35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

:rofl: Anna!!! Yes! I couldn't go anywhere w/o spilling food on me. My bump became a food magnet! One week in to motherhood and my bump is totally gone :thumbup: Just have slight swelling still in my uterus. Hope baby comes quick and easy for you. My experience was relatively positive but I'm not ready to consider doing this again.
LOL svet! So glad i'm not the only one!! I just looked down and there was a blob of yourgert. I want birth details when you get a chance, also how is BFing going??

MA, glad amelia is well. Also woohoo for the good nights sleep!
Sorry ladies - this one was not to be - my betas dropped instead of doubled.

OH, HA, I am soooo sorry to hear that. You will be in my thoughts and prayers. Huge hugs to you and your DH.
Checking in also on Viv to see if there's any word on how she's doing.
HA, I am so very truly sorry sweetie. :hugs::hugs::hugs: I know yu were preparing for this news but I know that doesn't make it any easier. Hugs, hugs, hugs!
Never, I am so sorry for your loss. :hugs:

I’m so sorry HappyAuntie!:nope:

Just popping in to say hello to everyone! Hope all is well.
morning all,another day, another dollar. And stil no baby. Nothing to tell other than he contractions are getting more frequent but nothing consistent. Guess it's a waitng game. On the positive side, today and tomorrow and i'm done with work. Physically there's no way I could do longer. Thank goodness it's almost overj!

how are all the new moms? Vivienne, thinking of you.

lots of hugs, austin and svets how ya doing?

have a good day! Anna
Hi everyone.

I got another day of rest thanks to the Ambien. My blood sugars have gone down drastically low too say that says a whole lot about how much I've been affected by this. I'll be taking a nap in a bit as well. This dreary day has me exhausted.

I've been feeling Amelia more and more wiggling around. I feel her head and butt through my belly. It's kind of funny!

Anna, glad your doing well. I'm sure you'll be starting anytime now. I'm getting REALLY excited!
Just a quick pop-in to say good morning to everyone!

And Anna... Woo-HOO!!! Your last day at work!!!! :happydance::happydance::headspin::yipee::wohoo::wohoo::dance::happydance::thumbup:
Good morning all!

Whew, another week has flown by here at warp speed. It seems that the time just goes faster and faster, even though I'm not exactly that much more productive than I was before LOL. At least we are settling into a good routine here, and looking forward to fall and cooler weather!

So, LOTS of news here in the past couple weeks. I am always reading and lurking, just rarely get into my office where I can type easily. Know that I"m always here and sending hugs and prayers, just can't always post promptly! :hugs:

So, HOORAY for our new mommies, Chris, Viv and Charmaine! I am SO excited for all of you! I know you will be far to exhausted and run ragged the next little while to worry much about posting, but we are thinking of you and sending love. Can't wait for pics when you get time!

VIV - Honey, PLEASE don't feel like any of this is your fault. You WILL get through it. You WILL be a FANTASTIC mom. I ended up suffering PPD around the fourth-fifth months after the birth and it was horrible. If yours has hit so severely and suddenly, I can only imagine your fear and worry. But please know that it WILL get better. We are praying for you and little Callum every day and you will see the sun shine again, I promise! Please update us when you can.

Steph, Lucy, Terri - how are you ladies doing this week? Katelyn and Tilly sleeping any better? That, too gets better over time. I am thrilled to say that now, most nights, Ethan sleeps soundly right through the night (say 11 pm to anywhere between 6 and 7 am). Thank GOD and not a minute too soon, LOL! But he really has been doing great and you'll both be there soon! :hugs:

Anna, Sunshine - you girls are next, right?! I am SO excited for both of you and you will do GREAT. DO NOT WORRY about labor and delivery. I know that is easier said than done, but honestly, by the time you get to the hospital and things really start moving, it will all become a blur anyway, no matter how things progress or what direction they take. And try to just relax - have a plan, but don't be fearful of what you'll do if things take a side turn. They almost always do. It is so funny how you can develop almost amnesia after giving birth. Not after the first few weeks, but after a few months, the pain and worry and tension just sort of disappear from your memory. I honestly can't remember much about my hospital stay except the blur of L&D and then exhaustion :)rofl:) - because it all becomes tempered by your love for that little one and your joy at meeting them! :cloud9:

Bek, how are you sweetie? I am so glad the Ambien helps you sleep! Get all the rest you can now! :rofl: it is definitely harder to rest after they get here! I know you cannot WAIT to meet Amelia and I am SO happy for you my sweet friend. You have been through so much to this point and I am praying you have a peaceful, calm birth experience with your baby girl! Not long now!!

Skye, how are you doing? Enjoying that "honeymoon" phase? I remember feeling pretty great around weeks 19, 20, 21... Visibly pregnant but not uncomfortably so, and feeling better energy and appetite. Hope all is well!

Lava, NMG, and our new girls, CeeDee and Rowan - how is everyone doing this week?

Okay girls. I gotta run get a couple things done while the munchkin sleeps. Later!
Good morning, everyone! Anyone over the pond getting ready for their bank holiday? I am ready for Labor Day weekend & we have a little beach trip planned for mid-Sept. Now that I have a little more energy I want to make up for the rest of Summer which I spent either in bed or by the toilet. ;) Hope all is well. Waiting on Anna to have her baby. Who is next?

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