35+ Granduates.. We Finally did it !!

I first felt a tiny kick at 15weeks while I was sitting upright and baby may have been slightly squashed. It was very faint but I knew what it was. I didnt feel real 'movement' until about 21 weeks I think. Before that it was more of an awareness that there was something moving in there iykwim? But before that there were little taps that let me know everything was ok. Oh, and my doppler let me know it too.
I don't have a doppler, I am afraid I would freak myself out if I couldn't find the HB.

Has anyone suffered for dreams ? Bad or good. I dream most of the night but lately they have been bad so I wake and can't get back to sleep for hours ( like now, it is 2:50am and I have been up since 1am)

My last pregnancy I suffered from insomnia:coffee: so I fear it is coming back but much earlier..

I think it started around 28 weeks last time.
hey everyone, hope you're having a good wk end :flower:

Melly, i agree with future - baby sounds good n active! don't be stressed though & make a call for an apmnt if you're worried....

Future, gawd yes re the dreams! heres a coupe i've had... at friends renewal of vows ceremony (which they have no plans for!) which was like a wedding but turned into a hula dance/show at the last minute.. this wk i dreamt the baby was black (me & dh are white!?) and the father was in prision - poor dh wasn't even in the dream! that one was so real i couldnt sleep after either...
hope you managed to get some sleep, insomnia is hard......

not much to report here... pregnancy is all about waiting isnt' it!? i'm making my 16wk apmnt this wk although will probably not see mw until the following wk when i'm nearly 17wks.. i hope to get our 20wk scan date soon though!

Future, I wouldn't worry too much either. Sounds like baby is doing well.

I felt first flutters around week 16. But didn't really start feeling a lot of movement till week 20. Now I feel baby often :D

Having a good weekend here. The weather is beautiful.
I have been doing some baking today as I foolishly signed up for a cookie exchange with friends.. now I am in for 13 doz](*,)
It's just as well because it's raining here, at least it's not snow !!
The weather has ben weird, we usually have had snow by this time of year but none as of yet:yipee: and it's been warm !

I have also some of the weirdest dreams, rjsmam:wacko:

I think the one that stands out the most is we went for a ultrasound and they told me I was having a puppy. A chocolate lab actually.. :rofl:
hey ladies
How is every one doing???
just had a dr appt yday. 15 weeks!!!
my bp was up. first time since the beginning of my pregnancy but My Doc thinks that since it was high today it will remain high and that because of that I will have to deliver early. I really want to go into labor on my own. Induction sucks hard.
I know the goal is healthy baby and healthy mom but I really just need to pout about it.
Most moms would be jumping at the opportunity to meet their baby a few weeks early. So what's the matter with me???
He also went into the quad screen stuff again. Funny thing is, he seems more worried about it than I Am!!!! lol
So 147 Bpm.......
Pink or blue.?.?.?.?.?. hmmm.... lol
flibbrtygibbt, 15 weeks seems early to predict weither they will have to induce early:wacko:
My BP was all over the place with Emily and they didn't mention anything to me till I was 36 weeks ( why make a worry so early on:shrug:)
Are you going to do the Quad screen ?

I choose not to this time because last time it caused me great stress.. for no reason..
Now that I am almost 18 weeks, I can't help but wonder if I made the right choice..
I think pregnancy is code name worry:haha:

I am going to guess BOY..lol.
This is how I think of genetic tests/results: If I took the tests and they came back postitive for an abnomolty, it wouldn't make me love my child any less. If baby has Down's? So what, I'll deal with it. I would never abort my child, and pregnancy can be so stressful anyways, why add more worry to it if numbers come back as 'high risk'? A lot of times high risk turns out to be nothing.

So try not to second guess yourself Future. Just enjoy that baby that is growing.

I, too, wouldn't worry about it yet flibberty. You may not have to be induced early.
ty ladies. I did have the quad screen done. my risk is "elevated" 1:36 the odds are still against it.
Honestly I have prayed and am at peace inside I know every thing is ok. Even if not God will see me thru it.
As for my bp I am just gonna take it a day at a time.
Hi ladies! My name is Teri and I'm 36 and pregnant with my first! My hubby and I have been trying for over 17 months so this LO is so very very welcome! I'm currently 4 weeks and 3 days and in theory I'm due August 3rd but that's up for some debate. I'm just pretty positive that August will be the month. lol No idea on whether it's a boy or girl yet ofc, but I'm excited that I'll be doing quant blood tests every week to check on my hCG progress! I believe they said at 7 or 8 weeks they'd be doing a sonogram as well. I'm not sure beyond that. :)

Hi ladies! My name is Teri and I'm 36 and pregnant with my first! My hubby and I have been trying for over 17 months so this LO is so very very welcome! I'm currently 4 weeks and 3 days and in theory I'm due August 3rd but that's up for some debate. I'm just pretty positive that August will be the month. lol No idea on whether it's a boy or girl yet ofc, but I'm excited that I'll be doing quant blood tests every week to check on my hCG progress! I believe they said at 7 or 8 weeks they'd be doing a sonogram as well. I'm not sure beyond that. :)


WOOHOO, welcome and congratulations!!!
dodgercpkl, Welcome and congratulations:hugs:
I have added you to our first post, just let us know if your DD changes.

Dorian, you are right.. I love this child no matter what and wouldn't do anything even it he / she wasn't perfect.
dodgercpkl, Welcome and congratulations:hugs:
I have added you to our first post, just let us know if your DD changes.

Dorian, you are right.. I love this child no matter what and wouldn't do anything even it he / she wasn't perfect.

God creates every single one of us perfectly ;)
but I understand I do love this baby and I am not goin to abort or anything just because.
This baby is the answer to several years of prayer. And God knows what he is doing.

On a different note...
any one wana come help me decorate my house???
Hi ladies! My name is Teri and I'm 36 and pregnant with my first! My hubby and I have been trying for over 17 months so this LO is so very very welcome! I'm currently 4 weeks and 3 days and in theory I'm due August 3rd but that's up for some debate. I'm just pretty positive that August will be the month. lol No idea on whether it's a boy or girl yet ofc, but I'm excited that I'll be doing quant blood tests every week to check on my hCG progress! I believe they said at 7 or 8 weeks they'd be doing a sonogram as well. I'm not sure beyond that. :)


welcome to our group
Congrats on your pregnancy.
I had my US at 7 weeks so thats a good time.
They will be able to see the baby (which will look like a jelly bean) and see a heart beat
After several years and miscarriages DH an I cried when we saw/heard the hb that day.
Oh I can only imagine how I'll feel the day I hear the heartbeat!! I'm so glad you got your sticky bean!! :)

I haven't read back yet, but it sounds like you are going through a bit of a tough time (if I'm wrong maybe the story will still be an encouragement to someone). I have to share a story. It's one that's given me hope and strength ever since my friend told me what happened years ago.

My good friend and her hubby had tried for 3 years to get pregnant with nothing working. They finally got to the IVF stage, and got their sticky bean. Somewhere around the middle or end of the 2nd trimester, the doctors told her that something was wrong with the baby. He had a very rare disease and it was causing his heart to form both backwards and inside out. There were other things going wrong, but honestly it's been 7 or so years since I've heard the story and I don't remember them now. Suffice to say the doctors recommended that she abort her baby because they didn't believe that he would live through the birth let alone beyond that and even if he should manage to live through the birth, he'd never have a normal life because of this - never run or play etc.

You can probably imagine just how hard this was for my friend and her hubby to hear and what a tough tough decision they had on their hands. In the end they decided to keep the baby and hope for the best. The baby was born, alive, but had NO immune system whatsoever. So the first 2 years passed with 2-3 major surgeries and a sea of sanitizer and keeping all strangers away from the house to protect the baby from germs.

That little boy is now almost 8 years old. He looks and acts like ANY normal boy - running and playing and smart as can be! You would never know from looking at him that he had such a tough start to life. Those same doctors also told my friend that the birth of her son caused enough trauma to her that she'd never have kids again. Guess what? 2 years later they had a beautiful baby girl that wasn't planned but is very loved.

I guess my point is that doctors aren't always right. There is something in the love and closeness of a family that at times can overcome even the toughest medical issues.
Oh I can only imagine how I'll feel the day I hear the heartbeat!! I'm so glad you got your sticky bean!! :)

I haven't read back yet, but it sounds like you are going through a bit of a tough time (if I'm wrong maybe the story will still be an encouragement to someone). I have to share a story. It's one that's given me hope and strength ever since my friend told me what happened years ago.

My good friend and her hubby had tried for 3 years to get pregnant with nothing working. They finally got to the IVF stage, and got their sticky bean. Somewhere around the middle or end of the 2nd trimester, the doctors told her that something was wrong with the baby. He had a very rare disease and it was causing his heart to form both backwards and inside out. There were other things going wrong, but honestly it's been 7 or so years since I've heard the story and I don't remember them now. Suffice to say the doctors recommended that she abort her baby because they didn't believe that he would live through the birth let alone beyond that and even if he should manage to live through the birth, he'd never have a normal life because of this - never run or play etc.

You can probably imagine just how hard this was for my friend and her hubby to hear and what a tough tough decision they had on their hands. In the end they decided to keep the baby and hope for the best. The baby was born, alive, but had NO immune system whatsoever. So the first 2 years passed with 2-3 major surgeries and a sea of sanitizer and keeping all strangers away from the house to protect the baby from germs.

That little boy is now almost 8 years old. He looks and acts like ANY normal boy - running and playing and smart as can be! You would never know from looking at him that he had such a tough start to life. Those same doctors also told my friend that the birth of her son caused enough trauma to her that she'd never have kids again. Guess what? 2 years later they had a beautiful baby girl that wasn't planned but is very loved.

I guess my point is that doctors aren't always right. There is something in the love and closeness of a family that at times can overcome even the toughest medical issues.

wow what a story!!!!
ones like that do give me hope
we have been thru quite a bit. My husband is my second husband and I have three beautiful children from my first marriage. They see my husband as thier dad and he is more of one than thier biological. He has no biological kids of his own and we were over the moon when I got pregnant the first time. At my first prenatal they did an ultra sound They found three sacs all measuring way far behind and all empty after a d&c we tried again for almost a year before getting pregnant again. This time I started bleeding early and we thought I had a complete miscarriage but blood work a week later showed I hadnt. after 4 weeks and an ultra sound it was determined that it was a blighted ovum and another d&c.
we waited the month and tried again with clomid and sucess another positive pregnancy test but 2 days later I lst it too.
So my dr ran some blood work and dxd me with a chromosomal disorder that can cause clots and keeps me from absorbing b vitims (folic acid is b9) so he told me to start taking 4 mgs (no not micrograms but miligrams) of folic acid and a baby asperin every day on top of my prenatal vitimin
we had more clomid and we tried again this last jan and when it didnt work we got discouraged and took a break. we tried again in aug/sept and we got a positive pregnancy test first cycle, and really we didnt expect good news
we got to 7 weeks and went for an us and both of us expected to see an empty sac but instead we saw a little jelly bean with a heart!!!!!
We cried
At 11 weeks i had some spotting and went to the dr to see what was going on and s/he was in there waiving as if to say "hey I'm ok calm down and take a nap" and we cried again lol
At 12 weeks I had a NT scan which is part of the quad screen tests.
The dr said that the scan looked good
but the blood work came back with higher results.
I am being teated as high risk with the combo of age multiple mcs and the clotting disorder and then my bp was up
I understand why the dr wants to induce early I really do I just dont WANT to lol if my bp goes down and stas down he will let me go t 38 weeks but with all my high risk combos he still says no more than 38 weeks.
Any how please dont let any of this scare you because mine is an unusual story. Or use it as inspiration if you like I am happy
dh and I are seriously on :cloud9: and my kids are thrilled as well!
Wow! That is quite a story and I'm so so so happy for you that your little bean is thriving and being very sticky! I'll be praying for you that your bp goes down and you can carry until 38 weeks. *hugs* You've got quite a miracle on your hands right there! :)
wow some really positive stories here from some very very brave people. I am trying to find my deepest brave as we approach our first scan. Whilst hoping and praying all is good and nice strong HB that isn't it for us then cos that happened last time and then without warning we lost bubs the day before the NT scan. I truly wonder if this happened to save us from the heartbreaking decision of a termination etc. I'm not sure at what point I will be able to relax but knowing this is the last ever pregnancy for me is just adding to the anxiety, I am trying trying to relax and focus on bubs right now and bond and say you will be fine but it is so so so very hard.

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