35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Chantal - :dance: about sleep, I can't wait to sleep again!!! (bad bad insomnia right now)
wow lots happened since last post. Guess I hit a nerve.

chantel,i find genetics facinating! I will definitely have some questions for you in a few weeks as 12 week scan comes and amnio sentisis (sp).

thanks to all of you for your info re: maternity leave. You Canadian ladies have it made!!! Svet, you are right the u.s. leave system sucks! Espically for me. I work for a small company and the current company policy is sick leave after three years full time. Well i've only been full time for little over a year, so I have no sick leave or paid time off for the prregnancy or baby. Plus I am concerned FMLA won't cover us. According to what I read, FMLA applies to companies with 50 employees within a 50 mile radius. Our company has well over 50 employees but we're spread out between all the ski towns, not sure if there are 50 within 50 miles. I need to do some research. I am currently saving up enough to take at least 12 - 16 weeks off, because I am sure any leave will be unpaid. If the current job market were better I would quit when baby came and find another job. I am tempted to look for one now that has better benefits. Anyway a conundrum, just one more thing to worry about. A good girlfriend just stopped by and said,"of course you finally get what you want and everything gets so hard". Why is nothing ever easy?

ok enough of my soap box, hope everyone is well and happy friday!!!! Anna
Good morning ladies!

Angela :rofl: Glad it's not just me who was frustrated with all the packaging. I remember trying to unpack baby socks and I swear EACH sock in the pack of 6 pairs was attached to the next one with those stupid little plastic fasteners. It took me so long to get them cut, and I had 3 packs like this!

I'm pumping at work right now. Which is really the only time during the day I have to check BnB. Just wanted to say, Zoë slept 8PM to 7AM this morning!!! :happydance: I haven't slept that long since August 2009 before I got pregnant (had severe insomnia starting first tri :-()

Hope everyone is having a nice day so far :hugs:

It's definitely a conspiracy to drive us insane. Just for a set of onesies, they had three of them on one hangar system and each one was "stapled" to the others AND to the hangar at two different points each. GAH!

Anna, I do hope you find that you are covered one way or ther other, but yes, our leave system here sucks. This year, after five years with my company, I should be entitled to three weeks' paid vacation. Except that now we have to accrue it per pay period (this is new to our company - last year and previous years, it was vested on January 1). So, becuase I'll be having this baby around March, I'll have accrued only about 4 days paid leave by the time I take off, and it won't continue to accrue while I'm out on disability. :grr: :growlmad: Figures!!

Chantal what pump system do you use (or prefer?) I am currently looking at which to buy.

Code, I understand the missed sleep! I tend to aggravate mine with my own worries - I will either not sleep well, or sleep soundly for a few hours (a miracle) and then wake up frantically wondering why I haven't felt baby move (duhhhh, I've been asleep!). Then, I'll start moving around to try to wake baby (poor thing!) to reassure myself. I'm sure he already thinks his mama is nuts!! :dohh:

So meanwhile, we had our (hopefully) last appointment with the perinatologist this morning. He is very pleased and said all looks well. My little chunky monkey (which may be his new nickname!) is 1 oz shy of SEVEN pounds. And I'm still not even 35 weeks till Sunday!!! :shrug: I'm starting to get just a little freaked out at the thought of a 9.5 pound baby (if he goes all the way to 40 weeks). But I can believe every single ounce of that weight because I swear I can feel the changes in my ability to move as he gets bigger. And he is getting bigger FAST - in just 12 days, he's put on a pound and 9 oz!! No wonder I'm eating like such a pig! :haha: At least that's what I'll blame it on!!

Anyway, it's a rainy, cold day here. Hope everyone is staying well and staying warm and Viv, hope you are not too warm!

angela, so glad last scan went well!! Can't believe he's so big!!! Better big and healthy though! You are so close and I am so jealous! Feels like it will be forever until i'm there.

just did some research and found out FMLA is 50 employees in 75 mile radius. If that's the case then I should be ok as it will encompass both vail employees and Winter Park. Ok some of the stress is off.

happy weekend! Anna
Yes, definitely better that he be bigger and come later (at least till 40 weeks) than to small or too early!

Glad to hear the news on the FMLA front!

Happy weekend to all; tomorrow we go home for the shower in my hometown and to visit my Dad, then I should be back online Sunday.

Hugs to all!
About to head to a meeting, but wanted to wish you a safe trip Angela and I hope that you have a nice visit with your Dad.

Anna - Glad to hear you may have good news about FMLA

Everyone else I hope you have a great day. I will sign on later today if I have time.

Angela, have a safe trip and a nice visit with your dad :hugs: I have the Ameda Purely Yours which is a dual electric (both boobs at once) and thanks to the PumpEase band (which secures the cups in place and allows for hands-free pumping, I do work while pumping (while at the hospital) and knit while pumping while at home :) Great news for baby!!! Have fun at your shower too!

Anna, great news for FMLA!

Terri, I hear you about the insomnia :-( I had first tri insomnia (was able to sleep only 2-3 hours per night), then slept OK in second tri (but still only 5 hours per night), then in third tri I had... mechanical difficulties to prevent a good night's sleep! :wacko: Hope you're able to get some naps in during the day :hugs:

Have a nice weekend everyone! May pop by to see if anyone else is online :kiss:
Hi ladies! Hope everyone is having a good Friday... We had a snow day here in Texas today, in TEXAS... it just doesn't happen here that often!

Anna - DH & I love Breckenridge... I wish I could live somewhere and try out the cold weather for a season... Will NOT likely be enjoying Aug/Sept in Texas this year...

You girls that have sleep issues... I can imagine that would be awful! So hard to feel good when you're tired...

Angela - Safe travels!

AFM - Feeling good... happy to have made the 6 week mark! Just waiting... and waiting... It's hard! Eating like a horse and still no MS... which kind of makes me worry... I know its fairly normal to have none, but still....
A 9.5 lb baby isn't sooo big (speaking as one that pushed out a 9lb 6oz baby the first time) :haha)
LOL Code I am not worried so much about pain during, as I'm planning epidural, but I'm worried about lasting pelvic and bladder repercussions LOL! Scary thought!
Thanks ladies for the travel wishes, and Chantal, on the pumps, thanks for the recommendation. That's one I have been considering and we just found out it may be covered by our insurance. Woohooo! If not, we can get a susbidy from hubby's company on a comparable medela model.

Baby is kicking up a storm today, but then again, I've been eating like a pig all day today. I feel completely disgusted with myself but still hungry LOL! I guess it is his way of thanking me for the steady stream of calories, because he does not seem to have any trouble storing them as baby fat LOL! :rofl:
Awwwww pudgy newborn cheeks are sooooo cute ;-)
Yes I found this pump is essentially the same quality as the equivalent Medela model but cheaper! I have 2: one at home and one at the office. Just because with my severe mommy brain I was bound to forget the one at one time or the other and have my boobs explode on me :rofl:
WOW what a lot of activity!!! I don't know, maybe it's something in the water but everyone seems to be having large babies these days. I suppose our bodies wouldn't create something we couldn't handle. I wish you all wonderful and easy deliveries :thumbup:

Angela- have a great weekend away and give your dad lot's of hugs and kisses. :hugs:

Junebug- awesome to be able to pump at work. Not sure how that would function at my office, :wacko: lol

Pablo- try not to stress about time off. Not to be all pollyanna but life has a way of working out. Even though I get 50 weeks, I still worry about how we'll manage without the bulk of my salary, but I am putting some money away now and I just have to have faith that it will be fine.

Viv- hope your ms goes away soon.

Austin- hope you don't ever have to deal with ms!!! Don't worry if you are not feeling nausea. Just consider yourself one of the lucky ones!!! Congrats on 6 weeks!

AFM, not much knew to report. I have been relatively nausea free now for a couple weeks. Still gag at dinner sometimes though. :shrug: My boobs are on a growth spurt this week I think, as is my bump. We should all post our bumps!!! I'll do my 12 week on Sunday and see. Sleeping is getting better for me YAY. Although I think I have a UTI. :growlmad: Guess I will find out at the docs Monday. Bladder kind of hurts when I empty it and my urine has been cloudy on and off the last couple days. I am getting very emotional and cry now at the drop of a hat. Just thinking I'll be 12 weeks on Sunday gets me all welled up. I am so ready to see my baby Monday, I am going to be such a mess. :cry: Fx'd everything is fine!!!

Hope I didn't miss anyone!!! Hope you all have a great weekend. I'll try to pop in once and again. xo
LOL Code I am not worried so much about pain during, as I'm planning epidural, but I'm worried about lasting pelvic and bladder repercussions LOL! Scary thought!

pelvic pain post Edward I did not have.... bladder repercussions on the other hand....

but I sort of knew that my bladder was going to be shot because of things that happened WHILE I was pregnant with Edward. I don't think it was so much getting him out that wrecked it, but him bouncing on it for months (he could make me pee my pants by stretching, how nice is that??)

I had to pump at work in the stantionary closet... now nice is that?

Edward just got out of the bath and said (while being held in his towel by DH) "Daddy put me in my bed NOW" :cloud9: I think he's tired :haha:
Peekaboo, may I join you too?!:happydance:

I'm pretty early. In fact, I'm confused as to how far along I am. I have had symptoms since middle of last week which seems pretty early to have these side affects. My belly got harder, nausia, headaches, boobies. The past three days meat makes me sick :shrug: We bd'd a few days prior to IUI and then had the IUI. I suppose we'll find out soon enough with our beta appointment on monday.:thumbup:

Anyone find they can't bare to eat meat?! I'm usually a meat person.
Rebekah WELCOME and I am SO happy to see you here!! Congratulations my sweet friend!!

Your symptoms sound right on track to me. The first thing I went off (even before testing BFP) was coffee, but yes, quickly followed by meat. I'm normally a carnivore so I was surprised, but the only thing I could eat was chicken. And I couldn't be responsible for cooking it unless I sauteed or cooked it in a pan on the stove - no boiling it or anything. Too gross looking. But thankfully i could eat chicken, because that and milk were pretty much my only protein sources for first tri.


ETA - I *quickly* became sick (like beginning day 29 LOL). So don't be surprised if you are already nauseated. Hopefully it won't last long for you, but it is a good sign with hormone levels.

Well ladies we are back from our visit home. Had another fantastic shower, and received the most gorgeous handmade baby blanket from one of my best friends. So sweet!

Then visited with Dad and, while he's as comfortable as possible, I'm afraid it's probably not long now :-( :cry: However, he's so miserable like this that I can't wish for him to continue living in that condition. He'll be going to a much better place at home with the Lord, and I can't think selfishly anymore and hope he lives even one more week or month in the condition he's in. If he was fully cognizant I know he would tell us he doesn't want this prolonged (he said it often enough before he got sick). So I am very sad to know we will lose him soon, but I also know the moment he leaves this earth, he'll be going to a wonderful Heaven so I can be thankful for that.

So today we're home (first weekend day home in a loooong time) and need to get caught up on things like a grocery store run, house cleanup and organizing/putting some of these baby gifts away. I'm diving into that project now. If you don't hear back, send help! :)
Happy Sunday, Girls!

Chris - Happy Week 12!! Looking forward to hearing about your appt! Sorry to hear about the UTI... I, too suffer from them and they are NOT FUN... Really hoping to not have one for the next few months... Please share what your doc advises on how to treat... I used to take this wonderful OTC stuff called Cystex, but have no idea if would be ok when pg...

Rebekah - Yay! So glad to see you here!!! Funny thing about the IUI/cycle dates... I did the injex & back-to-back IUI's, so my "OV/trigger" shot date was very early, like cycle day 10 for me, as the drugs stimulated me VERY quickly... so, I was "officially" week 4 very early on... so much so that the "starting date" of my pregnancy is BEFORE my last full period... go figure... But I digress... Once you have your beta test, I know you will feel so much better... keep us posted! :thumbup:

Angela - Glad you had a good visit! Love hearing about all of your showers... I cannot imagine what a tough time you're having now and sounds as though you have loads of friends and loved ones around you... Enjoy your day at home! Its hard to travel so much and if you're like me, you'll feel oh so much bette when your own "nest" is in order!

AFM - Still no nausea, no issues other than a low-grade persistent headache. I believe it is related to allergies, though.... I'm just so hungry that I am eating all the time! What to do? I want to eat right, but don't want to be one of those gals who uses it as an excuse to scarf up any food around me! :wacko:

Otherwise, doing good & feeling pretty good... Hope all of you are doing well also!
Rebekah!!!! Welcome!!!! :happydance: I too had nausea really bad before I even tested! Started around 10 dpo and lasted for a couple weeks... stopped for a bit and started again around 6 weeks and last through until about 9 weeks. Good sign :thumbup: My major food aversions were chicken and vegetables. I was fine with beef, but chicken and veggies (particularly salad) made me gag soooo badly. All is good now. I am so excited for you!! Happy and healthy 9 months my friend! :hugs:

Angela- So sorry about your dad. I am glad you are getting to see him often. I know this can't be easy, but I suppose the sooner he goes to heaven the less he will have to suffer. :hugs: There are no words, but we're all here for you support. xo

Austingurrl- lol at the eating! Consider yourself luck I guess. Not everyone gets morning sickness. If you are worried about eating too much, just try to make wise choices. Easier said than done I know.

AFM- 12 weeks today!!! :yipee: Seems really unreal. Especially now that I am entering the stage of my pregnancy where I don't really feel pregnant. :wacko: Very excited and anxious for my scan tomorrow. Fingers tightly crossed that everything will be ok.
Thanks ladies!!

Angela, I'm so sorry to hear about your dad but your right about one thing, He WILL be in a much better place where there are no more tears, no more pain, no more sickness. What helped us grasp "HEAVEN" was the book by Randy Alcorn called Heaven. It will really help you through your emotions and share what heaven is like. It helped me with Jacksons passing. I really stopped fearing heaven and fearing that it was final. THEY Are the ones who are or in your dads case WILL be HOME. We're the ones in a temporary home here on earth.

Not sure if you heard me say this, but "to be absent from the body is to be present from the Lord" helped me a great deal. If you look up in a concordance "to be absent from the body", it means to immigrate. "To be with the Lord" means to be in ones HOMELAND.

When you look at the whole picture it is SO comforting. It means things are NOT FINAL, we'll see them again in heaven. It's the loss we feel when they leave us behind that's the hardest to get through. In time the sting will get better, but you'll start to lean on the legacy dad left behind and the memories you have. :hugs:

Austin, that's my dilemma, I think I'm farther along that I figured. My IUI was the 17th and I must have gotten pregnant right away because the week after I started feeling sick. If I read the book correctly I may be week three or maybe even 4 but I think it's pushing it. I thought I was at week two from date of ovulation. :wacko: I'm all confused.

Svet, YAY!! That's an exciting milestone. I love the scans, I love hearing the heartbeats even more. It's such a blessed bonding time for mommy and baby.

As for the nausia, yes, I'm having nausia. No actual sickness though.

Last night I had a rough night though. I couldn't sleep and finally got to sleep around 6am. I felt a pulling in my lower back. I feel as though everything is happing the opposite parts of my body. I have a tipped uterus and with Jackson I also felt pressure in my lower back. It makes me feel as though I have to have a bm all the time. Sorry for the tmi. :rofl: Anyways, it feels like stretching instead of my belly in my lower back area. Anyone getting the same type of lower back stretching??

So glad to be here with you ladies. I'm looking forward to sharing the exciting milestones with you all. It helps to have this group because we're not telling family and close friends. I like our little group from 35+. I couldn't think of any group of women more fitting to experience this with. :hug:

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