33yr ttc#2 - buddies needed!!!

Ahh I see it Cupcake!!!!!!! fx!!!!!!!! Oh exciting
Compared to mine you can definitely see a line on yours! 🤗🤗🤗


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Cd16 and a negative again. We bd'd last night in case thats been every other day for a week and still nothing. Will skip tonight and try tomorrow night but after that i think i am gonna give up this month. My OH is away from next week so i may be instantly out for the following month too.

I cant see if yet cupcake but i am useless at faint lines. Hoping it turns darker tomorrow
Thank you, Ladders :)
Your photo is a little out of focus, I can't see properly! But at 6dpo I wouldn't be disheartened. The earliest I have seen a bfp has been about 10dpo with my youngest son.

Knowing my luck it's another wonky IC since so many people seem to have had false lines. I hope it isn't though!

Jessy, when do you usually ovulate? I know you recently came off bc but before then? You may have missed your surge?
Don't worry, it isn't as clear on the upload as it is on my original photos. I tweaked it though and this is what it looks like...

Sorry about the hair, I promise this isn't a random escaped pube, it's a cat hair (they get everywhere!)


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😂😂😂😂😂😂 escaped pube 😂😂
See it clearly there cupcake! The line that is lol

Jessy I'm sorry your having the same shitty times with your opks. Do you look at the lines when you eject the sick because the day before my positive it was darker than had been. I didn't get pos till CD 17 and that's really unusual for me
That's really exciting cupcake! I can definitely see it and it's nice and thick and seems to have a touch of colour. These ICs will be the end of us! If you don't get a bfp this month, or if the same thing happens to me with the evaps, I will think about waiting till AF to test next month. I can't take the squinting. As it is, I am waiting until Weds which will be 9 dpo. If how I'm feeling is preg related then I should see something by then I would have thought. Excited to see your next test cupcake. Will you test again today? I find 24 hours soooo long to wait once you have a faint glimmer!

Jessy and Kim I'm so sorry you haven't had the positive opk yet. Keep testing though, remember it is before ovulation so as long as you dtd on your positive opk day you will still be in with a chance. Maybe cupcake is right and you have already o'd Kim.

Anyone else testing soon? When are you holding out till now ladders?
I had to clarify, the thought of an escapee pube, oh the embarrassment, the SHAME lol! Forever recorded on the internet as well.

Citrus thanks! I don't like ICs but they satisfy my poas addiction in an affordable way. But this looked different from my other lines which weren't lines, so I will test with a FRER tomorrow. I have to since I have to have a clearer answer because I'm having acupuncture tomorrow and I would have to let her know, so she doesn't use any points which shouldn't be used. I wish I had ordered some because I could have dipped it today with my alien fmu.
I hope what you are experiencing is due to pregnancy! Fingers crossed
I literally just lol'd! Happycupcake! Thank you for making me laugh with your random stray pube and alien pee lol

Thank you Happycupcake, Citrus, and Ladders for trying to lift my spirits. I didn't wake up back to normal like I thought I would. I actually woke up even more upset because I realised that I'm so close to a stopping point in my ttc journey. My cycles are so long so it's so hard for me to wait and get excited because I'm finally about to O, just to be turned down dtd every time. It's just getting too hard for me. I put my opk's on the top of the toilet lid last night so dh could see them this morning when he woke up and went to use the bathroom. He came in the kitchen while I was making his breakfast and smoothie and asked why I didn't tell him. I reminded him that I told him when the first one was almost positive and I've been trying to get him in the mood every day since then and have been turned down every day. He said he didn't realise it fw and he was sorry and bla bla bla and promised to dtd when he gets home from work. I'm honestly at the point where I don't want to now because now I'll be thinking its something I'm forcing on him. So I don't know what I'm going to do at this point. I honestly don't think I have O'd yet because every time when I wake up the day of O for the past 17 months (since my miscarriage) my nipples are super sore and the day after my breasts get very sore and it's this way all the way to af. I don't know why I'm not having anymore cm. I usually have a lot of ewcm at this point but this time I don't. Now cm is more creamy stretchy and a little sticky? So IDK what's going on. I do know I don't want to not have a chance to be pregnant again. I just don't want to feel like I'm forcing dh to try. It was raining here alllllll day yesterday and all night last night till about an hour ago and all day yesterday dh kept talking about baby names if we have a girl. I don't understand why he does this and then tells me he doesn't deliberately skip fw but if I mention it, he won't dtd. It's just playing with my emotions and IDK how much longer I can do this.

Happycupcake, I SEE THE LINE!!!! OMG! I soooo hope this is it for you! I didn't even have to click on the picture to zoom in and turn the brightness up on my phone! Lol I'm so excited for you! Ohhh I can't wait for tomorrow mornings test! Good luck!

Ladders, I turned the brightness up on my phone and zoomed in searching for a hint of a line lol I'm sorry I didn't see it this time but it's still wayyyy early so plenty of time!

Citrus, how are you holding out on testing? Lol! You have way more willpower than I do! Lol!

Jessy, I can't remember, have you tested again this morning? Did you finally get a positive on your digi's?

How is everyone else doing?

I'm sorry I'm venting to you all. I'm obviously very hormonal right now and don't have anyone else to talk to so thank you all for your kind words. It means a lot to me.

I'll post a picture of last night and this mornings opk's
Still negative for me kim.

Cupcake i can totally see it on the tweaked version. As clear as day!
Oh Kim, I'm sorry you feel that way. I do actually think that the wait to o is way harder than the tww and even worse than AF coming as well. I would not cope well with what you and jessy and also ladders went though so know you aren't alone. I do think you have to force OH a little. It really isn't nice but sometimes you just have to get the job done. That's difficult time after time when you are waiting though I know. When I talked to my OH about us needing to BD he was understanding and willing. Your not both going to feel like it at the right time unless you have a really active sex life generally so I think it's really normal for it to feel forced. Really hope you get a positive soon. What CD are you on? If you o now and have normal LP, is it much longer than your longest cycle?

And I'm holding out cos I don't want to give myself a headache squinting at tests and I think it is still too early. Only 7 dpo. Tomorrow is 8 and I think that will be tricky but I'm off on weds and I do prefer to test in peace rather than a rush before work.

I'll get by by looking at cupcakes next test tomorrow instead, can't wait!
Very bottom one is from yesterday evening. Second to last is last night right before bed. Third from the bottom is this morning and the top test I just did. It's still wet but already looks lighter than the previous one. IDK what's up with me and these tests! Some are super faint and some are close to positive :shrug:


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Cupcake, that is so exciting. Fx!!! You didn't offend at all. It makes me sad to think of her not making it, but I know that things do happen and I'm doing what I can. She was teetering around on her own this morning, and when I changed their water she went over and drank. Hopefully she will catch up with the others. Normally if there is a sick or weak chicken, the others will pick on it, but they were grooming and nudging her around so that gives me hope.

I am a bit crampy this morning so we'll see about AF. I might test tomorrow if no AF but DS usually beats me to waking up, so we'll see if I remember with fmu.

Jessy and Kim, I'm hoping you get a + soon on those opk.

Ladders and citrus, I'm hoping for the best for you!

If I missed anyone, I'm sorry. I had this all typed up and then bnb logged me out and lost it all.

If you are comfortable answering, where are you all from? If that has been asked before I joined, I'm sorry. My real name is Megan (but duster is fine on hete), amd I live in southeast Wisconsin with the menagerie of animals, DS and DH. We live in a 1913 cream city brick farmhouse and are currently working on renovating the interior as needed. It is definitely liveable but needs updating for efficiency and maintenance.
Megan, (first, do you mind if I call you Megan or do you prefer Duster?) my name is Kim (32) and I live in south Alabama with dh (33) dd (14) ds1 (13) and ds2 (9)
Dh went to work this morning but because of all the rain it was too muddy for all the equipment so he basically got rained out. I'll try my best not to hurt him today lol (totally kidding) maybe 😉😣
Kim, either is fine.

We have been getting a lot of rain here but nothing like the south has! Is there any flooding by you?

Hope dh is safe ��
Kim, you are most welcome! I will have to make a point of talking about pubes and alien pee more ;)
Do you think there's an underlying issue with hormones (I'm sorry if you have said before!)? If you haven't already perhaps it's worth having a few tests carried out to make sure there aren't any issues?
With you OH have you told him how this makes you feel, as in bluntly told him, like you are on here telling us? I think it's worth doing if you haven't, sometimes it doesn't sink in for them and it is completely different even though they may want a baby too.
Is it worth completely doing away with any tracking and simply dtd as and when the mood takes you? Your body can be pretty good at indicating when ovulation is about to take place by upping your sex drive, so you may naturally dtd at the right time even if you do give tracking a miss. It could help you relax and him if he's feeling under any pressure to perform. I realise some men do feel that way, they don't mean anything by it but I guess they sometimes feel it's all on them to make that baby happen. I know you and anyone else doesn't go out of their way to make their OH feel like that, quite the opposite as far as I can tell from this thread actually.
It's a lot of pressure on you too, it's pressure from all angles when you know you are keeping track of things and it can become too overwhelming. Sometimes taking a more relaxed approach can do the trick, in fact I have seen it happen a thousand times where people have been struggling to time things perfectly, they let go of the pressure and conceive the moment they let go.
Your tests - they are so dark still! Remind me of your cycle day and the day you usually ov?
And please don't apologise, this is what we are all here for, to support each other! If you feel you have to rant and rave or shout and scream or anything, do so <3

Jessy, do you think you may have missed your surge?

Lol Citrus, I'm happy to provide a service! ;)

Duster, or Megan, I'm so pleased your chick seems to be doing ok, let's hope this continues! Her siblings sound like they know something isn't right and want to help her. I don't know if this happens in chicken world, but I hope so. It sounds so lovely where you live and I bet there's rarely a dull moment! I live in the U.K. where the weather is mostly rubbish and the people are mostly sarcastic and drink tea. It is currently peeing it down outside and it's meant to be Jack in The Green. Good luck to all those crazy green people today!
Oh and thank you :)
I am not really sure cupcake. I doubt it. I would only have expected to ovulate sat or sun but really have no idea as i have pretty much always been ln birth control. I have 1 more digi left so will use tomorrow and if negative ill pick up some ics. Will give up completely by the end of the week.

I tried to explain it all to my OH and he just gave me this look like. What! He said you can still get pregnant if you dont ovulate though cant you? Bless.
Oh gosh, he doesn't understand how a woman's body does things, does he? Perhaps you should show him some websites on cervixes and stuff lol
I'm also from the UK (down south near London) and also got caught in the rain today! I do quite like the climate here though, not sure I'd cope with heat all the time. I also like things to be up and down, I like the winter because it makes me appreciate the summer. Guess I'm strange like that!

Jessy and Kim I really hope you get answers soon. I would just keep testing and BD whenever you feel you can. But if you feel totally BD'd out, then just wait until you see a positive and then BD. You would still be in with a chance that way.

I've (for the second month in a row) got two nights out planned for 11 and 12 dpo. I figure a test would likely be positive by then so I will be enjoying myself! I've looked at my calendar, and if not pregnant this month I will also have a night out planned for a similar time next month as it's a friends birthday! Considering I really don't get out that much, it's great timing and really makes the let down easier as I can have a drink and enjoy myself without thinking about ttc.
Citrus, I know what you mean about too much heat, I wouldn't like that too. Where we are on the coast it seems so windy it's annoying! I can't stand weather extremes, due to being hypersensitive I guess, so rain on my skin and wind I can't stand but I wouldn't be able to deal with constant heat. I love winter except for the germs

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