35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Thanks Chris!

I don't have all the pics my friends took yet, but here are a couple of my favorites so far. The "diaper cake" (built out of diapers and toys, etc.) and the real cake, which I thought was sOOOOOO cute with the booties on top! It was delicious, too!


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hey all!

so thanks for all the info deli meat. I knew it was listeria but I forgot about the cooking part. I know my local Subway employees prety well so i'l have them cook it for a few before. Problem solved. According to my acupuncturist this is a fairly new diatary limitation. Like soft cheese and sushi, there are women all over the world that eat it just fine with no isues. I think it's up to the individual. People in europe think we're crazy with all our rules. They eat just about everything and it's not uncommon to see a pregnant woman with a glass of wine. My friend has a picture of her mom 8 months pegnant sitting on a couch with a cigarette in one hand and a glass of scotch in the other, and she was the wife of a doctor! I'm not advocating these things, and thank god we know better, but it puts things in perspective. I do think that given the struggle we've all gone through to get to this point we are naturally more cautious. Ok my two cents spent.

angela, I am so sorry!! I know how much your dad means to you. That is such a hard thing to deal with at this stage. All my hugs to you!! On the positive side yehhh baby shower!!! The cake is huge!!! How many guests? What was the best pressent?

Chris what happens next monday??? Is that ur first scan?

steph, i'm sorry work is hellish. I have my 12 week scan scheduled for feb. 21st and that will be a vaginal.

AFM, woke up feeling yucky! Wearing sweats today at work. Probably not the best attire as my main boss just stopped into the store and I told him I was interested in the up coming promotion. Good news he was psyched to hear I was interested and said ,"that's the best news i've had all day!".. . I still haven't told him i'm pregnant. Waiting until 12 week scan.

ok i'm out freezing my ass off, it's -9 degrees farenhite! Xx anna
LOL Anna stay warm! It's nasty and rainy and foggy here, but above freezing at least.

Thanks for the hugs. It is really hard with Dad, but I'm trying to keep things in perspective. He is at peace with it and ready to go and I need to respect that. I was just so hoping he would make it to see the baby born :-(

The shower was tons of fun, though and helped brighten my weekend overall. We had about 11 people and we got tons of adorable stuff, but my favorite gifts were some little frog-themed onesies (so cute!) and my mom got him a little polo shirt with some little blue gingham shorts to go with it. Even hubby thought that was adorable. Amazing to think how quickly he will grow into those types of styles, and it should be just in time for summer here. Can't wait!

Sorry you are feeling punky! I remember those days well. Hang in, you should start feeling better soon!
Angela - What precious pics from your shower! So cute...
My heart goes out to you with what you are going through with you Dad...

Anna - Sorry you are feeling yucky! Makes it worse when you can't take anything to feel better, too! I had heard that about the lunch meat, but only about turkey... jeez... I'll never learn all these rules...

AFM - Kinda got the blahs today... had a good weekend, but a new experience... Went to a 40th bday party for one of DH's friends... LOTS of drinking and merry-making going on... We aren't telling anyone yet, so it was a night of club soda & limes... with the heartburn kicking in around drink no. 4... lol... before pg, I would frequently drink (with vodka), so I don't think anyone thought it was odd... Bit different to be on the completely sober side of things, though... lol... I was more interested in the FOOD... LMAO...

Had another beta test yesterday and doubled appropriately... Looking like I'm in the middle range of where I should be, which is good... yay! Doctor is scheduling a scan next week sometime (week 7?)...

Only other gripe - I have a job where its "professional dress", so suits atleast 3-4 days a week... and I cannot fit into my suits ALREADY!!! Some the pants are too tight on the waist and others the jacket is too tight on the boobs!! Had to get a new bra, too... 34 DDD - WTH? omg... I am going to balloon up like Shamu... I hate to be so shallow about it, but how is it that some folks are barely showing at 5 mos? arrrggghhhh.... just frustrating, as can't tell anyone, so I just look really fat...

okay - thanks for the vent & hope everyone is having a good Tuesday!
Aww AustinGurrl I totally understand. :hugs: My boobs aren't that much bigger yet so I am still squeezing into my old bras but I am admittedly wearing maternity pants. I don't really need them, but I had been carrying an extra 10lbs already before falling pg so my dress pants were already snug. My jeans and casual pants still fit, but maternity dress pants for me! Gotta be comfortable!
Nearing 12 weeks and my weight gain is now at 6lbs. Not obsessing just monitoring (as I just ate a bowl of ice cream). :wacko:
Not to rub it in but my ms is practically gone. :yipee: I hope that's ok... *Makes me a little worried but I am almost 12 weeks so I suppose it's normal to start feeling better. Still constipated. :| So painful and uncomfortable. I hope that eases off soon. Anyone else get this but I have been suffering from the worst headaches on and off since around week 8. I have taken a total of three Tylenol this pregnancy and it bugs me, but sometimes I just can't handle the headache.

Anna next Monday is my first scan!!! :happydance: I've tried to keep my pregnancy a secret but so many people at work have figured it out lately. if someone asks I don't lie... but my boss still doesn't know. I was planning on telling her on Tuesday after the scan but maybe I should tell her tomorrow? What do you all think? I'm just so scared that there won't be a heartbeat or something so the fewer people that know the better... :dohh: I can't live in fear... The rate my bump is growing there has to be a developing baby in there!!! :cloud9:

Nice pics Angela! Love the 'cakes'. Now i want one........ :wacko:
YAY Anna on a great appt! Sorry they could not hear (or show you as Steph mentioned) the heartbeat, but don't worry. I only saw mine at that stage because of the scans; they can show you on the transvag scan but not hear it yet. The first time we heard ours was at 12 weeks, I think.

And yeah, on the deli meat - I don't eat Subway or cold cuts right now, but I've eaten things like Schlotzky's (not sure if you have that where you are, but they toast the sandwiches and they get pretty hot, so I felt okay with that one). Like Chris I've never had an issue before, but don't want to start now. I'm super paranoid about food poisoining LOL!

I'm hanging in there. Rough weekened with issues surrounding my Dad (he's declining fast and probably will not make baby's birth :cry:), but on a brighter note, we had our first baby shower Saturday and it was AWESOME. My girlfriends did an AMAZING job and it was so much fun. I really needed something to lighten my mood, so I am very thankful for all of them. If I can I will post some pictures later to share the fun!

Hugs to all!
Sorry about your dad Angela :cry:

I usually only have chicken on a Subway or go vege.
Thanks Chris!

I don't have all the pics my friends took yet, but here are a couple of my favorites so far. The "diaper cake" (built out of diapers and toys, etc.) and the real cake, which I thought was sOOOOOO cute with the booties on top! It was delicious, too!

That is so cool!
First scan tomorrow, see what I have in there.:happydance:
Currently I am sweating my pants off in 28 degree Celsius weather with a big fan on and a lemon/lime drink in my hand. Perfect day to hang washing :hangwashing: but line is waaaaaaay down the end of the garden too far to walk today. :-({|=

Thanks ladies for all the hugs and thoughts about my Dad. I'm just trying to take it one day at a time. It's just very hard, because we just lost my grandmother last month, and I'm closer to my Dad than anyone else in my family.

We actually have a couple of other showers coming up, which will help keep me distracted. Today is my shower at my office, which will be fun, then this weekend I have one in my hometown (mostly family, and family friends there). Then one more (hubby's coworkers) next weekend, and we hope we'll only have a couple things left to buy LOL! Hubby is about to stroke out over all the bills so far (for baby furniture, glider, etc.) We are blessed to have so many friends and loved ones and i really need things that lighten the mood these days, so I'm very thankful for all these little parties to enjoy.

Then tomorrow is our next OB appt (checkup) and Friday we get our last planned ultrasound (35 week scan to check baby's position). I'm so excited to see our litle guy again and I hope they can tell me everything looks good. He's not moving around as much anymore (which they say is normal; he's probably 6+ pounds by now and running out of room in there) but I still worry over every litle thing. :wacko: I can't help it and won't feel "safe" till this little guy is safely here in my arms! Meanwhile I'm just trying to keep busy and keep my mind distracted, and there's plenty of stuff to do to that end!

Hope everyone is feeling well today! Chris, I am glad to hear the MS is leaving! Yay!

And Anna, i can relate to the days spent in sweats. the worst of my MS was over the summer, and there were whole days I did not get out of my pajamas.

Austin, I am so sorry you have to wear suits! Yuck! I know that tailored clothes don't leave a lot of room for "expansion" because most of my work clothes are tailored as well. That had to go out the window LOL. The best advice I can give you is do NOT feel bad if you want to start wearing maternity pants right away. They are sooooooo much more comfortable and once you switch you'll wonder why you ever spent another day in pants with no stretch LOL! They generally look exactly like your regular pants but they will be more comfy around the waist. So don't be afraid to try some! And yeah, on the b(.)(.)bs I had to go up a bra size almost immediately. A lot of that swelling and bloat will actually go away in second tri, but by then you'll be in comfy clothes anyway.

Viv- It makes me laugh to read posts from friends down under. I also have a friend on here from South Africa and to hear you ladies talk about how hot it is, while most of our country is in a deep freeze, reminds me summer will come back around eventually! I'm actually thankful that it's winter here for my third tri, becuase I would be completely miserable if it was hot here. But it will be fun to see spring and summer when they come back around!

Okay ladies, I'm off to work in a few. Hugs and love to all!
PS Viv YAY on your scan! Can't wait to hear how it goes. Please share pics if they give you some!
morning all from land of cold!! -29 this am when I got up, that's -33.8 celcius,so viv,i will trade you places any day of the week!! I know it's all relative, but damn i'm cold!!

angela, yehh for all the showers! I have a secrete fear no one will throw me one. I am psyched for the 35 week scan you're so close!!! I am also relieved that you are still nervous. I keep thinking once I get to a certain point in this pregnancy I will stop worrying, but sounds like until their out and in your arms, you still worry. Also sad for your dad but if he is at peace then that's good. Did he get a chance to record the audio book?

chris, 12 weeks!!!! Yeh!!! It will be nice to have the reassurance of the scan. I am sure all is fine but I am anxiously awaiting my 12 week scan too! I am so excited for you!! I asked my doctor about stool softner for constipation and she said it was ok, but aim for more dried fruit and fiber. Also I too have had a few headaches. Have blamed it on hormones and I took some tylenol too. Good luc and if you ask ur doctor about them let me know what he says.

austingrl, I have not had to buy new clothes yet,but jeans and sweatshirts are much more forgiving. plus I have little boobs that have increased but i'm still a B cup. I feel for you. I say go maternity. I've heard the pants are awesome. How about skirts or anything with an empire waist? I feel your pain in the cocktail front. When I first found out I was pregnant friends came into town and we went out for a glass of wine. I told them I was too hung over from so much wine over christmas and that's why I wasn't drinking. I love a good vodka tonic at the end of the day! Only thing I can say is it does get easier. Although we went out for mexican the other day and the margueritas looked sooo good!

vivienne, first scan today!! Can't wait to hear how it goes! Please put some of that heat in a bag and mail it to me!!! Take care of yourself in the heat, not good for baby to get too hot.

AFM, just trying to stay warm and eat more healthy food. How is it that I feel crappy, so I eat thinking it will make me feel better. When that dosen't work, I eat something else hoping it will do the trick. In the end i'm stuffed and still feel like crap!
have a good day!! Anna
Dang, Anna! It was 16 when I drove to work this morning... and I thought that was cold!!! And I'm in Texas! Stay warm!

Viv - Can't wait to hear about your dr appt!!

I hear ya on the food front... On Sunday, I went a little nuts & made homemade lasagnas and King Ranch Chicken casseroles.... one of each for this week & 2 to freeze for later... I hate feeling full, but am really hungry, so am making the best of it!

Have a bit of a sore throat & a cold-ish, achey feeling... But don't know what is safe to take, so just drinking lots of water.... Any suggestions?

Bye everyone, stay warm (or cool!) ... lol...
Hi Ladies,

I haven't been able to be on as much as I would have liked because work is kicking my ass.

Angela - I am sorry to hear about your Dad. But keep faith and pray that he will be able to hang in until your son is born and yes, please let us know if he recorded the audio book. Also, it was good to hear your shower went well. Your cake looks delicious! (Anna - I have the same fear that no one will throw me a shower :-().

Viv - please update us on your scan

Svet - don't worry about your weight. 6 pounds is great! It means that you are averaging about a 1/2 pound a week, which isn't bad. I am at 21 weeks I am up to 15 pounds. I am praying that only gain about 10 more pounds total!

Austingurrl - I hear you on the boob front. I am now a 40 E (I started out a 38 DD). If you aren't ready to buy maternity clothes yet, there is always the rubberband around the button trick. I did that for a few weeks before just saying to hell with it because I was just too uncomfortable. I am now at the stage where I need to buy slip on sneakers because it is getting uncomfortable to bend over and put my shoes on :-(. On the cold front you can take Sudafed. Speaking of cold...

Pablo - I do not envy your weather. My parents are in Colorado and I get an update from them about the coldness. I am in So. Cal so most days it is about 70 degrees here. The Santa Ana winds are blowing here so my already congested nose is about to get worse due to allergies. I don't think I will ever not have to blow my nose...very frustrating. I still worry about each and every scan as well.

AFM - I had a meeting with HR regarding my maternity leave. Everything seems cool. I am hoping to take about 4 1/2 months off which should be good. Monday and Tuesday, I had sort of the blues - I think all the stress of work finally hit me (along with being hormonal) and I seriously cried for most of both days. Yesterday, I didn't even want to get out of bed. My poor hubby didn't know what to do other than just hug me and call me throughout the day to see if I were ok. I am much better today though. I think crying released a lot of tension.

Glad to hear that some of the m/s is subsiding! That is good news...now beware of abnormal hair growth in odd places...LOL

I hope everyone has a great and blessed day and I will check back periodically today to see if Viv has provided info on her scan :)

To all my Northern lasses keep warm it sounds like pure hell up there!! :hugs::hugs:
Had a scan, all good when "BOB" finally behaved himself and lay on his back after 30mins (had been lying on front then side, I had to jump about, go for a walk and empty my bladder after spending morning filling it!!!). Saw arms, legs (very long legs apparently, oh dear), perfect head and had good nuchal measurement from what she could get so I feel confident it's all ok. Feels a little more real now I have seen BOB. Will post pictures in a day or so, having them emailed from clinic.
Love to all :hugs:
PS Pablo how's the MS???
Long legs are good... better than a fat head or broad shoulders :rofl: Legs just slide right on out :haha:
YAY Vivienne so glad all looks well!! :hugs:
Thanks ladies for asking about Dad. He has not yet recorded the audio book and I'm starting to think he won't be able to :-( :cry: When we saw him Sunday he was in and out of consciousness. I think he has parts of the day (like when his meds wear off) where he's more awake and lucid, but I am not sure he feels up to it. It makes me so sad, because it was such a cool idea and I would LOVE to have that book for the baby. But, I'm having to make my peace with how quickly he's declining and just accept that he may not end up able to do it. :cry: I hope he's able to surprise me, but after seeing him this weekend I don't know. He's barely able to talk on the phone. He's fine to talk, but he falls asleep almost mid-sentence.

Meanwhile, we're making it through the week here. The lovely ladies I work with threw me a terrific shower yesterday and I'm feeling SO loved, it's very sweet. We got tons of great things and it made my day!

Please don't worry that no one will throw you a shower - you'll be amazed at how many people come out of the woodwork and offer. I was certainly surprised and never expected to have 4 showers - we ended up with one thrown by my lifelong best friend (in my hometown), one thrown here where I currently live by my local girlfriends, one thrown by my coworkers (and there again, very sweetly surprised me - 20 people actually came!) and then we have one that will be thrown by hubby's coworkers. So you'll be surprised; I know I was! :) People don't usually ask until you're at least halfway along, if not farther, so don't let that worry you either, if no one asks right away. Just enjoy putting your registries together and envisioning how you want your nursery to look!

Okay ladies, I'm off for our checkup this morning. We meet the third of 3 possible docs who might actually handle our delivery, depending on who's on call. Hopefully my own doc will be around that day, but so far all the ones (well, both LOL) that we've met have been great, so I will feel comfortable with our care. I'm going to have several questions for her (starting with, "how fat can my ankles and feet ACTUALLY get, because I think we're hitting critical mass here" :rofl:) I always enjoy my appointments though, because it makes things feel like they're moving forward!

Austin - I would love your chicken casserole recipe! That sounds yummy and I love to cook!

And for those who asked about tylenol, I took it a fair bit in first tri; had no choice. I have a bad disk in my neck and when that acts up, there is no choice but to take something or lay in the bed all day. Doc said it was fine.

Happy Thursday all!
Hello ladies, can I join? :flower: My name is Chantal, I am 37, conceived baby girl Zoëlle when I was 36 and she is now 8 months old. TTC #2 right now! Looking for a thread on which I can feel at home and this might be the one?

Pumping at work right now but I will come back and read the whole thing top to bottom! In the meantime, congrats to all who are pregnant, and rottpaw sorry to hear about your dad :-(

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