35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Lava, I think I'm up after Anna. Then it's MA in October.

So Anna, as much as you want your little one to get here, do me a favor... Keep her in there, please! I'm not ready to be next!!!! :shock:

(Of course I'm kidding - I'm awaiting your good news as much as everyone else here! :kiss:)

I had my OB appt. yesterday, and she said to make sure I had stuff ready, because theoretically I could go at any time. "But no! I have four weeks!!" She said, "Yes, technically, but it still could be any time." My response to THAT was sticking my fingers in my ears, chanting "la la la la I can't hear you la la la la..."

I think she wonders which one of us will be the bigger baby - me or the newborn. She's also probably hoping I don't go into labor on her shift... :dohh:
Sunshine LOL!! At this rate you will be before me!! I have this women's intuition that I will be induced. Every night I go to be telling the baby that tonight's the night, let's get this show on the road and every morning no baby. The big thing is yes, this is my last day of work and wooohooo!! This is probably TMI, but I woke up this morning and cleaned the house naked. It was just so nice not to have any constricting clothes on! I may spend the next week that way. LOL not really, but it's tempting. Don't worry chris, when the time comes you will be ready!!

rottpaw, great post! I think you remembered everyone! glad to hear Ethan is sleeping through the night, that's awesome

MA hope you are well! When does the stitch come out again?

Lava, your trip sounds great and I am so glad you are feeling better.

hi to all the new momies, I am sure your hands are full.

hi to everyone else!!

AFM, as previously stated, no baby. I have had several dreams where I was back in my old clothes so hopefully that's a good sign. Had sushi last night and it was good. Figure if I get sick at this stage they can just get the baby out. To anyone on the east coast, I am wishing you a safe passage of the weekend in lieu of the hurricane. Yipes!!! Stay dry and head for higher ground!

weird question, think I lost my mucus plug yesterday, but to me that's weird because how could the doc check my cervix and strip the membrane if I had a mucus plug. Dosen't it go over the cervix? Or are my facts totally wrong? Any advice is helpful.
Anna if you are cleaning naked baby could bw here any minute!! :haha: the two days before I had Sophie I was so agitated I couldn't wear anything on the fitted side it all felt way too constricted!!!! Fx'd for ya

Hello to everyone! Just on my phone with a fully awake ten day old sitting on my lap. I can't believe she is already ten days old! :shock:
Good morning, everyone! Anyone over the pond getting ready for their bank holiday? I am ready for Labor Day weekend & we have a little beach trip planned for mid-Sept. Now that I have a little more energy I want to make up for the rest of Summer which I spent either in bed or by the toilet. ;) Hope all is well. Waiting on Anna to have her baby. Who is next?

I know that feeling, Lava! Finally feeling better myself, with only a few nausea moments a day, so we are looking forward to getting out and about in Sept and Oct. We are trying to setup a "babymoon" where we would spend a night or two at a cute bed and breakfast and get some massages and a manicure and get to shop at the nearby outlets.

You are in Georgia, right? Bracing for Hurricane Irene? :) Charlie and I are going to NY this afternoon for one night coming home tomorrow afternoon, looks like right before the storm will hit us! yikes!

Can't believe there are new babies here, and the line is moving forward. In a blink of an eye, my 14 weeks will turn into 40 weeks then it will be my turn.....:shock:

hello to everyone, hope all is well!
NMG - I assume you mean NYC? Have fun! I just LOVE Manhattan - I'd move there if I had the proper funds :)

Normally I'd say too bad you only have one day there, but considering the weather...

Have a good time!
NMG, why did I think you lived in England??? Babymoon sounds great! Glad you are feeling better.

Sunshine, i'm with you re:NYC. I LOVE Manhattan, but have always been there as a tourist, bet it's different when living there. None the less I love the energy of the city, running in central park, good bagels, the subway and access to ethnic food! We are so homongnized (sp) here!

happy friday all!!
P.S. Svet, thanks for the up date! Has it really been 10 days!! Seems like yesterday!
My husband came home tonight and said he's been thinking more about whether to do the amnio. I've been making myself sick thinking about it & worrying about miscarriage risks & what we would actually do with any info. that we got from it. I hate thinking we might struggle with a special needs child, but if we miscarried from the amnio I don't know if I could survive the guilt. In any other instance, a miscarriage is no one's fault. It is a blameless tragedy. But here our Downs risk is approx. 1:1600 & our Trisomy risk is about 1:2700 while the risk for amnio-induced miscarriage for twins at my perinatologist's practice is 1:250. We've tested negative for cystic fibrosis & 30 other genetic defects. We can probably detect spina bifida thru ultrasound. I have been having such a hard time reconciling these numbers. If we'd gotten bad screening results that pointed to a problem, I could see taking the risk. And with my age & my husband's plus my high FSH score & need for fertility treatment to get pg, I'm worried about having to TTC again. Thanks for letting me ramble on. I just feel relieved that my husband is now leaning against the amnio. I didn't want it & was only going to do if he still felt as strongly about knowing with 100% certainty whether our babies were healthy ... like you can ever have a guarantee. But what if we are the "1" and our child has a serious life-altering defect? What if it strains our marriage & I lose my husband for not being brave & doubting the wisdom of having the amnio, which is a commonly practiced procedure? Am I just putting my head in the sand? I've become so attached to these babies & have just started getting used to the idea that I'm pregnant & will finally be a mother. I hope I'm not offending anyone, especially those who have had a miscarriage. Maybe I'm just hormonal & overly anxious & emotional. I'm not sure I even can trust my own decision-making right now. I'm too invested in the outcome & it's a dilemma no one can decide for me. Even my doctor can't give us a recommendation here. And I've asked God what to do & prayed about it, with no help in the discernment arena. Anyway, I hope that this is making some sense. I probably just sound very confused. I realize this is a pretty stream-of-consciousness post. Thanks for indulging me.
lavalux, go with your gut, don't get the amnio. I had the same feelings as you and my screening tests came back positive enough for me to feel I didn't need the amnio. I think your results are very good as well. Obviously i can not tell you what to do, but definitely go with your gut. Do not worry about your marriage. I did alot throughout my pregnancy for no reason whatsoever other than stupidity and my husband has been the best father these past ten days. Men will really surprise you. Not all run when the going gets rough and you have no reason to expect a rough going (other than the fact that you are giving birth to two babies!!) lol Big hugs to you. xoxo Enjoy this time in your pregnancy. The next few months are really the best.

All I can say is that when I was pregnant both times, we discussed testing and both agreed to have none done at all, not even the NT test.

Go with your gut instinct and have faith :hugs:

Lava, because I MC twice, there was no way I was going to do an amnio, it was stressful enough being pregnant and worrying about the baby all the time. If you have doubts about it, I wouldn't do it, follow your instincts. :hugs:

Rottpaw, Tilly has just started to improve with nap times and night times after an awful 2 weeks. I think she went through a growth spurt or something. Now she is getting up twice which is a big improvement, if I can train her to get up just once that would be amazing! I am training her to take formula in a bottle once a day to prepare for when she goes to nursery, she had about 3oz yesterday for the first time so very relieved! Glad your little guy is a bit more settled now....sleep deprivation is tough! :flower::kiss:

Pablo can't wait for baby to arrive...just make sure you don't go past any windows when you are cleaning in the buff lol :blush:

We are moving tomorrow to a lovely flat in a lovely area 10 min walk from beach....we don't have internet until Friday though, so I will have a lot of catching up to do! :dohh: Bit stressful moving with a baby, I can't get a lot done while Tilly is awake. Can't wait until we are in! :thumbup:

Hope everyone else is ok....would love to see new baby pics soon! How are you doing Viv? And how are you coping with trips Austin! V busy! :wacko::flower:

Take care girls on the east coast - MA! Our weather is so tame compared with yours! :hugs:
morning ladies!

it's saturday and the big pro cycling tour is coming through my town today. Not sure if any of you follow professional cycling, but it's a new race and a big deal. The top three finishers from the Toud de France are riding and I am so excited to go watch!

Lava, I did the amnio, but I feel so strongly that it is a personal decision. We all either do it or don't for our own reasons. Like svet said, follow your gut. Women's intuition rarely fails. You are not putting your head in the sand. You've made an informed deicision based on the facts and what you feel is right for your body. We all support you!

All others, espically on the east coast, hope you are well. Stay safe! Lots of fresh water.

AFM, headed into town for the race. No baby yet. Some good back ache last night but nothing so far. Still have a week from today until due date. Saw a picture of myself today and I am HUGE! I want my body back. I love being an incubator, but enough is enough. Come on baby!!

happy saturday! Anna
Hi ladies.

Lava, we opted out of testing with our son Jackson and now with Amelia. It is a personal decision in my opinion. We will keep Amelia anyway and we would keep Jackson if he had a special need. Jackson passed because of incompetent cervix but when I delivered him his apgar score was EXCELLENT for the gestation he was at. He didn't have downs or any other special needs. The risk for me was too great for a mc and we would keep our little ones anyways.

The wedding was BEAUITFUL last night. I'll post more tomorrow as it's long but her dress was a cream lace with a beautiful train from the waist. It was made by Vera Wang. I'll post a pic if my dad sends me one. The cake was AWESOME and the rest I'll tell later.

We left early at a little after 10pm and I'm glad I did. My feet, ankles and legs were triple their size. I drank water most of the night, but it was either the walking or the sitting that kept my legs swelled. This week I have to rest up and then Friday I have an appointment and Sat. is my shower.

PPD....I am having MAJOR moodswings and I almost think depression. I'm HORRIFYING to be around. I feel SO BAD for Doug! I nearly pushed him over the edge for getting the time wrong for the wedding yesterday. I kept after him and finally we got there with 5 minutes to spare. As the bride was walking down the aisle, he started to have those glycemic episodes I told you about. Nobody had candy and my mom thought she gave him something...but it ended up being sugar free. I kept telling him to breathe and relax....in the end it worked. Ladies...I feel HORRIBLE! I think "I'm" the reason behind these episodes as I think it's stress related. I have been AWFUL! I can't always blame it on the hormones or the hormone injections or the anxiety of having lost a baby or the anxiety of not knowing what to expect this time around. It comes to a point where I have to take responsibility for my own behavior! I've NEVER been like this before. All of a sudden it seems as though the nightmare of the last 3 years has crept and hitting me all at the same time and I've become a MONSTER! I should be joyful and count my blessings! It scares me because I DO NOT want my daughter sensing this tension or neuroticism. I want my husband and daughter to feel their home is "safe" their wife/mother loves them. THIS is NOT the person I am!

I cry at the shake of a stick, I'm so flippin neurotic that I wonder why a small handful of people have declined the shower thinking they no longer want to be my friends, I worry about the shower, I worry about if certain medical staff are being honest with me....Oh good gawly i'm a mess! :wacko: Totally outside myself right now...this is honestly NOT me and I'm freaking out because I'm freaking out. :rofl:

Anyways, Just thought I'd type this out and clear the air somewhere because I'm acting odd and the fact that my husband is having medical issues because of the stress is hitting me even more.

On another note, I have so much lower back pressure and I found out at yesterdays appointment that while Amelia's stress test is fine, I'm having contractions regular....hopefully just the braxton hicks...but they've never showed up on the testing before and like they were yesterday. We also found out that the reason my lower abdomen is in so much pain is because it's bloated with water retention. There's nothing I can do. I'm assuming it's normal for plus size women as she did say it "can" be normal but I don't think she wanted to say in "fat people". The lower back issue makes it hard to walk from one place to another because I feel like I have 3 full balloons on my lower back and pelvic area....I get a belt sometime this week which I hope will help! Then, Doug gave me another injection yesterday and my left bum cheeck feels LITERALLY like leather and itches like no tomorrow. :wacko: I think it's just everything all at once and I'm feeling overwhelmed, uncomfortable, in pain and scared. :cry:

Why can't I just be HAPPY instead of filled with sour apples and vinegar?! :shrug:

To top it off, with the pressure, I'm wondering if I'll get to October. The injection comes out in 2 wks and the stitch in 3 wks. I'm wondering if she's going to come early. I'm holding out for October 1st so if anyone is a prayer warrior please pray we can make it to October 1st safely. I think I have a yeast or BV infection again. The nurse last week said nothing came up, but I've had this for two weeks now and I KNOW when I have an infection. I've tried everything and I'm itchy and raw. I don't want the infection to cause her to come early either so I'll have them do another swab test and treat me no matter the outcome!

Okay enough whining. I"m beginning to think that I'm the debbie downer of the group. :wacko: I'm sick of complaining all the time. Whoa is NOT me! I have much to be grateful for and am acting like a sour puss!
NMG, why did I think you lived in England???

:dohh: me too!

Hello Ladies :hi:

Nope, we are right outside of beautiful Boston, Massachusetts! :) And yes, I did mean New York! Charlie's son is out there. We left yesterday afternoon and it took up a little over 5 hours to get there. We went to the fun party then had brunch with him and some of his friends today. I was worried about getting home because they are shutting everything down, but we got on the road at 2:30 and there were practically NO cars on the road, it was great! We made it home in about 3 hours, which is unheard of! So we are home, safe and sound. :happydance: just in time for the storm to hit us here.

MA - I both laughed and cringed for you seeing myself in many of your descriptions. But don't worry, we are all praying you hold out until Oct and no more episodes for Doug! I'm sorry you are going through such a stressful time right now. :hugs:

Lava - I completely understand your emotions on the amnio. Originally I wasn't going to have one at all, thinking my chances are really low, then I found out that Charlie lost an older brother to severe downs so I was telling myself to get it.....THEN I researched it and saw the risks for M/C like you did, and like you, am horrified at the stats for it. so I thought about it and said, what would I do with the results? Besides prepping me mentally, nothing. So I am of the opinion that I will NOT take that risk and get the amnio, and if there is something wrong, then God feels I can handle it and will take it in stride and deal. I'm not saying I'm right and you need to do as I say, but if you feel deep down that you shouldn't, then don't. Those results are not worth the worry you are putting yourself through and you and those lovely twins don't need any added worry!!!! :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

So I am bracing for the hurricane, which will probably not be much....we are used to massive snow storms, so a rain storm doesn't really get us going. I was just worried that we would be stuck is huge traffic coming home, but that worry is gone as I'm snug on the couch now! :haha:

:hugs: to you all!
Good morning ladies! :hi:

Anna - I've only been to NYC as a tourist, too. And I agree that it's probably different when you live there. It's probably better!! I also live in hicktown, and if it's not meat or beer you can't buy it here. The last time I ordererd a glass of red wine at a local bar, they asked if I wanted ice in it... :dohh: Needless to say, I don't go out much. :nope:

But on a happier note - congrats for FINALLY being done with work! :happydance:

Lava, if the thought of the amnio stresses you out too much, then don't do it. Your odds of a genetic problem came back so low that they're almost non-existent - a very small percent of a single percentage point. Not worth stressing about. We came back with similar odds, and decided that since the odds of miscarriage with the procedure were much higher than the odds of actually having a baby with genetic issues, and because we're older and would have difficulty conceiving again, we weren't going to do it. As everyone else has stated, it's a personal decision. If your heart tells you not to do it, then listen to it. :flower:

MA - forgive me if I'm remembering incorrectly, but didn't you mention a while ago that your doc's office would be watching you for PPD? I understand that depression during pregnancy is quite common, too. Maybe you could mention this to them at your next visit and they can recommend someone to you. You don't deserve to be suffering like this, especially when there are people out there who can help. :hugs:

Enjoy the rest of your weekend, everyone!
hey everyone - weve moved house - yey! so much unpacking to do and we need to sort out our old house before handing the keys over - but we love our new house :)

hope everyones ok US ladies hope you havent been too adversely affected by the weather

That bitch Irene made it all the way to Canada! We've been sitting w/o power for over two hrs now. Torrential rains and strong winds. I hate to think how bad it was further south. Hope everyone's ok!!
Lack of power is more romantic when you don't have a new baby in the house to take care of. Hope you are doing well. And everyone else who may be in Irene's wake.

Definitely continue talking out your feelings with Doug and us, but it might help to discuss this with your doctor as well. This morning I yelled at my mom in the church parking lot because she was grilling me about chromosomal defects in the heat and I'd had enough and then when pulling out into traffic, a guy wouldn't pull up enough to let me through and I gave him the dirtiest look and mouthed, "Seriously?" in the snottiest way possible. Nice Christian message I'm giving it out after an entire sermon about paying in forward. Also, I am ultra-sensitive with my husband, have become a backseat driver overnight, and cry at the drop of a hat. I know that this much be the hormones, right? And I feel like I can't control them. But how much of this is the fact that I went off my anti-depressants in December? I know that I'm at risk for PPD. You need to have lots of support.

I want to thank everyone for their comments about my amnio post. I know that it is a personal decision, but it means so much to me that you are all encouraging me to trust my instincts and go with my gut. I went to go see The Help today and a girl with DS was in the theatre. It stopped me in my tracks. I don't feel equipped to deal with a special needs child and would like to know ahead of time I guess, but could I deal with the alternative of losing a baby, especially one that was healthy and would have not had a problem without an invasive procedure? There is no easy answer. But, I have felt more relaxed since I've made my decision and I know God will be there for me whatever the outcome of my pregnancy if I leave it all in His hands. On thing is for certain, I have really felt the love and support of the ladies on this thread and I want to thank you.
Rowan. :happydance: Yay on the new place. You'll have to take pics when you get settled more!

Chris, we have had just the rain, in new york CITY though they just missed the hard stuff but have a whole lot of flooding like some of upstate and central NY. It's still raining and I haven't been able to get down to our basement. Hopefully it hasn't flooded.

Glad your okay. I think HMG must have gotten something. I saw they got hit in Mass.

Phili got it too.

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