35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

we posted at the same time. Wise words to Lava and thanks. It's hard to see both sides of the coin sometimes. I hope you are well. I have read the same thing re: telling people face to face or over the phone. It is easier for the person to process the information and like you said sort their feeling and words if they have some time rather than being put on the spot. I remember crying in a bathroom of a party because someone announced their pregnancy and I had no time to process.

Have a good day and thinking of you!! Anna
Hi all! In our new flat and back online hurray! Just been catching up forgive me if I don't mention to everyone, baby just down and been up since 5.30am with her bless. :cloud9:

Pablo....no baby yet.....I am glad I didn't miss it! :happydance:

Lava, I had this experience with a very old and bestest friend of mine last year. We were both pregnant at the same time....I lost mine in my 2nd MC in a row, and she was still pregnant. I found it too hard to know her at that time, I was just so angry and feeling sorry for myself, I couldn't feel happy for her....it took a while to get back in touch.....things were even said (mostly by me) that I regret but thank goodness true friends forgive. Anyway then I got pregnant with Tilly and yesterday I went to see her and our babies were playing together! I would give her time to come round, I am sure she will. :flower:

Sveta, you sound like you are enjoying motherhood, can't believe Sophie is 2 weeks old already! The tiredness is something isn't it! Last night Tilly only got up once in 10 hours, I was so pleased....except she got up for the day at 5.30 lol :wacko:

MA, so glad Amelia is still in there! Sorry you are having problems and feeling bad....:hugs:

Hi to everyone else! Love to all! Still waiting for baby pics! :winkwink:
Hey ladies!

Somewhat brief post, as I have been struggling with a migraine literally since I woke at 6:45 this morning. Ughhhhh..... two doses of tylenol later with little improvement. Trying wine now!! :rofl:

Lava, no rush and write when you can! I totally understand, as I can hardly get a moment on the computer these days. I think HA said it best and I can definitely understand her advice. The only thing I would offer (and it's not exactly the same situation, so take this for what it's worth) is that I would definitely invite her, whether informally by email etc. or with the general invitations you send out. We have some friends who had a baby 2 months earlier than us. I may have told you this story already, but when we found out they were pregnant it was sort of by accident. She had told everyone we know except us, because she knew we were trying. But then we were (as a couple) invited to the husband's birthday party, where the wife turned up roughly 4-5 months (so, visibly) pregnant. I did not go, becuase I was (thankfully!) pregnant myself and horribly nauseous. But hubby came back home with that news, and all I could think was... I would have been DEVASTATED to be blindsided at the restaurant with that sight, had we not been pregnant ourselves. So all that just to say that if I were your friend, I would at least like to be kept in the loop and invited, even if your friend can't bring herself to attend or acknowledge the invitation. I think it is sometimes especially hurtful when it feels like people, however well-intentioned, have just completely left you out of a situation ... somehow it felt to me like insult on top of injury. Again, not quite the same situation, but for whatever that was worth! :)

Anna, I am so excited for you and YES, take the meds and get the rest now. You're gonna need it! But it is so worth it. Don't worry. You'll be fine in labor, even if it's midgame. We are football fanatics here too; I had to plan my wedding around five different (hubby, groomsmen and families') SEC teams' schedules!! :rofl: I promise that if you are dealing with serious contractions, your hubby won't even be thinking about the game!

Chris, I hope you get to feeling better soon and just take care of yourself and Sophie!

Sunshine, you're not far behind Anna!! WOOHOO! I am so excited for this graduates "baby boom!"

Bek, don't feel bad about being pissy. I was soooooooper pissy with everything and everyone for a while. I think it is just part of it. You are almost there lady!

Charmaine honey, hanging in there? I can only imagine! Hugs!!

To all I haven't mentioned by name, HI! And hugs!

AFM, Ethan turned 6 months Sept 1. I can't believe it! :happydance: :dance: :headspin: Happy half-birthday to my little guy! He shares his half-birthday with my mom's regular birthday, LOL, so it will always be easy to remember! He has celebrated by hitting several milestones right around this time - he can now sit up unassisted for a few minutes at a time, he is eating solids well and *trying* to feed himself (which is hilarious!) and he is starting to purposefully shake things like rattles. He bonks himself in the head with it about half the time, but he is getting the hang of it. Time just flies and I can't believe it! He is 17 pounds and we go back to the doc next week for his checkup. Such a big boy!

Okay, time to make dinner. Hugs and love all around!


  • Ethan.jpg
    34.8 KB · Views: 4
PS especially for Laura, who complimented Ethan's "froggie" onesie - I promise I don't take ALL his photos in that one LOL! He really does have other clothes, it just seems all his cute poses occur when he's wearing that one. I just noticed he's wearing it in this pic too. People will think I never change his clothes! :rofl: :rofl: :haha:
Hi there!

Anna, I understand wholeheartedly. I didn't take my ambien last night and NEVER SLEPT. I'm emotional, yet again pissy and at the breaking point with both my mother and my father. My dad is lazy and has nothing but smart remarks to say and my mom, while being kind enough to put this shower on Is self centered and judgemental!

My mil was taken by ambulance to the ER and was deathly ill. All my mother could think about was how she was counting on her to help!! I asked my mother what she wanted me to do, grab her from the hospital and tell her to bone up lady and drag her to the shower?! :shrug: I know this is my moms way of showing affection by throwing an expensive party, but she's being nasty to my aunts (dads side) and even got mad at her sisters daughter (her niece, my cousin and close friend). My dad? Signed on his facebook and said my status of being an insomniac is a farce and I'm just being lazy while leaving all the HARD WORK for Doug....He joked I better not let my daughter run the streets at night as a toddler or he'd fight for custody. Granted, I think it's his assanine way of joking...but he and my mom talk about one of my cousins and her schedule with her child and they assume I'm going to be the same, that I think I'll be sleeping during the day and up all night long neglecting my baby. :cry:

After not having sleep....this isn't a joke I take lightly...ESPECIALLY since we've been trying to have a baby for 10 years. I don't take anything about my kids...whether it be the son I lost OR my daughter lightly...I love them both and would do anything for them. I'm tired, hormonal.....I've had hormone treatments to get pregnant, hormone injections to keep my daughter alive, several hospital visits for major bacterial illnesses and a surgery for a stitch to save my daughter. Anyone who tells me I'm neglectful has no clue what I've been through and how far I will go to protect my children. :cry:

The Dr.'s visit. I mentioned my moods and my Dr. wasn't in this week but will be in next week. The nurses told me if there is ANYTHING I need to call them but they will meet with the Dr. when she gets in and come up with a plan.

Had the non-stress test and Amelia made me laugh. She's so beautiful! I love her SO much! :cry: She kept moving up n down....the monitor was tight and you could just see her moving all over the place. Before, I had to go to the sono machine to check the amniotic fluid which is fine and find her hb for the test....in the process we all kept saying, "WHAT is that"?! Turns out my little one had her hand to her face and was sucking on her thumb every few seconds. It was too cute for words and just melted my heart!

She's back to transverse position only this time her spine in down and her face is up. NOT optimal by any means. She keeps moving from breech to transverse and seems to like transverse a whole lot. The midwife is concerned now as with my heart shaped uterus it's getting harder for her to move. I brought up my last idea....MOXYBUSTION which is done by an acupuncturist. She's all for it and knows the studies have shown good results. It's not covered by insurance and will cost us 75.00 the first time and 60.00 each additional. ASSUMING that she turns and doesn't turn back a million times!

I'm not sure I want to go with chiropractic because she's too low...not like everyone elses pregnancy and I just don't want to risk her life. Moxybustion is the last resort for me.....They did mention that next week when they talk about the PDD issue, they want to schedule a c-section just in case and if up to the moment she turns, it can be cancelled. Also they'd like to try External Version which means the Dr. will turn the baby herself...and it hurts like HELL! I'm unsure about this...to me it's risky as well and couldn't it hurt Amelia?! :shrug:

I REALLY don't want a c-section...more now than ever. My lower abdomen is swollen BIGTIME with water. I think it has something to do with my crappy pelvic floor muscles and the fact that I've gained weight over the years which added to a crappy pelvic floor. If they cut into it....I already feel stretching and almost like tearing in the muscles...I honestly don't think I'll get anything back let alone try and fix the issue. They'll have been severed completely in surgery.

They did say they would most likely do the section higher. I'm SO concerned. :wacko: I don't know what to think :shrug: obviously if Amelia needs this I'll do it, but I'm PRAYING for a miracle here that she will move safely down and deliver naturally. It's safer for her and I both at this point.

SO ((sigh)) moxybustion appointment is next Tues.

My shower is tomorrow and while I'm excited to see friends and family, I'm a nervous wreck in other areas. I have a shower chair now that was covered by insurance and I will take a sit/shower :rofl: watch a funny Madea movie with my husband, take an Ambien and hopefully wake up in a better mood.

Angela, thank you SO much for sharing what you did. It helps my heart a great deal. :hugs: That beautiful boy Ethan is a DARLING. Just brings joy to my heart by seeing his pic. Thank you!

That's all for now. Love to you all.
Oh rebekah I am SO very sorry for the things your parents are doing. I can't believe he would post something like that on fb! Or say it at all... But to post it in public is ridiculous!

You have definitely been through SO, so much to get to this point. I will definitely pray about the c section issue but PLEASE know that, however she arrives, she will be fine and so will YOU! One of my friends has had two sections, one for a midterm loss similar to Jacksons story. She too had a cerclage with the second pgcy and today has a gorgeous almost five year old! And she has noticed a bit of difference in her abs, but nothing major and today she is stronger than ever. Please don't worry yourself about that kind of thing!

You are ALMOST there my friend! Please try to enjoy your last few weeks of pregnancy and enjoy that shower! I know it has been such a long road for you with all the medical issues, hormones and everything. But I was looking through some recipes today and getting excited for fall cooking, and thought of you andnthe beautiful Christmas cookies you made. I PROMISE you will get through ALL of this and you will have a fabulous time cooking and canning and enjoying your home WITH Amelia my friend. I can't wait to see all the crafty things you will come up with for your little one! Just hang in there a few more weeks. You are definitely at the end of the tunnel! :hugs::hugs::hugs:
hey ladies

been for a scan this morning - Martha was all curled up with her feet level with her face :) (wonder if she'll be hypermobile like me!) and was very relaxed - woke up a bit yawned a lot then went back to sleep :) gorgeous! couldnt get a good 4d pic of her face as the placenta, cord and her feet were in the way! :haha:

Lava - I think I'd invite your friends by email and then they know they are welcome and I'd mention that I hoped they would come but would understand if they felt they couldnt at that time. I remember being godmother to my friends dd 2 weeks after my second loss and the grief was immense - it was so tempting to not go but I didnt want to let my friend or her dd down - it wasnt their fault -but I only managed the service - got to the reception and to see all the babies and hear their cries was too much - dh had to pick me up and carry me to the car I was sobbing so much I could not walk. So it may be that its too painful for them - but they may suprise you - or they may send a gift (if they can bear to buy one) but at least they know they are welcome and that you are thinking of them - you are a good friend for thinking about how they might feel x

MA bless you hon - I must say Id be tempted to go with what they say and have the c section booked in so that its something you are prepared for mentally but if Amelia turns in the meantime then thats wonderful :hugs: . I hope your shower goes really well and that you enjoy it - your parents do sound like they have their own particular approach to things but theyve unintentionally given you a whole load of pointers on what not to do as a parent! You'll be fab x

lovely to hear how all the babies are doing :flower:
Quick update to inform all lovely girls here that I'm still alive and well :))) I just whizzed through the post to see if Anna had the bb yet and if there were any new bb photos. Luckily Ethan's smiling at us very sweetly :))) I'm looking fwd to seeing Charmain's triplets and Chris's little girl and Viv's boy. BTW sorry if I missed out Chris but what's her name?
Anna a friend of mine had to wait quite a while like you on her first and we went to an Indian restaurant with her mum. She ordered food so hot that our eyes was watering. Her mum said "I think even I might give birth after eating such chillie food" She had to be induced 1,5 weeks later. Since than I don't believe the hot food theory :))) Yet no harm in trying.

Sunshine are u waiting for the birth any time now? Woooow :)))

Viv how are you feeling sweety any better?

NMG funny I thought you were from the UK for some reason too. I guess it was because your location was the Midlands and I assumed that would be Uk. Also youlook quite English LOL!!!!

Lava I didn't go for the amnio either. The odds are too low to risk I thought. HA's comments and suggestions are so right. I'd go for a written invitation as well if it was me and better give her space and let her approach you instead cause she isn't angry with you. She is probably too sad and self absorbed with her misfortune that she just doesn't know how to deal with your pregnancy.

All the other sweet ladies not much rested in my mind to comment as it was a very quick read through.

MA photos from the wedding pls :)

AFM I'm in a lovely small hotel in Bodrum, resting by the pool with 4 little ducks in :)) hahahahaaa really funny site. + Cats and chickens :)))

My visit in Izmir wasn't as relaxing as my mum was ill again and she has very little common sense to look after herself properly. Every summer her illness progresses a little from the heat. I felt like staying and helping her a bit more but this meant spoiling my last holiday with DH and she pushes her health no matter I'm there or not. So I decided to enjoy this holiday. Might come back after I return to the UK and have my anomoly scan.
I'm feeling good at the moment.:) Still have difficulty sleeping sometimes and the heat here is a little too much but other than that I'm fine. I started having the flutterings yet they are not proper kicks yet. Dunno if I should be counting it. Yesterday they were more strong and constant than today. Do I need to worry every time they lessen? My scan is on 12th which will b a massive relief if everything is confirmed to be good.
Sorry for missing out of the loop for so long but I am in a place which has a better net access finally :)))
XXXXX All xxx
just a quick post to say a whole lota notin going on. At this rate sunshine and MA are going to go before me. Made spicy egg plant parm for dinnr last night, nothing. Had sex this afternoon, we'll see. Will write a proper post tomorrow, in the throws of college football right now. Have a good night! Anna
Hi Ladies,

Skye, Dad hasn't sent pics yet of the wedding. I HAVE to con him tomorrow into sending them.

The shower went better than expected. My mom held it together..my dad actually came because my mom gave him hell BUT he only stayed to help her out and left my father in law there to fend for himself. He said it should have said something that he was there to help out my mother. Okay.....I guess it's better than nothing right??

LOTS of things..I'll take pics but we got tired. I DID exchange the stroller for the one I wanted and we purchased the things on the list that we didn't get.....we got gift cards and money to cover the cost and one more check will go towards the sprayer for the cloth diapers and an antibacterial bag for the trashcan we have for Amelia's dirty cd's.

I wanted to share the cake I've been telling you I designed. The cake decorator did a LOVELY job, the cake was moist and delicious!


The umbrellas say "Someone special, Someone Dear, Someone near, Is almost here...Welcome Baby Amelia. There are bee's and honey on the sides she piped in as well.

I'll post more the beginning of next week. Doug has the next two days off and we're going to play it low key and rest. I'm having contractions like crazy. :wacko: It can be anytime though we'd rather it be Oct. We'll see...it's all up to God and Amelia. Something tells me no matter how hard I try, she's going to come in her OWN time! :winkwink: :thumbup:
don't have time to get fully caught up hold on . . . 4am here and have been tracking contractions since 2:30. Their 5 min apart and last for about 2 min. Pain is somewhere a 4 and a 6 on my scale. Trying to wait unil morning or until they get worse to go to hospital. Would rather labor at home. Water still hasn't broken. Would like to get to the "kill me now" phase before going in. Ok I have 1 min left before the next one. Wish me luck!! Looks like the sex worked!!
xxx anna
Hi Ladies,

Skye, Dad hasn't sent pics yet of the wedding. I HAVE to con him tomorrow into sending them.

The shower went better than expected. My mom held it together..my dad actually came because my mom gave him hell BUT he only stayed to help her out and left my father in law there to fend for himself. He said it should have said something that he was there to help out my mother. Okay.....I guess it's better than nothing right??

LOTS of things..I'll take pics but we got tired. I DID exchange the stroller for the one I wanted and we purchased the things on the list that we didn't get.....we got gift cards and money to cover the cost and one more check will go towards the sprayer for the cloth diapers and an antibacterial bag for the trashcan we have for Amelia's dirty cd's.

I wanted to share the cake I've been telling you I designed. The cake decorator did a LOVELY job, the cake was moist and delicious!

The umbrellas say "Someone special, Someone Dear, Someone near, Is almost here...Welcome Baby Amelia. There are bee's and honey on the sides she piped in as well.

I'll post more the beginning of next week. Doug has the next two days off and we're going to play it low key and rest. I'm having contractions like crazy. :wacko: It can be anytime though we'd rather it be Oct. We'll see...it's all up to God and Amelia. Something tells me no matter how hard I try, she's going to come in her OWN time! :winkwink: :thumbup:[/QUOTE]

ma, so glad the party went well. I have a few choice other thoughts about your mom and dad, but at the end of the day sounds like it went well!! I am so happy for you, I know you were worried. Enjoy some R and R this weekend and some lovely time off. Enjoy one another. Anna
Beautiful cake rebekah!

Anna, YAYYYYYYYYYYY! Can't wait to hear how it goes! You'll be great!!
So glad the shower went well & the bakery did justice to your beautiful cake design.

This is it! You are going to do great!!! Keep us posted as you are able.

Thanks to all who gave input on the shower and my friends struggling with TTC & pregnancy loss. One I will see tonight at a friend's going away. She is one that has kept in closest touch but I know it will be harder to see me now than last month b/c I'm really showing. I think I will send paper invites to these girlfriends but send a "heads-up" email a few days before with some language from HA's post about understanding if they can't make it or even respond, but I value their friendships and support them in their journeys. I will put thought into what I say. Lucy, Thames you for your story. I really hope that what happened with you & your friend happens for Elizabeth & I & she has her well-deserved baby one day soon so the kids can play together & we can be close again (I want this for all my friends). I miss them, but I can't be selfish.

Any input on coed or Girls Only shower?

Went to the football game at the Georgia Dome downtown last night & our team lost, but we had a good time anyway. Lots of walking & we got home past midnight, though, so I am tired and achy today. I may try to manage next week's game in Athens, but then sit out for the rest of the season - when it gets cooler in Nov, I may be unable to walk that far from the tailgate to the stadium. I keep trying to do the same as before energy-wise only for it to kick my butt. ;)

How are the new mums doing? Svet, Viv, & Austin. Hugs to you & your little ones.
Well, While Anna was having contractions I was too, though there were no regular contractions. I had tightening and pressure on my lower back and was pretty sick to my stomach so they wanted us in labor and delivery. Miss Amelia was ACTIVE and it took us HOURS to get 20 minutes of non-stress test readings because she REFUSED to have her space invaded and moved each time.

They checked for infection and kept talking about getting rid of the stitch...Um NO! Not if she's transverse or breech your not! I'd wait for my Dr. next week before I let anyone do that...she'd come quickly once the stitch was opened. PLUS if you cut the stitch because of infection you'll let the infection up there......what dingbats last night. :lol: Left at 6am this morning and we slept most of the day. Again, there's more but SO tired.

Praying Anna is having the baby...can't WAIT to hear! :happydance:
Just checking in on Anna....

Bek you take care of yourself and just rest mama!

Hugs to all!:hugs:
Good luck Anna!

Ma beautiful cake, glad the shower went better than expected!

Still jet-lagged here, off to bed at 8:40PM...

Hope all new moms are doing great and Viv, that things are improving :hugs:

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