Citrus, I'm sorry about your test today but you are only 9dpo? The most common time to implant is 9dpo so don't lose hope, you could be implanting and won't see a positive for at least another few days if so!
Jessy I suspect it was because of using fmu, but if you don't see a positive later then I would assume you missed your peak surge. Your test was incredibly dark, extremely close to being as dark as the control line so don't worry if you have missed the peak. If they continue to be faint for the following days then I think it's safe to assume you missed the surge, I would then probably count ov a max of two days after your darkest test.
Duster I'm sorry af arrived (it was you, right? I apologise if I'm wrong), but pleased to read your chick is doing ok.
Kim, your OPK looks virtually positive! Did you do another?
Anni, Ladders, I hope you are both ok, and if I missed anyone I'm sorry. I disappeared yesterday as I was busy but then had a huge panic attack so didn't feel like doing anything but sleeping. When they say panic attacks last only minutes they are wrong! Mine last for hours and it's incredibly draining.
I tested with an IC yesterday late afternoon and could see it better than with my fmu despite it only being about a 1.5-2 hour hold. My IC from today's fmu is pretty much the same as yesterday's fmu. I used my other FRER with today's fmu and could see clearly a line there but I don't know if it's an indent.
Will start with yesterday afternoon's IC, fourth is tweaked version