35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Sorry girlsnfor all the short posts here and theree. Hugs to everyone else, Steph, Terri, Lava, Rowan, NMG, Carole, Bek and Charmaine and anyone else I missed! and Sunshine you must be about to pop lady?
Morning Ladies!!

Svet, so sorry for your night. What weird little creatures they are. I keep looking for patterns I can put Jo in and none fit. I think I have to be a little more flexible and on the fly and stop looking for a schedule to fit her into. Last night she ate a HUGE meal at 7ish, then fed again at 10, then wouldn't settle and ate HUGE again at 12. I had to give her formula as there was no way my body would have been able to meet those demands. HOWEVER, she slept from 12:30/1:00 to 7:30 this morning. I couldn't believe it!! All night!!! I know this was probably a fluke, but I will take it. I feel like a new person. I remember waking up at 2:00 and she was fussing. I lulled her back to sleep hoping for just one more hour before next feeding, and next thing I knew it was 6:00am. Crazy. Good to know she is not the only marathon eater. Did you finally get her down? Also good to know the feeding time will diminish. I did wake up this morning to a soaking wet shirt from my boobs leaking and feeling so engorged. I got up and pumped at 6, they were huge, so maybe you're right the milk is finally coming in better. Thing is this morning she ate 3oz of breast milk from a bottle ( I pumped earlier that morning) but after I fed her I pumped and got only 2oz, meaning I would have been short by an ounce. I think the baby is better at getting milk out than pump, but I still feel as if I'm falling short.

Ok, CJ, thanks for the heads up. I feel as if she has a good latch, but I may be wrong. We have a breast feeding consult on staff at the hospital and she was helpful when I was there but I I think I will give her a call and see if I can see her today. I think you're right, that the nipple isn't far enough in, but hard as I try I can't seem to get it in further, or maybe she slides back???? Anyway how are you feeling???

MA, forgot to weigh in on baby clothes. Best advice I got re: sorting baby clothes is not to go by age on clothing but hold it up against the other items to gauge size and go from smallest to bigger. Most of my stuff is folded as I don't have a lot of hanging space.

Skye, sorry to hear about your mum and sorry no more flights, but you are right maybe a blessing. Good luck with baby clothes shopping. I wish I could send you my stuff as she grows out of it. Actually I could. We have already grown out of anything I had for premies and some of the smaller stuff as Jo is pretty long. Let me know and I'll start boxing things up.

Rottpaw, glad for the short burst of posts. Any check in is good.

Austin, hope you are well.

Hi to NMG, Lucy, Sunshine, Carol, and everyone else I am forgetting. Hope all is well . .

Rebekah – In terms of organization – I have Katelyn’s blankets, burp clothes, towels, and sheets (and bibs) in a hanging organizing in the closet. The clothes she wears now in a drawer, dresses hanging up in the closet. PJ’s, socks, and headbands in a separate drawer in her dresser. The clothes I have that are too bit I have put into gift bags I received from my shower and labeled them. They reside on the closet floor in order of size. Yes, like Angela said, you will be doing laundry about every other day. I too have a changing table/bassinet downstairs where we keep change of clothes, burp cloth, blankets, diapers, etc.

Chris #2 – No, we didn’t put Katelyn in her crib last night :blush:. We did buy a new video monitor though and my hubby is going to start putting her in today during nap. I'll let you know how that goes.

Chris #1 – GORGEOUS PHOTO!!!!! She is a doll! I am sure you continually kiss those cheeks of hers. I love her sheets too hee hee. It sounds like Sophie is going through a growth spurt. Katelyn does that everytime she goes through one. She will eat like every 30 minutes and sleep a little. This goes on for a day or so, then she will sleep for very long periods – this goes on for another day or so. Then the next thing I know she needs new clothes LOL.

Anna – I am soooo sorry to hear about your Dr husband. My heart goes out to her and their son and I will keep them in my prayers. And I agree with June, it doesn’t sound like Jo is latching on properly. Also, it used to take Katelyn about 45 minutes to an hour eat 2 oz. She would stop, sleep and then start again. When you feel yourself getting frustrated just look at her beautiful little face. That worked for me most of the time…(not ALL the time). The isolated feeling does get better especially when you start taking her around other people (which for me was at month 3 per her pediatrician).

For those starting out Bfing – remember to drink lots of water (even when breastfeeding) and get sleep. That helps with the milk production. I also take an herbal supplement recommended by my lactation consultant at Kasier. Fenugreek – I take about 4 pills 3x a day and I get about 1 - 1 ½ oz more when I pump. I was also told when I first started to BF to try and pump directly after a feeding so that your body is tricked into thinking that the baby is still eating/needs food and you produce more milk.

Skye – Yes, you can definitely start shopping for furniture now. I would not get too many newborn outfits as most full term babies out grow then in about 2 weeks. I would get some though and then get a lot of 0-3month and some 3, and then get 3-6. Once the baby is born about a month or so after you will have a better idea of what you need. I am now getting Katelyn 6month stuff that is for cold weather. I am thinking that by the time she is big enough to wear 6 month clothing it will be around nov/December time frame. Trust me friends and family will buy a different sizes. I have tons of stuff for 12 months. It sits in the closet just waiting. I also have really cute 3 month fleece pj’s that she won’t ever wear because by the time it gets cold enough to wear them she will be too big for them. Oh well. Hope your mom is doing better and sorry that youw on’t be able to fly any longer.

AFM –I am very tired as Katelyn woke up at 4am hungry. She nursed for about 20 minutes and then pushed my boob out of her mouth. I thought she was done eating so I put her back down. She fussed for about 30 more minutes and then I realized she was still hungry. She refused to nursed and kept pushing my boob out of her mouth. Finally, I woke up my hubby and went downstairs and fixed her a bottle with 2oz. She ate that and then went back to sleep – around 6am. Was up again at 8:30 – though she wasn’t hungry – just wanted to play. Which is hard since I am trying to get ready for work. I am hoping tonight she sleeps til 6 or 7am and that she will nurse. Although I have read that some babies won’t take the boob when mommy is on her period. So that may be why. Hubby and Katelyn are coming for lunch today! My poor hubby – she hasn’t been napping too well lately and will only sleep for like 5-15 minutes at a time. He can’t get anything done. I am hoping that it is just a phase and that she is trying to get used to me not being there. Fingers crossed that she starts napping regularly. I did tell hubby that we need to start putting her in her crib for nap time. No more bassinet downstairs. We shall see how that works out.

Hugs :hugs::hugs::hugs: to everyone else: Charmaine, Viv, Terri, NMG, Lava, Rowen, Carole, June – anyone else I may have missed. Hope all is well.

Ladies, this is slightly off topic but I'm in need of some input here.

My sil has 5 kids and my other sil has twins. Then there's 6 adults.

On MY side there's just my parents (who remember, are very material oriented and spend LOADS even when they can't afford it because that's the way they show their affection).

On top of that, my mom has Christmas eve with HER side of the family. That's 23 adults, 11 children.

Dads side has 12 adults and there's only our Amelia when she gets here that's the child.

I feel overwhelmed! This is the first year with our own immediate family...Doug, Myself and Amelia. We want peace and honestly our monies have been put toward her these past several months and will most likely be put toward her and housing costs.

My sil as much as I love her wants US to come up to her place for Thanksgiving...NOT going to happen because Doug has to work AND I'm not driving to PA from New York only a few short weeks after having Amelia. It's not honestly realistic for US to drive up there.

THEN she's asking what to do this year. Picking an adult out of a hat? Pick a couple, or just do all the kids only.

Now I'm not trying to be a grinch of Christmas here, but with ALL these people on all sides It's costly! It was costly BEFORE Amelia was conceived.....WITH her, it's even more costly because she has necessities that come first.

Last year we limited all the places we went and had a LOVELY intimate Christmas together which is what I want to start for Amelia. A "FAMILY" tradition that consists of the 3 of us. A quiet family Christmas maybe with going to the traditional brunch every other year at my dads side. We get brunch and don't have to cook the rest of the day.

What I CAN'T do is the Christmas Eve with my mothers family, Christmas morning at my parents, Christmas Brunch with my dads side and fill in somewhere with my husbands family. :wacko: It's driving me NUTS! My mom doesn't want to back down...I've asked for YEARS to switch the Christmas eve thing and she refuses. But they expect us there for Christmas morning and then move to dads side for brunch.

My sil however, expects us to gather at some point where her 5 kids load up on gifts that 2 of the kids never even appreciate...then one of them says he's board and wants to leave because he didn't get what he wanted.

Honestly I'm THROUGH with this. The whole IDEA of Christmas is to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. I want to incorporate that in my daughters life and NOT to expect HUGE amounts of gifts. Don't get me wrong, I don't want her to be in NEED., I just don't feel as though she needs all the latest and greatest top gifts...I don't want her to lose sight that the celebration is about a Savior who was BORN so that she could live eternally in heaven...the gift is LIFE and while small tokens are nice....they do not represent the biggest gifts in life...LOVE, LIFE, JOY, Happiness, and all the other fruits of the spirit.

So now I'm trying to come up with an idea of what to do. My thought is to have a combined Christmas dinner on Christmas even with both my moms side AND my husbands side. NO PRESSIES please! Just yourselves. Now some will LOVE the idea because like us, they just don't have the money. OTHERS on the other hand like my SIL who says she purposely doesn't give her kids a lot of gifts but one big gift...expects it as my parents and some others.

My thought is I don't want to really travel around with a newborn making her sick. She will be in her nursery most of the time safe and sound. I'll make a simple dish for everyone with simple dessert. ((I usually have prime rib dinner but not with that many)). THEN, instead of everyone giving gifts. I thought I'd buy small party favors and give them out as they leave.

Games, food, Christmas music, memories. That's what I was hoping for without the focus being how much and how big the gifts are.


That doug and I would donate money and gifts to a family in need this year and let that be that.

Does anyone have a HUGE family of extendeds on both sides? What do you do?? How would you handle this?! :shrug:
MA - I have a huge family on both sides and know exactly what you mean.

I am one of 10, more than half are married, 19 grandkids so far on my side. Then Charlie has 2 sisters and a brother, 8 couples of aunts and uncles and about 25 first cousins (i lost track of 2nd cousins) who LOVE to get together and spend money. These cousins grew up in very well-off homes and don't appear to come across as spoiled but love to spend money on themselves and each other. Then throw in his sisters who are broke but continuously borrow money to put on lavish events to make it seem they fit in. So yep, I understand.

As to what to do, well, that is ever the question. :wacko: Before we were engaged, it was easy, you do your family, I'll do mine and see you late that night. When we were engaged last year, I really wanted to spend thanksgiving at my moms because it wasn't focused on gifts and she's a great cook. So we went to his sisters after dinner. Long day for me! the problem on my side is my mom plans for holidays sooooo far in advance and needs to know how much to buy for and his sisters ask charlie to come over about 1-2 days before the holiday! When I ask them, I get the "oh we don't know what we are doing yet" regardless that it is the same every year! ugh, off topic. anyways, I don't want to go to his sisters because A) they can't cook, and B) it's always a gift production, even when we do a grab. You can't bring a beautiful handmade pot holder/tea towel gift pack when they are giving coach bags! And christmas at my mom's consists of only SOME couples giving gifts to others and ignoring others (came up because one year they didn't like the gifts my brothers wife gave the kids - so much drama). I told my mom once we have the baby, we would see everyone at the family party my sister throws - where it's just food and no gifts - and then call them on the holiday morning as I want quiet family time. And I told Charlie to tell his family that we would do the same, but just with his sisters and brother and keep the huge extended family meeting for the party they have every year or every other year in the summer.

As far as the gift giving to everyone goes, I told him NO and to tell his family we are focusing on the future so expect thoughtful homebaked goods as gifts, no exceptions and I would tell mine the same. so far on my side they expect me to be mean, so they just told me it figures and I am a miser and other things, but you know what, I actually feel much better and the financial weight of the upcoming holiday is lighter. It will be awkward when people are passing gifts out around us if we end up being there on the day but we are standing firm and hope they will understand. If not, well, too da@n bad and I'll have the meaning of christmas in MY heart, da@nit! :haha::haha::haha::haha:

I'm not sure if I even helped you (prob not, sorry) but know this: you are not going through this alone! :hugs:
Doug and I are going to talk about it tonight. My parents aren't going to be happy either way. #1 my dad smokes something awful and I don't want Christmas day with Amelia there. The pediatrician mentioned it can cause upper respitory issues and he's made it clear by smoking with me in the room he's not planning to quit but expects to see his grand-daughter. That in itself is going to be another issue to tackle. :wacko:

Yet I don't think they'll travel to US as they expect US to travel the hour back and forth to them all the time. They RARELY travel here.

No matter what, things are going to have to change. I just need to come up with something!
Hi Rebekah - I have lots of folks between me (4 siblings each with 2-4 children) and my hubby's family (4 siblings each with 2 children). What we do for the adults is draw names. I normally get something that is 5-10 dollars or free for the children. My brother's wife has a LOT of folk on her end and this is what they do:

For the adults everyone buys a gift card and put it in a brown paper bag then all the bags go under the tree and they do sort of a white elephant exchange. For the kids they go to like the dollar store and bought 10 of all the same item for 10 children. THere are 10 stockings and each adult/couple will put the item they bought into the stocking and they child gets that as their present.

I agree with you that traveling at Thanksgiving may be a bit much and I am sure that they family will understand. One of the things that I want to be part of my family tradition is making an ornament for the Christmas tree each year.I also like your idea of the party favors. I will confirm with my brother on what he does and get back as it is simple and may work for you and your fam
I am an only child and it's just me and my parents. We've done lots of gifts in the past, but a couple years ago, I told my parents that I needed to focus on debt repayment and so we only do one gift each. In addition, my mom makes me a needlepoint ornament (she's been doing this since the year of my birth and it usually connect to a milestone that occurred during the year - could decorate a tree now just with these ornaments). It means a lot to me so I thought I'd mention it because it seems like a few of you are crafty and looking for a small, handmade, meaningful gift tradition to begin with you new babies.

However, DH's extended family is a different story and is much larger. This is what they do ... after Christmas dinner, we all pick names for the following year out of a hat. We buy a gift or a couple gifts just for that one person. No exceptions. And of course, DH and I exchange gifts privately on Christmas morning.

Anyway, that is a good plan if everyone agrees, but if not, then I like your idea of doing a handmade gift (cookies, spiced tea in pretty tins, and ornament) and giving the same to everyone - even the kids - and if some folks don't like it ... too bad. :)

I'll be heading tomorrow to the beach and will be back on Monday night. Tuesday is my 20 week anatomy scan. Will check in after that. Maybe there will be another baby born to our Graduates family while I'm gone. :)
Ugg, can't sleep. How are all you new mums doing? Probably up at this hour like me! :)

We are going to Santa Rosa Beach, Florida which is near Seaside for those of you in the States. It is on the Florida panhandle and the water is so clear and it's just miles of sugar white sand. Really beautiful. Maybe I'm up because I'm excited. Or heartburn & hunger? Who knows anymore. :) I've got my fur baby on my lap right now. I melt when she looks up adoringly at me ... I can't imagine how I will feel when it's one of my babies. The breastfeeding sounds really challenging at first, but I bet it's all worth it when you have one of those moments!

I love Sophie's new ticker, Svet! It's fun seeing all the baby tickers. Pablo/Anna - I hope to see one on your profile when I get back. Ha! Ha!
I'm up too. I'll give it another hour and if I can't sleep I'll try another Ambien tonight. I'm so jealous of my husband. He puts his head down and snores as soon as his head hits the darn pillow! :shrug:
Hey Rebekkah and Laura I feel your pain as I too had a rough night last night and just couldn't get off, when I finally did it seemed like only minutes until my alarn went off for work. I am exhausted today and going to see if I can sneak home early and catch a nap.

I also totally get you with the DH falling asleep so easily, mine can fall asleep anywhere honestly. Even been known to happen in a club when the music is blaring out, if he needs to sleep thats it nothing stops him hahaha. Downside is he snores really badly to the point that at the moment he has slept in the spare room most nights as he wants me to sleep well as he is fussing all over me and being protective.

So I am now 1 week away from my first scan and I just know the next 7 days are going to drag and I just want to see my little bean on screen now. I know that once I have seen the evidence on screen that I will calm down a little. I know it sounds stupid as my beta was so good the other day but I can't seem to completely relax yet and accept that this is definitely happening. Roll on 22nd!!

Well I hope you all have a great day and hope to catch up on all your news soon :hugs:
Carole, what your feeling is NOT stupid. It's what a mother goes through after having a loss. Whether early on or preterm like myself, there are specific milestones in our head we must visually see and pass before we can come to terms with feeling content and BREATHE again. Once you get to that point, try to enjoy this little one! :hugs: It took me a while. Honestly I didn't breathe until week 28 because of my own experience. After 30wks I was EXTATIC though. :winkwink: So I get it. It's not stupid at all and will be a celebration once you pass your milestone. I pray the week goes by quickly and you'll see your little bean on the screen and be able to rejoice! :happydance:
Hi, all! :flower:

Chris - what a beautiful little girl!!! You must be so proud of her! :cloud9:

Anna - wow, an hour to feed AND bruises? You poor thing! Hopefully it's a latch issue/growth spurt combo like the others said, and will resolve itself soon. Such heartbreaking news about your doctor's hubby. You're right - it really makes you appreciate all the blessings in your life. My prayers go out to her and her family.

Angela - yep. I'm pretty much ready to pop. 39 weeks today... I have a doc appointment this afternoon. I'm hoping I'll get some good news that things are rolling along and I've started dilating. Last week I was closed up tight. :growlmad: Let's hope things have progressed since then... C'mon kid - it's been a pleasure, but Get Out. :haha:

Lava - have fun this weekend! That beach sounds absolutely heavenly! I had really hoped to do something like that back in early June, but we live near Buffalo NY - even though we could find some decent hotel deals in the FL area, airfare was crazy expensive so we wound up abandoning that plan. :(

MA - as far as the X-mas thing goes... I don't have a large family (only child, with what few relatives I have except parents out of state), and the DH only has one brother, but I do have an alternative to the gift giving/visiting dilema. Do what we're doing. Nothing. This year we're not going anywhere. Gifts will be minimal, and the grandparents can stop by the house at some point over the season and we'll exchange. If anyone has a problem with that arrangement, too bad. Don't come over. A sane and happy first X-mas with our daughter is far more important to us than worrying about anyone else's bent nose.

Your family comes first now. Especially now, when it's all so precious and new. Those that love you will respect that, even if they don't really like it. Next year you can start the crazy holiday schedule, but THIS year it's all about Mommy, Daddy, and brand new baby. For me, at least, all else is secondary.

Junebug, Viv, Austin, Skye, Steph, Lucy, Rowan, NMG, Carole, and anyone else I may have missed - good morning!

AFM - not too much. I have a BFing class after my doc appointment today, so I'm hoping to get some useful info. I think the whole BF start-up experience is scaring me more than the actual delivery...

Have a great day, ladies! :)
Hi Ladies!

Hope everyone is well today! I'm off to a cardiologist appointment this afternoon....

I started my knitting class the other day - so much fun! I was the only one in their 30's, the rest were between 50-80 and they were a hoot! so much fun and they are so excited that I'm expecting. I learned a ton and am well on my way on the blanket. Saw my mom yesterday and told her I was doing so well with poppy and how I only have gained 2 pounds so far and she told me big deal, you will be packing it on soon and then won't be able to get it off..... :wacko: I said maybe not, and she told me I have no idea what I'm talking about and I will get much fatter. So I changed the subject :haha: I mean really, I started off over weight, so who knows how much I will gain, I'm not trying to limit but not gorging either!

Anna, I hope it gets easier for you! I'm thinking of bf and supplementing with formula so Charlie can be involved more. But my friend also had trouble bf'ing and I'm terrified I will too! but time will tell.....

lava - i hope you thoroughly enjoy your long weekend! Jealous! :thumbup: trying to plan a trip myself before :baby:

sorry you girls were up early too, I was up from 1am to about 4am and was so frustrated but didn't get out of bed, kept trying to fall back asleep. I was hot then cold then sweating, ugh, it was a tough night for all of us, it seems. I am just getting used to no sleep so when Feb comes around, i'll be ready!! :winkwink:

Carol - I'm so thrilled you are here and almost ready for your first scan :happydance::happydance: We are with you every step of the way!

A big :hugs: and hello to all my other friends on here, I will check back later, but I have to run and get some tylenol to try and kick this huge headache I've had for days....I'm hoping the cardiologist can hear the heartbeat without the doppler thingy and just the stethoscope...... :hugs:

be back later! Beth
Ah, NMG. Your mother's beginning to get on my last darn nerve! My mother doesn't show affection and she can be judgmental with others but for the most part, she tries to be kind and a good hostess to people. Even if at times it's with a fake attitude.

My heart would be broken if I had to deal with both your parents like that ALL the time! Mine are bad enough without showing emotion but at least they act somewhat happy and not always a sour puss. While my mom can act jealous where cleaning is concerned or thinness is concerned, I don't think she's really jealous of the pregnancy either.

all that to say I couldn't handle your mother being like that all the time. I'd close myself off from her and pray she'd come back with a better attitude or I'd have to cut her off altogether. I've actually done that once with my own mother and she tweaked her attitude a bit.

As for the knitting group...Ugh! I LOVE hanging around the 50-80 group. Mainly because they're so darn carefree and LOVE to chat. last year in my knitting group there were women in their 30's and 40's. All of us had a story to tell. I had lost my son, another woman lost her teenage daughter, someone else was in remission from breast cancer and there was a mother of a son lost in Iraq who was knitting helmet hats for the military. I guess they were like beanies for the head and kept the sweat and head from getting sore in their helmets. It was the loveliest group I'd every been in! I pray you find solace in that group! :hugs:

Still haven't slept so I had Doug take me to a Panera drive thru to get lunch and takeaway dinner. We came home and he finished the rest of Amelia's wash while I folded and hung them. Oh how her room is FINALLY coming along.

I've got a sheet on her bed. :rofl: It's NOT the color I or theme I want, but it's good enough for now. I'm going to pick out some material soon and a friend of mine is going to make me some fitted sheets. I plan to make a quilt later on and I'm not sure what I'll do for the dust ruffle yet. We ordered the cutest scripture decal for above her bed and I plan to get another in RED with her name on it to put above it Speak TRUTH! "She is fearfully and wonderfully made" from Psalms.

I'm still deciding on the decal theme for the side wall. I have to buy a tea table. Waiting on the glider, will buy a side table and here's the exciting part....I found a photographer....a friend of a friend ((professional)) who will do a photo shoot of Amelia (maybe a couple with us in it) for get this...75.00. :happydance: We'll get the cd and all rights to make our own copies OR we can pay her to do them. I'm actually going to put one of the photo's to canvas to put on her wall (another one come her 1st birthday). The other photogs here want 300.00 and because this is a friend of a friend I got a darn good deal. I thought to myself "come again"?! When I heard the price. I'll take a photo and create a Christmas Card too. :thumbup: I was just REALLY happy to reserve her for that cheap! :happydance:

Other than that, I'm nesting now more than ever as I'm sure Doug is SO HAPPY. :lol: He's been doing laundry, putting things away, I let him have it because he's not cleaning the countertops as he eats downstairs so I've been doing it (because it drives me NUTS). He's been putting dishing in the washer and putting them away, feeding the plants, feeding the dogs....helped me today with the bathroom storage closet as I bought some organizing bins.

He asked for a hunny do list and I gave him one. It's LONG. Main thing though is sweeping, mopping and scrubbing the wood trim. THEN sweeping the porch, getting cobwebbs off my planters, making it look nice from the street. I'd also like him to organize the basement, sweet it and get the cobwebbs out as well.

Monday I have a Chiropractor appointment. I broke down and thought I'd try 1 more idea to turn Amelia before the c-section. I actually feel popping lately in my lower spine so I know there's an issue that needs correction. Lets see if it loosens things and turns her to a perfect head down chin tucked position. :winkwink:

All done for now. I'm exhausted and think I'll FINALLY nap now! Love to you all.
Hi girls!!

So lovely to see you all here - I remember many of you from the TTC 35+ thread! Many thanks to Muffet who invited me over here! :hugs:

So here I am after my miscarriage last year, expecting #1 - just over 17 weeks now and yes I am still terrified LOL

I am 39 years old now and will be 2 weeks away from turning 40 when my little squishy is born!!

I hope everyone is well!! xoxoxo
Hey Rebekkah and Laura I feel your pain as I too had a rough night last night and just couldn't get off, when I finally did it seemed like only minutes until my alarn went off for work. I am exhausted today and going to see if I can sneak home early and catch a nap.

I also totally get you with the DH falling asleep so easily, mine can fall asleep anywhere honestly. Even been known to happen in a club when the music is blaring out, if he needs to sleep thats it nothing stops him hahaha. Downside is he snores really badly to the point that at the moment he has slept in the spare room most nights as he wants me to sleep well as he is fussing all over me and being protective.

So I am now 1 week away from my first scan and I just know the next 7 days are going to drag and I just want to see my little bean on screen now. I know that once I have seen the evidence on screen that I will calm down a little. I know it sounds stupid as my beta was so good the other day but I can't seem to completely relax yet and accept that this is definitely happening. Roll on 22nd!!

Well I hope you all have a great day and hope to catch up on all your news soon :hugs:

Carole! OMG I remember you from the TTC 35+ thread! I am so thrilled to hear you got your BFP!! Much love and sticky, sticky, sticky vibes, love! I can't wait to hear about your scan!! :hugs:

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