35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Never - I am so sorry. My thoughts and prayers are with you. We are here for you if you need to talk.

Rebekah - glad that the NICU visit went well and sucks about the dog puke. I had a similar situation with one of my pups. Went to bed and woke up with 3 piles of dog puke in 3 different areas, one right by Katelyn's changing table. I put diapers over it to mop it up LOL, once my hubby woke, he then cleaned the carpets.

AFM - went to visit a friend of mine who had a c-section this morning (her son was breech). He weighed 9lbs and is adorable. He is about as big as Katelyn is at 4 months LOL! We then went over to NICU to visit with the nurses. Two of my favorite nurses were there. They recognized me and my hubby immediately but said theywould never had recognized katelyn. Other than that, just getting ready for our trip. I fear that I am packing waaaay too much for baby girl. I have a huge duffle bag full of clothes for her. I may have to take some stuff out.

Anyway, hugs to everyone. I hope you are all having a good evening.

Never, I am thinking of you, once bad enough but twice is awful... I lost two, then had Tilly, so don't give up, let yourself heal and then maybe the next time will be your forever baby..I really hope so. :hugs::hugs::hugs:

MA I do remember having shooting pains in my breasts at your stage, I assume it was the milk coming in, still happens now occasionally. But sounds a different paint to yours.........sorry. :shrug::flower::hugs:

Skye, I felt flutterings at 14 weeks, but not proper kicks and obvious movement until well over 20 weeks. Don't worry, everyone feels things at different times, depending on body type and also where the baby is sitting. Midwife said I felt movement early because Tilly was sitting very high up? You will feel something very soon now and it is amazing! :kiss::hugs::flower:

Miss muffett any latest pics of Katelyn?:blush:

Pablo, can't believe you still have to work! Still not long now..:hugs:

Hi everyone! :hugs::hugs:
Good morning everyone :)

Never - you're in my prayers. :flow:

Skye - I didn't feel any anything until some time after 20 weeks. But I have an anterior placenta, which means it's attached in the front (under my belly button), and not the back. It also acted as a pillow and buffered any early movement I may have felt otherwise. That's something the u/s tech would have been able to detect - just curious if they mentioned anything like that to you. Mine didn't say anything to me until I asked about it...

Steph - where are you heading for vaca? I give you credit for taking on a trip with such a little one... I told my hubby that I don't even want to think about taking her on any kind of vaca until she's at LEAST a year old, and realistically, probably older. It just seems like it would be so overwhelming to me, but who knows. I'm probably just a big chicken. :)

Okay, no "probably" about it. I am a big chicken!

I hope everyone has a good day - we're one day closer to the weekend!
Hey, Anna - I forgot to ask in my earlier post... Did you feel any rumblings from the earthquake that hit? Or are you not in that area? At least it sounds like no one was hurt, thank God...
never hugs hon - not sure if itll help but after my 2nd mmc I read a great book called Coming to term by Jon Cohen https://www.amazon.com/Coming-Term-Uncovering-Truth-Miscarriage/dp/0618277242 and it helped me x

I started feeling martha at 17 weeks and now shes got quite a pattern - i can see big kicks (shes getting some power behind her now) but dh cant feel them - Ive got an anterior placenta as well so I think if this is a dampened version then crikey Id get no rest if I could feel everything - she keeps me awake already kicking :) lovely of course! every sonographer has commented on how very active she is tho and my consultant was saying shes the most active baby she'd seen in a long time - so Im guessing shes going to be hyper like the rest of the little ones on my side! :) lovely! my sister didnt sleep through til she was 6 :) going to be fun and games!
glad nicu went well MA thats reassuring - I get pains in my nipples too figured it was just them getting ready?

HI everyone :):flower:
welcome lovely babies - really looking forward to seeing some photos!

Viv I'm so sorry things are rough at the moment - sending you big hugs xx
Hello Ladies,

I have been missing for quite some time. Baby is just fine, I just have been experiencing sadness lately - first many of my friends have been having miscarriages, then Charlie's mom passed away last week after a few weeks of going downhill very fast. She was almost 92, and in a nursing home, but it still hurts even when you expect it. And of course, the drama - Charlie's sister's have been through some bad divorces and think each other's ex is the devil, but told me right before the wake/funeral that they LOVE charlie's ex-wife (which is odd because she didn't like them) and she was so good to them (not really, even charlie is confused about that one) and they will go out of their way to make sure she is welcome - possibly even putting her in the line for the wake with the family! When I told them that was crap they told me I was very hurtful. :shrug: she made charlie miserable but they are making her out to be a saint! When I told them I was surprised because if anyone treated my brother the way she did him, I would beat the crap out of her, but I am "immature". Oh, but she did not show up for the wake/funeral. thank god. I would have been polite of course, but my place is by MY husband. So I have been very quiet, trying not to blow this up at charlie as he gets stressed out about it too.

On the plus side, I am just about 14 weeks, and the all-day morning sickness has subsided to about 2 nausea events a day. that's a big plus! It's decreasing, yay!

We have the first part of the integrated test last week, a blood test and ultrasound, and the next blood test is in a few weeks. I JUST found out literally last week that Charlie's mom's first baby had severe downs and died within 3 months of birth at an institution. charlie never knew, his sisters didn't think he needed to know all these years. So right before the integrated tests about downs really threw me off. but we did get more pics of poppy who has been growing so well! :) That has kept me sane and happy lately.

I'm so happy for all the new bpf's! and a big, warm hello to my friends here. Miss you all!


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Never - sending you lots of hugs and prayers

As for traveling with babies. I've flown with both my boys in the early months and then with Edward when he was 10 months. And I've done some road trips with Edward and then both boys.

It is easy easy easy with a newish baby compared to one that is mobile. trust me... squishy baby that just eats and sleeps = traveling good

You pull over more when driving to feed them but they don't get "bored" or ask "are we there yet" or anything else a 2 year old can think of :haha:
NMG - so sorry you're going through such a tough time with the in-laws. It can really be hell. Believe me, I know.

Thank God for that little one to keep you focused on happier things! LOVE the 3D pics, too. Even though you know s/he's in there, seeing the u/s photos just makes it incredibly real, doesn't it?

Keep focusing on the positive, and don't forget we're all here when you need to vent. :)
quick post. No baby. Never, I am thinking of you. Vivienne, you too. Sunshine, what earthquake? We don't get many in colorado,but it can happen. Steph, sounds like you packed a lot. It's been warm in denver, nights cool. Ma, yes i've had some nipple pain, attributed it to milk stuff, and yes they are more bluish, but from what i've read normal.

Austin and svet, hope you are doing ok. Spending day of watching women on TLC have babies and scareing the crap out of myself.

will write a proper post later. Anna

P.S. Newly, you get the prize for worst family ever! What witches ur SILs are?!!
NMG so sorry you're having trouble with the inlaws, don't let them stress you, they will do what they do, you just look after your guy and your bub and let them get on with it...love the pics! Glad the nausea is getting better. :hugs:

Pablo, don't worry about giving birth...just see it as something you have to get through to meet your baby....you can have as much or as little painkiller as you want....most births are straight forward too....but it's normal to be nervous....I hope it's a quick easy one for you! :hugs::hugs::flower:

Hoping to see some pics of the new babies soon, hope you are starting to feel better Viv.:hugs::hugs::hugs:
sunshine, I stand corrected. Lo and behold we did have an earthquake in Denver today. Who knew? Guess it happened very early this morning, and no I did not feel it where I live. I was probably passed out anyway. Heard there was another in virginia as well.

Lucy, thanks for the kind words. I have a friend who had her baby in an hour. Woke up to her water breaking and an hour later baby was there. No time for epidural, but wham bam and baby was out. That's my dream scenario.
Hi ladies. Very interesting 24hrs. Our peke is still sick. More of the trotts EVERY HOUR and she only got sick once. I've had to wake Doug every hour over the night to take her out. He got a taste of what it's been like for me. :rofl: Waking up to pee every hour, uncomfortable positioning, etc. etc.

Early this morning I noticed I hadn't felt Amelia so we called Perinatal Center and I let them know I've been having quite a lot of pressure in my lower back. They asked us to come in and put me on the monitor...checked the Amniotic fluid etc.

BEFORE we got there we were at the McDonalds drive thru getting bottled water and the car started shaking. I thought some oddball got under our car and was trying to steal a part whilst the car was on. :rofl: No tree's were blowing so it wasn't wind....turns out we had a 5.9 earthquake here in Central NY.

I was prescribed Ambien! :happydance: I'll be starting it tonight. She came up with a plan to try it three days in a row to see if it starts the sleep process on it's own again. I'll take a shower, turn the air on and rest before bed. I'm praying it works. It would be a blessing! She also prescribed a prenatal cradle pelvic support for my lower abdomen since I've had such a hard time with the pressure below. They had to order it in my size however it's covered under our insurance 100%. :happydance: SO, I may catch up on some sleep and be a bit more myself in a few days. REALLY looking forward to it!
Good morning everyone :)

MA - yay for the Ambien! Hopefully you'll get some sleep now.

Anna - yep, there was quake in VA, too. I didn't feel anything up here (Western NY), but some people in the area say they did. It was a 5.9 at the epicenter, but of course that was in VA. Up here not so much.

You made me laugh about scaring yourself w/the TLC programs - I'm going to have to ban them once I'm home for the day!

Viv - thinking of you & hope you're doing better :flower:

AFM - not much. Actually have to work today, as my replacement called in sick. :growlmad: Have a great day, all!
:hi: That's all the time I seem to have these days! :rofl: Trying to keep up with y'all via my phone, just no time to post. Hugs all around. So sorry for you loss NSN

Welcome Happy Auntie :yipee:

Viv- :hugs:

Congrats Charmaine!! PICS! *Like i'm one to talk.....

Thinking of you all!

Hope you are hanging in there Anna!! Not long to go! xo

Hopefully I'll get a chance to post some pictures today. I am so in love with my little cherub. I am starting to get a hang of this I am never going to sleep again mommy thing. :haha:
Svet, yeh so glad all is going well!!! I can't wait to see pictures.

Vivienne, how are you hon?

Charmaine, pictures from you too!! How is life with triplets??!!

MA, sorry for the scare. How is amelia? You left that part out, you were on your way to hospital to have everything checked out. Glad you got the ambien. How did you sleep last night?

AFM, I got ambien too! Asked doc at weekley appt if there was a pain killer I could take so I could sleep and she said," you know what works great at 38 weeks, ambien" I have to say she and all you guys were right. I woke up at 4:30 to pee but didn't wake up once because of pain. Heaven!! Gave one to DH too cause he's been stressing over work and cash. Doc also said i'm still about 1.5 cm dialiated. She did strip my membrane to try and get things going ( FYI this hurts like hell). If I don't go by due date then they will schedule induction. Due date is still a week and a half away. But, counting down last three days of work!! I am going to do one big happy dance!

one last question to all the still preggers and anyone who remembers. Do you wear all your food? It's like I end up with all my food on my bump. I think it's food that would naturally fall to the floor but now ends up on my bump. I look like a slob!

happy hump day! Anna
Hi ladies!

Hallelujah! \o/ I've had THE BEST Night last night. :happydance: I slept! Can you believe I slept last night! Oh how I LOVE sleep. At least some. I'm feeling refreshed and ready for a lifetime of limited sleep now. :rofl: I have more which I'll take tonight and tomorrow....then I'll try to see if I can sleep on my own. Maybe it will kick things in.

Anna....oh yes. Amelia! She's doing fine. I can't BELIEVE I forgot the most important update. She wasn't moving as much so they had me come in. Her stress test was excellent and she started kicking away after they manipulated her a bit. We think she was just sleeping as this is the start of the babies sleeping longer. (must be nice). :rofl: We DID find out though that she turned right back to breech again. :wacko: She's got momma's independent personality. :lol: All plans are out the door! I'm at peace with whatever happens. As long as she gets here safely, that's the main thing! :thumbup:

Chris, so good to see you. Can't wait to see all these new babies already!

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