33yr ttc#2 - buddies needed!!!

Quick question, does anyone else's dh sleep awkwardly on the bed? Right now my dh has his head (on the end where you would normally put your head) at one side of the bed and his feet on the opposite side of his head down where you would normally put your feet I hope I'm making sense. It's hard to explain. If I were to lay down like he is, we would be making an X across the bed with both our bodies. Where does he expect me to lay? I can't put my legs straight down because his legs are there. Oh well I'm not sleepy so I'll let him be for a while till I get ready to go to sleep lol sorry for the random question. I'm just curious if anyone else's dh sleeps weird or if it's just mine haha
Hopfl, no but dh is a total bed hog!!! We have a queen size bed and he sleeps with a body pillow on the edge of the bed so that is like two people! Ugh.
Not really Kim, I'm the bed hog in this house!

Starting school is kind of exciting but also really scary. As I say I feel disappointed about the school she's been allocated and I'm just freaking out about how big she's getting! Where did my baby go? She's so excited though and a lot of children she knows from nursery/preschool and from her swimming lessons and things will be going including her best swimming friend and one of her best preschool friends.

Another negative OPK this morning. Will post the picture when I get my head straight, I've only just gotten up. Are you supposed to see progression on them or is it ok if they're pretty similar?
Here we go


On the second image the top is yesterday and the bottom is today.
Annio I think there's always a but if lh in your system so always a faint line and the when positive quickly goes very dark. But might stand corrected as I never got on with the internet cheapies and went to digital.
Still negative on my digital so going to test later tomorrow and Sunday and then give up! I refuse to but more sticks this month
Kim, my husband doesn't tend to sleep awkwardly, it would drive me insane lol

Anni, it's best to do your OPKs from the afternoon to evening, you aren't likely to see anything particularly dark in the AM. I have been using OPKs a while now and have only seen two positives with my fmu but all other times they have been light until afternoon and evenings. I usually test between around 3-9pm, I only used my fmu on those occasions because my OPKs had started to darken the evening before and I was curious as to see if they would be full on positives with my fmu the following day
Oh ladders I'm sorry your body is not playing ball this month.

Cupcake thanks for the help, I've never used them before so guidance is much appreciated. just done another now and it seems a bit darker.


Definitely not positive though.
Right ladies I might have cracked it!!!! Please tell me if you think I'm clutching at straws but iv spent the evening doing research and I might have found the answer!
I started using digitals last time when ttc as I never got a true positive on cheapies. I used the clearblue dual hormone and that works by the first stick takes your baseline for oestrogen and lh. Substident sticks look for a rise. I'm now using the digitals that just look for lh and have found that they don't take a base line like I thought but turn positive once you reach over 40mlu/ml lh (ie a surge) but for some woman a surge isn't that big so I'm guessing then it wouldn't be picked up. Maybe this is why I'm not getting a positive and why I did before? What do you think??????
There are extra sensitive cheapies that's are from 20mlu/ml
What are your guys???
Hi all! So sorry for another negative ladders. Sorry if you've already said about this but have you been tracking your cycle recently? Do you always o at the same point? I've just looked back at my cycles and I tend to o on cd 17 but have had one cycle where o came on cd 23 and then the random 38 day cycle when I o'd late.

I managed to dtd last night but then not having much cm today so unsure if it was too early. Aiming for sat and sun too but then considering holding off as want to try for a girl. On one hand I'm super impatient and don't want to risk missing o but then on the other hand I feel like if I fell pregnant this month and had a boy I might feel like what if I had tried to sway. Undecided!

On that note, I would need to find out I think. I would want time to come to terms with not having a girl if I was upset. I'm not sure if I wouldn't be or not.
Sorry ladders I don't do opks so I hope someone else can help you. I've read through what you wrote twice but I can't understand it I'm afraid!
That's ok citrus I think I rambled a bit and I tend to find things make sense in my head but totally confusing to others!! One of my bad traits according to dh!

How long was you trying for d's? If not ages i think I would try a couple of months with the gender swaying and then if nothing can go to whenever if just wanting that bfp.
How do you time for girl if not using opks? Sorry if it's obvious bit iv never tempted
Well we only tried for 2 months with ds so I think I will try swaying this month. With temping it is risky. I am due to o on Tuesday based on previous data. I think I will dtd sat and sun then if I o tues I will have dtd 5, 3 and 2 days before o. If I don't get a temp rise on wed the maybe I will dtd on weds. Or maybe not and wait and get opks next month. I just feel I owe it to myself to give it a go and in the scheme of things I'm not really in a rush, I'm just impatient and want to be pregnant!
Evening girlies
Been a real busy couple of days af seems to be disappearing so fingers crossed that is it.my cycles before implant were spot on 28 days so hoping this is the case and I've not gotta wait another 6 or so weeks for it to show up again. downloaded an app to help me track more accurately as I'm a nightmare for recording data so it alarms when it wants data to be updated so gonna give it a few cycles to see if it's worth a try.

People at work now know we are off of birth control I couldn't hide the enormous bruise on my arm. they have known we were wanting another as ds started reception last sept and has settled really well. So hopefully not too many are you pregnant yet as I don't think I can handle the pressure of the continued questions

Is anyone else experiencing the it's your turn next, when are you gonna have another or has it happened yet

Ladders I wish I could give you some ray of hope but I'm totally unsure but what your saying could make sence different tests have different levels so can't see it being completely unlikely but again I'm no expert

Citrus I have been having the same convos with dh about timing for a girl I think I am in the same boat as wanting one of each but we can only try

Annie fingers crossed for you you must be chomping to get going I know I would be hopefully I can hold out before I get to obsessive gonna give a time in my head to allow chance before we start tracking as i obsess badly over little things let alone little sticks lol

Duster how are you hope your ok

Really sorry with spelling and auto correct on my phone
Hi ladies, I haven't really had a chance to get on long enough to reply to anything today. It's been a busy day so had to read quickly so trying to remember who said what

Citrus, I wish I was the bed hog in this house but dh is! He sleeps so weird till I wake him up and make him move over to give me some room to lie down lol
I don't remember who else replied to my question but it seems like my dh is the only awkward sleeper haha

Ladders, now that you mention it, I have read somewhere on here from a woman who was on here a few years ago saying that she tried several different clear blue ovulation test. The digi sticks and the cbfm thing and a ray of other tests, but she was saying that if you use the ones where you have to buy the sticks to put in the digi part (hope that makes sense) that once you get a peak on those, any time after that the surge has to be of the same levels or higher for them to give you your peak days again. So if you had a peak day last month and even if you did O this month but your lh hormone levels wasn't as high as the previous month then the current month it wouldn't give you the peak days. I hope all this makes sense to you because I've never used those before so I'm not sure if you're using the kind where you buy the sticks to put in the digi part or if the whole stick you're using is a digi? I've tired to find the post again but it's an old post that had several people posting on with well over 100 pages to read through. I wish I could remember her name so I could just look it up that way. I hope this helps you though!

Everyone else, how are you ladies doing? I hope you're all well.
Ladders, what you said makes perfect sense and I hope this is the answer (even if it does mean you've wasted an expensive pack of strips!) Ignoring the strips do you have an idea when you think you O'd?

OPK was negative this morning again. I started temping yesterday too. My temps seem really low though so wondering if i'm going wrong somewhere although I know from doing obs on patients that temps can be really low in the morning. It's just that DD has come into our bed the past 2 nights and she's a little radiator and wriggler so I expected to have a higher temp from broken sleep.

What's everyone up to this weekend? We're off to a party for my mum's puppy's birthday. I'm slightly cringing at this but the thing in our family is to panda to our mother.
A puppy party!! Sounds fun! Are puppy friends coming?! We have no plans and the weather looks miserable.

Just a quick question to the opk-ers. I want to buy a set to use this cycle, is it too late? I am CD16 and usually o around CD19. It's just if i want to try for a girl then might be easier to not miss the surge this way? But do I need to have been doing it before for comparison?
Ok, trying to remember posts...

Ladders, you are making perfect sense, so don't worry! I think you may be onto something with this and I reckon you should try out some of the cheapie 20miu dipsticks. I use these and they have been reliable. I usually see lh peak and Fertility Friend usually puts ov on the same day as my positive, or the day following it and my lp usually stay the same, so they do seem pretty reliable. They are definitely more sensitive and you may be producing different levels to previously. They are only a few quid from Amazon, so you won't be wasting much if you find you don't get along with them.

Anni, it's confusing because some OPKs advise using fmu when this generally isn't the best time to use them. Your most recent OPK definitely looks a fair bit darker!

Citrus, it is you interested in gender swaying isn't it? I hope I have remembered correctly. I have read for a girl if using timing, two days before ov and the day after although I can't quite see the logic in the day after... basically males swim faster than females so timing dtd too close to ov will, in theory, increase your chances of a boy but because the girls live longer than the boys, timing it a couple of days before should increase your chances if the boys dying off and therefore left with more girls to fertilise your egg.
You can also try diet. I can't remember which way round it is but eating to make your environment more acidic or alkali helps the girls. I will try to find some info on this for you, it wasn't long ago I read about it myself but my memory sucks.
Positions may also play a part, especially when using timing because you want to give girls the best chances, but this is another thing I can't remember. I think position is the least important factor, though. I don't know if there's anything your OH can do to sway things as well in terms of diet, but if there is perhaps you can sneak him in some extra girly sperm making foods ;)

Bassit, I can't say I have any experience of people questioning me constantly because I keep our lives and plans private, except for here of course. I have always been met with a less than positive attitude with my pregnancies. I don't know why. My dad has always been amazing in this respect, always been happy, even when I got pregnant with my eldest at 17 he was happy. But others aren't, they roll their eyes, sigh and usually say something along the lines of "oh god". My brother takes the piss out of me all the time so I expect him to be sarcastic in his reaction, which is fine. But my mother and sister are so high up on their horses it's unreal. I love them both but they can be such narcissistic twits sometimes.

I think I'm CD9 today? I think... I had some ewcm yesterday but we dtd the day before, so I apologise for being gross but I don't know if this could be more leftover from him than my cm... I'm hoping drinking more is paying off, this and the supplements I'm using. I had acupuncture yesterday for the first time since last year, almost a year ago actually. It was amazing as always. I asked her to focus on my anxiety and balancing hormones. I don't know if it was coincidence but about half an hour after the session finished I had some mild ov pain like cramping, so I'm hoping this is a positive sign. My body seems to respond quickly and positively to acupuncture, last time it saw much of my anxiety off for a long time after about six sessions. I have another appointment for the Tuesday after next.
We don't have any firm plans for today. If the weather is ok then take the kids for a walk with the dog perhaps :)
A puppy party!! Sounds fun! Are puppy friends coming?! We have no plans and the weather looks miserable.

Just a quick question to the opk-ers. I want to buy a set to use this cycle, is it too late? I am CD16 and usually o around CD19. It's just if i want to try for a girl then might be easier to not miss the surge this way? But do I need to have been doing it before for comparison?

If you don't have to wait on delivery and can start testing pretty much immediately then I think it's fine, obviously though if you have to wait on delivery you may miss your surge, especially if it happens slightly earlier. It can happen a couple of days prior to ov
Thanks cupcake, no I'm going to go out to the shops and buy them. I'll give it a go alongside my temps, then I'll know to not stop dtd until I get what I think is the positive. It's all a bit experimental but I have to keep reminding myself that I am not in a great rush!!

Thanks for the gender info, yes it was me! And yes I have the same problem with the ewcm/semen!!! I find my ewcm can be a touch cloudy whereas semen is totally see through. Sorry if tmi ladies!!!

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