33yr ttc#2 - buddies needed!!!

Hello ladies I was wondering if I could join you? I don't know how often I'll post though lol

My name is Helen but my friends call me Ellie, you can call me either :) I'm 31(32 in Sept) Liam - OH - is 28(29 in July) and DS Josh is 7. DS is not OH's bio son but is close enough to being his dad.

I took my last pill yesterday read to make a start TTC from Thursday when OH is here next(we don't live together just yet) What concerns me the most is how long it'll take. It took 2 years to conceive Josh and I just don't want it to happen like that again
I am the complete opposite of you, Happycupcake and Citrus. I absolutely hate the winter (or what we have of one anyway) I don't think I would be able to survive being somewhere where it snows all through winter every winter. I've only seen it snow here maybe 3 times in my life! When it did "snow" here it was never more than an inch of snow and was gone the next day when the sun came out lol it doesn't get very cold here but it does get colder than I can handle sometimes. The lowest I remember it ever getting here is 18 degrees with the wind chill of around 9-10 but that only lasts for about one maybe two nights then it's back up to around the 30's. And that's at night so during the day most of the winter it's mostly around the mid 40's to mid 50's. I love the summer! I love the heat but I'm so pale so don't get in the sun too much without sun block because I'll get sun burnt easily lol

Megan, it did flood here but in the "city" . We live more out in the country so most of the flooding was more in town than towards us but it wasn't much and was gone almost as quickly as it appeared. It's been so hot lately so we actually needed the rain. I just hope it doesn't affect dh work schedule too much. He likes money too much haha it's supposed to rain again all day Thursday so I'm actually looking forward to spending the day with dh again on Thursday.

Dh did survive the day without being harmed lol I finally broke down and told him exactly how I was feeling (again since it didn't stick in his head the first time) I told him everything I said in my previous post and then some. He said he didn't realise he was being that way and he will try to do better with dtd during the fw. IDK if he actually will because he said the same thing last cycle but this time when I told him, I told him that I don't want to try anymore and will be going tomorrow to see the Dr to be put on birth control. He had a fit and got mad and upset and said that I wasn't forcing him into anything that he didn't want to do and he will definitely make more of an effort when the time is right but said he never knows when that is because I never tell him. So after about an hour and a half long conversation about the situation, I think he finally understood where I was coming from. I hope so anyway.

Cd18 now but by the time you all read this it'll be cd19. We did bd tonight and still no positive opk. I've decided to ONLY test twice a day now for the rest of this week. If still not positive by the end of the week then I'll stop tracking and just go with the flow and see how that works out.

Happycupcake, I don't have any hormonal imbalances that I know of. I just have had long cycles for a while now. I usually O between cd16-cd24 so still time till the end of the week. My lp is usually 18 days but was 16 last cycle and I'm OK with that. Thank you ❤

Welcome Ellie! Good luck on ttc hopefully it won't take as long this time for you!
Hi ladies,

I've been so rubbish at posting on here recently but I've been keeping up with you all.

I finally O'd about 2-3 days ago but I gave up on OPKs and temping so not sure exactly. I'm not too hopeful for this month because we last dtd about 4 or 5 days before O.

Jessy, did you get a positive opk yet?

Kim, I hope hubby follows through this time.

Cupcake (I think it was you with the test) that looks so positive! Everything crossed for you.

Ellie welcome!

Off to work now so probably catch up again tomorrow.
Welcome Ellie!

Well cd17 for me and i got a flashing smiley today. According to the instructions, that means high fertility is detected but its not peak yet. Sadly we didnt bd last night but will tonight and obvsiously i now have to go out and buy more tests today to check for my peak hopefully tomorrow!

I am just so relieved thats its not a blank again even if we are totally out this month it may help me plan better for next month.

Hope everyone is well.
Kim, it honestly sounds like an error in communication with you and your OH, I don't think he would have been like that if he didn't genuinely want this as much as you do, so hopefully he understands after you talked about it. Well done, by the way, it takes a LOT to do that, I know.
If you aren't showing any signs of hormonal imbalances then you are probably fine, some do have longer cycles without any fertility or hormonal issues. I'm keeping everything crossed for you that this month is your month <3
Hey you would have LOVED our winter here in 2010/2011, we had FEET of snow! Which for where I live, is highly unusual! I had difficulty getting out my front door and had to dig the gas meter out lol! Was fun, except for when it iced over and I got stuck in the middle of a steep hill. I called my husband like "HELP! HELP!" Lol!

Anni, how are you? If you aren't sure precisely, you could have every chance so I will keep everything crossed for you! :)
Thank you, but I think the IC was lying to me. My FRER is blank. Unimpressed doesn't come close.

Jessy! I'm so pleased you finally have seen a flashing smiley! YAY! Fingers crossed for you too :)

Ellie, welcome!

I guess I should post my unimpressive tests, in the name of 'post what you pee on', which for some reason autocorrect desperately wants to change to 'post your toupee on' lol my iPad is a twat.

My IC is showing something extremely faint, far less obvious in comparison to yesterday's. It looks more like my other ICs which have always been false lines. I apologise for the dog hair. What is it with our animals?!? Hairs masquerading as escaped pubes...


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Hmmm cupcake the one yes was soo obvious maybe its just too early. I hope so anyway.

I took a opk at lunch time i couldnt get digi so just a tesco own brand one and the line is medium darkness so hoping tomorrow will be o day so either wed or thursday maybe even friday.

Will keep you all updated of course.

Any news from anyone else?
I cant post a pic as my photobucket account is locked out!!!
Tinypic told me I was banned! I haven't a clue why though. Try pic resize
Kim I'm glad you and dh had a good talk, it's a hard time because this ttc journey sometimes feels like your doing it alone as your the one with all the thoughts and ideas and worries swirling around your head. You know exactly when dtd could be a good time and whens there's no chance. I think the men try to understand but can't because they aren't living it everyday like we are. It's good you got it all out there so hopefully next month you can just tell him when he's needed. That's what I'm planning with my dh. Oh and I think they middle two look the darkest on your opks.

Jessy yeah! For a flashing face! Looks like I'm not the only one to go running back for another pack of those ridiculous priced sticks!!

Cupcake I don't know what's happening with your tests! It was so clear yesterday! I can still see something today though. Was your urine more concentrated yesterday??

Ellie welcome! Hopefully will be quicker for you this time. I thought 10 months was long I'd have gone crazy if two years
Another bfn here, couldn't help myself &#128533;&#128533;
Welcome Ellie!

cupcake, hm. That stumps me.

Jessy, hope you catch your o!

Ladders, you and I are both :bfn:. No AF yet but DS has been BF more so I'm thinking that may have pushed things back.

My chick was eating on her own this morning so I'm thinking she is doing a bit better! Still clearly smaller than the rest of the chicks but hopefully she will catch up now that she is getting it on her own.


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I'm sorry about the bfns people. Cupcake what was your urine like? I feel like I do see something on today's tests but it's not like yesterday's so I don't want to give false hope. I just hate this testing business.

I'm going to test tomorrow am. Feeling a bit nervous about it as it seems so final if there is nothing at 9dpo. I know still in with a chance I feel it's negative but still...

Cupcake do you have another frer to use? If so when will you take it?

Yay for o soon jessy!!!
Duster I'm sorry about your bfn too! Sucks to see and then not know if your out or if just not clear yet. When Will you test again?

Citrus good luck for tomorrow you've done better than me at waiting but even if nothing tomorrow definitely not out as might not even have implanted yet! Well that's what I'm keeping telling myself.

Here's my pictures. I peed on it so I'll post it lol


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Finally managed to get into photobucket so here is the opk i took his avo.

Really hoping I o tomorrow. Gonna try and convince the OH to bd this evening even though he is tired!


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Cd19 today and finally getting darker lines! The top three are from yesterday and the bottom two are from today. Since the line is getting darker I'll test again late this evening and see what it's like. So much for ONLY testing twice a day :haha:

I'm sorry for the bfn's ladies but there's still time!

Happycupcake, I still clearly see it on the ic! I can only barely see it on the invert of the 3rd photo(of the frer). You still have time though! You've said you drink lots of water and herbal tea so your fmu was probably more diluted than yesterday mornings test.

I'm still rooting for everyone to see a bfp!!


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Can i ask. If my opk is positive tomorrow morning (working so can only test morning and evening) should we bd tomorrow night or is it too late by that point?
No it's not too late. The opk's are supposed to be positive 12-48hrs before O so a lot of women wait for the positive to bd. Others say its best to bd the day before the positive because some women O on the day of their positive opk's. I hope this helps, Jessy.
Ok cool. Gotta rope the OH into doing it tomorrow aswell. Managed to bd tonight too so i am hoping i am in with a shout. Thats if this does turn positive after all this.

Hopefully you get your positive tomorrow too!
Kim and Jessy- good luck!

:witch: showed up so I'm out till next month. Will likely be using opk this cycle so I know when I o- I thought k it's pretty late in my cycle which will make it difficult to catch an egg for implantation before AF comes. At least I know my body can do it.

CD1 and counting!
Oh duster I'm so sorry af got you! It freaking sucks. Good idea to go to opks though because some months would just be impossible to know whens good to dtd without.

Jessy I always read that the best days to dtd are day of positive and next two days, I just like to get one in the day before though and that's usually my downfall as you never really know when is the day before and i burn my dh out before and risk the other days. Something I must work on!!! If you can bd tomorrow I would definitely do it!

Kim that bottom one is pretty much there!!!! Glad your finally getting somewhere it's so frustrating waiting!

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