33yr ttc#2 - buddies needed!!!

Jessy I so feel your pain! That's exactly how I am, because you never know when o is going to be you want to dtd every other day and then ovulation and it definitely gets to the point where your just want to o so you can do a last couple bd and then go no where near each other for a week!!! I slept so well the night after o lol . Hope you get your positive soon and your being way more patient and non dramatic than I Was!!! Sorry again everyone for that 🙈🙈🙈

Is it wrong I already want to test???

Done a 13 hour shift today so just got home and a bottle of wine and chips so that's my night sorted!! Hope you ladies are having a more rock n roll night than me??
Feeling a bit deflated, expected it today so if its negative tomorrow or monday i will start losing my mind. When did you get your positive in the end ladders?

My OH is watching the boxing so i an just lying on the couch eating rubbish.
Definitely no more rock and roll here ladders. Staring at my phone also drinking wine and trying not to fall asleep! How many days past o are you ladders? Oh you are the same as me aren't you, 5? I'm holding out till Wednesday, at least that's what I'm telling myself. Is it really really bad that I prefer doing the test alone than with my husband? What do you all do?

Oh jessy I hope you o soon. I really really hate the wait to o and the constant need to BD when you really don't want to. That is what I dread the most about getting a bfn this month. I can't imagine doing it for 10 months or even more.

Cupcake I hope you see something clearer soon. I don't blame you for testing everyday. Glad I have some early test buddies!!!
Jessy I hope you see a positive OPK soon. I know you said it confuses you but I honestly think to save your sanity temping would help you. You may have already ovulated and missed the surge, if you were temping, you would know if this had happened.

Ladders, it's completely right to test if you want to. I wouldn't be alone in being a loon then lol

Citrus, I don't involve my husband in testing unless I see a line. If I *think* I see a line I don't tend to tell him. There's been a couple of occasions where I think we have had a chemical where I have seen super faint lines on FRERs and showed him, and then he's been sad and frustrated when it didn't happen, so I tend to keep it to myself except for here.
I can't help myself, the tests are there so I pee on them lol
Jessy i got my positive on cd17 , I usually have a 25 day cycle so was expecting it CD 10 or 11 so was such a long stressful time, this will mean it's a 32 day cycle which I don't think I've ever had but I guesse it takes longer after coming bc than I anticipated!

Citrus yes I'm exactly the same as you and will be holding out to test as long as i can although definitely tempting! Won't show dh any lines until sure it's a bfp and not a chemical. He got pretty messed up with the mc as well and he doesn't know things like chemicals and so I rather just wait till im late and proper bfp and know iv at least implanted and then tell him and then can hope sticks from there

Cupcake your so not a loon! Shows how much we want it!
Hey ladies! Sorry I've been absent today. I've been cleaning the yard and cutting the grass while dh was at work and FIL came over to replace our storm door (screen door) on the front door today since the weather is supposed to get pretty bad sometime tomorrow and dh has been working so much lately he hasn't had time to do it. It's 5 till midnight here so I'll be trying to get some sleep soon. I'll read and catch up in the morning.

Cd16 and opk's are no where near positive. All ewcm is gone and is now white creamy cm. The weird thing is, I have No after O signs. No sore nipples or breast. My face is still getting a few spots here and there (which is pre O) my cervix is still high soft and open but tonight I'm crampy. So I have no idea what's going on with me right now and it's driving me crazy! Oh and dh completely told me no on dtd tonight anyway so I'm just frustrated tonight.
Cd15 still negative. Booo. May try again this avo.

Cupcake, i sleep dreadfully at night and am up at least once if not twice with my daughter. I thought you had to sleep peacefully and undisturbed in order to temp properly
Argh just lost the reply I had typed! Basically said that Jessy you should give it a go as you will probably still be able to detect o. If you can't then you haven't really lost anything.

I'm not a big one for symptom spotting usually as the one cycle I was pregnant I had no symptoms whatsoever. But I'm feeling a bit odd today. Having AF type cramps which normally don't arrive until CD1, or maybe the day before at most. Also a little nauseous but then it's surely too early for that, 6 dpo today. It's probably nothing but...hmmm! Any symptoms for anyone else?

Hope you are all ok today.
Kim it sounds as if you could be ovulating? With the cramps and creamy cm, cm can turn less fertile the day of ov. I hope so, as you dtd yesterday didn't you?

Jessy ideally you should have three hours solid sleep, but there are plenty of people who don't, who have interrupted sleep, do shifts, suffer insomnia and for many other reasons won't see a proper solid sleep pattern but temp anyway and do see a pattern form and can clearly see ovulation happening so it's definitely worth trying.
My sleep pattern is consistently rubbish! If I have much less sleep than usual I mark it down as 'sleep deprived' so I am aware looking back that day may be inaccurate, but generally I have been able to see clearly where ovulation has happened and am able to track my cycles far more closely than I would without temping. It has helped me clarify things whereas if I were solely relying on OPKs I wouldn't be as certain when ov happened. I think given you haven't been off bc long, it could also be helpful for this too, because it can be a nightmare trying to pin ovulation and know where you are. Especially as ov symptoms may be missed, they may disappear randomly or you may have ovulated then see what you think are symptoms of ov later which could be down to something else, impending period or a pregnancy.
I was saying to my sister the other day to try it because whilst she isn't ttc, she is completely lost with her cycles since coming off bc (Microgynon, it was giving her undesirable side effects) more than a year ago.
I don't claim to be a charting genius, but I am happy to help you if you want to try it, where I can be of help :)

7dpo, according to Fertility Friend possibly only 5dpo, but as I said I'm assuming I'm 7dpo since I don't feel I ovulated CD12. I'm experiencing the usual things I would during my lp which makes it difficult to distinguish between regular cycle and potential pregnancy: sore boobs, tingly nipples (this is fairly new, started happening more recently), nausea, sometimes a metallic taste in my mouth and sometimes cramping. Oh, and a stuffy nose.
The pink cm has made me paranoid, but I recently had cervical screening which came back fine, so I'm hoping this isn't anything to worry about.
I was Googling what could cause false faint lines on hpts yesterday and came across a few websites saying anti anxiety medication can sometimes do this, including the med I use, but the information isn't based on anything proven and seems unreliable as far as I can see although I will continue to look into this. The only thing is, I don't see these lines until at least 5dpo (the earliest I have seen any faint line) onwards, so this is what makes me doubt a link between these and my meds, unless they react with progesterone perhaps? I don't know. It's rather annoying, though!
So I poas with my fmu today and see a vaguely faint, possibly slightly pink line but I won't be taking any notice of it because it doesn't seem any different at this time than any other faint line I have had which hasn't come to anything.

Citrus, it isn't too early to experience symptoms - could have an early implanter or it could be down to hormones changing.

In the interests of posting what you pee on, first three are at 5 minutes, the others about 10 minutes after the dye had calmed down


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How annoying you can't see these as clearly when I upload them. Doesn't matter I guess, they are barely there anyway! Will add my chart.
I was looking at other charts under 'charts like mine' on Fertility Friend and it showed me a chart using traditional Chinese medicine which looked similar to mine, the closest match compared to the others which were a lot more rocky, so I wonder if the acupuncture I had has helped level things out a little alongside the multivitamins. I will add my chart from March for comparison, which was all over the place


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Thanks for posting your tests cupcake! Still thinking these look like the nasty lines I was having last month but can see it on the pics. Lines have to start somehow so could be something and could be nothing.

Really strong and strange symptoms today. Trying not to get hopes up but really feeling like it could be something. Cramps almost feel like very early contraction type cramps/normal AF cramps. I'm sure I've never had anything like this over a week before AF due before. Might do a test later as a control!
Citrus, I'm ignoring them unless they start to form proper lines. I have had so many faint, barely there lines from these tests that I don't trust them to be the start of anything! I do them to see if anything does start to look like something, and because they are cheap I can satisfy my poas addiction without it breaking the bank.
I have tested using fmu, smu and evening after about a four hour ish hold (I dozed off, excellent way to do a hold lol) to see if there's any difference, which there isn't.
It's weird they don't seem to give lines before there may potentially be something, but I'm starting to wonder if this depends on individual tests or batches because I used water on a test a while ago which also had a faint line! I think for me at least, they are unreliable. Perhaps they will only show me a darker line later on if I was.
I also have to keep in mind what Fertility Friend did, although I honestly don't think ov was any later than CD11, which would put me at 6dpo today rather than 7dpo.

If these symptoms are out of your ordinary, then it could absolutely mean something! I hope so! You know your body better than anyone else does. I know for me I can experience a range of symptoms resembling pregnancy due to the changes in hormones during my lp (and also when I have come off bc before) which makes things difficult! It wasn't like that before though, and I could tell better if things were probably pregnancy related, sounds as if you do too, so fingers crossed! There isn't any harm in testing providing you know the chances of seeing something this early are quite low, but they aren't unheard of especially if there's a chance you ovulated earlier by even only a day or so. I can't remember, are you sure of when you ovulated?
Hi ladies, I'm still here. Dealing with a sick chick that doesn't want to eat/drink. I'm trying to help as I can but nature also needs to take its course if necessary. We will see how she does; she is clearly not thriving like the other 6.

I'm due for AF right around the first of the month but DS has been nursing more again so I wouldn't be surprised if that delays it for me.

I did cave and test two days ago but it was a stark white, so I'm not keeping my hopes up. I am for you ladies, though! ��
Don't give up hope on that little chick. I had a snake years ago, out of a number of hatchlings, he refused to feed like his siblings so somewhat reluctantly (because of the potential stress it can cause) I force fed him. I had to mash up pinkie mice through a sieve and use a syringe but over time he started to take small chopped up whole parts of the mice, and then entire mice, on his own. He was smaller than his siblings but he was healthy and did amazingly well and I'm so happy I persevered with him! It took some time, and I thought he wouldn't make it but he did.

What dpo are you?
Cd17 today. Still no positive opk and dh turned me down again tonight. The last time we dtd was cd14 so even if I do end up getting a positive tomorrow, I'm still out this month, again. I'm so frustrated with dh! I just don't get it. He wants it every other time. I don't ever have to initiate it unless it's fw, just to be turned down. I'm sorry I'm having myself a pity party tonight. I'm sure I'll wake up tomorrow morning and be back to my normal happy-go-lucky self.

Happycupcake, citrus and duster, good luck on your testing! I still see it Happycupcake! And citrus your symptoms sound promising!
Cupcake, I'm not going to give up hope. I've been dipping her beak in electrolyte water today and when I went out to the barn to check on her tonight she was standing over by the feeder- so I'm hoping she will do okay.

I'm, at most, 13 dpo. I did an opk pretty late in my cycle and got an almost positive, but there was no bd'ing around that time. I was spotting this evening, so we'll see if that is AF or IB. I had three days of light bleeding when DS implanted; I actually felt the cramping at implantation too. And then I had BV right at the start of the pregnancy too. Even my OB said, "oh yeah it looks like you'll be getting your period soon"- and it never came!
Oh Kim I'm sorry! it's so frustrating waiting for the positive and getting nothing and even more frustrating when you get turned down and I'm sure they think nothing of it and are just tired but we sit there upset over the loss of a chance to conceive but also knocks your confidence too. It got so bad last time ttc I promised I'd never force it again and first proper ttc month I went straight back there. It's because it becomes all you think about and you know the exact times and whens needed and they are just in the dark just dtd when they want instead of also when needed!
How are you feeling this morning? Have you taken another opk?

Jessy any progress on your opks??

Citrus I'm having weird cramping too and have been very tempted yo test already, strictly as a control though 😂😂

Cupcake I have no idea about other reasons for lines on ic's I know you can usually make out the line where the receptors are stuck that pick up the hormone but shouldn't be pink. Have you tested again today yet?

Duster 2fx it's implantation and not af!
Kim I'm sorry you are feeling so frustrated. I understand though, especially when it makes you feel rejected. My husband turned me down a few weeks ago - we had woken and I tried to initiate things and he didn't want to because he was in pain with his back (herniated disc and sciatica). Of all people I should know he wasn't making it up because of the awful time he's had with his back but because he's usually more up for it than I am it made me think it was me and he was rejecting me and we had a huge argument! Obviously it was sorted out, after I had calmed down and had time to think rationally, but at the time it seems like rejection.
I can't see it being this way for your husband, I'm certain he isn't thinking this himself. There's probably reasons like he's tired and doesn't have the energy. I doubt he realises the impact it can have on you.
I'm wondering if you have already ovulated. You had those OPKs which were so close to being positive, do you think it's possible you missed your peak surge? As if you did, there's every chance you could be pregnant this month. I hope so, I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you <3

Duster, this is lovely! I hope your little chick starts to feed independently and does ok. I hope I didn't offend you with what I said, I worded it wrong, I meant to say don't lose hope rather than don't give up on her. Sounds promising though, I hope she's ok!
And let's hope this is IB! Fingers crossed for you :)

Ladders - I'm having the same cramping. It's hard to tell I find, whether it's potentially pregnancy related or usual cycle stuff. If you want to test, test! How many dpo are you? I can't remember.

I have tested, yes. And I don't know if I have gone completely line eye crazy, but for the first time I am seeing what look like potential proper early lines on the One Step IC I used. My fmu was super dark today, it looked like it belonged on another planet lol! Didn't obviously drink as much as I should have yesterday.
I will post photos in a minute, but I don't have to squint to look, I don't have to alter any photos, it isn't fading away like the others tend to and I don't have to hold it a millimetre away from my eyeballs to see it so it's kind of giving me a little hope it may be an actual line. If it isn't, I will march to One Step's head office and shove their tests where the sun don't shine.
I have a question - given how obvious I can see the line, I'm tempted to show my husband. I told myself this time I wouldn't, I wouldn't show him anything unless I saw a firm positive on a FRER. I don't have any at the moment, will buy some tomorrow. What would you do? Would you show him the IC or wait? I don't like keeping things from him but I don't want to hurt him if it turns out it's a rubbish IC that's lying to me. My chart is looking good, but other than this, I don't have much to go on


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And the others because I wouldn't be able to fit them in my previous post. I think these photos are clearer


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Cupcake remind me how many dpo you are? If ten or less personally I wouldn't tell dh, but then I'm not telling dh until I get a full on bfp so I might be a little the other way!

Tested this morning too and definitely definitely completely blank! Not a sausage but I'm only 6dpo so more of a control really and since they are so cheap and I have so many i thought why not lol

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