Hmmm... Kim, I don't know much about macca and coQ10 (I know the latter is used to help healthy cell growth, I think?). The epo if using capsules (you know the see-through kind) can be used vaginally but I have only read about them being used in this way late during the third trimester to help ripen the cervix, and this can cause some spotting.
Did your most recent smear come back ok? Do you tend to have ok results with this? I only ask because although it's highly likely there's a perfectly innocent explanation for the spotting, over here they say if you see anything unusual for you in terms of spotting between periods, ask for another screening to be on the safe side.
There are sooo many causes for it though. So many which have absolutely zero to do with anything sinister! So I wouldn't worry, but if it is concerning you in the slightest get it checked out

I do hope we all get our bfps and are in the tris together, this would be fab!
Duster - you are a stronger woman than I am, I can't help myself testing early! But I find it easier in some ways as there's less room to get my hopes up if I keep getting the same fake faint lines or the tests are completely blank.
Ladders - yay on the TWW!

Acupuncture is amazing, isn't it? I love it. I remember the first time I had it (my doctor is an acupuncturist as well and gave me a few sessions in her own time which was lovely of her!) I was sceptical, I originally had it for anxiety as my doctor was concerned about my use of diazepam. I had been using it for years when you are only meant to use it for weeks. Didn't think it would help much but that was the first day in years I didn't have to use any medication. It was so relaxing! After this I paid for some private sessions as I didn't want to take advantage of my doctor, and it helped me so much I can't even begin to explain. This and the fact I'm pretty sure my hormones are wonky are the reasons I have restarted it.
It's good to read your experience with it and that it could have made me ov a little earlier. My body seems to respond quickly and well to it so it wouldn't surprise me if it was responsible!
Citrus I wouldn't worry about gender swaying too much because it's all theory and little actual evidence to prove any of it does sway. It sounds as though you are ok with this, but I hope you do conceive a little girly anyway!
Jessy - temping looks/sounds more complicated than it is. When I first saw someone's chart a few years ago I couldn't make any of it out and didn't have a clue what they were talking about! I pretty much ignored any of it, I didn't even track my cycles that closely, only knew when af was due and this was the extent of my knowledge on the subject. But after having to look into my cycles more in depth it pushed me to start temping/charting and it's surprisingly easy to learn. In a nutshell, if looking at ovulation, you are looking out for an upwards shift in temperature which sustains itself. When you use an app or a physical chart, you will see that your temperatures stay on the lower side of average from your period up until ovulation. They can fluctuate, but they generally stay lower. When you ovulate (usually within a couple of days of a positive OPK but this can alter with age too, so as we get older we may see we ovulate closer to the day of the positive OPK, or on the day), you will see an obvious jump upwards in your temperature which stays up at the higher end of average. This too can and does fluctuate for most women, but in general throughout your luteal phase, the part after ovulation until your period, it stays mostly up. If you conceive, it will continue to stay up. The reason your temperature does this is because the corpus luteum, leftover from ovulation, secretes progesterone into your system in preparation for pregnancy, to support it. If you don't conceive, your temperature will dip close to, or on the day of your period usually.
Daisies I'm sorry you are feeling down

I understand though, I felt like this after having a miscarriage. It was like everyone was pregnant or carrying around a newborn and I felt so sad and envious and then cross at myself because it wasn't their fault! But it's a mix of emotions and a real rollercoaster. I think having recently come off bc doesn't help because this can mess with your hormones and make you more emotional too, as well as mess your cycle around. I hope things start to settle down for you soon though. I'm sure it will, and there's every chance it won't take long to conceive. Bc doesn't always spell a long time trying, sometimes it can happen quite quickly after so don't lose hope! You WILL be ok and things absolutely will settle down for you.
CD12 here I think? I have cystitis woohoo. I had it weeks ago too, sex and dehydration are triggers and yesterday I had sex and didn't remember to drink much because I was stressed out about something and it was also our youngest son's fifth birthday so I had many distractions! Paying for it though. Peeing literally at least every twenty minutes because so far I have had half a latte (I know it's caffeine but my logic is have a little caffeine for the diuretic effect to quickly draw water to my bladder to flush it out), about 1.5L of water and a Cystopurin. It's slowly starting to feel a little less like I'm peeing acid. Am sat here feeling cross with myself, with a hot water bottle in my lap. I won't be dtd today... but hoping it won't matter anyway. We can dtd for fun after this has definitely buggered off