35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

OMG soo many beautiful bb photos finally. AWWWWWWWWWW!!!

Sweta she is gorgeous. She has so much hair :))) She looks like you I think. Really pretty :))) You are a handsome family :)))

Anna Awwwwawwwwww!!! Sooo cuuuuteeeee. She is gorgeous and I love the pink blankets. I already started pink things for mine too :)) Pls put a photo holding her as well. I'm guessing she looks like you too but can't tell too well. What do you think? She looks quite healthy so I'm sure she caught up already :)

Missmuffet can't believe Katelyn's grown so much and looks so robust. She's gonna be a strong girl LOL Love the way she is standing up on your lap :)))) hahahahaha I love her bright pink outfits.

Lucy Tilly is such a cuuutieee. How old is she now? Kisses kisssesss many kisses

MA Amelia looks very sweet too. I can't wait to see her photos once she is born. Really curious if she will look like you or Doug. What u think?

Sunshine you were talking about not being ready. hahahhahaaaa so your girl is giving you a slack now. LOL LoL!!!! Hope she will come before being induced. Any names picked yet? xxx

Lava, Junebug, Codegirl, Angela, NMG hi girls hope you're all good xxx

AFM. Sorry I couldn't keep up with all the posts yet. Will catch up soon. I'm just back from Turkey and had my anomaly scan last night. BB looks very cute. Only half a kilo, like a handful LOL!!! Hope she grows well and be born healthy :)

I wanna fly back to Turkey to look after mum who is still not well but my scan showed a low lying placenta yesterday. I will see a midwife today to see if it's ok for me to have a 4 hr flight. I think this condition gives me a risk of bleeding but I don't wanna jump into conclusions and worry before I get good info on the situation. Anyone has any experience with this?

At first I thought she looked a whole lot like her daddy. Now with this picture, I'm wondering if she looks a bit like me. It'll be interesting to see. I already notice she has momma's independent spirit. :rofl: I had hoped she'd be a little laid back like daddy but I'm not so sure about that. :haha: Will be interesting for us too!

I didn't get much sleep last night so I'm down for a nap. Be back later everyone!
Congratulations Carole!!!! Happy and Healthy pregnancy. Looking forward to hearing/reading your pregnancy journey :)
Hi ladies.

I have a ton of onesies, sleepers, sockies, swaddlers and some dresses or clothes to go out on the town for Amelia.

I also have many of these same things in sizes UP to 18mos.

So what do I do with them now?! :shrug:

I have a dresser, I shelving unit in her closet and a two level hanging rack.

Also keep in mind I have several prefold diapers, 8 diaper covers and 9 all in one cloth diapers.

So, first things first. How do YOU organize your babies clothes in the dresser? Where do the rest go?

Thanks for the help :hug:
Hi ladies!

Anna - little Josephine is such a sweetie!!! Score one for us blonds! :thumbup: I'm assuming our little one will be blond, too, as both her daddy and I are. BUT - I was born with lots of jet black hair, so ya never know.

Carole - congratulations!!!!! I'm so glad you're over on the graduates thread, and look forward to reading about your experience! And your scan is on my due date - let's hope it's a big day for the both of us! Here's to a happy, healthy, and uneventful nine months :flower:

Holy cr@p, Lava - I can't believe you're almost 20 weeks now! I swear it seems like you just found out you were pregnant... where on Earth does the time go??

Hi, Skye! Yep - we FINALLY settled on a name two nights ago (nothing like being on top of things), with a back-up name if we see her and choice #1 just doesn't fit. I don't know why it wouldn't - let's face it, newborns pretty much all look the same - but I hear it happens quite a lot. SO - hopefully we'll have an announcement to make in the next week or so. :cloud9: Try not to worry about the low placenta - I personally have no experience with it, but I've read that even though it's not the idea situation, it's not uncommon either. I think, too, that they can creep upwards as the pregnancy progresses. What did the doc say about it?

Steph - LOVE the new mama & baby photos! I just can't get over how much she's grown. Did you put her in the crib last night? How'd it go?

NMG - as far as the umm... wetness goes... I agree with everyone else. Totally normal. Just be careful with the liners. Back in June I was having some cramping that brought me in to the labor & delivery unit (they were concerned I might be going into premature labor). Turns out the cramping was due to the start of a bacterial infection that I didn't even know I had at that point. As soon as the infection was confirmed, the first thing the doc asked me was if I wore liners. I did. She went on to say that she doesn't recommend using them - because they don't breathe, they're conducive to infections. So I stopped using them and started changing the undies a couple times a day. I also would fold up some TP on particularly bad days, too - that was more breathable than the plastic base of the liners, and could be replaced each time I had to pee. Which, as we all know, is quite frequently... :haha: Of course, that's just the recommendation of one doc, but so far I haven't had another infection. Knock on wood. (Or "touch wood" if you're across the pond from the US...) :)

To everyone else - hi there! :hi:

Have a great day, ladies! :kiss:
My four week old beauty:
Hey girls, hugs to all and so sorry I keep replying to one or two messages at a time. Can't grab more typing time than that at the moment as little guy is going through a routine transition (transitioning out of napping for hours lolololol! Bye bye "free" time, mommy!)

Bek, it is definitely confusing with the clothing, especially as the sizes of the clothes often don't correspond with what actuallynfits at any given stage, as I have learned! Gerber, especially, runs realllllllly small. I have a furniture setup that sounds similar to yours, so here is what I do, in case it is helpful.

Sleep sacks and pj's hang in the closet, so I can judge their length at a glance. Coats and "outfit" type clothes also hang in the closet, roughly in order ofmsize. Sheets, linens and socks/hats/booties/mittens all live in the dresr drawers. Then, in his little chest of drawers, I now have a drawer dedicated to each of these ranges: 6-12 months, 12 months, 18 months, and 24 months/2T. I am planning to just look through this drawers occasionally to see what may look like it fits at anyngiven time (as it turns out, infind thisn a much better indicator of what will fit than the label!)

Anything we use every day, like sleepers, onesies, towels and t shirts that fit currently, live in a little basket on top of the dryer. Trust me, you will be using these items (and washing them) far too often to store them anywhere else! :rofl: this includes bibs!

We also have an upstairs and downstairs changing station. Hope this helps and so sorry for all the typos. I know they are theree but don't have time to correct lol!
Hi All!

Oh Svet she is gorgeous!!!!!!! What a beauty!! Truly gorgeous!! She comes across just fine on my computer and a beautiful big picture. Just an awesome photo!!

CJ, thanks for the info. I often wonder if Jo would be more comfortable and happier on her stomach, but her head and neck muscles are already so strong she could get herself in trouble so I'm terrified to try. When she's really tired I can put her down in the bassinet on her back and she's ok ( like right now). But this mostly happens during the day. At night it's still a struggle. But the snuggle then putting her down next to me on the bed at night is working pretty well, and I think will be a good transition.

Another question . . . Regarding BFing . . . She is attaching so well that there is a blue/ black ring around my nipple where it's bruised and when she latches it sends me through the roof in pain. Any suggestions?? Also it takes her about an hour, maybe longer to feed. Anyone else have a marathon eater?? I talk to friends who say they feed about 10 min per side and that's it. OMG, I dream of that. But she hardly get enough as it is, if I cut feed time down to 10 min she would starve. Sorry, just venting, I am starting to understand the baby blues. It's hard being isolated with such a needy infant all day long. She is precious though and I keep trying to remind myself that this time is precious. Pretty soon she'll hate me for not letting her go out with her friends on a school night.

Skye, Hi and hope the placenta thing resolves itself. As for who Jo looks like She takes after her father very much. I will try and get a family photo going, but truth is she looks very little like me.

NMG, yep normal.

Carole!!!!! So happy :wohoo::wohoo::wohoo::wohoo::wohoo::wohoo:

I am so excited for you and hope for a happy and healthy nine months!!!

AFM, counting my blessings today. I found out this morning that my doctor that just a week ago delivered my baby, lost her husband in a climbing accident. They are trying to recover the body today or tomorrow but having trouble due to the terrain where he fell near Aspen. So sad and breaks my heart. She was such an amazing doctor during our pregnancy and delivery, she does not deserve such heart break. They have one young son. So not to end on a sad note, but despite my bruised nipples, fatigue, and soreness, I am still extraordinarily grateful for all I have.

Ok, determined to end on a happier vibe . . . baby is sleeping really soundly in bassinet right now, listening to top 40 on radio. She seems to like Rihana and the techno. Lord help me in 16 years!!

xoxo Anna
Anna, it sounds like she's not taking in enough of the aureola in her mouth. The nipple should be the last thing to enter her mouth when she latches on (tissue below it goes in first) that way the breast itself takes the brunt of the suction, not your poor nipple. Does she open wide when latching on? If so, try stuffing more of the aureola in. If not, that may be the issue. Do you have access to a lactation consultant who could observe and make suggestions? This was invaluable to me, as we did have some issues for the first month or so. Also, Z's nursing time progressively decreased, hang in there! I think if the latch improves (i.e. no more bruised nipple) it won't take her as long to nurse!

Zoë had great head control right at birth, and we didn't have any issues with the tummy sleeping. In fact, that's reassuring, since it means she can turn her head from one side to the other :thumbup:

So sorry to hear about your doc's DH, that is absolutely tragic :cry:
Quickie post........

Carole congrats!!!!!!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance:

Anna, when Sophie was a few days old until probably 3 weeks, it took me an hour to feed her. 1/2 hr on each boob. Then all of a sudden my boobs became so engorged with milk it now only takes her 15-30min. to eat. :shrug: Hang in there, it shouldn't always take so long. Sophie looks more like her daddy too. Really sorry to hear about your doctors husband. How tragic. :cry:

k, gotta run but have a great evening girls!!!
Pablo I learned to breastfeed by watching mums do it on you tube clips.....it really helped to watch....:flower:

Sorry about your docs OH so tragic :cry:

Sometimes I miss the newborn snuggly days as Tilly doesn't need this all the time now....but last night she was in my bed as she couldn't settle.....still happens occasionally....:shrug:

Sveta what a beautiful baby! :hugs:
Anna, I jinxed myself. Sophie has been up since 1am and has been on the boob since nearing 3am. Thats 2hrs of eating!!!! Grrr I fed her at 11pm but she didn't eat much and I could barely wake her so I put her to bed then pumped. Clearly in the short 1hr and a 1/2 she slept my boobs never had enough time to regenerate so she's been sucking for two hours. Guess I'm not getting any sleep tonight :growlmad: She's also pooped like five times during this too. I can't wait until she starts pooping less. :dohh:
Awww Swet look at her, isn't she gorgeous!!! Awwwwww.... OMG all of a sudden all these little people on the thread. We do all the talking but they get all the star light :))) I must say i'm loving all the photos more than any of the posts here. LOL LOL!!!!!

Rebekah oats also help loads on constipation. Have you tried it ever? Oat biscuits or porridge + Lot's and lot's of water.

Angela that was a great tip for the cupboard. I love the idea of hanging them so I can see the lengths. Do you think perhaps I should start shopping for the bb furniture and clothes. I'm 22 months now? I'm getting confused cause there is so much to be prepared beforehand and perhaps starting in a good time would help. Also how much newborn and how much 6 months and how much 1 year do I need? I know it is harder to go shopping with a little baby but is 1 year clothes not too advanced??

Anna I'm soo sorry for your dr's family. That is such a horror story. Poor woman. When I face a sudden or a close person's death I feel like you. That while we are living a comfortable life in a bubble some unlucky others have their own unfortunate bad luck. Life is cruel sometimes. I hope your family and little Josephine is protected from this bad luck. On a happier note a family photo would be great. Cuts down on the guessing game which is actually my favourite about new borns "Who will she/he look like" Hahhahahahahahaaa.

Shirin's last ultrasound images show a perfect little profile with huge lips, lot's of cheek and a little chin. Indicating "MEEE" :) (DH: small lips, shallow cheeks , quite the opposite) I think I'm gonna go for a private ultrasound on 26 weeks just to get some images. Hahahahhahahhaha!!! Am I being vein?

Midwife yesterday told me I wasn't allowed to fly anymore. I was disappointed but I guess it worked for the best. I won't get so exhausted going back and forths. Mum will have to sort herself out though which is very worrying since she is still in the hospital and I don't know how much her condition has improved. This situation might force her to find a helper in the house finally which would be a superb outcome.
Growth spurt Chris? I think Z fed for most hours at that age because of one!! :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Svet hang in there, I promise it wont always be like that but I remember those nights well!

Skye hugs sweetie and glad everything is well with you. Hope everything gets sorted with your mom and i will her in my prayers!

Anna SO sorry about your doctors husband. Inwill pray for her and their son. I think sudden things like that are even harder tomtake than when you hae some notice, because there is so much shock added to the loss. So so sorry. Glad you and Josephine are well!

Junebug how are you feeling? Still all good? So excited for you and a bit jealous of your blissful first tri so far :rofl: lol! :hugs:
Lucy I miss those early snuggly days sometimes too. Yesterday Ethan snuggled up though t nap for an hour and a half in my arms. Loved it! :cloud9:

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