Ok, trying to remember posts...
Ladders, you are making perfect sense, so don't worry! I think you may be onto something with this and I reckon you should try out some of the cheapie 20miu dipsticks. I use these and they have been reliable. I usually see lh peak and Fertility Friend usually puts ov on the same day as my positive, or the day following it and my lp usually stay the same, so they do seem pretty reliable. They are definitely more sensitive and you may be producing different levels to previously. They are only a few quid from Amazon, so you won't be wasting much if you find you don't get along with them.
Anni, it's confusing because some OPKs advise using fmu when this generally isn't the best time to use them. Your most recent OPK definitely looks a fair bit darker!
Citrus, it is you interested in gender swaying isn't it? I hope I have remembered correctly. I have read for a girl if using timing, two days before ov and the day after although I can't quite see the logic in the day after... basically males swim faster than females so timing dtd too close to ov will, in theory, increase your chances of a boy but because the girls live longer than the boys, timing it a couple of days before should increase your chances if the boys dying off and therefore left with more girls to fertilise your egg.
You can also try diet. I can't remember which way round it is but eating to make your environment more acidic or alkali helps the girls. I will try to find some info on this for you, it wasn't long ago I read about it myself but my memory sucks.
Positions may also play a part, especially when using timing because you want to give girls the best chances, but this is another thing I can't remember. I think position is the least important factor, though. I don't know if there's anything your OH can do to sway things as well in terms of diet, but if there is perhaps you can sneak him in some extra girly sperm making foods
Bassit, I can't say I have any experience of people questioning me constantly because I keep our lives and plans private, except for here of course. I have always been met with a less than positive attitude with my pregnancies. I don't know why. My dad has always been amazing in this respect, always been happy, even when I got pregnant with my eldest at 17 he was happy. But others aren't, they roll their eyes, sigh and usually say something along the lines of "oh god". My brother takes the piss out of me all the time so I expect him to be sarcastic in his reaction, which is fine. But my mother and sister are so high up on their horses it's unreal. I love them both but they can be such narcissistic twits sometimes.
I think I'm CD9 today? I think... I had some ewcm yesterday but we dtd the day before, so I apologise for being gross but I don't know if this could be more leftover from him than my cm... I'm hoping drinking more is paying off, this and the supplements I'm using. I had acupuncture yesterday for the first time since last year, almost a year ago actually. It was amazing as always. I asked her to focus on my anxiety and balancing hormones. I don't know if it was coincidence but about half an hour after the session finished I had some mild ov pain like cramping, so I'm hoping this is a positive sign. My body seems to respond quickly and positively to acupuncture, last time it saw much of my anxiety off for a long time after about six sessions. I have another appointment for the Tuesday after next.
We don't have any firm plans for today. If the weather is ok then take the kids for a walk with the dog perhaps