35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Congrats Anna, welcome little Josephine! After time passes the memories of giving birth fade ALOT! I am even thinking of doing it again one day! Can't wait to see pics....of little Sophie, trips and Viv's little boy. xxx
Happy Birthday Josephine!!! :cake:

Congratulations Anna and family!!!!!! :dance::headspin::wohoo::yipee::happydance::wohoo::headspin::yipee::dance: I'm so happy for you, and can't wait to see pictures! :flower:
You're next! ;)

Hope everyone has a good week!
Hi ladies!!!! Man, so much action on here... I am so sorry to have been away!!!

First of all, congrats to new moms!!!
Svet - yay! Little Sophie, correct? Love that name and glad to hear it is going well!!

Anna - 34 hours???? Lordy, lordy hon! I bet little Josephine is just a doll! You will have quite the story to tell her! Congrats!!

MA, Sunshine - hang in there, girls! Not long now!!!!

I am so glad to see that everyone is doing so well! I have thought of you all many a time over the last two or so weeks!! Needless to say, things are a bit CRAZY here!!

Short Version: All of us are doing just fine! All three little girls are just fantastic and are growing steadily with no complications or issues! They are all great eaters and are maintaining their body temps on their own!

Annemarie (aka Baby C) came home on Sat!! We are expecting Isabella (Baby B) possibly home today and Gemma (Baby A) home tomorrow! WOW~~~! Oh, and nanny starts TONIGHT!

We have done really well with Annemarie at home and have enjoyed having her by herself, but are sooo ready for the others to get here!

As we settle into a routine, I SO HOPE to check in here more often! I am pumping regularly and we are on a 3-hour feeding schedule (30 min each)... easy, peasy with one... we shall see how it is with 3!!!

Love to you all!!! I will try to post a pic soon of all 3 girls!!!! BIG HUGS!!!!
Austin - thank you so much for checking in! I've been thinking of you guys and wondering how you've all been doing (or as they say in TX "y'all") :)

Here's hoping that everyone's home safe and sound by tomorrow! :hugs:
Oh wow Austin so great to hear from you!!! Kudos to you for breastfeeding three :shock: I am finding one difficult and painful. Can't wait to see pics!!! Hope the other two come home soon. Big hugs your way! And yay yay yay for the nurse!!!!
So good to hear from you. I bet you can't wait to have a full house with the babies home & yay for the nanny. Is that going to be a night nurse or day nanny?

Sorry, I thought you were next b/c your ticker says 16 days left and Amelia's EDD is Oct.8th. Y'all are both so close.
Charmaine! :hi: You MUST have read my mind today as I was coming to post a "where are you" post for you. :rofl: As if I didn't gather you were busy. Can't WAIT to see pics of the girls and hear your stories of having all three home.

Awaiting all the baby pics from everyone.

Praying also that Viv is doing better and bonding with baby.

You're all on my heart and in my prayers...LOVE the babies coming! SO much fun to hear about ladies. Oh the squeezes you'll have! :happydance:
Woooow Anna well done for delivering lovely little Josephine after such a long labour. I'm sure she is as beautiful as her name :))) :happydance::happydance::happydance::wohoo::wohoo::wohoo:
Happy birthday little Josephine :)

Austen so glad to hear that all of you are doing well and your other 2 little is coming home soon.

Girls no pressure and obviously you must be super busy but I'm dying to see all the new borns. :)))

Sunshine's next :) hahahahahahahahaaaaa. Guess the baby will push out when she is ready hhahahahahaaa :))
Sveta sorry you are finding BF painful, it does get easier, I had a few tough times but honestly it will just get easier and easier. :hugs:

Austin, good luck with 3 babies! I cannot imagine 3, can't wait for pics! :happydance:

Can't wait for MA and Sunshine to pop soon, it's so exciting, a real baby boom! :happydance::cloud9:
Yay!!! Congratulations Anna!! And welcome Josephine! Looking forward to seeing pictures very soon xxxxx
Holy moly, Ladies......I am gone for an extra long weekend and so much happens! When I logged in and saw I missed about 5 pages, I knew someone had her bundle of joy!!!!

Congrats Anna!!!! I literally cried a little when I read your post about Josephine entering the world.....then I immediately called my husband at work to tell him you had the baby and he thought it was wonderful and sends his well wishes too :flower:.....I am so happy for you! You must be over the moon happy. I know we all are for you! Well worth the labor, I'm sure. Can't wait to see pictures!!! I'm sure she will live up to her beautiful name! So glad you all are doing well in this new bonding time! :happydance::happydance::happydance:

so many new babies and more coming! And Charmaine, 3 at once....I think I'm going to faint! Want pics!

MA - trust me, I feel your pain about the difficulties of parents and other relatives....I'm sure we could talk for days about it! But I'm glad the shower went well and you had a good time! Love the cake and hoping things calm down to wait until Oct like you wanted.

Lava - I'm too late to give my two-cents about what to do, but having you actually be concerned about their feelings shows what a lovely, thoughtful woman you are. Some people get so caught up in their own lives that they sometimes don't think about other people going through what they just did (be it engagement, babies, or anything). It speaks volumes of your wonderful nature. And I bet your friends, if they can't bear it right now, will just take a temporary break to recover their internal feelings and continue to be lifelong friends with you.

AFM, not much new, am plodding along, get so tired so easily! But everything is right on track and progressing well. :thumbup: Not sure if I posted this already, but I will have to get monthly ultrasounds due to my auto-immune and heart issues, but that's ok, better to keep a watchful check! Also have to have a heart echo soon as both me and Charlie have some heart issues. But i'm not worrying, yet. :)

I just got back from my parents house as I had to drop something off there and I brought the latest ultrasound pics for them and my dad refused to look at them, telling me, he "doesn't want to see that crap". My mother was actually shocked and made him come over and look and he did but said he hated to see fetuses and it was ugly and now it is jinxed and I will probably lose it as it's not natural to see that. My mouth was literally hanging open as my mother was yelling at him for saying that but he just walked away saying he didn't want to see it. My poor little poppy, I will just stay home!

On a lighter note, I'm starting a knitting class next tuesday in hopes of mastering it....I'm good at crochet, but knitting it more difficult for me. I have a hat, mittens, sweater and a blanket picked out to make in a lovely pale yellow (almost ivory). Hoping this will be fun! I'm finishing up on a counted cross stitch for our kitchen and our new stockings for Christmas! Gotta run, I have peach muffins almost ready to come out then I have to make our pork stir fry dinner! Already made the salted nut bars for dessert. If anyone can but weight on the slender man I married, it will be ME! :haha:

hugs to you all! hope everyone is well!:hugs::hugs::hugs:

Beth (or NMG, whatever you want to call me!)
:shock: NMG, I hope you gave your dad a piece of your mind!! What a thing to say! Sorry..... :hugs:
:shock: NMG, I hope you gave your dad a piece of your mind!! What a thing to say! Sorry..... :hugs:

thanks...... :hugs: I was actually in too much shock to say much, but when he left, I turned to my mom and said: well that was rude. and my mom told me not to start, I was hormonal and to just forget it and not attack your father. knowing from experience it would only make her mad if I said something so I tried to ignore it but naturally didn't stay long there! :nope:
NMG, Oh gee. My parents weren't overly excited to see the pics but they at least tried to understand what they were looking at. :rofl: It sounds like your dad comes from a similar generation as my parents....to be seen and not heard....yadda yadda. My dad had my mom on edge and he FINALLY decided to come to the shower to help her out. He stayed long enough to get the ball rolling, but REFUSED to stay. My father in law was there and HAD to stay and my dads cousin's husband was waiting out in the car who could have used some male company but dad kept saying he REFUSED and it was an all girl thing. He said we should be happy he came at all. :rofl:

It is what it is! I'm not even sure saying ANYTHING to your dad would change that mindset. I think like my situation YOU have to take yourself out of it and create boundaries. If he refuses, tell him okay...cut him off when he says crap like that and let him know it's rude and inappropriate and he doesn't have to look but he MUST stop with the filthy talk!

Same thing with your mom. I enjoyed doing that this time around. The last few days my mom kept asking ME to call this person or that person to get them to do this or that...however, SHE wanted to take this on so I told her SHE needed to communicate with them. My mil ended up showing up after being in the hospital for illness and the friend that forgot actually made it and she did such a nice job with the games to spite her schedule. It all worked out.

I will say this though, I will NOT allow my parents to plan another function like this again for me. While it was kind and I did thank her several times as well as bring her Italian cookies from a special Italian cookie maker......I can't handle the stress and drama. It's their way of showing their love by money....but I can't handle the extra crap that comes with it.

On the sonogram front. You seem to be high risk which is why they do the ultrasounds that often. I had them about twice a month from 6wks on. Once I got past 30wks, I had them less and less....It was SO HARD because you get used to seeing your little one all the time. To me it really was a gift to see her so often while others had to wait weeks on end.

I too had a fetal echocardiogram. There was a scare from the Dr. who origionally did it and made a diagnosis without actually seeing evidence. It put me over the edge until 28wks when a new Dr. of the practice said his findings were NOTHING. Aside from having her checked when she's born with a sonogram of the heart for VSD she is pretty much clear. They said if she does have VSD it's SO small it will patch itself. :happydance: But I'm not convinced she has it....I wasn't when the first doc misdiagnosed her too early and told me she had a high chance of downs :wacko: The man should lose his license for the crap he pulled without the proper evidence.

At any rate, the extra ultrasounds will be fun over the course of the pregnancy and the fetal cardiogram will go just fine. They're pretty easy. I pray all goes smoothly dear friend! :hugs:

As for knitting, I knit and can't crochet for the life of me. :rofl: I also like quilting but can't sew clothes which I'd like to learn to make Amelia some special things. I cross stitch as well. If we lived closer I can see we'd have a lot in common! :thumbup: Enjoy your class. I'd like to see pics when your done!
Oh my GOD, NMG! :hug: to you for having to put up with that - how horrible! It sounds like you handled it beautifully, though. :flower: I'm just sorry you had to put up with it in the first place. Men - sometimes they have their heads stuck so far up their arses that they come all the way back up to the shoulders again... :nope:
Sunshine, eager is good after 15 days. U know some women say like they blinked and the bb was there hope your little girl would be like that too xxx

NMG :wacko: I dunno if our parents are from the cave era sometimes as MA said you can't change their mindset unfortunately. Best to ignore and focus on your own family and try not to be like your parents when u communicate with your own children. I'm hoping this might be a way to heal all the upset I got from my own parents.

MA I flipped to back pages quickly and saw your cake photo. It looks yummy :))) I'm glad it was a great party and you really enjoyed it. xxx

AFM I'm putting on weight with a racing speed. People started filling my plate double since they found out I'm pregnant. Heeeeeeeeelp gonna be a pumpkin soon.

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