35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Congrats on passing your exam!! Woo Hoo. How is the b'feeding going?

Enjoy your time off from work!

So glad your scan went well. That is wonderful news.

When does your leave start? How are you doing?

Just looking forward to a long Labor Day weekend. I am interviewing a night nanny, we are going to the first University of Georgia football game of the season (DH is thrilled), and I need to clean this place from top to bottom. My cat caught a dust bunny on her tail this week. ;)

Hi to everyone!
Now, Anna, you shouldn't have told us about that piece of cake - then the calories wouldn't have counted! And thank you for giving me a little perspective on the small town thing... we have plenty of room - I must admit, the summer bonfires are pretty cool - and I can always stock up on the wine. Which I plan on doing VERY soon. AND - I can be in civilization in about 25/30 minutes. So I guess it could be worse...

Although every time I hear a cow moo I cringe. That's NEVER gonna change. :haha::dohh:

And you don't sound like a big baby! I only know how uncomfortable I am, and believe me - I bitch WAY more than you do about it. And I'm not even as far along as you! I like Chris #1's advice. I'm going to do my best to keep it in mind next week. :thumbup:

Speaking of Chris #1 - woo-HOO on passing your exam!!! :wohoo::wohoo::wohoo: See? We told you you could do it! (Yes, I just love to say "I told you so...") Congrats, Mommie!

Lava - LOL with the cat & the dust bunny! My old cat used to sneak between the furniture & the wall all the time. Kept the cobwebs at bay! :thumbup:

Sending big :hugs: to Austin & Viv... Austin, I hope you all are settling in to a happy (if not exhausting) little routine, and Viv, I hope you're feeling better! :flower:

To everyone I didn't address personally - mornin'! :howdy:

AFM - nada. Just biding my time until my last day of work on Tuesday...

Have a good day!
Anna I cannot stress this enough: SLEEP. Put your feet up. Do all your laundry, clean your house. Enjoy the silence and time alone. Go for a walk. Breath in the fresh air. Go to town for a coffee. Window shop. Get your nails done. Get your hair done! Go see a movie!!!! Enjoy your last days of freedom. Don't get me wrong, being a mom is fabulous but being pregnant with no responsibilities is really fabulous too. Be bored!!! just enjoy it because you won't be bored again for a long time!!!! xo

I neve got a chance to be bored :(

Lol Chris and YES, Anna, a thousand times yes - take this advice mama! I promisse you won't be sorry in three weeks when it feels like you will never get to a salon again! :haha:

I agree though, seriously. The sleep thing is epic. No one can really, truly prepare you and you cannot really prepare except to rest up, so put those feet up, get outdoors if it is nice, and enjoy this last week of freedom! :hugs:
evening ladies!

nothing to report. Trying to take all your advice and enjoy my sleep and free time. Have to admit to around 10 hours of sleep a night plus naps most days. So taking full advantage. I just feel so useless. Time off is great but when everyone else is working, no one to play with. Ahh well all is good. Also made an appointment with acupuncturist friend for monday to kick things into gear. They have pretty good success rates I think.

other than that the thread seems pretty quiet, MA hope you are well,haven't heard from you in a day or so and always hope everything is ok.

have a good evening!! Anna
Hi Anna,

Thanks for thinking of me. :hugs: Glad your doing well too.

All is okay here. There's been a lot here. Doug has done some doubles to get the days off. So he has more days off this week than usual. We've been helping my mom prep for the shower...ordering salads and other catering, carting her to specific stores we have in our area (though I don't go in because it's hard to get around). I've been in nesting mode so I'm driving my husband nuts by lighting a flame under his rump! He'll be doing more tomorrow too...I need to get this house in order!! In the process, he's doing another overnight double and I had to put the damn (sorry for the swearing) trash out myself. Some guy walked past me...you think he'd ask to help?! Kept RIGHT on walking. :shrug: Chivalry is dead I tell ya! What ever happened to the handsome hunks like Mr. Darcy?! :shrug: Damn womens lib movement put us in a place where men don't open doors anymore.....they stare at people on the street who need actual help and over all could care the flippin less! Sometimes I'd like to take a cow proud and electrify them in the bums....maybe that would shock the heck out of their romantic sides! :wacko:

Anyways, I'm fine. I'm uncomfortable and in a pissy mood these days so I've been on this kick "if you can't say anything good....." you know the schpiel! That's why I've kinda been quiet. Nobody likes a bitchy debbie downer including myself. My quiet room with a bit of Jane Austen has been a place of solace for me. :winkwink: :rofl:
:wave: ladies, dropping in to say hi! Sorry I have been off for a week or so, traveling overseas with a toddler is hard work! :rofl: We're currently in Switzerland. Thankfully, not a single symptom this time around as opposed to my very challenging first tri with Z. Will try to come back and catch up as sson as I arrive back to Canada this weekend! :hugs: everyone!
Hi Junebug! Congrats on the definite pregnancy!!! Last I remember you thought the line might be getting lighter... I'm so thrilled for you! Enjoy Switzerland, and I'm looking forward to reading about it when you get back. :flower:

MA - Have you had a chance to talk to your doctor? And please - bitch all you want! It's why we're here. :) And to play Devil's Advocate on the whole chivalry thing, I've had many men tell me that half the time they do something nice like offer to help or hold open a door for a woman, they're met with hostility. Many women find it offensive that a man would DARE treat them like the "little woman." So - in all fairness - what's a guy to do? He's damned if he does, damned if he doesn't. Personally I think if someone's just trying to be nice, take it for what it is. But what the heck do I know?

To everyone else - good morning!

AFM - officially considered "full term" today and graduated to a watermelon - yay! :happydance: I'm trying not to dwell on the fact that theoretically I could still go another 5 weeks before this kid decides to make her appearance... :wacko:
Yay to full term Chris! Hope she doesn't keep you waiting another 5 weeks!
Hi Junebug! Congrats on the definite pregnancy!!! Last I remember you thought the line might be getting lighter... I'm so thrilled for you! Enjoy Switzerland, and I'm looking forward to reading about it when you get back. :flower:

MA - Have you had a chance to talk to your doctor? And please - bitch all you want! It's why we're here. :) And to play Devil's Advocate on the whole chivalry thing, I've had many men tell me that half the time they do something nice like offer to help or hold open a door for a woman, they're met with hostility. Many women find it offensive that a man would DARE treat them like the "little woman." So - in all fairness - what's a guy to do? He's damned if he does, damned if he doesn't. Personally I think if someone's just trying to be nice, take it for what it is. But what the heck do I know?

To everyone else - good morning!

AFM - officially considered "full term" today and graduated to a watermelon - yay! :happydance: I'm trying not to dwell on the fact that theoretically I could still go another 5 weeks before this kid decides to make her appearance... :wacko:

Sunshine - yay for full-term!!!!! wow, I can't imagine being there but my goodness I'm slowly plodding along to that point. a watermelon......:shock: I'm only at an orange! :haha:

Junebug - so happy for you! :yipee:

MA - i hear ya, though. What I find annoying too was when I was working and had to take the train - and there were no seats and I had to stand up.....sometimes with crutches after my knee surgeries, and older men (not elderly), who were brought up when chivalry was still taught would just LOOK at me and not budge. RUDE is what I call it. I, too, long for the Mr. Darcy's and I think we should breathe a sigh of relief that we got our Mr. Darcy! :)

Hello to everyone else this morning :hugs:

as for me: not much, still nauseous for about an hour every morning, but that beats the all-day i used to have. I made a romantic candlelit 3-course dinner for Charlie last night and then we watched Jane Eyre, one of my favorites. He could ALMOST understand why I was crying my eyes out........:haha:

I felt some fluttering yesterday that stopped me in my tracks. It was unrelated to gas or anything, so it must have been poppy saying hi. I felt it again later when Charlie was resting his hand on my belly, as we do every night when we read in bed. He couldn't feel anything yet but is excited to feel them soon!

Going to dinner with Charlie and his daughter tonight (seems too weird to call her my step-daughter as I'm only 10 years older than her! but we have a good relationship so that is good). still trying to come to terms with him having a 30 year old son and now starting over :haha: He doesn't seem 55! oh well, with age comes perfection so we will be great!
Morning Ladies,

MA, I am sorry for the dolts in the world. I wouldn't even call it chivalry but pure common courtesy. I am with Sunshine that some guys are damned if they do and damned if they don't. However it is so nice when someone shows some kindness. I LOVE Mr Darcy, but he's the Disney of the 1800s. Totally unrealistic. And for me if I lived in that age and couldn't do anything to make my way in the world financially and be dependent either on my inheritance or a man for support I would go crazy. An outspoken woman like me would probably be hung or burned at the stake for being a witch. So bring on the 21st century, but some sense of kindness should still exist. A couple of weeks ago I dropped a stack of papers on the sidewalk. I had to get down on all fours to pick them up as I can't lean over and not a soul helped. I was amazed!!!

Speaking of, Sunshine the watermelon, welcome to my world!!! Flash foreward 5 weeks and I am you. Still no sign of the baby coming anytime soon. What comes after watermelon?? Pumpkin?? VW bug?? Anyway hope you are well.

NMG, three course dinner . . . . you can come to my house anytime. Even though I'm off work I soooo don't feel like cooking. Feel guilty as DH is working so much and I think if I'm off he deserves dinner, but I am content with cheese and crackers while he needs steak and potatoes. Have fun at dinner tonight!!!!

CJ, so glad you popped in to say hi. Glad to hear everything is fine with pregnancy, and I feel for you traveling internationally with a toddler. I used to fly for United and international flights with young kids are a real challenge. I loved Switzerland when we were there two years ago, although we were there in the winter. I'm sure it's gorgeous in the summer!!! Travel safe!!

AFM, like I said not much new here. Some contractions last night but nothing consistent. HOWEVER, and this is TMI I know, I did have some leakage from my boobs. A first!! I now hope that they will be there when I need them. I also thought it was a good sign, baby might be on the way after all. Other than that just got back from a dog walk down to the river, fur baby needed some attention. Hope everyone has a good day!!

Hi to svet, austin, rottpaw, coedgirl, vivienne, skye, lava, rowan, steph, lucy, I know I'm missing folks and I apologize.
Anna, you make me laugh! VW Bug... :haha: It certainly feels like it! I had my weekly appt. today, and the doc said it I don't go by 41 weeks he'll induce. So I know I've got four more weeks, tops. Not quite VW Bug stage, but possibly Mini Cooper stage.

Have you tried any of those supposed "natural" methods to bring on labor? I've just read that rocking really fast in a rocking chair might do the trick. Now, if that gets combo'd with another method like, say, sex... hmm... :idea:

Aw, hell. Who am I kidding. All I'm interested in lately is :sleep:

NMG - when you're done cooking dinner at Anna's, I'm free... My idea of cooking lately is throwing some fries in the oven while the DH runs the grill. Your Charlie sounds like a lucky man. :thumbup:

Have a good evening, everyone! Almost Friday...
Hi ladies,

Chris My perinatal appointment is tomorrow. I'll be bringing up the moodiness tomorrow. I have the regular stress test and checkup. After next week they want to meet with me twice a week. Are you kidding?! :shrug: It's hard enough once a week for crying out loud! :haha:

On the Mr. Darcy....Oh how I love that era. I would fit perfectly there. I know it's not for everyone but some days I wish I were born in that era. Not sure if I'd want to be a pauper but then....you can't have your cake and eat it too right? :shrug: :lol:

Amelia moved again. I'm getting "something" in the ribs...a bum, a head..."maybe a foot". We'll see tomorrow. Next week is the better sonogram though! :thumbup:

Well, we're headed out to get something to eat. Doug has several days off so if I'm not on as much, that's a reason. :winkwink: Anna, can't wait for you to have that baby. Charmaine I'm WAITING. You can't be THAT busy!! :rofl: Jk'ing :winkwink: Chris, Viv....waiting to see pics and hear updates when your able.

Love to you all. :hug:
Looks like we're officially on Anna baby watch ;). No pressure! xo

Just a quickie post as usual...... Babe on a boob and all that lol. Was at the Dr again today :dohh: How stressful with Sophie. DH took her for a walk while I was there so she didn't have be around all those germs. It was her feeding time though so I was doubly stressed waiting for the Dr and texting for baby updates with DH.
So got my test results back and it appears my white blood cell count is slightly elevated which is indication of a delayed post partum endometritis. So I will be starting a two week course of antibiotics tonight. If my fever hasn't disappeared by Sunday my Dr told me I have to go to emergency :shock: Here's to hoping the antibiotics work! I just want to feel good again. Been nauseus with all this too.

Anyway enough about me. Love reading about you guys everyday. Hopefully I'll be able to start replying more. xo
:hugs: Chris, hope you feel better soon! Nothing more difficult than being sleep deprived and sick while tending to a newborn...
Chris - hope the antibiotics kick in and you start feeling better soon!
Hope you feel better soon. Love to you & Sophie.

Enjoy your weekend with Doug. Is this week your shower weekend? Glad you had a
wonderful time at the wedding.

Are you 40 week today? OMG. Get ready, girl. So excited for you.

You sound like an amazing cook. I'll get in line for you to come to our house! So jealous you can feel your baby kick. Nothing over here.

I owe you a long PM. Today I am "teleworking" which means work in PJs!! But my husband is off so we may go to a few consignment sales at lunch. He will also be cleaning up our place so when the night nanny comes on Sunday for her interview so won't run away screaming. Tomorrow of course is the sacred college football day. No interruptions allowed.

Happy to report that except for general pregnancy aches & pains, I'm feeling pretty good & more settled. A few friends have offered to throw me a baby shower in late Oct, maybe around my birthday which is Oct 30. I will be 40. Two babies on the way is the best bday blessing ever. I have 2 dilemmas I wanted some input on though about the shower. One, has anyone ever been to a casual coed baby shower & what did you think of them? Second, and this is more sensitive ... for those maybe who have experienced losses or dealt with this situation, I have 2 close friends who have had a m/c in the last 6 months. Then, one of my best friends who was my little sister in sorority, whose wedding I was a bridesmaid, etc. has struggled for 3+ years with infertility & failed treatments. She hasn't returned a single call or text since I announced my pregnancy. I want to invite these girls to my shower, but don't want to be offensive. Is there a way to do this with sensitivity. Or do I just invite them & not say anything. They may not come & I might be hurt but I will try to understand. But how many times have I thrown a wedding or bridal shower or even been a bridesmaid etc after a horrible breakup, no relationship or baby in sight? And came home when it was all over and cried from loneliness? It's not exactly the same, but my friend who hasn't been my life at all has hurt me. The other girls have kept some boundaries up but have sent me an occasional email or text to say hi which I have truly appreciated considering the emotional effort it takes for them to reach out to me. I don't want to rub this pregnancy in their faces. Any advice for me? I'm open to a stern reality check if that's deserved.
Wow, Lava, that's a tough one... Maybe a phone call instead, explaining that as much as you'd love them to come you realize that it might be too difficult and will understand if they can't make it...? I don't know - something along those lines, anyway... :shrug: Then maybe if they seem receptive, you can send an invitation.

Just a thought, anyway.
Happy to report that except for general pregnancy aches & pains, I'm feeling pretty good & more settled. A few friends have offered to throw me a baby shower in late Oct, maybe around my birthday which is Oct 30. I will be 40. Two babies on the way is the best bday blessing ever. I have 2 dilemmas I wanted some input on though about the shower. One, has anyone ever been to a casual coed baby shower & what did you think of them? Second, and this is more sensitive ... for those maybe who have experienced losses or dealt with this situation, I have 2 close friends who have had a m/c in the last 6 months. Then, one of my best friends who was my little sister in sorority, whose wedding I was a bridesmaid, etc. has struggled for 3+ years with infertility & failed treatments. She hasn't returned a single call or text since I announced my pregnancy. I want to invite these girls to my shower, but don't want to be offensive. Is there a way to do this with sensitivity. Or do I just invite them & not say anything. They may not come & I might be hurt but I will try to understand. But how many times have I thrown a wedding or bridal shower or even been a bridesmaid etc after a horrible breakup, no relationship or baby in sight? And came home when it was all over and cried from loneliness? It's not exactly the same, but my friend who hasn't been my life at all has hurt me. The other girls have kept some boundaries up but have sent me an occasional email or text to say hi which I have truly appreciated considering the emotional effort it takes for them to reach out to me. I don't want to rub this pregnancy in their faces. Any advice for me? I'm open to a stern reality check if that's deserved.

Speaking from experience, an email or note is a lot easier to handle than a phone call. A phone call puts her on the spot to respond immediately, in the moment. She either has to fake being happy and excited and then feel even worse about herself, or she may say some things you might both regret later because it's such a painful situation for her. An email or note, on the other hand, gives her the opportunity to absorb the info and think about how she wants to handle it, allows her to collect her thoughts before having to respond. It also gives her the opportunity to just not respond, if that's what she needs. A phone call is much more in-your-face and difficult to handle. An email also gives you the chance to choose your words carefully, to tell her that you understand your pregnancy is difficult for her and that you understand if she chooses not to attend the shower, to let her know that you miss her friendship and you still love and support her in her journey.

As for missing her friendship, I'm going to have to give you a reality check - just please understand it's coming from my heart with the best intentions and I don't want to hurt your feelings. You really have no idea how she feels. She's been in the trenches for over 3 years, and you were in it for less than a year (if I remember correctly, and please forgive me if I'm wrong on that). She's had multiple failed procedures and you had success on your 2nd IUI. You do know how it feels to fear that it will never happen, but probably not to the same degree she does - the fear and despair grow exponentially the longer you're at it. I think the best thing you can do is let her know you love her and you miss her friendship, that you understand why this is difficult for her, and that she is always welcome and wanted in your life, and then back off and wait for her to come around. Chances are she will eventually, but your pregnancy is incredibly hard for her to deal with and it will just take as long as it takes. She wants to be excited for you and she just can't be right now, and that makes her feel even worse about herself. I'm sure she misses your friendship, too, but the knowledge that you're pregnant is too difficult for her to cope with right now. I think the more space you give her/the less you press the issue, the easier she may be able to reconcile her feelings. Right now she may even feel angry at you, even though deep down it's pain and sadness that she's feeling, not anger, and she just doesn't even realize it. It just takes time, and it's not even about you or your pregnancy, it's about her grief.

To paraphrase something someone wrote on another thread somewhere, it's kind of like knowing she hasn't eaten in two weeks and you come along and show her pics of this amazing feast at a White House State Dinner you got to attend and wanting her to share your excitement that you got to go to the White House while she's still starving. She knows it's not your fault you got to eat and she didn't, but it still hurts her just the same.

I hope I haven't offended or upset you, I just know how she feels. For me, it was my younger sister. And now my niece is one, and I'm still childless. I love my niece, and it still hurts. :flow:
Hi all!!

Sunshine, LOL we had tater tots last night!! All I could muster with burgers and a spinach salad. My induction, if it comes to that, is a week from today. So one way or another this baby will come in a week.

Svet, so sorry you are sick but happy for the antibiotics and hope you feel better soon! Yes on baby watch but don't hold your breath. 40 weeks tomorrow!!

MA, twice a week! However I noticed from your ticker that you're only a little over a month away!! That's awesome!! Is the shower this weekend??? As for Mr Darcy, only if he looks like Collin Firth!! Just kidding. Sorry about yesterday, got on my soap box and a tangent. I do love Pride and Prejudice and the BBC production is my favorite screen adaptation. Also love the book. If we could all live in a mansion like Pemberly I would be all about it. I'd probably spend all my time hiking with the dogs, but that was quite a house!!

Lava, that's a tricky subject. My two cents is invite them and if they don't come try and understand it's not because they don't love you, but sometimes it's just too hard. I know that's a sacrifice on your part and doesn't seem fair, but such is the way of the world. I had a similar situation with a friend I invited to my shower. She came but I was surprised. In the end I think your friends would rather be invited than left out.

As for College football and the sacred Saturday, we are so in the same boat. I swear if this baby comes tomorrow, the Penn State game will be playing in the back ground!! I told DH last night maybe he should reconsider being at the birth. Last thing I want is to be in the middle of a contraction or need him and him saying, " hold on honey just wait til the end of this play." Seriously??!! I like football as much as the next person, but really I am worried about having the baby on a Saturday!!! Next Saturday is no better as we play Alabama, think that's your team, right? I am not a religious person but if it's a close game, lord help me.

CJ, how's the alps??

AFM, slept like utter and total S*it last night!! I was worried about taking Ambien every night so decided to go ambien free. What a mistake that was. Didn't get to sleep until 2am then tossed and turned all night. Hips were killing me, had to pee every hour, noise from street traffic, etc. Then at 6am fur baby saw a fox outside and I'm pretty sure woke the whole building sounding the alarm. REALLY??!! So decided my theory re:ambien is bogus and I should take advantage and take it now so when the baby comes I will be well rested instead of wiped out. This morning when I finally woke up I thought, "oh please don't come today baby, I am just too tired!". So sunshine I am looking into alternative ways to kick start the labor and yes doing the horizontal hootchie has come to mind but we are both so wiped out these days it's hard to get motivated. I have also heard spicy food does the trick, so trying to figure out tonight's menu and make it as spicy as possible. I have also heard of egg plant. Anyone else??

That's all from here. Have a good day, I think it's Friday. Lost track of time with no work. Days stream together, think labor thoughts for me. Anna

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