34 weeks and just wanna be done!!!

2 cm and 75% effaced as of yesterday. I know I wanted to wait until December, but I'm rethinking that now; the boys might have a different idea! I got one little guy who keeps trying to push his foot out of my stomach and one that seems bent on breaking my ribs. Well, I think maybe I did alright bulking them up, at least! My stomach seems to get bigger than I thought was even possible (and my arms and thighs lol)
My sister and her 5 month old are coming into town tomorrow for a week. I'm so happy to have someone new to distract me!
... I guess I will be going to those NST. I'm sure there will only be one, maybe two. I just hope they can hold onto a heart beat for more than a minute next time!
Aaawww, girls, you are both so close! I am very excited for you! Porcelain, what are the estimated weights of your boys now? 75% effaced, wow! I actually thought with 2 or 3 cm dilation they'd be admitting you to the L&D already :)
I am 35 weeks today, and I feel it's like another little milestone. My belly button is really stretched out now, i wonder if it would pop out actually. Now I just need to convince myself it's only gonna be another week :)
My hubby compared my belly button to a turkey thermometer lol! When it popped out he said they're done!
Their weights at 34 weeks was 4# 12oz and 5# 6oz. Next guesttimmate is on Tuesday; I can't wait to see how much they've grown!
My belly button never popped out. Its just completely flat now. The skin is soo thin and it looks freaky! I feel so huge right now it actually feels like my skin is going to tear open. Sooo many new stretch marks :( Of course they all show up right at the end. How many more will I get in 2 days??? We are doing another Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow with my sister and parents and my sister is bringing 3 pies! I might burst open! I am looking at it as my last chance to fatten these babies up...At least that's how I am justifying it!
What are you girls using on your belly? I use regular baby oil and bio oil, and so far no new stretch marks. I got lots of old ones from first pg on my hips. I am terrified of getting the new ones on my belly. I put in so much effort to oil it up twice a day, it just would suck to get them now.
I stuffed myself silly on Thursday for Thanksgiving :) but I won't get another u/s anymore, so I won't know how much the girls have grown in a week. I just assume they would be around 6 something lb each.
More like 7Ibs each Kat based on my trusty twin weight chart :)


If its any consolation ladies, I had stretchies from 30wks with the twins (they were fairly extensive due to the boys being big), but they had all vanished within a few weeks of their birth :) xx
So lucky no new stretch marks! I use coconut oil but only once a day. DH keeps telling me to do it twice but I don't listen. Now I regret it!
I use nothing on my belly and have gotton no stretch marks...so its all a myth, the oil and lotions and what not!!
Pammy, I read everywhere that it's a myth, but I still oil my belly up cause it feels like the oil helps.

Lizzie, lol, if they's be 7lb each now, won't you think they'd be eager to come out? Cause there is no sign of anything yet.

I am a bit worried that if my waters won't go on their own, than I won't know when to go to hospital. What shoudl I be expecting? I am terrified that nothing will happen and I will have to go to the end, to my scheduled csec on 18th!! I feel like I should be doing something to encourage the waters to break or labor to start. But instead all I do is lay around and get up to eat, use bathroom, or do minimal activity. Should I be walking around more? It's so cold outside... and putting on socks and shoes is torture. I know I know I am just being whiny... It's just that when my doctor said so excitedly at my last appointment (at 34 weeks):"Congratulations, now you only have a month to go!" I was thinking:" Are you nuts??? There is no way I could carry that long!" I know they know, but why are they talking to me like it is a standard or something to carry twins over 38 weeks??
I know all the stretch mark prevention stuff is a myth too but the oil feels good and makes it not itch.

Katrus-maybe they just say 38 weeks so you don't get your hopes up for going early. You can try nipple stimulation.

I lost a large amount of mucus this morning. Not sure if it was my plug, but it was a lot on the toilet paper when I wiped.
Oh, yeah, I was wondering about the mucus too! What the difference would be between regular mucus and the mucus plug? I had noticed a few times in the past couple of weeks some extra mucus coming out but not excessive amounts.

San Fran, do you feel anything different now at all? Are you walking around at all?
Extra mucus perfectly normal as pregnancy progresses hun. Mucus plug tends to look like snot (sorry) jelly-like and typically streaked with pink, red or brown. There's no mistaking it when it does come away xx

Ps Kat, I meant 7Ibs at 37/38wks Hun not now lol. As for coming out at that weight, mine were almost 9 and 8Ibs at 38wks and by that point showed zero sign of delivering! Bigger babies doesn't necessarily mean preterm birth and it is totally possible to go past 38wks. I know it's hard sweet but it's still better for them to stay in utero as long as possible. Post 37wks hugely Reduces the chances of any issues at birth xx
Mine was a lot of mucus that did look like snot (ewww). Last few weeks I would have a random streak of it here and there but yesterday is was a huge gob twice when I wiped. No blood though.

I don't feel much different. Normal amount of pressure and normal amount of contractions. Last night they were 11 minutes apart. I have been doing cooking and cleaning and a little shopping. My feet and legs are massively swollen though so it gets hard.

I'm really emotional today. I want them to be here but also don't feel ready. All the stuff is ready but I'm not! No turning back though.
You mean real contractions, now BH? So you are scheduled for tomorrow, right?

Nothing different with me today. Lizzie, so I have an appt tomorrow, but no u/s. how will they know how much they grew? They said there's gonna be no more u/s :(
Well the contractions aren't painful just uncomfortable so still BH I suppose. I was told to go in only if I start having them every 5 minutes since in the past I have had them regularly at 7 minutes apart. They are at regular intervals though so I'm not sure when BH become the real thing. I am dilated a little so the contractions are doing something.

I had some watery discharge and more mucus this morning with a tiny spot of blood. Put in a panty liner so I can watch it better.
Good luck to all you ladies getting near to birth :flower:

The last few weeks are torture and sooo hard, even the pain of a c-section i think was better than being so heavy and uncomfortable!
Hang in there because once you have your babies in your arms all the discomfort is forgotten and you will be back feeling like your old physical self in no time.
I have lost 3 stone since the birth and i am sooo much more comfortable, just wish i had a night to sleep right through but the babies stop me doing that from the outside now!

Enjoy the time to yourself if you can, catch a movie, eat a nice meal, spend time chatting to your partners, do things that soon you will have no time for!

Not long now :)

Dee i say that too even the pain of a c section still feels better than the discomfort of a twin pregnancy. lol all my friends who have singletons think im crazy they just don't understand.

San fran i had those regular contraction for quite awhile, lost my plug with very little show a touch here and there. I was slowly dilating but the contraction never got any worse than they already were. I was worried i wouldn't know know when to go in . it wasn't until my water broke i knew but even then it took awhile for the contractions to come really hard. Good luck tomorrow Hope you have a wonderful birth story to share with us.
Kat - I didn't have growth scans after 34wks either. Consultant booked me in for section at 38wks then didn't see me again after that! Looking back I'm a little surprised she didn't keep a closer eye just to check the boys were still happy in there. At the last scan at 34wks she estimated them to be around 6 and 5Ibs - out by about a pound. To reassure myself I checked them myself with a Doppler each day. If I'd been concerned, I would have gone straight in xx
Lizzie, I am surprised too. You'd think those last weeks/days are important to make sure babies are doing good... I have an appt tomorrow and very curious what they will be checking for if there will be no scan. Just the heartbeats?

Dee, Jackie, I'd deff take a csection now (had one 10 years ago) to put me out of this misery. I see myself being prob the whiniest one of the group until the end :(
Katrus, my water never broke with my first, but definitely knew when I was in labor! Waited at home gill contractions were 5 min apart then made the 45 min trek to the hospital, was 5 cm when I got there! So hopefully both of us feel something soon, I'm miserable!!!!!

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