35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Anna, during the first few weeks she slept a lot on my chest and next to me. Then we moved her to being swaddled and in the bassinette right by my bed side, which was fine but not perfect. This lasted about 4 weeks, until our house (no air conditioning) got unbearably hot. We could no longer swaddle at that point... And she did NOT sleep on her back unswaddled, so we resorted to letting her sleep on her tummy. She did this, once again next to me in the bassinette, until she was about 2.5 months old, then we transitioned her to her crib, with the Angelcare movement detector monitor. She slept like an ANGEL on her belly, as I did when I was a baby (and probably most of you as there were no recommendations such as "Back to Sleep" back then)... I've learned to consider recommendations but not to strictly follow them if they don't work for us! I hope this helps a bit!

Edit: I forgot to mention that when we transitioned her in her crib, we placed the bassinette itself in the crib for a couple of weeks, then removed it (to get her used to the change of location without changing the "bed" per se).
Hi Anna - i totally understand about the little one getting too hungry and wanting the bottle. Katelyn does that as well. If she is really hungry to the point of crying, she won't breastfeed and then won't wait for the bottle to be warmed...she will drink it cold and not care.

June - I am just now trying to transition Katelyn from the bassinet to her crib. It is very hard for me though. My mom keeps berating me that I should have had her in her own crib 2 months ago, but I just wasnt ready. I am hoping to put her in her crib tonight and see how it goes... :-(
Hi girls! really quick post to say hi! Have a baby strapped to my belly in the sling who will wake up at any moment to be fed. She's real fussy today. She is still sleeping in the bassinet beside our bed but she is such a loud sleeper I think we will have to transition her to her own room soon. Maybe by 6 weeks. I am not quite ready yet. What I am ready for is for her to lie down on her own during the day!!! When will this happen? She sleeps well at night in the bassinet, but during the day insists on being held or strapped to me in the sling. :wacko: I love my baby but need a little freedom. I keep trying but I guess she's not ready. Any words of wisdom from you experienced moms?

BIG Huge hi to everyone and hugs & kisses all around. I still totally follow everything on my phone, it's just really hard to get to post much right now. I am feeling better about everything now though. I am hoping this is the end of the baby blues because it's been rough. Speaking of which, Viv, I really hope you are feeling better :hugs:

Love to all! xoxo

Oh and I am LOVING all the baby photos!!! Keep posting! :cloud9: I think we have the cutest group of babies.
yay, more baby pics!!!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance: Steph, she is a beauty!!!!!

I do have a, umm, delicate, question for everyone. Have you noticed during pregnancy that you have much more vaginal discharge during the day? I mean, much more?? My undies are totally soaked every day! It's embarrassing! Not that it shows on the clothes (I actually don't think I own a pair of pants except for pre-pregnancy yoga pants which SO don't fit anymore - but anyways, I wear a dress or skirt every day), but I pee all the time and everything is clear just soaked. Normal? :shrug:
Totally normal. Invest in some pantyliner's as you'll need them until the end! :thumbup:
Hi NMG - Yes it is normal. Start wearing pads EVERY day. It only gets worse.
Hi Chris,

Unfortunately, I had the same problem. If Katelyn was awake she was with me (or my hubby). We would put her to sleep then put her in the bassinet we have downstairs. She would only sleep in that for about 30 minutes (still doesn't sleep in it for very long). So we had to get stuff done in 30 minute increments LOL. Or take turns holding the baby. It got better around month 3 - then you can put her in a bouncy chair
Month 3?!?@? :rofl: Oh dear God............. lol She hates her bouncy chair. I can get 20 min. intervals out of putting her down that's it. Guess I better get used to it. I do enjoy the snuggles but my house is in desperate need of a clean.
Yup. NORMAL! In fact, Amelia is on my bladder much of the pregnancy and I have urine in my panties and urine on my sheets. I'm forever washing the sheets. :wacko: how is it that nobody tells you these things about pregnancy?! :shrug: :lol:
MA!!! :rofl: Seriously! LOL I had bladder issues too.

Oh the latest right now...because Amelia refuses to turn from breech position she's pushing EVERYTHING Upward. So I have bad acid reflux, I can't breathe very well and since her bum is sitting on my colon I have HORRIBLE constipation! :rofl:

I NEVER had constipation before. I'd hear people talk about it and think "suck it up will ya?" Oh my goodness is it agony! :wacko: :rofl:

The other day I had 3 stool softeners a laxative and prune juice all in the same day...FINALLY I get some stinking relief. :rofl: I suppose the day in the life of being in 3rd trimester with a breech baby. :haha: Right now her head is lodged in my left rib. :dohh:
Hi Anna - i totally understand about the little one getting too hungry and wanting the bottle. Katelyn does that as well. If she is really hungry to the point of crying, she won't breastfeed and then won't wait for the bottle to be warmed...she will drink it cold and not care.

June - I am just now trying to transition Katelyn from the bassinet to her crib. It is very hard for me though. My mom keeps berating me that I should have had her in her own crib 2 months ago, but I just wasnt ready. I am hoping to put her in her crib tonight and see how it goes... :-(

I know it's tough hun! I started mostly with naptime during the day. Until she started sleeping well during naps, I kept her in the bassinette during the night. Then I transitioned to crib and it went much better than anticipated!
Hi girls! really quick post to say hi! Have a baby strapped to my belly in the sling who will wake up at any moment to be fed. She's real fussy today. She is still sleeping in the bassinet beside our bed but she is such a loud sleeper I think we will have to transition her to her own room soon. Maybe by 6 weeks. I am not quite ready yet. What I am ready for is for her to lie down on her own during the day!!! When will this happen? She sleeps well at night in the bassinet, but during the day insists on being held or strapped to me in the sling. :wacko: I love my baby but need a little freedom. I keep trying but I guess she's not ready. Any words of wisdom from you experienced moms?

Oh hun, I had that same issue... Both with the loud sleeping (meant to keep her in our room in bassinette until 6 months of age but I couldn't sleep) and with the not wanting to sleep unless on me! It comes with time. When she falls asleep on you, try slowly transferring her on the couch next to you, on her tummy, to see if that works. If not, try on her back. And if she's not ready now, just keep trying... If you have a bouncy chair, that may work (it didn't for us at all, she hated it). Swings started working at around 5-6 weeks for us for naps... If I remember any other useful hits I'll come back. Zoë lived in my sling practically for the first 6 weeks!
Beautiful pics girls!!

So sorry for the short post but wanted to say Svet, we have found the swing absolutely, positively, hands down the best thing for naps. Ethan is six months and STILL takes all his naps in the swing! Een if they are awake it will usually keep them soothed so you can get something done. In love, love, love with the swing lol!

We use the fisher price one that has bunny ears, I think it is called snuggle me bunny or something like that. It is the cradle/papasan style. Get one that PLUGS IN to the wall if you buy one, becaue they eat batteries otherwise. But so, so worth the money!

Hugs to all and to those adorable babies!:hugs:
Ok here goes. I am very nervous about posting on here as last time I joined you all here it was very short lived but I am feeling like this time will be different for me.

Some of you will know me from the over 35 board and for a few we got our BFP together and I see you have just delievered the most adorable babies:flower:

Since my MC it has been a bumpy ride with medical nightmares but all that doesn't matter one little bit anymore as I got my BFP last Thursday and naturally!!!! My first beta on Friday at 4 weeks 1 day was 505 and then yesterday my 2nd one was 2198 so I am starting to relax now. I have my first scan on the 22nd and really can't wait. The strangest thing is though that I received my positive BFP on the day that my other baby was due, just as I was thinking about what I should have been doing that day and feeling a little down I received this amazing news. I truly feel like God was looking down on me.

Well I hope to catch up with you more later as I am at work and need to get ready for a meeting but take care all and I look forward to more gorgeous baby pics:hugs:
Oh Carole...Congrats darlin! :hugs: I'm so glad your in here and things are looking good so far. Can't WAIT to celebrate with you. :happydance:
OMG soo many beautiful bb photos finally. AWWWWWWWWWW!!!

Sweta she is gorgeous. She has so much hair :))) She looks like you I think. Really pretty :))) You are a handsome family :)))

Anna Awwwwawwwwww!!! Sooo cuuuuteeeee. She is gorgeous and I love the pink blankets. I already started pink things for mine too :)) Pls put a photo holding her as well. I'm guessing she looks like you too but can't tell too well. What do you think? She looks quite healthy so I'm sure she caught up already :)

Missmuffet can't believe Katelyn's grown so much and looks so robust. She's gonna be a strong girl LOL Love the way she is standing up on your lap :)))) hahahahaha I love her bright pink outfits.

Lucy Tilly is such a cuuutieee. How old is she now? Kisses kisssesss many kisses

MA Amelia looks very sweet too. I can't wait to see her photos once she is born. Really curious if she will look like you or Doug. What u think?

Sunshine you were talking about not being ready. hahahhahaaaa so your girl is giving you a slack now. LOL LoL!!!! Hope she will come before being induced. Any names picked yet? xxx

Lava, Junebug, Codegirl, Angela, NMG hi girls hope you're all good xxx

AFM. Sorry I couldn't keep up with all the posts yet. Will catch up soon. I'm just back from Turkey and had my anomaly scan last night. BB looks very cute. Only half a kilo, like a handful LOL!!! Hope she grows well and be born healthy :)

I wanna fly back to Turkey to look after mum who is still not well but my scan showed a low lying placenta yesterday. I will see a midwife today to see if it's ok for me to have a 4 hr flight. I think this condition gives me a risk of bleeding but I don't wanna jump into conclusions and worry before I get good info on the situation. Anyone has any experience with this?
Oh Pablo what a cute little girl! Are you knackered yet? Those first weeks are very intense, I found anyway, the baby needs you so much! Tilly was in bed with me at night ALOT until about 6 to 8 weeks old, then she began to be happier on her own in the moses basket...then she transferred to the cot, now she is quite good at night except after the injections! :wacko:

Sveta, I basically didn't do much for the first month and Tilly was on me alot in the day, mostly asleep lol, I think as they get older they don't need to be on you so much and it gets easier, but all babies are different, some will need you longer than others...:winkwink:

MA sorry Amelia is on your bladder and in your ribs..Tilly was breech up to 33 weeks and it was getting pretty uncomfortable.....less than a month now though....soon you will be cuddling your little girl....so amazing! Seems like yesterday you got your bfp! :cloud9:

Congrats Carole! Happy and healthy 8 moths to you! :hugs:

Skye hi there! :kiss: Tilly is 4 months old now I can't believe it, the time goes so fast! I had low lying placenta but it moved up, hopefully yours will too. :flower:

Hi Rottpaw, sunshine, austin, viv, codegirl, NMG, Lava, Junebug and anyone I missed :hugs:

Tilly is on the move now, she fell off the couch yesterday and when I put all her play stuff and mat on the floor, she rolled off it and bumped into the tv stand....so now I can't leave her for a minute.....she is so determined to get moving and is very frustrated when she can't crawl and get something she wants! I need to start baby proofing the house quick! Hope everyone has a good week....can't wait to hear your scan news Carole! :hugs::kiss:
YAYYYYYYYYYYY! Carole so glad to see you and so excited for you!

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