Kim it sounds as if you could be ovulating? With the cramps and creamy cm, cm can turn less fertile the day of ov. I hope so, as you dtd yesterday didn't you?
Jessy ideally you should have three hours solid sleep, but there are plenty of people who don't, who have interrupted sleep, do shifts, suffer insomnia and for many other reasons won't see a proper solid sleep pattern but temp anyway and do see a pattern form and can clearly see ovulation happening so it's definitely worth trying.
My sleep pattern is consistently rubbish! If I have much less sleep than usual I mark it down as 'sleep deprived' so I am aware looking back that day may be inaccurate, but generally I have been able to see clearly where ovulation has happened and am able to track my cycles far more closely than I would without temping. It has helped me clarify things whereas if I were solely relying on OPKs I wouldn't be as certain when ov happened. I think given you haven't been off bc long, it could also be helpful for this too, because it can be a nightmare trying to pin ovulation and know where you are. Especially as ov symptoms may be missed, they may disappear randomly or you may have ovulated then see what you think are symptoms of ov later which could be down to something else, impending period or a pregnancy.
I was saying to my sister the other day to try it because whilst she isn't ttc, she is completely lost with her cycles since coming off bc (Microgynon, it was giving her undesirable side effects) more than a year ago.
I don't claim to be a charting genius, but I am happy to help you if you want to try it, where I can be of help
7dpo, according to Fertility Friend possibly only 5dpo, but as I said I'm assuming I'm 7dpo since I don't feel I ovulated CD12. I'm experiencing the usual things I would during my lp which makes it difficult to distinguish between regular cycle and potential pregnancy: sore boobs, tingly nipples (this is fairly new, started happening more recently), nausea, sometimes a metallic taste in my mouth and sometimes cramping. Oh, and a stuffy nose.
The pink cm has made me paranoid, but I recently had cervical screening which came back fine, so I'm hoping this isn't anything to worry about.
I was Googling what could cause false faint lines on hpts yesterday and came across a few websites saying anti anxiety medication can sometimes do this, including the med I use, but the information isn't based on anything proven and seems unreliable as far as I can see although I will continue to look into this. The only thing is, I don't see these lines until at least 5dpo (the earliest I have seen any faint line) onwards, so this is what makes me doubt a link between these and my meds, unless they react with progesterone perhaps? I don't know. It's rather annoying, though!
So I poas with my fmu today and see a vaguely faint, possibly slightly pink line but I won't be taking any notice of it because it doesn't seem any different at this time than any other faint line I have had which hasn't come to anything.
Citrus, it isn't too early to experience symptoms - could have an early implanter or it could be down to hormones changing.
In the interests of posting what you pee on, first three are at 5 minutes, the others about 10 minutes after the dye had calmed down