33yr ttc#2 - buddies needed!!!

I should be in the tww now, cd 23. I didn't have any real ovulation signs though, no cramping and no ewcm that I noticed. I guess after bc it can take a while for your body to sort itself out. I don't think there's any chance of a bfp for me this month, although we have done lots of bd, I just don't feel like it will have happened. If not at least I can enjoy the cocktails on holiday next month!

Duster, the chicks are so cute! What a lovely way for your kids to be brought up, being around all the animals!

Ladders, you saying about the vitamin d reminds me I need to get ds some vitamins. I've never given him them (bad mama alert?!) but since he turned 2 he's become ultra picky with food so I think he could probably benefit from some vitamins. Why is it so hard to get kids to eat- it's my fave thing to do!
Kim that literally made me LOL, I thought perhaps you had soft cups with pictures of zombies on or something lol! Fabulous autocorrect, if it were text you could send it to DYAC.

Duster, those chicks <3 how sweet are they?!? I couldn't make out the thumbnail photo at first, I thought they were weird looking cookies or something lol! I also thought you said "hatchery is sexy" (I am trying to respond to this thread as well as my sister, I'm easily confused)

Oh Ladders! Please don't think of yourself like this! You are a wonderful mother. We have vitamins for ours but I'm awful at remembering them. And to be honest loads of people don't know about vitamin D and how difficult it is to take in (unless you live somewhere where there's always strong sunlight), so don't think you are awful for this. And as for the messy play, I'm the same. I know I should do it, but also having OCD it makes me panic!
There will always be something these people criticise - our old health visitor shot me down and labelled me a terrible mother for having our child in a highchair (they were eating) on her visit, and purely because I was answering her questions she also said I don't positively interact with them! How she drew to this conclusion during her visit is beyond me. But she took it as far as she could and I had to complain about her. Some people are simply idiots and like to make you feel inadequate when in reality, they aren't seeing the whole picture, they don't know you personally or your family or how things are at home, they see a tiny window into your life, so don't worry and don't take their criticisms to heart.

Jessy you aren't sad! I miss ours when we aren't with them, which isn't frequently but when we aren't I do miss them all.
With your test, could you try some ICs instead for the time being, then when you start to see them darkening switch to or add in the digi? It would be less expensive this way.

Daisies - don't think you are out. I know it can take time for your body to adjust after coming off bc, but it doesn't mean you haven't ovulated. Sometimes I haven't seen any symptoms of ovulation (although the symptoms I do see aren't many, usually cramping and super high sex drive) but I have ovulated. Are you trying to track ov? I can't remember.
I know what you mean with fussy eaters, our children can be too. If it's things like vegetables you can try hiding them in favourite foods. Like mine love pasta with a tomato sauce, so I will whizz some vegetables up in the food processor and add them in and they haven't a clue they are in there :)

My pack of IC hpts arrived earlier, lets see how long I can leave them alone for lol! I'm awful at waiting. Usually I start at 7dpo which is crazy early but I have the patience of a toddler so... :)
Happycupcake, haha! Pictures of zombies on the soft cups lol! That would have to be for a die hard fan of The Walking Dead lol! I love twd but not that much lol
Ladders, lol! I definitely wouldn't want to put that up there either haha! That was a major fail lol but I'm so glad you ladies are hilarious and have a great sense of humor instead of being a stick in the mud lol I definitely wouldn't consider it a parenting fail! I have never given my children vitamin D and they are all perfectly healthy! I've actually never had a Dr ask me about vitamins before. I did give them the "Flintstones vitamins" when they were younger, then found out they weren't even good for them supposedly because they have a lot of sugar in them! So I stopped giving it to them almost as quickly as I started lol so I consider that never actually giving them vitamins. As for the paints and play dough, my parents always thought it was funny to give my kids the absolute messiest things to play with! Soooo, I turned it around on them! I would take them to "visit" during the day while dh was at work and I used to take allll the messy stuff with me for them to play with at my parents house. Eventually they either stopped buying it for them or when they did they would tell the kids it's for our house and they had some at their house for them to play with when they come over. Of course they never did, they would keep them occupied so they wouldn't ask!
Eventually I figured out if I took them outside to paint and use the play dough, there was a much smaller mess and when they were done playing I would just take them straight inside to the bath!

Jessy, I do believe you and I are the last two to O lol I'm not sure where Anni and duster are.

I love that we had to do a double take on the cute little chicks photo lol! At first I glanced at it and had no idea what it was. Then was reading and like ladders said, I saw the cramping comment and was thinking "Ohhh that's gonna be something to do with that " nope lol I was wrong. It's cute little chicks &#128522;

Daisies, I don't think you're out! Don't count yourself out just yet, hun! Have you thought about maybe getting some ic opk's? Maybe that will help you figure out where your at but hopefully you won't need it because you're already pregnant and don't know it yet! Good luck, hun and fx!

I woke up super early and super talkative... Just excuse me for a while haha! Feel free to tell me to shut up. I promise I won't get offended. Dh tells me I talk too much all the time lol!
Oh! And Jessy, I often get lonely when the kids are at school and dh is at work. I have the whole house cleaned up and dinner set out for the night usually by lunchtime every day. I usually get on b&b or call dh a few times or go to my parents house or find something to do because I can't go get the kids out of school as much as I want to, they can't miss or I'll have to go to court for truancy so I'll just keep them in school lol I told dh a few days ago that I'm ready to go back to work because I just get wayyyy too lonely during the day.

Happycupcake, my ic's (opk's and hpt's) should arrive today. I also tend to test Wayyy tooo early too! I started testing at 6dpo last cycle! But I did skip a day or two after seeing the bfn's around 8-10dpo so I was skipping a day in between because I had 20 hpt's last cycle and by the time af arrived I had 1 test left... Lol
Oh my husband absolutely LOVES The Walking Dead. My fault as I introduced him to it, he doesn't usually like zombie things. I watched a few episodes but couldn't watch anymore. I used to love anything horror, especially zombies but they started to trigger anxiety so I stopped watching them. I do like The Bates Motel, though.

That's a good idea for messy play outside. We only have a stone yard here which is quite small but during summer we put the paddling pool out so perhaps some paints and stuff can happen in the yard this summer.

I'm happy someone else is an early tester too, makes me feel more sane lol
Don't apologise for being talkative :)

Oh, Ladders did you know you can buy chalkboard paint? You can then make a wall in the house like a blackboard which is quite cool. I want to do this for ours but I don't know if our landlord will be happy
It's funny because my dh introduced me to The Walking Dead and now he's couldn't be bothered with it lol I on the other hand have never missed an episode! I love that show! I don't usually get into TV shows that often but this one I have been watching since the first season so I'll stick it out till the end I hope. I watched the first season of Bates motel but I just couldn't get into it for some reason. I mean it was good, just not something that kept my interest.

The chalk board paint for the wall is a great idea!
Oh my gosh you ladies are too funny with the double takes on the chicks! But to be fair, they are tiny little buggers- only day-old chicks when they were shipped from the hatchery. They are cute, but we don't handle our chickens more than necessary because they are livestock and we would end up attached. We keep them for eggs, and need to be able to cull out the ones that no longer produce. Then they go in the pressure cooker and turn out quite tender!

We have: 1 dog, 2 cats (one indoor, one barn/outdoor), 2 rabbits, 1 rooster, 11 adult hens, and the 7 chicks. We will likely cull 5 or so when fall comes. Each time a hen molts their feathers, they lay less eggs so they are good for about three years.

ladders, don't feel like a crap mother. You are doing fine. There are actually no-mess crafts out there- like putting shaving cream in a zipper (ziploc) bag and letting them smoosh it around, or buying a canvas, putting spots of paint on it, putting plastic wrap over the top, and letting them smear it around. This allows them to craft without so much mess! I will put DS (14 months) in his high chair with a piece of paper taped to the tray and let him use crayons. Not messy at all! They also make bath crayons and bath finger paints that they can use to write on the walls of the tub!

Jessy, you might still O, and not necessarily have a flashing smile yet. Don't get discouraged. I also know what it is like to miss the LOs; DS has yet to spend the night by grandma and grandpa because I want him home with me at night. Is that selfish?

Daisies, good luck! Just because you didn't have symptoms doesn't mean you didn't O. Our bodies can be so stealthy!

Cupcake, I am like a toddler with secrets, not patience. They don't stay in. :haha:

Hopfl, my cycle should start around the start of May if I don't end up with a bfp. So, I'm probably about 10dpo at the moment.

Time to go do housework! I want to go out shopping, but with having been sick, I have let the house go. I told myself I have to do some cleaning first if I want to have fun!
Oh ladders don't feel like that! Your post reminded me to give DS the vitamins tonight! I alllllways forget too. My son isnt that interested in crafts so we don't do loads but we have just got some play doh and he plays with it in the high chair, not too messy at all. He can do painting and glueing at nursery haha!

According to FF I am 3dpo today which if correct means we dtd at o-4, o-3 and o+1

So when is everyone's test day, those who are in the tww? I'm think Wednesday, I'll be 9dpo. If I can wait that long!!
Jessy it's so frustrating when you have an idea in your head when it's going to be close to o. I kept doing that, everyday I did t get a positive I could rule out a bd that I hoped would be close enough, really frustrating especially as some of those bd's were not the most easily attained! Have you got the dual hormone ones the ones that also flash before turning solid?

Ha ha daisies eating is a great pleasure of mine too! And dd has turned dreaded fussy too and she used to be such a great eater! I still perserve but we are down to a handful of veg she will eat when it used to be everything! So maybe multivits in order rather than just the vit d!

Thanks cupcake it's good to hear I'm not the only one with bad health visitors. Just came out if there a bit deflated and felt like she's behind and it's my fault. Didn't help that she's gone ultra shy with strangers and wouldn't talk or do any of the activities whilst all the others kids running around playing and she's clinging to me like I never take her out of the house!

Thanks Kim, ha ha I remember before dd we bought messy toys and noisy toys for our nieces/nephews without really realising and we are paying for that now lol

I love the idea of a blackboard wall and all the other play ideas! If stocked up on washable paint and playdough etc and I bought some plastic tablecloths so I can cover the floor. I also bought some chunky chalk for the paving slabs outside when the weather is better because I used to love drawing on the path as a kid. I'm going to try to attend more groups again as dd doesn't go nursery she has family look out for her when I work and since going back work iv not really done play group things so going to make more of an effort. Just hard to fit it all in. Feel like I fail at work and fail at parenting some times!

Duster id definitely get attached I would end up with a farm full of old, useless but pampered animals lol and I'm vegetarian so there would be no point ending them anyways &#128514;&#128514; love the messy play ideas btw

Thanks citrus but you still get more mum points because at least you had some in the cupboard &#128514; I wouldn't mind so much if dd went nursery but family have her so I know she doesn't get to do stuff like that then so really I need to make an effort. Although if I can find a group to take her to do it there I will be over all that &#128169; *fertility friend has me at 3dpo too! My god how is it only 3dpo! I might have to be your testing buddy then we can try to put each other off for as long as possible &#129315;
Duster - my DD will be 4 in august and she has never spent the night away from me. Mostly cause she always comes into our bed at night and no one will have her &#128514;&#128514;&#128514;.

I am not too worried i just realised it doesnt always go flashy smile then solid smile it could go straight to solid smile so will keep doing one a day until i see it and we have been bding every other day so will miss tonight and do tomorrow maybe sat and sun if i am feeling particularly rambunctious!

Back to work tomorrow, i always said i couldnt be a stay at home mum but sometimes i wish i could at least until the littles are at school. I enjoy the folk i work with and the job is fine and i love having my own little bit of money to spend that no one can make me feel guilty about BUT life is quite nice at home too.
Jessy I know the feeling, I would love to not work but then I love my job and iv worked hard for my qualifications and wouldn't want to just walk away from it. Maybe be nice to work less hours but we made the decision to move to the country and mortgage too much for dh alone. Hope you o soon I hate the wait!
Sooo, I took two opk's today. I did 2 because the first one had a dye run so I did the second one and it also has a dye run! Oh well. It's allmmoosstttt positive so I'll try to bd tonight. If I don't succeed tonight then I will definitely hold dh down and make him tomorrow haha! I got my new soft cups and opk's in today! I'm so excited to try to use the soft cup tonight and will be very disappointed if I can't get dh to dtd tonight. I'll post a picture of the opk's...
The dye runs are from 2 different batches of the same brand opk's :shrug: so I thought it was weird that I got a dye run on both of them! :haha:


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Cupcake - No I'm not tracking. Maybe further down the line I might start, but I feel like it would do me more harm than good. I feel like I'll start over thinking it all and worrying if I don't get a positive if using opks so for now I'm just going with the flow a bit.

Duster & cupcake - You're probably both right, I shouldn't count myself out. I really don't think it's happened this month though. I'd be so so excited if it had but I've seriously counted myself well out already.

On the fussy eating, he used to be pretty good for eating veg, I could make curries and pastas with veg in them just chopped up small and he'd eat it all. Now, he puts any vegetable in his mouth announces "I don't like it" and then that's it, he's done! He would happily eat nuggets and chips every meal!

Messy play outside is the best idea! I'm def doing that once it's warmer. Then I might get to have a snooze on my sun lounger while he covers himself in paint!

Citrus - I'm not going to test until at least the 8th as that would be a day late based on my first cycle of bcp. Before my cycles were 29days and I think my first one off was 32 days, so 8th will be the first day 'late'. Looking forward to seeing you all posting some tests though and cheering you all on!

Ladders - I know, food! I love it. I finish eating one meal and start planning what I'm going to have for the next! Me & hubby are off out for a meal at the weekend and I've drooled over the menu multiple times already, can't wait!

Jesse - I often think I would love to be a stay at home mum, but I was off all last week with ds, and as much as I loved having time with him it made me realise that for me & him, me working is best. I enjoy being an adult and he has a fab time at his childminders with other kids. Everyone is different and I know plenty of people that are or would love to be sahms, but I think working is best for me for my sanity. I only do 3 days a week though but I feel like that's the perfect balance for me between being me and being a mum!
Ok first I have to ask a question because all you ladies seem to be geniuses with your smilies (the smilies you use from your phones and/or tablets), I use my iPad and each time I try to use any smilies from it they show up as black question marks on here? How do you do it? TELL ME YOUR SECRETS! Lol!

Kim, I have a fascination with serial killers and have done for years, in fact I was so obsessed I was planning on studying criminology and/or forensic psychology. So this is why I enjoy The Bates Motel so much. It isn't a horror so much though, so I find it easier to watch, despite it being extremely depraved and disturbing in some episodes.

Duster, pleased I won't be alone in having the patience of a toddler lol! Your home life sounds fascinating by the way.

Citrus, sounds like you timed things good for a girl, fingers crossed!
I think I will probably give in to test from 7dpo but I will try to wait until 9dpo which I think is Tuesday. I'm 4dpo today according to Fertility Friend.

Oh gosh Ladders if I had a quid for each time I heard someone's health visitor was rubbish, I would be rich. Ours was so awful (and we only saw her twice!) we told them we didn't want anything more to do with the health visiting service and I plan on keeping it this way. I don't want their involvement after how they were before. You aren't rubbish, they are!
I'm vegetarian too so would completely become attached to those chicks lol! Here we have far too many cats, a dog, a boa and a bearded dragon.

Ooo Kim those are so close to positive! I hope you get along with your zombiefied soft cups ;)

Daisies my eldest became so fussy his diet consisted of sausage and chips, English mustard, chocolate spread sandwiches, Marmite on toast... that's about it! Until he was 9, and then he started to try things more and his diet these days is much better and he will give anything a try.
I wish in a way I could take a more relaxed approach but I have a compulsion to know everything and look out for every single sign and keep track, it's an obsession. I don't find it detrimental but it can sometimes take up too much time especially when it's time to test with hpts because I take a million photos and scrutinise them all!
I know you feel out but I don't believe in out if you have dtd until af shows. So I'm keeping everything crossed for you :)
Daisies, I know what you mean about being you and being mom. I feel the same way. Honestly the only thing I miss about working is the money. I was a manager at a major retail store and was on salary. I worked 70+ hrs a week but still made the same amount of money I would have if I actually only worked the required 45hrs a week. I do miss working because I get so lonely during the day but that's because my kids are all in school so I'm home by myself all day. I don't miss telling and showing everyone what to do and them not doing it. I swear my kids could have done a better job than any of my employees therefore I always had to stay late to make sure everything was done so I wouldn't get in trouble for it. I had to fire all my employees one day and I worked by myself all day that day till I finally had some employees from another store come to mine so I could interview new people, hire and train them the way I wanted them to be trained. Then I finally was able to work only the required 45hrs a week and had more time to spend with my family. I only quit because I had a miscarriage and my general manager forced me to go in to work on the same day right after I left the hospital. So a few days later I went in, handed them my keys and all my codes and deposit slips and walked out and never looked back. I do miss having my own money though.
Hahaha Happycupcake! My zombiefied soft cups had BETTER be used tonight! Lol! I have also always been intrested in forensic science and criminology! I used to say I was going to be a CSI when I got older. Then life happened lol so that didn't work out for me lol I can only use the smilies when I add pictures because I'm on my phone and I have to go advanced then when I add the picture there's a box to the right with all the smilies in it. I just pick the one I want and voila! There it is &#128522; (IDK if you can see that one but it's an emoji on my phone lol)
Yes it's the emojis from my iPad which won't show and it's annoying me! I bet if it try it it will be a question mark... &#55357;&#56834; I do see yours and it looks like my emojis on this.
It's a fascinating subject and I started it with social science but didn't continue because I miscarried right after finishing that course and haven't started another which I would love to and ought to but it's finding the time.
I hope you get lots of BDing in this evening ;)
At first dh told me no. After pouting and feeling sorry for myself I decided to wake him up with kisses all over and that did the trick! I finally got to use my soft cup and I'm Wayyy more excited about it than I should be haha! Dh was also interested in the soft cups lol I didn't tell him about it till afterwards but now I think he's actually excited that he doesn't actually HAVE to dtd the next couple of days. He can just lay there and I'll do all the work and make sure he finishes IN the soft cups and we'll be done with it. I'm sorry this is alll way too much tmi but I think we've all gotten past the tmi point &#128521;&#128522;&#128522;
Yeah, Happycupcake I see what you mean. It's just showing the black question marks. I wonder why it's doing that? Hmm... Weird. I don't think there's ever going to be a right time to go back for another course if that's what you want to do. I would love to be able to go back to school but I don't think I could get financial aid and definitely couldn't afford it. I'm sorry you miscarried when you were going last time &#128542; I hope eventually you get to go back and finish and be in a profession that you'll love to do. I've noticed you're a very inquisitive person so I think you'll be great at it!

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