd 3 here and af still here. Got my tattoo booked for friday and its about a 45-60 min drive away so trying to work out the ligistics of driving there and getting back in time to pick up DD from nursery. I have ordered ov sticks and pregnancy tests for this month they should arrive today.

How is everyone else. Anni what day do you usually ovulate on?

Grapefruit juice promotes ewcm? Maybe i will try that as i got hardly any last month and obviously that was a bust.

Citrus not long until you o?

Kim sorry i have lost track, what cd are you on?

Oh I saw the chillis a good few years ago and i must admit i was disappointed, which is a shame as i love them too.
Jessy he said he was too tired and didn't want to, we bd Fri Sat and Sun so I do understand it's just frustrating especially as now he's on super lates so very unlikely get to now but I will try if do get a positive. Its the clearblue digital ones and yes you get a smiley when detects lh but so far nothing and been testung twice a day so o know i haven't missed it.
Tested again this morning and nothing so will try again later. I have 2 sticks left so try again tonight and tomorrow. Just want to know I'm ovulating just scared now if left it too late and if stopped.
It's so hard when you're ttc because you're analysing everything with your body and waiting for that magic moment. I don't know anything about opks, but I'd really try not to dwell on it too much ladders. I'm sure it would be possible for them to have not picked up that you were about to ovulate for whatever reason. Easier said than done we all know to try and not think about it too much, but try your best.

Yep apparently grapefruit can increase cm in general and I had almost no ewcm last month so figured I'd give it a whirl.
Kim, the concentration thing is hard! Say if this thread has more than the page I went to reply on when I actually reply, I usually start my reply on the same page, copy, go to next page then paste and continue to reply from there so I can see what else has been written without having to try to remember what was on the previous page.
I went to do my GCSEs the year before last as I didn't stay at school, but found it so hard to concentrate it triggered anxiety and I walked out in the middle of my assessment. They were so incredibly lovely about it though I did go back but for other reasons didn't finish.
I don't usually remember things I said seconds after I said it, like I will ask my husband if he wants something and then ask a minute later. I don't usually remember the day as well, which is annoying. It's worse if I'm stressed out!
Medication and pregnancy is somewhat of a minefield. Too many meds without the knowledge on whether they are safe, of how safe they are, but of course it isn't ethical to trial them on pregnant women purposely! I use diazepam at the moment and they don't know whether it's safe early on, but they do know it can cause potentially serious problems to baby if taken close to birth, as they can be born dependant and have to go through withdrawal. I was using them with my daughter and whilst she didn't have any problems regarding withdrawal, she did come out a weird blotchy colour. I don't know if that was due to how quickly she arrived or because of my meds. I only use them as and when, I try to use the lowest dose but my acupuncture starts this Friday (YAY!) so hopefully this will help me knock them on the head.
I think it's brave of your daughter to want to try to come off her meds, it isn't easy. It isn't an easy decision to make in the first place but the unknown is a scary thing to walk into, so I think she's admirable for wanting to try to deal with her ADHD without them. You know, alternative therapies may be something you could look into for her to help her with this? I don't know if you have tried any, but they can be so helpful!
Your Bay Fest sounds like our Glastonbury :)

Daisies, I will look into this as I don't know if grapefruit juice can interact with my meds, I know pineapple juice can with some medications.

Ladders I'm sorry you feel out already but you aren't. I don't know precisely how the digis are but are you meant to test in the AM because with the OPK strips it's best to start testing mid afternoon onwards. If these are the same, I wonder if it's possible you saw your surge happen quickly in the afternoon but wear off too much to detect in the evening? I have had strips where they are light earlier in the day but super duper dark positive by evening. Don't give up hope :hugs:

Jessy, please post photos of your tattoo when you have it done?! I would love to see :)

Ladders, I agree with Daisies too. I think in part it seems harder because when you are ttc you do analyse literally everything whereas those who are more ntnp go with the flow and to them it seems easy as pie they got pregnant when in reality if they too were analysing everything like we are, it may have taken them longer than they thought. Also, the thing with ntnp is being more relaxed. It's hard to stay relaxed if you are properly trying, because of the analysing of things, it naturally brings stress if things don't go to plan, because you automatically think your chances are zero, but in reality they aren't. Remember sperm can live a fair few days in there, so if you ov today or tomorrow you could still conceive. Relaxing also helps, getting stressed can hinder things and disrupt hormones, so perhaps take some time out to meditate or do something which isn't related to ttc you find relaxing. I know it's easier said than done
Ladders, I agree with Happycupcake. Sperm can live several days in there so if you do O from now till Wednesday -Thursday then you should still be in with a chance. I'm sorry you feel like maybe you waited too late. I feel like I planted that seed in your head and I'm sorry for that. You did not wait too late! I just saw a picture of Janet Jackson and her dd and she's 50 something right?! You have time. I remember now you mentioned the cb digital opk's. I actually just read someone else post a few days ago about not getting a peak day on her tests too. Maybe it's just the tests and not you. I'm sorry you're feeling out already but with bd three days in a row this close to when you normally O, I think you have a great chance at catching the egg! Since your cm is now creamy I would say you did O but the cb tests you got may have been a bad batch and you didn't see it but it happened.

Jessy, I'm on cd5 now and af jussstttt about gone. A little spotting here and there but gone for the most part. I would love to see your tattoo too!

Daisies, I've never known grapefruit juice can increase cm. I hate the stuff so I won't be trying it but it's good to know that lol

Happycupcake, that's a really good idea to start replies on one page then copy and paste as the pages go on! I never thought about that lol I should try that instead of wasting so much paper writing it all down lol dh saw my notes and was trying to figure out what we were talking about. I asked him if he figured it out since he was being nosey and he just said there's no way to figure it out because apparently I wrote it in code for only myself to read (haha) he said the only thing he can figure out is music lol yeah I agree about it being admirable of dd to want to try to stop taking her meds. She's been taking it since she was 5-6 and she's now 14 almost 15 so I think it's great that she wants to try something new. Ds1 takes medication only during the SAT testing weeks and other important testing weeks during the school year only to help him concentrate and focus on his tests. The rest of the time he goes to therapy and that helps him to control it and he learns new ways to cope and help him concentrate on certain things that are important to him. That's what dd said she wants to try now that she's older and now maybe they can teach her how to focus and concentrate like the therapist has done for ds1. She was going to the same therapist when she was younger and still goes on a regular basis but when she was younger the therapist suggested that she try the medication because everything she knew to try without medication wasn't helping dd at the time. Dd said after going to therapy and taking the meds together that it has helped her tremendously but now she wants to try to go to therapy more often and take less medication. She's at that point in her teens where she thinks she can do it all on her own in her own terms. So I'll let her try and see how it works out for her. I would love for her to be able to stop taking her meds. If I do end up getting pregnant then I'll more than likely do the same thing. Go to the therapist and try to learn how to focus and concentrate on my own again without any medicine. If it doesn't help then I'll have to be on a low dose but I'm hoping to be able to be off the meds completely. When I was younger I didn't worry as much about taking the meds while pregnant but now that I know what could possibly happen not just with my meds but with everything in general, I seem to worry more about everything now than I did back then. I am finally about to YouTube some of the bands you all have mentioned. I'm now very interested in hearing the "chillis" group you all have mentioned lol IDK if someone mentioned the band Nothing More but I heard them a while ago but heard a song from them yesterday and it has become my new favorite song of the week! It's Nothing More-I'll be OK. I can't get enough of this song today and can't seem to get it loud enough lol

Citrus, how are you doing today hun? Getting close to O day! How are you feeling about it this cycle? I hope you're doing well.

Anni, I hope you have a good day at work and get some down time soon.

Bassit, how are you doing today?
Thanks guys I really do appreciate the support. Sorry iv been rubbish just feeling down and sorry for myself, I'll sort myself out soon and will be helpful to you guys too I promise. Kim please don't worry it really wasn't you about the age it's just how I feel when things go slowly, thought I'd be more relaxed this time as knew could conceive but then when doesn't happen straight away all my anxieties have come back. I'm hoping maybe I just haven't o'd yet and that I'm not quite remembering how my old cycles went. Got negative again tonight and have one last stick to try tomorrow. If still nothing in going to have to buy another pack because I can't be left wondering if it when it happened. Been checking my cervix and very new to that so could be wrong but feeling very very high tonight like I can't even touch it so hoping that could mean o close?
Aw ladders I do feel for you, the uncertainty is so difficult. I will probably be exactly the same as you in a week or so when I reach my usual o time. And with hubby not wanting to I also sympathise. I feel like they hold all the cards as at we are the ones who know to the day when it's imperative to dtd and they can just refuse.

Cupcake I will check out that song! Have you not heard of the red hot chili peppers?! Criminal! The front man is my secret crush even though he is probably nearly twice my age! Haha!

I'm sorry I can't remember what everyone has said. I'm CD12, so getting closer to o but probably still looking at a week away. Am going to try to dtd tonight but feel soooo tired.
Ladders i got some clearblue digi opks and it seems to suggest using fmu? Is that your understanding too?

So looking forward to af leaving now.

Sorry for shit reply. I am falling asleep as i type dunno whats wrong with me its only 9:30. Watching one born every minute!!
Evening ladies
I hope everyone is ok

Happy cupcake I think your onto an idea I keep getting lost with all the posts and joining she so late in the game but slowly getting myself up tto speed

Ladders I'm really new to the whole charting so I'm sorry I can't add any advice but we're here every step of the way your biggest cheerleaders if you like

As for me feel like I'm having af from hell its been over 6 years since my last non birth control af and feel like I'm getting the force but suppose I'm lucky as it can take up to 6 weeks after implant removal so every little blessing I should be greatful of

Hope you all had a grace Easter weekend

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