35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Congrats Happy auntie!!! Over the moon for you! Happy and healthy 9 months to you! :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Pablo....anything going on yet? :flower:

So Tilly is still up all night, am pretty knackered, hope she grows out of it soon!:wacko:
Girls I'm truly amazed and happy for all of you who came up with good news in one weekend. TTCing at 35+ I figured out that it would be a looong wait but both graduates and the TTC thread has been really fruitful after waiting, waiting and waiting all at once. Woooooooow. I'm gonna cheer for all 5 babies and BFP news that came together in one weekend.
It is incredible.
Sveta well done on the sweet little girl.

Charmain congratulations for all three beautiful babies managed to be born with well developed lungs and be healthy.

Viv congratulations sweetie for your healthy baby boy, Callum. I'm sorry for you had a difficult birth and the depression unfortunately. However it is releiving to know that this is a hormonal situations which a lot of women find themselves in after the birth and hopefully it shouldn't last long. I wish you and your little baby to recover as soon as possible. Poor little Callum sounds as exhausted and shell shocked as you are after the unfortunate difficult birth and hopefully his feeding instincts will recover soon and he will latch. My Dh's both mum and his sister had the depression after every birth. It couldn't be helped even though the sister expected it knowing her mum had it. She took hormone supplements after the birth and things went back to normal gradually. Many many hugs for you both :hugs::hugs:

HA congratulations again sweetie. Well done after all that heart ache and looong waiting. :dust::dust::dust::dust::dust: I hope your baby is the super sticky bb that you would have in your arms after a healthy and stress free 36 weeks. So we would be cheering again for you when the time comes. :kiss::kiss::kiss:

I'm just back from DH's couson's wedding so will catch up more tomorrow. The weekemds been wonderful hope the week ahead would also carry on the good luck. We have two more girls Pablo and Chris close to birth so wish you biiig biiig good luck girls. :kiss::kiss::kiss:
Viv - hugs! Let everyone take care of you and just focus on getting better. I had trouble bonding with Edward after our tramatic birth and I can say that it does get better and now our bond is fantastic. :hugs:

Happy Auntie - congratulations!!!!
Holy Smkoes!! So much news!!

Charmaine, huge hugs to you!! So happy for you and the three little girls. So happy they are so healthy and that you are doing well, except for the c-section pain. It's such a huge accomplishment to carry those babies all the way to 34 weeks!! I am so proud of you and so happy for your girls. Beautiful names BTW.

Lava, please don't worry yourself too much over the test results, sounds like your odds are very slim. Hang in there girl, I know it's hard.

MA, so happy you found some dresses. I can't wait to stop working so I can wear a mumu for the next two weeks. Try not to stress the finances, everything will work out, it always does. Hope the meet with nicu goes well, but hoping even more you take this pregnancy all the way to 40 weeks and no need for NICU.

HA, WOOOO HOOOOO!!!!! Congrads to you sweetie I am so happy for you!! No one know like us girls who have struggled as well what a great feeling it is to get that BFP. Here's to a happy and healthy nine months :wine: Cocktail free of course.

Vivienne. First congrads on delivering a healthy baby boy, that is a huge accomplishment!! Second what you are feeling is a chemical reaction in your brain and in no way your fault! It's hormones plain and simple and their chemical makeup and balance that are making you feel this way. You are in no way a failure. BFing is hard, if it were easy there wouldn't be a bazillion books out there about it. We've all had friends that have had trouble or been unable to BF. At the end of the day, formula is just as good and the baby will get the nutrients he needs, so no worries. As for the attachment, it will happen and again it's the chemical thing, nothing to do with you. I am glad you talked about this issue here and felt comfortable telling us what you're feeling. It's an issue that a lot of women don't talk about, they just smile and pretend everything is fine. The reality is that a lot of women suffer from some sort of depression and don't get help or tell anyone. So thanks for saying something. It's very brave. I think you've opened the door for anyone else who may suffer as well. I talked with a girl friend this morning that made me promise to contact someone if I was having any sort of depression. She has her PHD in counseling and has helped many girl friends in situations similar to yours or more severe. She says there are many anti depressants that are TOTALLY safe to take while BFing. We're here for you hon if you need anything!!!! Lots of hugs and love!!!

AFM, nothing to tell. knock on wood, I'll probably be a week late. Heaven forbid!! However tomorrow starts my last week of work. Every morning I lie in bed trying to visualize my water breaking so I don't have to go to work that day. Sad and pathetic I know. Have a good evening all and so happy for all the wonderful news, 5 babies and 2 BFPs in a matter of days!! How blessed are we?? :cloud9::cloud9:
Only one more week of work!!! Woo Hoo. So jealous! ;)
Charmaine Congrulations on the birth of your three babies! I am so happy for you and your DH!!!!! YAY

Vivien - congrats on the birthf of your son. As everyone has already said, what you are going through will pass. As for the breast feeding don't get down on yourself for him not latching on. It will get better. If it doesn't then you can always pump milk for him and bottle feed or just do formula. But no matter what it will be ok. As for the bonding, that will also come. I am happy that you are talking to someone and getting help as it is important. Also know that we love you and are here for you

Happy Auntie - CONGRATS on your BFP!!!! So so happy for you. That is excellent news. Welcom to Graduates!!!!! As I stated before, we will need to start another graduate thread on the parenting site as everyone will be there soon!

Rebekah - YAY on finding two dresses and at 50% off!!! Woohoo! Please take lots of photos.

Anna - Hang in there girlfriend and I rebuke your statement about your going a week over. Your baby will come when she is supposed to (hopefully soon!). Excellent news about 1 more week of work.

Lava - good news about the test results, I am sure your husbands tests will be fine

For you ladies that had/will have c-sections take all the mesh panties and pads home that you can. Take the BIG pads (that look like diapers). The mesh panties are fantastic because they go up high enough as to not irrate your incision.

AFM - Katelyn is doing well (I promise to post more photos after we get back from Denver), the only issue is that for some reason she is no liking nursing anymore. She will eat for about 5-10 minutes, but then she decides that she doesn't like the taste of my nipple and spits it out and crys hysterically. I don't know if it is because of my soap or if one or more of my ducts is blocked and she is getting enough milk fast enough. Either way, she aint liking nursing any more. Not that I was doing it a whole lot, especially since I will be back to work in 2 weeks, but still. It was nice to know that if we were out and I didn't have a bottle she could nurse. I am going to try some warm compresses to see if it unblocks anything and trying to make sure no soap gets on my nipples (sorry if that is tmi).

Hi to everyone else!!!!! Hope everyone has been having a great weekend.

Hugs and love!
Please say a prayer for Never who started bleeding a couple days ago after returning from her Vegas trip and went in for a scan this morning to learn she lost her little bean at 8w3d. So sad. This her second angel baby & she is devastated.
So much news over the weekend!!!!

To Junebug and HA - congrats on the BFPs!!! :happydance::happydance: Wishing you both a happy, healthy and uneventful nine months!!!

Happy Birthday to Sophie, Gemma, Isabella, Annemarie & Callum!! :cake:

I'm so happy for all of you beautiful new moms and new moms-to-be, I had tears in my eyes as I was reading through everything.. And this time it's not even due to hormones! Just some plain, old-fashioned happiness! :hugs::flower:

Viv, there really isn't anything I can add to what everyoe else has already said... I have complete faith that this WILL get easier for you and little Callum. Hang in there, my friend. :flow:

Lava, as Anna said, please try not to worry about the results too much. The odds are HEAVILY in your favor. And thank you for the update on Never - my heart aches for her right now, and she'll definitely be in my prayers.

Anna - woo-HOO on the last week of work! I keep having the same thought as you... if I were to go into labor NOW (or preferrably next week), I wouldn't have to go to work... :haha: But then again, if we can stick it out 'til the end, just imagine how nice it'll be to have a week or two to ourselves. And I won't even feel remotely guilty for lounging around those last few days... :thumbup:

To all the other ladies I didn't individually address - :hi: and good morning!

Have a good day, everyone!
Sunshine, I was thinking last night I was the last to have the baby,but you're just a couple of weeks behind me. You are right, if I go on time then i'll have a whole week to lounge around to myself! I'm not getting out of my PJs the whole week!

My thougts and prayers are with Never. My hear breaks for her. Many hugs her way.

AFM, slept like *!it last night. Hips and baby not happy. However all is well and baby seems content to hang out for a while longer. Soooo here I am, a beached whale.
have a good monday! Anna
Hi ladies! Well this morning started out rough. NOW I just have to laugh it off. 7am and the maintenance guys come to shingle the roof. I felt as though I was going to fall through the floor so that woke me up. Doug was still oblivious to the world sleeping. I ran to the bathroom to pee for the umpteenth time (Got to bed around 230am finally) came back into the room to find a HUGE pile of Dog vomit on my rug. Had to call my husband to get it, woke him up...got it, found more...then he had to steam clean the rug. Ran to the bathroom in a sneezing fit and came back to the room where somehow Italian dressing spilled on the floor. Poor Doug had to mop that too. THEN we had to make it to our NICU consult. I'll tell ya, I give my husband a lot of grief, but he honestly does come through with things that need to get done...though just ask him to remember something and he won't have a clue these days. Haha

Nicu consult went better than expected. We have a plan and the Dr. was nice. They won't just wisk Amelia off, they'll let us spend time with her and would only cart her off if she was in an emergency situation. They'll try and allow us to bf'd asap. She was very kind and understanding concerning our loss and just the experience we had that she and her team will be willing to make accomadations for us. She even mentioned that my labs, urine dips and weight have been excellent. She told me I need to be more positive and that she see's no reason why we wouldn't have a healthy baby girl whether giving birth now or "hopefully" at term. Also Doug has permission to go to NICU with the team...he cannot interrupt or bother them....but he's allowed to follow them up there if and when it were to happen. Puts my mind at ease that someone I KNOW will be there with Amelia to know she's okay!

All in all a productive day! I am tired so I'm going to take a nap. Or at least try! Still banging on the room.

So sorry to hear about Never. Just heartbreaking!
MA, so glad the NICU appt went so well!! Sounds like you have a great team working with you. Sorry about the dog puke. Your husband is a saint. Mine would look at me and say, " your turn". Have a good day and nap.
MA great news with the Nicu team all fingers crossed for you that you would go to term and have Amelia healthy and happy :))) BTW what's happening with your little doggie? Did u get him checked out? He has been not well for a few days now no?

Pablo I'm so excited waiting for your news now :)))) and next up is Sunshine hopefully.

My thoughts and prayers is with Andrea :cry: It's really sad.

Junebug I sort of missed your posts btw. Are you pregnant sweetie?

AFM my tummy keeps growing but no signs of Shirin kicking yet. I can't wait for her to make her existence clear. When did you girls have the kicks? I'm almost 19 weeks now???
Thanks Anna and Skye.

Skye, yes. She's been sick for a couple of days. We're unsure if it was actually her because it was quite a big mess. We're wondering if our other dog may have actually caught what she had. We're thinking a stomach bug?? We have rice and baby electrolytes. If it keeps up we'll get her in for an emergency appointment with the Vet this week. He's pretty good. She had shots a couple weeks ago, but I don't think it'd take this long to react.

As for movement. I started feeling fluttering around 16wks. The kicks didn't really start until 28wks. I've heard that it can take longer with women who are having their first....but I'd also imagine that weight could have an impact too. For instance I didn't feel Amelia's real kicks outside until 28wks. I have more padding. Another girl due a day before me started feeling kicks around 18wks.

on to BREASTS. Ladies. I'm having periodic pain in the nipple and areola areas. Did anyone ever have this? I brought it up in another thread on bf'ing board but the ones who answered said it sounds like Raynauds phenomenon. I got the pain again last night in both and this morning in my left breast. Doug read up on it and as an RN isn't convinced it's what it is. I just keep wondering if it could be milk getting ready to come in. :shrug: Did any of you feel pain in the nipples and areola? I notice my nipples are blue or purple during this as well.

Any input would be helpful.
So many babies!!! Wonderful! Leo babies! :baby::baby::baby::baby::baby:
Congrats, Sveta! I am so happy for you. I love her name, so cute! Can’t wait for pics!

Austin, Oh my goodness! What a blessing! Congrats on your healthy, triple threat!

Vivienne, Congrats on your little one! Sorry you’re having a hard post natal time. I’m praying that things get better.

Rebekah, Glad things got better at your appointment.

Lava, Sorry about your test results, hopefully hubby isn’t a carrier. I’m so sorry to hear about Never, sending prayers.

June, Yeah for darker lines.

Rebekah, It’s great that you found a dresses on sale. I love a great sale. It’s understandable to be a little moody, you’ve got a lot going on. Hopefully you will feel better soon.

Congratulations, HappyAuntie!! Praying for a sticky, healthy bean!!! :yipee: :yipee: :yipee: :yipee:

Hello Lucy, Rowan, Skye, Codegirl, Pablo, MissMuffet, sunshine!
Thank you for all your kind words.

Once was bad enough but twice....

My original due date is 3rd of September (same as yours Anna?) and now dreading it even more than I already was.

Congrats Austin with your girls, Viv with your son and Svet with your daughter.

Will head back to lurking :flower:

AAAAwww Andrea, many many many hugs for you sweetie. :hugs::hugs::hugs: I wish I really could give you hugs. :cry::cry::cry:

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