Thank you all
so much - I really do appreciate you all taking the time to reply - it means so much! I agree with everything said - SA's are so difficult as things can change from day to day. I think the main thing is DH is feeling ok about things and as you commented on we now have some with good morphology so I feel like at least now we do have a chance which I think mentally is huge! I also feel good that we are finally taking further steps to work on things so fingers crossed.
Cali - so great to hear from you! I've been missing you! How are you feeling? I hope for your sake you are doing well. Thank you so much for the info regarding his count. Im so happy he is seeing a urologist - maybe he will give him some antibiotics to help with things. I'm still keeping my fingers crossed the Fertilaid will help! But at this point I'll take anything! I know it's hard once you have your BFP but don't forget about us all - it's so lovely to hear from you and how you are doing with your pregnancy!
Eyemom - that's great you got your Fertilaid. I finally got an update on tracking ours and it's on it's way!! Got hung up at the border but will be here next week! At least I now know to order the next lot early as it takes longer than suggested to get it!! Was it this weekend you were visiting your friends? If so I hope you are ok. For some reason I have been going through a really bad time with this lately. It's kind of a long story (which I can fill you in with on another time!) but I totally understand how you feel. SO many friends are all either pregnant with their 2nd or have just had them (best friend #2 had hers this past week) and it is hard. I am so over-the-moon for them - I really am, but at the same time it's so hard and I hate being the only one not to have baby number 2.
Gemmy - thank you as well. How are you doing in your 2ww? I know you said you had some AF symptoms but keeping my fingers crossed for you!
Tommy - I hope you are doing well as well.
Barbi - miss you. I read your blog last night so just want to say I'm thinking of you and wishing you lots of hugs and luck. I know everything is going to work out for you!
Isaac - did AF rear her ugly head?
Hopefully I haven't missed anyone - I can't scroll back through to make sure!! Anyway hugs to you all. Have a great weekend