35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Hey Chris - As Sophie gets older and drinking more her poops will definitely smell worse LOL. In fact you will be sitting holding her and she will grunt, and then you will hear a horrific squirting sound that can probably be heard throughout the house and she will have blown out her diaper. Then as soon as you get a new diaper on, she will poop again. This will happen at least 2 more times, and then she will pee. 4th time you will get her into a diaper that will be unscathed for a few hours.

Her sleeping sounds about right. In terms of sleeping during the day, the drs and nurses recommend not letting babies sleep for longer than 4 hours at a stretch. If she is sleeping alot, that means she probably going through a growth spurt. She will go through TONS and each time it will take like 2 days before you realize "Oh it must be a growth spurt". EVERY TIME Katelyn goes through one, I get worried and think, why is she sleeping so much. Man, she is eating a ton. Then my husband will say - it is probably a growth spurt and sure enough it is.

Yeah, not looking forward to solid food poop. Angela - is Ethan eating solids? WHat are those diapers like?

BTW - Is everyone on FB?

:rofl: She has started pooping like you said! :haha: She's always pooped really loud, so that it could be heard from the other end of the house, lol (not that our house is large...) but last week we were at the doctor's and while in the waiting room she made a loud squirt poo, :dohh: I nearly died! haha But just a couple days ago she started the squirming and grunting (sometimes the odd single cry) when she is trying to poo. Thankfully she is pooing less now. Literally just started a couple days ago. I actually change diapers now that have only pee in them! I never thought that would ever happen.
As far as sleeping goes, during the day when she does sleep it is usually for only 1/2hr-1 hr at a time. Never longer because she feeds every two hours and it takes a good 40 min to feed her. Hopefully her night time feeding pattern will remain. It's hard on my boobs but I imagine they will adjust.

MA- no clue about cloth diapers but in the beginning with Sophie, up until this week, I only ever changed like two or three diapers that were only pee. They poop constantly the first month. Like upwards of 12 times a day no joke and these are not diapers you can leave on. I hope you have a lot of newborn diapers. xo
Hey Chris - As Sophie gets older and drinking more her poops will definitely smell worse LOL. In fact you will be sitting holding her and she will grunt, and then you will hear a horrific squirting sound that can probably be heard throughout the house and she will have blown out her diaper. Then as soon as you get a new diaper on, she will poop again. This will happen at least 2 more times, and then she will pee. 4th time you will get her into a diaper that will be unscathed for a few hours.

Her sleeping sounds about right. In terms of sleeping during the day, the drs and nurses recommend not letting babies sleep for longer than 4 hours at a stretch. If she is sleeping alot, that means she probably going through a growth spurt. She will go through TONS and each time it will take like 2 days before you realize "Oh it must be a growth spurt". EVERY TIME Katelyn goes through one, I get worried and think, why is she sleeping so much. Man, she is eating a ton. Then my husband will say - it is probably a growth spurt and sure enough it is.

Yeah, not looking forward to solid food poop. Angela - is Ethan eating solids? WHat are those diapers like?

BTW - Is everyone on FB?

:rofl: She has started pooping like you said! :haha: She's always pooped really loud, so that it could be heard from the other end of the house, lol (not that our house is large...) but last week we were at the doctor's and while in the waiting room she made a loud squirt poo, :dohh: I nearly died! haha But just a couple days ago she started the squirming and grunting (sometimes the odd single cry) when she is trying to poo. Thankfully she is pooing less now. Literally just started a couple days ago. I actually change diapers now that have only pee in them! I never thought that would ever happen.
As far as sleeping goes, during the day when she does sleep it is usually for only 1/2hr-1 hr at a time. Never longer because she feeds every two hours and it takes a good 40 min to feed her. Hopefully her night time feeding pattern will remain. It's hard on my boobs but I imagine they will adjust.

MA- no clue about cloth diapers but in the beginning with Sophie, up until this week, I only ever changed like two or three diapers that were only pee. They poop constantly the first month. Like upwards of 12 times a day no joke and these are not diapers you can leave on. I hope you have a lot of newborn diapers. xo

I think I'm going to have to order one more dozen to be on the safe side. :winkwink: I've got 2 dozen prefolds and 3 aoi's for right now. I have 7 bigger aoi's too but I'm thinking that having another dozen prefolds will keep me to a 3 day plan of washing diapers instead of every day or two.
Whats an aoi?

Oh sorry. Aio is an all in one diaper. I have newborn Grovia right now in Cosmo and Ice colors.

The prefolds I have are Cloth-eez organic and I cover them with Thirsties Duo Wraps in rose, orchid, mango, honeydew and white colors.

I'm going to get more aio's later as she grows. Didn't want to buy too many as I'm not sure if she'll be tall and skinny or chubby.
Rebekah - order another dozen and then after Amelia is home for about week see if you need any more.

Chris - The pooping comes and goes. Sometimes Katelyn poops a lot (like today she pooped A LOT) and sometimes she will poop a little (one time she pooped like half a poop for the entire day. The next day it was EVERYWHERE when she finally did poop. Had to give her a bath!
Thanks Steph! I was thinking I'll order a size up because she won't be that size for much longer. I'll have two dozen in newborn and then maybe get the 3rd in small and the fourth in small as well if I need them. :thumbup: Thanks for the heads up! :winkwink:

It's 330am and I'm too restless to sleep. I think I'm going to put some calming worship music on and BE STILL for awhile. I need to pray through the anxiousness. :winkwink: Night everyone!
Hope you're sleeping MA, I am up BF'ing :hi:

So Sophie only made four hrs tonight not 5-6. She slept more through the day like she used to and when she fussed in the evening I swaddled her and it made her sleep for just over two hrs. We actually had to wake her so I could change, feed her and put her to bed. I don't know whats better, a calm baby in the evening and a break for mom or an extra hour or two of consecutive sleep at night?
ah poop... wait till you smell toddler poop :sick:

I found that Eric pooped everytime he was fed for the first few weeks, which is normal for lots of new babies. So he got changed after every feed.

I always change my kids as soon as I know there is a poop, or if I know the diaper is wet. And we use cloth. However, once Eric stopped pooping after each feed, I stopped changing him at night and at about 2 months he now goes all night without a change. We do use disposables at night though. Didn't with Edward until the cloth wouldn't hold all the night pee anymore, but being wet bothers Eric more, so for a better night sleep he gets a disposible for sleeping.

The older the kids get the less I have to change them as they go longer between pees (and sometimes Edward makes it to the potty so his diaper can be "good" for a whole afternoon etc).
Good morning from L&D, ladies!

Animal - good luck with your scan today!

MA - please let us know how your appointment goes today, and what your delivery schedule looks like!

All this talk about sleeping times & poop makes me wonder if I should just cross my legs for a little while longer...! :wacko:

I wish I had something to report to you guys. We got here at the scheduled 6pm time, but because they had a rush of laboring mamas come through the door, I didn't get the Cervidil put in until after 9:30pm. Oh - and they checked my cervix before the put it in. STILL no change - soft, but high & closed up tighter than Fort Knox. :growlmad: They have to leave it in until 9:30 this morning, then they'll check again. BUT - because I haven't felt any contractions, or cramping (or ANYTHING, for that matter) I have a sneaking suspicion it didn't do much. They'll probably start the pitocin around 10am, and said it usually takes anywhere from 10 - 20 hours from that point. If it works at all. They occaisionally send people home from failed inductions, only to come back at a later time to try again. It's not very common, but it DOES happen. So why do I feel like I'll be one of the unlucky few? :nope: But either way, it doesn't look like we'll have our little girl today. :(

MA, you might just beat me yet! :thumbup:

I'll post updates as I can. Have a good day, everyone!
Thx for checking in Chris! We'll be thinking of you. xo Hope the cervidril/pitocin works!
Chris don't count yourself out! I was exactly the same after the cervidril but as soon as they broke my water and started piticin Ethan was born about 12 hours later! You'll be fine!
Yay! It's baby week (maybe baby day) on BnB for Chris & MA. SO EXCITED!!!

Good luck with the scan, AC.

Keep us posted ladies! I'll be checking in regularly for y'all.

That's exciting that you are waiting to find out!!! Go Team Yellow/Green! And I like the names you picked out!

No news to report. I've been reading the feeding and pooping posts with a laugh & some trepidation. Only about 4 more months probably before that will be our world. ;) Right now I'm trying to focus on taking care of myself so I can keep those babies in there until at least 37 weeks unlike 3 moms I know with twins who gave birth at 32 weeks after premature labor at 31. The thought that could happen with us terrifies me. You ladies are my inspiration.
Just checking in on sunshine! Be strong, mama! You'll do GREAT!
Hi ladies - just checking in on MA and thought I'd update. Unfortunately, I'm making minimal progress... my contractions are about 3 to 3.5 minutes apart, but they're so mild I barely even feel them. At my last check I was only about a fingertip dilated & 50% effaced. Sigh... it's possible this will turn in to a two day induction.

Who knew this could get so boring! :dohh::haha:

I'll check in again this evening if I go for a 2nd round of Cervidil...

Have a good day, everyone!
Angela - when are you trying again? I am going to wait until Katelyn is at least 1. So glad to hear that you still have joint pain, as I thought I was the only one. Seriously, when I sit in the bed to fed Katelyn, my hip pain comes back - the same pain I had when I was preggers.

You're not alone steph! Even six months out I sometimes get that hip pain even when I am just walking! :dohh:I have found thatbi am completely unable to do anything "impact" as far as exercise, so I have started barre3, which is a combination ballet/pilates/yoga routine that I LOVE. NO impact which is very helpful with the joint issues!

We will probably start trying again first of the year, if I can get this blasted weight off! Need to get back to my pre pregnancy weight first for preeclampsia reasons. And my OB said wait at least 9 months, but then, she was not taking my fertility issues into account. :dohh:
Hi ladies - just checking in on MA and thought I'd update. Unfortunately, I'm making minimal progress... my contractions are about 3 to 3.5 minutes apart, but they're so mild I barely even feel them. At my last check I was only about a fingertip dilated & 50% effaced. Sigh... it's possible this will turn in to a two day induction.

Who knew this could get so boring! :dohh::haha:

I'll check in again this evening if I go for a 2nd round of Cervidil...

Have a good day, everyone!

Lol Chris, if you are feeling REALLY bored you can go back and find almost the exact same post from me the morning of march 1, when I was in your shoes! You will be surprised how fast things get going once they DO get going, but in remember that wait well. Did they/are they going to break your water?
Rebekah - order another dozen and then after Amelia is home for about week see if you need any more.

Chris - The pooping comes and goes. Sometimes Katelyn poops a lot (like today she pooped A LOT) and sometimes she will poop a little (one time she pooped like half a poop for the entire day. The next day it was EVERYWHERE when she finally did poop. Had to give her a bath!

Ohhhhh yes I remember this phenomenon well! The upshot of formula is the poops get less messy, if more smelly (a good trade in my mind). But yes, we have had those days too! :haha:
Hi ladies,

Bp was high again so they did the amnio. I actually got the Dr. I LIKE and he was hillarious. Didn't hurt, was quick but messy. :rofl: He's a great Dr. though and made it light-hearted. :winkwink:

We thought we wouldn't hear back until 4pm but they called at 115pm to tell us Amelia's lungs are mature and they scheduled our c-section for 730am on Thursday the 29th. I tried to con them into waiting until Sat. October the first but nobody wanted to come in on a Saturday. :shrug: Don't know why! :shrug: :rofl:

I had some pretty intense contractions so they kept me in the office for awhile to be sure I wasn't going into labor. They check my cervix....FULLY CLOSED. What a testimony to how great the cerclage and 17P injections work. I'll be REALLY confident next pregnancy...though not too cocky. Nothing is ever guaranteed. Maybe just a bit more joyful of a new pregnancy and not so neurotic! :thumbup:

At any rate, baby Amelia will be here thursday.:happydance: Can't believe it. We've waited 10 years for this little girl and all of a sudden we're two days away from holding her. :cry: My cup runneth over!
Hi ladies - just checking in on MA and thought I'd update. Unfortunately, I'm making minimal progress... my contractions are about 3 to 3.5 minutes apart, but they're so mild I barely even feel them. At my last check I was only about a fingertip dilated & 50% effaced. Sigh... it's possible this will turn in to a two day induction.

Who knew this could get so boring! :dohh::haha:

I'll check in again this evening if I go for a 2nd round of Cervidil...

Have a good day, everyone!

I don't know much about the inducing. Sounds a bit frustrating. :hugs: You'll get there. I'm wondering if you'll have yours on Wed. and I'll have mine on Thursday. It would be quite funny if we had our babies on the same day but I don't wish you going through days of laboring either.:winkwink::flower:

I'll be waiting to hear PATIENTLY!! Is there a way you can get someone to do a deep massage?? That sometimes helps the process. How bout a birthing ball? Start rolling on that sucker like you've never rolled on it before :rofl:
Hello All, so sorry to be a stranger, let's see if I can catch up . . . quickly . . .

Animal cracker, so good to see you here!! I remember you from the other thread. Good luck with everything!! How was the ultra sound??

Rottpaw, glad day care went well!!

MA, fingers crossed all goes well for you. I am on pins and needles to see how you are doing.

NMG, Cookies sounded so good!! Happy for the good test results!!

Missmuffett, happy anniversary!! I am so jealous of the sleeping through the night!! And I am the last person on the planet not on face book.

Sunshine, goodluck girl!! I know what you're going through. Remember I posted while in labor too. When s#$it hits the fan though it's game on!! Fingers crossed and thinking of you.

Skye, slowing down is normal. Even for me I had to stop hiking about 8 months in. I am walking daily for around an hour now trying to get back into shape.

Codegirl, thanks for the sling info!!

Lava, trip photos are so great! You look beautiful!! Congrads on the night nurse!!

Svet, ok what's your secret?? I am exhausted and have a borderline colic baby. HELP!!

Austin, love the pictures and woohoo for four hours!!!

Titti, so good to hear from you!!

Vivienne, I know all to well the frustration you are feeling, baby starting to cry as we speak. hang in there girl.

Carol, so glad you heard the heart beat so exciting!!

Gotta grab bambino. The fact that she suffers from terrible gas and may be colic should give you some idea of how we're doing. Sleep is nonexistent. Gotta run, much love to you all and promise to keep up better.


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