35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Chris - She is absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!!! And I agree, you look great. I love the proud parent and proud mommy photos. Thank you for sharing your birthing story. My favorite part is

My whole wanting to be able to walk while in labour was stupid, because when you feel like that you don't want to walk, you want to crawl into a ball and die, so yeah... any of you wanting to be a hero- don't! There is absolutely no reason to suffer when something as glorious as an epidural exists. :thumbup:
:rofl: OMG - I thought that was hysterical.

I truly understand about the isolation and the baby blues. It does get a bit lonely. But trust me it gets better.Congratulations again.

June - I am so happy that everything went well with your scan. Fantastic news.

A lot of other stuff has happened since I last posted and I am still trying to catch up on my reading. You all have been busy!

AFM - This is my first week back to work. :cry:Tuesday, I boohooed when I had to leave Katelyn. I only stayed at work for like 3 1/2 hours. I am hoping that over the next few weeks I get back into the work groove. It is just hard though. Luckily she still sleeps through the night (most nights). I am pumping at work and then breast feeding at night and in the mornings. So far that is going ok. I am going to ask the Dr. when I we can start giving her solids. Since she is preemie I am not sure if we need to wait for her adjusted age. Good news is she is almost 11lbs and is doing well developmentally. We had an appointment with a Physical Therapist for the County to assess if she qualified for therapy. She did not - which is a good thing. I hope that she never qualifies. The PT said that she was doing really well and just continue giving her more tummy time.

Currently, Katelyn's fav position is standing up. She no longer likes to lay down - even when you hold her, she either wants you to sit her up or stand her up. once she gets a little stronger with her stomach muscles we are gonna get her a exosaucer. She laughed out loud for the first time the other day. My hubby was talking to her and I heard a loud squeal and little laughter :cloud9:. She has laughed before but not so big. She is also becoming quite the talker (like her mommy!)

I will post a couple photos.

Hope everyone is doing well.

Chris #2 - you are next girfriend

Charmaine/Anna - Waiting to see photos

Viv - :hugs::hugs::hugs: Hope you and your son are doing ok. We miss you and think about you often.

:hug: and love to you all.

Here are the latest photos of Katelyn

This was one taken yesterday by my hubby so I could see her while at work 2011-09-069510-29-259537.jpg

THis one was taken a few weeks ago in her new swing - which she loves.


She had more hair when she was born...the original hair is starting to fall out and new hair is growing in...weird!
oh Steph look at her!!! She is adorable and has put on so much weight. Look at those chubby cheeks!! :cloud9: i can't wait until Sophie smiles!! Thanks for the new pictures, just gorgeous. xo
Hi ladies,

5hr appointment with perinatal center. :wacko: Amelia is breech again. She's just NOT willing to move no matter what we try. She weighs 7lbs and everything is on schedule. I have high-normal amniotic fluid so we're monitoring it.

Tentative c-section scheduled for October 6th because of her breech position. They took the cerclage stitch out a week early and it had me nervous. I was wondering if she'd drop out right there on the table. :rofl: She's fine and I still have length, she wasn't at the stitch etc.

I have SEVERE water retention in my feet, ankles and pelvis. The pelvis hurts BAD. That could be a reason she's giving us issues or it could be a cord issue. We chose NOT to have external inversion as it would hurt like all getup and I just don't want to take a chance on Amelia's well-being to force her to turn. She's NOT turning for a reason.

With the stitch out, I have to watch for contractions. Because Amelia is breech she said no ands, if's or buts..we must RUSH to labor and delivery. :wacko: Her reasoning for taking it out early is contractions can cause the stitch to tear the cervix. The baby is big enough to stay put and not just drop out.

At this point, I can still go into labor but unless she turns on her own, it would be considered an emergency c-section if before Oct. 6th.

What an ordeal. :rofl: Even with a "scheduled c-section" nothing is still in stone. Can't plan a darn thing because when she comes and HOW she comes is anyones guess. :haha:

All I know is that while I didn't want c-section, as long as Amelia is safe...that's all that matters! I'm at peace we did everything we could within reason to her own well-being.

I have my last injection tonight and that should keep contractions at bay for another week. My concern is how heavy she'll be if she'll break my water sooner than later even with the 17P injection. :shrug:

It's all in Gods hands. I'm going to rest while I still can, put my blowfish feet up and enjoy the last few weeks of feeling Amelia in my body. I have many blessings to count.

Congrats Anna on Josephine :happydance:

Congrats also Junebug! :happydance:

Sorry you are having issues with BF'ing Chris, so am I which is contributing to my depression. I am determined to BF, so I am pumping and topping up with breast milk and formula.

I am still in the unit for mothers and babies as I am still not right and the attachment and bonding is just not happening for me :cry: They are trying different meds to get me 'up' again. It's just so heartbreaking for me that Chris does not have us at home but he visits daily.

I can't log on much as there is no internet connection available to us at the hospital and the cafeteria computers are currently broken. :dohh:
I do get some leave but I am terrified to leave now as I don't know what to do with Callum if he wants food in public as I need pillows etc to get going.
I'll have to get out sometime if I want to get better though. Sigh it's just so tough. Sorry must stop moaning.

Love to all and congrats again
Hi everyone :hi:

Pablo, how cool that your Joe is so chilled and happy, that's great! Over here we can get this stuff called Lansinoh that you actually put on your nipples..it is the reason I am still BF!!! :hugs:

Miss Muffet, Katelyn has grown so much, getting nice and chubby, she is gorgeous! Must be hard going back to work, I am not looking forward to leaving Tilly in Dec :hugs:

MA, it sounds such a good thing to have a doula, something I may do in the future. Don't worry about Amelia dropping out, I was worried Tilly would when it felt so heavy, but even when you are 10cm dilated, it takes a lot of pushing to get them out lol! :hugs::kiss:I am so excited your time is getting near, can't wait to see pics of Amelia. :cloud9:

Well I have to be on high alert now, Tilly is mobile...sort of...she rolls all over the sofa, and can almost drag herself forward on tummy using knees and elbows lol, like a little soldier! I can't turn my back now, she is even trying to escape from her baby bouncing chair!

Here are some latest pics :cloud9:

photo (31).jpg

photo (26).jpg

photo (32).jpg

Hi Viv, so good to hear from you! Sorry you are still not feeling good, I guess it will take a little more time, but I believe you will get better and be home enjoying time with your Callum soon! :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Hi everyone else, junebug, codegirl, sunshine, austin, Rottpaw, Lava, NMG, and everyone else! :hugs::hugs::hugs: So sorry if I forgot anyone xxx
Steph, way to go mommy! I know how hard it is, I've been there so recently. Good for you for pumping at work. It all DOES get easier with time, and there is nothing that melts my heart more than coming home at night and seeing baby :cloud9: Love the photos, she is absolutely precious :hugs:

Awwww Lucy, what a little beauty Tilly is!!!

Viv :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: hun, I'm crossing all my fingers and toes that things improve for you soon... Take care of yourself. I hope that the BF'ing gets easier for you, you're doing amazing!!!

Rebekah, sorry Amelia is breech... Maybe she'll flip again! I did have an elective C-section (presumed CPD) which I ended up canceling, and after 24 hours of active labour (on max doses Oxytocin and contracting every 2-3 minutes) and only getting to 4 cm (baby's head too big for my pelvis, it could not descend hence the lack of dilatation) I ended up in an emergency C-section for fetal heart rate dips. I was exhausted, emotionally and physically. This time around, elective C-section ALL the way. At least I'll be better rested. Everything will work out great, it'll be all worth it!

AFM, still no symptoms. I started working out again. Did prenatal fix with Erin O'Brien (DVD) and love it!
Good morning, everyone! :flower:

Steph & Lucy - thank you both so much for posting pictures of your little girls! They're so freakin' cute - makes me even MORE excited to finally see my own little girl!

Austin - if you ever get a moment to check in... we want pictures!

Viv - thank you for the update. I'm so sorry you're still having a tough time with it all. I'm not the most religious person in the world, but for what it's worth, I'm sending up prayers for you to feel better soon. :flow: I agree with what Junebug said - I think you're doing amazing with the whole BFing thing, too. From everything I've read (and from what I fully expect to experience in the near future) BFing is not an easy thing to do. Now add in everything else you're going through... your determination to stick with it speaks volumes of your strength of character. Hang in there - things WILL turn around for you! :hugs:

Anna - I too would like to know the type of sling you're using. That's one of the things I still need to get... As far as the bleeding goes (yikes!) I just ordered & received Lansinoh HPA Lanolin. (LOVE Amazon Mom...) It's supposed to really help in that area. Plus, it's safe for baby so you don't need to wipe it away before you BF. Oh - and for all you moms to be, I've also read that if you use it prior to baby it can help keep you from cracking/bleeding in the first place. I just started using it yesterday. I'll let you all know if it seems to help once the time comes. One thing, though - it's REALLY thick. Like a pasty, concentrated vasoline. Almost glue-like. Not the most comfortable thing to apply. The directions say to soften a pea sized amount between your fingers, but it doesn't seem to make it any more pliable... Ah, well. Hopefully some discomfort now will pre-empt any serious pain later.

MA, Chris #1, Lava, Skye, Junebug, Lucy, Rowan, NMG, and Angela & Terri (if you're still around!) Hi ladies! :wave:

AFM - not a heck of a lot. The doc checked me at my 38wk appointment on Thursday, and I haven't started dialating yet. Looks like we'll go for the full 40 weeks. I can't decide if I'm impatient or relieved about that... Can't remember if I mentioned it or not, but if there's no action by 41 weeks he'll induce. I'm guessing we'll get that scheduled at my 40 week appt, but what the heck do I know. :shrug: My last day of work was Tuesday, so I've been a lazy bum for the past few days. I've decided to rejoin the living starting on Monday. Once I wrap my head around the realization that I have no job... :wacko:

Have a good Saturday, everyone! :kiss:
Hi ladies,

Quick check in and photo up-date. Love all the dark haired beauties! Time for the blonds to represent. I promise to get properly up to date tomorrow, but for now let me just say Vivienne, so good to hear from you!! We have lots in common as BFing is a struggle for me too. I will expand tomorrow, but I understand your frustration. However things are getting better and this weekend went well regarding Bfing.

So here's the girl . . . .

Dressed to go for first dog walk:





You may notice little round circles on either side of her head. They're stickers that would hold the oxygen tubes should she need oxygen. They don't want me to take them off yet as they will check her oxygen again at two weeks. Love living in the mountains, but I hope she remains off it.

Have a good evening,
Awwwww ANNA what a little cutie pie!!! You're making me so broody :cloud9: She's perfection! Congrats again! Hope BF'ing gets easier fast, before you know it you'll be a pro :hugs:
What an adorable little babes. How's the hubby handling fatherhood? Has he softened up yet with his wee little girl??

AFM, I'm not sure how much longer I'll be. The severe adema is BAD. I'm literally holding my pelvis it's so heavy and it's got water polyps. It's gross and feels awful! Amelia has high-normal amniotic fluid. In researching I'm a bit concerned but am glad I go in twice a week starting this week for non-stress test. My guess is I'll be earlier that my c-section date I wanted if this fluid stuff doesn't come down. I'm resting on my sides which are still hard because my pelvis is so big. I'm drinking water. This is an issue that can occur because of diabetes. Sadly I'm eating well and I'm under some control but it doesn't seem to matter. :cry:

Anyways, I'm taking things one day at a time and resting in the Lord. Maybe we'll be able to bring the water retention down some. I feel like a massive truck. All I know is I don't want to be diagnosed with Polyhydramnios for Amelia. I'm a bit scared of this issue.

Almost done. That's something to look forward to. I can't wait to have Amelia here and am praying she gets here safely. :winkwink:

Love all these beautiful little babies. They bless my heart. All the HAIR! I've never seen so much hair. I was bald when I was a baby so hair is cute! :lol: You all have lovely little ones. so proud of you! :hug:
Rebekah she WILL get here safely :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

I'm so sorry you're having such a tough last month :cry: You are doing GREAT my friend!!! You're so very near the end! :hug:
Almost there, MA! Hang in there.

She is absolutely beautiful! Thanks for showing us some pictures!

Austin & Viv,
Hope you are both doing well with the babies!!! Viv ... hope you are feeling better & the b'feeding is getting easier. Austin ... are all the girls home?

I completed my registry on Fri & went to visit a friend with a 6 month old. She showed me how to b'feed & freeze milk etc. She also a Moby sling, bouncer, baby bath & never used Ameda Purely Yours double pump for me. She has two for some reason. That will save us some money. Yesterday we celebrated my MIL's 80 birthday. It was somewhat sad b/c of the 9/11 remembrances and she misses her daughter who died in 2001 as well. Work has been incredibily stressful. I've been dealing with very antagonistic clients & untrustworthy opposing counsel. I am really looking forward to our 5-day beach trip at the end of this week. My neighbor who is 36 week pg with identical twin girls told me she did half days beginning at 26 weeks & was home by 30. She actually works as a nurse at the hospital where I will deliver. She has a scheduled c-section there in two weeks, but is home now. I'm so sick of work, I'm selfishly almost looking forward to that, but I'm also scared it will cut into my time at home with the babies. Next Tues is our 20 week scan. Time is moving a little faster now although we have so much to do & probably less time with twins to do it. Anyway, pray that I find some peace & don't lose it at work. I guess that I just have less tolerance for all the stress & games than before.

Everyone have a wonderful week!
Lucy – Tilly is a beauty and all that hair!!! I love it

Viv – SOOOOOO good to hear from you. The BF will happen you are doing good with the pumping, etc. You and Callum will bond. You are NOT moaning. We are here for you and want to hear what is going on and if just sending hugs your way helps at all, then that is what we will do! You, Callum, and your DH are in my thoughts and prayers. :hugs:

June – Maybe no symptoms means it is a boy this time around?

Rebekah – Sorry about Amelia being breech and that your adema is getting bad. I am so excited to see Amelia and to hear your birth story and to just know that Amelia and mommy are fine. :hugs::flower: If Katelyn can come as early as she did and be ok, then Amelia will definitely be fine. Stay positive and think about holding your little girl and her looking up at you with so much love.

Chris #2 – We are on baby watch for you. So exciting. Yes, the Lansinoh will help cracking and bleeding while still pregnant. I used it a lot because just taking a shower would hurt. YAY for last day of work! Enjoy being a bum, trust me after the baby comes you will not be able to be lazy.

Anna – Josephine is precious. I love her warm outfit for dog walking and the little froggy you have on the side LOL. Kudos to you for being able to walk the baby and take the dog for a walk. I can only do that if DH comes along and even that is a chore since we have 2 doggies. Yes, hopefully she will NOT need additional oxygen. Thanks for sharing the photos!

Lava - YAY for getting the registry done! That is awesome your friend had all the stuff for you. Yes, time is moving extremely fast, 20 weeks WHOO HOO!!!!:thumbup:

Chris #1 – Sophie will be smiling soon enough and it will just melt your heart. I swear I STILL want to cry every time I am feeding Katelyn and she looks up at me with those big eyes and then starts to giggle. It is pure joy/love.:cloud9:

Hi to Code, Charmaine (still waiting on photos of the triplets!), Angela, NMG, and everyone else.

AFM – We took Katelyn to the Santa Barbara Zoo on Saturday, her very first trip to the zoo! I am trying really hard to keep her baby book up to date. Now that I am back to work, I can organize and print out the slew of photos that I have for her. It is just too hard to try and do that at home. I am slowly getting back into the work groove. The hardest part is that Katelyn wants to play in the morning and it is hard to stop so I can get ready for work.:shrug: I am posting a few more photos of the two of us. She loves to sit up and stand up. Whenever someone holds her where she is laying down she fusses because she thinks they are trying to put her to sleep LOL.




Anyway, I hope that everyone is doing well with the new babies and getting some sleep. New Mommies, I would love to hear how week 1 and 2 have been going (or the 1st month). Hugs to all the mommies to be!:hugs::hugs:

hello Ladies!

I hope you are all doing well today.

anna - what an absolute beauty! a delicate gorgeous baby!!! she is representing the blondies well!

Junebug - all the pics are making me broody too! :haha:

MA - almost there! sorry about the adema! We are all praying for both of you and for a safe journey for Amelia!

lava - yay on finishing the registry! Even though my family has nixed a shower, Charlie tells me I still should register, as it will give us an idea of what we need. I know you mentioned before about easing into a part-time basis at work....i hope that goes well for you. Time is passing quickly this trimester isn't it!

sunshine - wow, 38 weeks!!!!! you are so calm! Praying everything goes smoothly for you too! Can't wait to hear you are in delivery!!!!!!!!!

AFM - not much, spent a lazy weekend on my side as I woke up to massive hip pain so bad I couldn't walk on it. Charlie took good care of me bringing me snacks and water all day. Was a long day as when I found a spot that was good on my hip, it was baaaaaad on the tailbone, so I was blah! We ended the night watching Casablanca, which is our favorite movie (of each of us even before we met each other) and our wedding song was As Time Goes By, so we just cuddled since I couldn't stand up to dance! :haha: Pain is better today thankfully.

HI to all the new moms out there and the almost-moms! have a great day!
Steph...LOVE the baby photos. Especially the ones with you in them. Very cute!<3

Thank you everyone for the kind comments. We'll get through it. I keep reminding myself of the blessings to count. There are many. I can get through the discomfort for a few more weeks with Gods help. It'll all be worth it as you've mentioned. In the meantime, today I have quite the wiggler. :lol: I LOVE feeling her move. I'll miss that part a whole lot. Can't wait to hold her tight though.
I really miss it Rebekah, it was a very special bond indeed :cloud9:
Hi All,

Babe is asleep in the swing so I've got a couple of minutes.

MA, all will be fine. I am sorry for all the water retention and the pain. That last month is so uncomfortable!! At least you are now at a stage that if she comes all will be ok. Hang in there!!! Sleep deprivation is your reality once she gets here! As for my DH and his daughter, they are so cute!! I knew he would be a good dad, but he has exceeded my expectations by leaps and bounds. He just adores her!!

CJ, thanks. I hope you are doing well and continue symptom free. Mine didn't get bad until about week 7 or 8. I just heard a diaper blow up, my time is limited. . .

Lava, sorry work is so stressful. I too lost my passion for work the more along I got in pregnancy, well as much passion as you can have for T-shirts. It's hard because you're focus is elsewhere. Hang in there and enjoy vaca!! Sounds lovely.

Steph, Love the pictures!!! I really like the photos with the moms in them!! Once I feel as if I look ok I'll try and do the same.

NMG, so glad you registered. Sorry for the hip pain. That sucks. Hope you are well.

Skye, how's it going??

Svet and Austin, how's the lack of sleep ladies??

CJ, quick question. Trying to get Jo to sleep in her own bed. She's spent the first week sleeping on my chest as nothing else would do. Last night we swaddled her and she slept in bed next to me ( safely I assure you) and that seemed to go well. I am hoping it is a first step toward getting her in her own bed. Any suggestions? I think you once mentioned your little girl slept with you for quite a while.

AFM, we're on the 2 hour and 45 minute cycle right now. She eats ever 2 hours and 45 minutes. Ok during the day, killer at night. Good news is even though it's tough, we're getting back to BFing. I am still not producing enough milk, so some supplement is necessary, but we're getting by. I am just happy we were able to go back to the breast after being on bottle for a couple of days. Milk is easier to get from a bottle so she has to work harder to get milk from me which pisses her off!!! So she screams and fusses and that just makes matters worse. Needless to say the trick is to get to her before she's starving so she is a bot more patient. Every day is an adventure and a learning curve, but we're getting there. Steph I think you said something about the smile. It's my favorite thing when she feeds I get a little smile of contentment. So sweet and I am so in love.

Ok, lots of love to you all, dirty diaper is calling my name.


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