33yr ttc#2 - buddies needed!!!

Also in the interest of following the post what you pee on rule here is my OPK.

Hay ladies
How are you all I'm sorry if I can't keep up but love checking in with everyone's updates

Ladders please don't give up hope just delay it for a while your prob stressing yourself out and putting more pressure on yourself I know it's hard for me to say that but we are here for you every little step to celebrate and support you

Annie yeah must have been seems like a life time ago hope your well how is this cycle treating you

Citrus if I'm honest with gender I would love a girl to make one of each but would be pleased with another boy don't think I could cope with all girls lol but would deffo will keep it a surprise all the way

Duster welcome I'm very new myself so good luck in your journey

Af seems to slowing down quite rapidly so fingers crossed next few days I'll be back to normal and not feel so sick and headaches can do one bit please it's happened so fast so should feel blessed gonna let this month be as trying to figure out dates and lengths of cycles then hopefully start planning from there testing is very new to me as with do I fell within 4 months so any advice to the planning and testing would be great
Thanks for thr welcome, ladies!

ladders I have not been on bcp- I ebf and didn't get my period back until 13 months pp. That was a treat! We pretty much ntnp the whole time but my libido also didn't return until my cucle did.

Good luck this cycle; I'm not sure about giving up for this cycle or not. Is it possible you missed your surge? Did you have any near +?

Afm I'm definitely in the tww. We'll see what happens! Opk never seemed to work for me.
Hey girls! So sorry i have been absent i work wed thurs and friday so i sometimes fine it tricky to get on much on those days.

I am off tomorrow though.

I wont even try to respond to everything that has been said my brain is mainly mush at this point.

I am on cd5 and af is pretty much away. Will start the opks on cd9 which is monday but might try bd on sunday night just incase.

Hi duster welcome!

Hope everyone is keeping well.
Annio I hope you get your surge quickly and keep posting the pics so we can see how you get along, do you know roughly what CD you normally ovulate?

Thanks bassit I'm trying to be a bit more positive and remember the whole point of the opks are to tell you when you ovulate as you can't know unless your ultra regular. I remember when ttc last time I had some cycles where I ovulated late and I blamed that on the epo but maybe it wasn't and my normal is to go between 25 and 29 days. That's what I'm hoping anyways! With planning iv downloaded the fertility friend app and has been really helpful to be able to record things and then overvtje months I can look and see what's actually my regular and see when I bd as to what I can do better etc.

Duster I exclusively by for 10 months but my Dr said I needed to go on the pill after 6 weeks and I was a bit worries of falling pg so soon so I did, maybe I should have waited until stopped so had less time taking it before ttc #2. I'm up f the clearblue digital ovulation sticks so can't see if a bear positive or not just a yes or no. I did get positives last time ttc so feel like I can't blame it on the tests

Daisies that sounds like a good idea, I always find we bd the kitchen at go be because dh feels starved lol, if only fw straight after af would take no time at all!

Soooooo still a negative lol bit have just checked and got the most ewcm of had all cycle and cervix still high and open so I'm getting my hopes up for a positive opk soon. I don't like our chances of a bd at the right time but even if can't I'd just be happy knowing I ovulate!
Ladders, I'm sure you will O soon. I'm sorry it's getting you frustrated though. Don't apologize for using your slang lol I just never heard of a quid lol I'm going to have to google how much 20 pounds is compared to 20 dollars. We don't have pounds here unless we're counting weight lol we have dollars and cents so it's interesting to me to see what the difference is.

I don't remember what everyone else said I'll have to go back and look and reply but I think someone asked me what cd I'm on? I'm on cd7 today. Af left on cd5 so I'm already dtd every other day (if I can keep talking dh into every other day) it won't matter right now though because I don't O till around cd19-24 so I still have a while to wait. I was up all night last night with a horrible stomach ache. I don't know if it's a virus or just a random stomach ache but I was with my sister yesterday and she kept complaining about a stomach ache so it's probably a virus. I'll be so glad when this is over. I've been walking around the house today spraying Lysol on everything so the kids don't get it.
Soooo dh got off work early today. He called and said he's going to get a haircut. Then he just randomly text me asking what size ring do I wear. It's been a while since he's bought me a new ring but if he doesn't come home with one I won't be disappointed because our 11 year wedding anniversary is in August so he could be getting one for that. Or he could be just asking.... Hmm.... What is he up to? Lol
He's definitely getting you a ring! Ooh how exciting. Wow 11 years soon! Been with my other half for 12 years but only been married for 3 and a half.
Ooh that'll be nice kim. Hope you get a nice surprise!

Ladders your signs sound promising, just keep BD as often as you can and I would definitely suggest temping to avoid the expense when you have a later o date than usual!

I have got some egg white CM today so defo in the start of my fertile period. Kim DH did follow me up last night but we decided to wait till tonight as last night would have been too early. He better deliver the goods tonight!!!! Tomorrow he is out so I'm aiming for tonight, Saturday and Sunday. I think I will try a girl sway but not dtd on the day of o. Apparently the girl sperm live longer but make are faster. This isn't proven but I might give it a try as it works best for us days wise too. I guess the danger is if I don't o when I think I will. Feeling positive today - CD14
Ladders, normally around cd 14 or 15 but since my last cycle was so short I'm not sure at the moment.

Citrus, glad you're feeling positive.

Jessy, yay for days off!

My thermometer arrived today so going to get temping in the morning. It was reception school place allocation this weekend for us and I got a letter from the school we've been offered today. It seems they don't do much in terms of settling in days which I'm disappointed by. My first choice school does loads and we only missed out by less than 0.1miles.
Ha ha citrus I'm hoping I can get something out of my dh tonight, although on a late shift but tomorrow he is out too so will come back way too late and drunk! Trying for eod until I get a positive because everyday is just too much to maintain! Maybe we will o on the same day! Thinking of that method do you bd the day of positive thinking the day after is actually o day? Because iv never temped I don't know when you o compared to lh surge

Annio iv ordered a thermometer too so we can be newbie tempers together! Sorry to hear that you didn't get first choice school that must be upsetting. Is reception school like pre school? How old is your lo again?
Ladders, the trouble with temping is that you don't know you've o'd until it's too late. So you have to either do opks alongside or know when you usually o/fertile signs. See I know that I often o on cd19, and that coupled with the fertile cm I have started to get tells me it's time to get dancing!! My temps are between 35.9 and 36.3/4 up to and including o day, then the day after o they rise to between 36.4 and 37. I love looking at the patterns but I'm sad like that!
Kim, the freedom thing scares me so much! My teenage son will pop to the shops by himself and attends youth club and stuff, has his own phone and iPad, Facebook, twitter and all but aside from a few blips when he first had these things a few years ago he's been good with them since. It wasn't so much him misbehaving, more being too trusting and starting to talk to people he didn't know so we stomped on this immediately, however he was honest about it so this is good. With our older daughter, who is only 11, she too wanted a phone and tablet and stuff but she started talking to strangers after seeing how we were when eldest did the same, knowing we said she shouldn't do this, but she also hid it from us then lied about it so she is currently banned from any phone and isn't allowed any apps on her tablet which allow her to talk to strangers. We also monitor her use and she isn't allowed to use it without being under supervision, it's more for education than antything else. We have started letting her pop to close by shops, but we have to ask her for receipts and check pockets because she started asking if she could pop to the shop for us to buy some fruit or milk or whatever it was we would have bought, and then started using the money to buy HUGE bars of chocolate which she was eating daily in her room! So we have to keep an eye on her, she will try her luck. We do the same, removing things if they act out and it's warranted. Seems to do the trick!

This is always the way unless I do page by page; I reply to someone and I don't remember what everyone else said. DOH!

Someone said about grapefruit juice - I can't use it as it has varying degrees of interaction with my meds, and they don't know how serious it could be since it's different for each person. Someone said they are doing Slimming World - I used to too, they are good. But the fruit juice thing is annoying! I reckon try out fresh pineapple because it won't be the fact it's liquid I doubt, it's more likely to be the specific nutrients pineapple contains. On the whole encouragement of fertile cm thing, I read cough medicine taken during the fw ONLY helps because it's an expectorant. The only active ingredient you want in it though is guifsomethihg... I can't actually remember the name, and someone has hijacked my phone. Will try to remember to come back to this and post the actual name.

Literally can't remember anything... OH hang on, someone mentioned gender swaying - there are a whole load of things you can try! Google it, I did this and found lots of suggestions from diet to position to timing.
I don't care what we have as long as they are healthy. If I could choose I would probably lean towards girl because I have had two boys and a girl and I always wanted a sister when I was little and although hubby has a daughter, she's significantly older so it would be lovely for our daughter together to have a sister closer in age as well. The boys are all good spaces apart, so I reckon they will be close as they grow up as well as they are currently. I want to have a surprise this time and hubby was on board initially but says he wants to know, so I said I don't mind if he knows as long as he can keep it a secret from me and everyone else. I told him otherwise we will have to do this another time after for a surprise because I want to know what that feels like lol

CD7 here. I disappeared briefly, ish, because I was blogging and I also have had a migraine.

The active ingredient in cough medicine you want to look for is guaifenesin. Avoid antihistamines if possible because these can dry out cm.

Also I found this thread which is an interesting read... https://www.alt12.com/community/gro.../2377456-must-read-natural-fertility-vitamins
Bassit, good luck on figuring out your cycle. Will you not try while you try to figure it out? I had to wait so long for dh to decide he's ready to try again so waiting while I figured out my cycles wasn't an option for me lol

Ladders and Citrus he didn't come home with a ring but I expected him not to. I believe it'll be an anniversary present. If I don't get it on our anniversary then I'll be really curious as what he's up to lol

Ladders, yeah in numbers it seems like a long time but in my heart it doesn't feel like its been that long if that makes sense?

Citrus, Hahaha he better deliver the goods! That's a good way to put it! Lol I hope you get to bd closer to O this time. I'm hoping to be able to get dh to dtd a few times during the fw since he's not going to know when that is this time lol it's great you're feeling positive! I keep thinking about trying to sway for a girl but I'm also worried if I skip any days then I won't get pregnant. I'm sure it's just my crazy anxiety about it not happening.

Anni, sorry you didn't get your first pick of schools. I'm wondering the same as ladders, is it like a pre school?

Happycupcake, I have noticed that so far with dd, she will try her luck a lot more often than the boys do lol I guess it's just a girl thing. I don't know. But I let dd walk the neighborhood with her friends and any time the boys ask to go with her, I let them go and tell her to keep an eye on them. Ds1 also helps keep an eye on ds2 since he's the youngest. I try to let her think* she has a lot of privacy but in reality she doesn't. Some may say that I shouldn't snoop but I'm nosey and love my babies and always want to know what they're doing even if they think I don't know, I do. I have 2 friends at opposite sides of the neighborhood and I call them and tell them to look out the window to see if they see dd and her friends. The reason I do this is because ds1 told me that one of dd friends smokes cigarettes. I have never seen or smelled it on them but they are all a year older than dd so it is possible. I asked ds1 how he knew and he said a friend told him so it could just be hearsay. I've asked dd and she says it's disgusting and she wouldn't be around them if that was true because the smell gives her a headache and makes her nauseous (my dad smokes outside and she goes over to my parents house often) so I have my friends help me keep an eye on them while I can't see them and I do the same for their kids. It's sounds like I'm super nosey but honestly it's just with my kids other than the random curiosity here and there lol
Citrus - I'd love to have a little girl so we've got one of each. I've always wanted to have a girl to hopefully have the same relationship with her as I have with my mum, and I think I'll feel a little sad to know I'll never have that if we have a 2nd and it's a boy as I can't see us having a 3rd. For that reason I think we'd keep it a surprise what gender we were having. I feel like if I found out halfway that it was a boy I'd feel a bit sad, but once I'd meet him I know all would be happy and well. FW starts for me today as well going on dates, so we'll see what happens!

Ladders- we're playing it cool because we've got a busy month coming up. We're off away for 2 weeks next month and I'd feel a bit anxious being away and flying that early on, and hubby wants me to be able to sample the all inc cocktails with him! And then we've got a family wedding where it would be easier if I wasn't as I wouldn't have to make excuses for not having a drink. I still really want to conceive this month as now we've started I'm in the mindset, hence the chilled out approach - if it happens, fantastic. If not then it will be no holding back next month!

Anni, I was the same when we conceived our son. We'd had a really busy month and had bd lots but just when we wanted and had fun with it and then it happened. I really do think your mind can have a massive effect on your body! And that's a shame about the settling in days, you'd think it would be in the interests of the school to do plenty so the kids are excited and happy to be there when they start.

Duster - welcome! This is a really nice group of ladies, nice to have someone else along for the ride!

And I can't remember what else was said! Hope you're all well though!
Reception is like kindergarten I guess? She'll be four in July and is currently in preschool so come September will be in her first year of proper school. The school we've been given us having 90 children in reception this year so that's probably why they're not doing much.

Cupcake, migraines suck. Do you get them a lot?
Oh and ladders 20 pounds = 25 dollars and 62 cents. I just find it interesting to learn new things lol

If pounds are like dollars, what do you call cents?
Cents are pence (p) here so like something could be 99 pence or 99p for short which is 1 pence off a pound. Funny isn't it that we use words all the time and phrases and think everyone one else will know them. When I went to university I found it so strange the regional differences and words and that people hadn't heard words I took as normal! I love it!

Ah I understand daisies it's hard when there are months on where there's a lot if stuff or when would be hard to disguise early pg but definitely hard to stop ttc when started! I have to tell my job immediately if find pg which makes things more awkward
Kim, I think you do the right thing definitely. Their safety is worth so much more than complete and utter privacy imo. They are still your babies after all, and still young so I think it's good you are looking out for them discreetly as this is a good balance of them having some freedom and you still keeping them safe. It may feel sneaky at times but better this than them getting lured in by some weirdo on the net or something.

Anni yes I do, always have done. Been to doctor about it before, they weren't helpful. It isn't unusual to see headaches frequently which I think may be something called a new daily something or other headache (I was reading about it recently but can't remember the proper name) and then I will see migraines and the difference is these are on one side of my head and face, I can't tolerate any sound, light, they make me nauseous and painkillers don't get rid of them properly and quickly like the other headaches. They can last up to about three days but usually they go away sooner than this. I think I will ask my acupuncturist if there's anything she can do to help this too tomorrow
Ladders, it is funny how different countries have certain things that are normal for them and completely alien for others. There's several words on here that you ladies have used and I'd be so confused as to what you all were talking about till someone else replies and then I think Ohhhh this means that! Lol like the word (I don't remember it) that Happycupcake used for Tylenol. I was really confused on that one and had to ask haha if there's ever anything I say, feel free to ask. I love learning and hearing how others talk!

Daisies, I believe someone else said it too which got me thinking, if I do get pregnant again then I will probably try to wait till baby is born to find out the sex. That way it'll be a complete surprise. I've been thinking about it more lately since some of you have mentioned it and if I can be patient enough then I believe I'll wait to find out too.

Anni, Ohhh kindergarten. That's such a special little milestone for her to reach. Are you excited about her going to kindergarten? Our schools here start back on August 8th. They get out this year on June 2nd.

Happycupcake, I do feel guilty sometimes but I would rather me feel guilty about snooping than something happen to her. Like you said child predators are alll over the internet and I will do my best to keep them away from that. I hope your migraine goes away soon so you can get some relief.

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