Kim, you are most welcome! I will have to make a point of talking about pubes and alien pee more

Do you think there's an underlying issue with hormones (I'm sorry if you have said before!)? If you haven't already perhaps it's worth having a few tests carried out to make sure there aren't any issues?
With you OH have you told him how this makes you feel, as in bluntly told him, like you are on here telling us? I think it's worth doing if you haven't, sometimes it doesn't sink in for them and it is completely different even though they may want a baby too.
Is it worth completely doing away with any tracking and simply dtd as and when the mood takes you? Your body can be pretty good at indicating when ovulation is about to take place by upping your sex drive, so you may naturally dtd at the right time even if you do give tracking a miss. It could help you relax and him if he's feeling under any pressure to perform. I realise some men do feel that way, they don't mean anything by it but I guess they sometimes feel it's all on them to make that baby happen. I know you and anyone else doesn't go out of their way to make their OH feel like that, quite the opposite as far as I can tell from this thread actually.
It's a lot of pressure on you too, it's pressure from all angles when you know you are keeping track of things and it can become too overwhelming. Sometimes taking a more relaxed approach can do the trick, in fact I have seen it happen a thousand times where people have been struggling to time things perfectly, they let go of the pressure and conceive the moment they let go.
Your tests - they are so dark still! Remind me of your cycle day and the day you usually ov?
And please don't apologise, this is what we are all here for, to support each other! If you feel you have to rant and rave or shout and scream or anything, do so
Jessy, do you think you may have missed your surge?
Lol Citrus, I'm happy to provide a service!
Duster, or Megan, I'm so pleased your chick seems to be doing ok, let's hope this continues! Her siblings sound like they know something isn't right and want to help her. I don't know if this happens in chicken world, but I hope so. It sounds so lovely where you live and I bet there's rarely a dull moment! I live in the U.K. where the weather is mostly rubbish and the people are mostly sarcastic and drink tea. It is currently peeing it down outside and it's meant to be Jack in The Green. Good luck to all those crazy green people today!
Oh and thank you