35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

ma, glad to hear all is well.

for those of you who travel around the treads more than i, have any of u seen one for colic?
Hi girls!!

How is everyone doing? :flower:

Chris (Sunshine)! You are so close - You must be so excited! OMG - I can't believe you are currently in labor and still posting LOL!

MA - I am beyond excited for you - in two days, you are going to be a mom!!!

I am so thrilled for the both of you, MA and Chris - I can't wait to hear more updates and see pictures of your precious little bundles!

So today was the big scan! We actually had two appointments today - a level 2 ultrasound and a fetal echocardiogram. I was SO nervous this morning, I was having a meltdown! :haha:

I am pleased to report everything is PERFECT! They checked baby's anatomy at the level 2 ultrasound and everything was wonderful. The fetal echocardiogram appointment had me in pieces for a while - it took one hour! The Dr. wasn't saying much and he was looking very intently at the screen so of course, I had to ask him every 2 minutes if everything was ok LOL. I am sure he was sick of me asking, but he was worrying me. His brows were furrowed and he looked worried! But baby's heart is absolutely perfect too, which was such a relief to hear!

And now for gender....(drum roll). We are on team ....PINK!!! It's a girl!!:pink:

We are so thrilled! This morning, gender was the last thing on my mind - I just wanted baby's anatomy to be okay. Now it is finally sinking in - I am having a daughter!! :happydance:

Thank you all for your support, it is so wonderful to have you all here to talk to! Sunshine, MA, Rottpaw, NMG, MissMuffet, Lava, Skye, Codegirl, Vivienne, Carol, Svet - and anyone I missed - hugs to you all!! :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Best of luck Chris and MA!!! I will be thinking of you both and popping in to check for more updates!!:flower:
Just checking back in on Chris.

Yayyyy! Animal! See, now you can relax and enjoy that pregnancy! :hugs: congrats on team pink!

Anna, honey, I am so glad to see you pop in. I know you have NO time and have had even less sleep right now. Try to hang in! You will be fine andthe colic/gas can definitely be a challenge, but WILL pass. I am sure but I expect there is definitely a thread on here for that. good for you on the walks! I did not have any energy to work out for months, and think I might now have had such bad post partum had I forced myself to walk at least.

Steph yes, I am on fb - just pm me and I will send you my info (and anyone else interested please pm me and I will add you too)! :hugs:
Congrats on team pink AC. I'm so happy everything is going well xo

Anna, I hope lil Jo is not collicy. No fun at all. Sophie is fussy in the evenings but we are able to calm her by swaddling. Tight swaddle with strong swings and sways. I have a little Houdini so I have to hold her tight too but within a matter of minutes shes calm and eventually goes to sleep where I can lay her down. If you haven't already rread it I recommend buying the book- Happiest Baby on the Block. Good luck hon! Just remind yourself this is temporary. Sophie is six weeks today which is supposed to be the height of infant fussiness... I hope she starts to improve now lol Does Jo fuss all day?
Jules - Congrats on team Pink and your appointment going well!

Anna - It is good to hear from you. Try going to the drug store and getting Little Tummy's Gas Relief Drops. I used/still use them with Katelyn and they work almost instantly. They also have a Colic version as well.

Chris and Rebekah - Both of your girls will be here this week! I will be praying for safe, happy, and uneventful deliveries for both of you

Angela - we plan to start trying again next June. I need to get BELOW my pre-pregnancy weight because of stupid pre-eclampsia. I'll ping you now for your FB info.

Hope everyone else is doing well!

Chris, Rebekah, I'm on tenterhooks waiting!!!!!!!!

Anna so sorry your are having it rough.:hugs:

Svet you are lucky to have Sophie in a sort of routine. I have nothing! Cal will sleep 2-3 hours at night and 1-2 during the day or catnaps of 20mins or he won't sleep at all for 5-6 hours during the day then be up every hour at night. He is a terrible breast feeder, we never know when he is done and often he is still hungry when we have been going for an hour. He gets bad wind and holds it in for ages and fights like demon at the breast
I am so gooddam tired I could cry!

Plus I've now got mastitis just to add to the breast feeding woes :cry:
Seriously if we could just get the breast feeding going good it would make a world of difference to my mood. :cry:

Hopefully next week I'll be home but I am terrified of being left alone with him

He had his 6 week shots yesterday and only cried a little which I was proud off and I cried a bit too :blush:

Hope to hear of babies new soon:happydance:
Viv honey I know it is SOOOOO hard with all the issues breastfeeding can present. Have you asked your hospital about the length of his nursing? One thing they told me repeatedly was that Ethan should nurse no more than 15 mins per side at that stage, period. Just because any longer than that, and they are burning more calories than they take in. (and I tested that theory and he did, in fact, drop weight alarmingly). I think you said you have a ton of milk. Could you perhaps trynfeeding him the 15 mins per side and then pump and then nap? You could let someone else give himbreastmilk in a bottle, while you rest if he is still hungry after nursing fifteen mins per side. Just a thought but that is basically whatbthey told me and itbwould have been perfect if I'd just had enough milk. Hope that helps! We are praying for you and sending you love and hugs! You WILL get through this!:hugs:
Viv - Sorry to hear that he's having problems bfing. Katelyn is now refusing the boob. However, I pump every day so she gets breastmilk that way. Do you have a pump? If you have a ton of milk you should pump and just feed him from a bottle. That way you know exactly how much he is getting. You could do that for 2 or 3 of this feedings and bf the rest. It will get better. And I think all of us understand about being alone with the baby after the first few times you won't even bat an eyelash about it. HUGE hugs...we are here for you sweetie
Steph I'm curious, how much are you able to pump a session? I can only seem to pump 2oz which isn'tenough so I'd need two pumping sessiond to replace a fedding. Then the prob is once i pump Zi have to feed Sophie within the hiur (or sooner) and she ends up having to nurse for ove an hr to get enough milk.
I can see pumping once everyday to store for a rainy day but to replace a feeding? I just can't see it unless I am doing somethingwrong :shrug:

I think my breastfeeding days are over. The pain is turning me into a crazy bitch. I'm argumentative, I never seem to be happy anymore because everyday is a struggle. I just don't see how this is best for my daughter now. Surely two minths is better than nothing? Are there any formula moms on this thread? :cry:
I feel like such a bad mom.
Chris sweetie you are NOT a bad mom. See my earlier post in your journal! Two months isbplenty and we've been formula in part (then fully) since Ethan was born, I justnnever could produce enough milk. Do NOT feel guilty ifnyounneed toquit bfing. I promise, two weeks after you do you will feel like a new woman lol! I know i did! :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Thx Angela. I haven't slept since her 5am feeding because I am in so much pain it's unreal. After feeding I have such severe shooting pains in my breasts, I almost wonder if I have mastitis now :cry:
Good morning! Forgive me for the quick post, but I'm going on hour 30 with no sleep...

I'm so thrilled to announce the birth of our daughter Hannah Elizabeth, born 9/28/11 at 4:20 am (coincidentally, 4/20 is our wedding anniversary). She's 21" long, and our chunky little monkey weighed in at 8 lbs, 8.6 oz.

I'm so in love, I can't even put it in words... :cloud9:

I'll try to do a proper post with pictures in the near future. :thumbup:

MA - best of luck to you tomorrow! You, Doug & Amelia are in my prayers! :hugs:
Oh Chris congrats!!!!! Love the name, that's my moms name! What a big baby!! Nice and healthy. Hope you are feeling good!!! xo
Chris - first of all, feeding formula does NOT make you a bad mom! Nope, not ever!! You need to do what works for you and your family.

Second, pumping is not as efficient as a baby so it's normal to get less milk pumping (specially when you start) then the baby can get out.

:hugs: sorry that breasting has been so hard.

Congrats Sunshine! Can't wait for pics!

Good luck MA, I am sure everything will go fine and look forward to pics of Amelia!

Haven't posted much recently as my little darling has decided to wake up every 2 hours at night, and be SOOOO demanding all day....is this normal at 4 months other mums?:wacko:

Hope everyone is ok, and having a good week. :hugs::hugs:
Hi Girls!!!

Sunshine - COngratulations!!!!! Welcome, Hannah!! So happy for you!!

MA - Anxiously awaiting on news of Amelia!! Good luck to you, hon!!!

Steph - Love the new pic of Katelyn!! What a doll!!!!

On the BFing issue, Chris... Girl, stop beating yourself up on this, okay?? You have done an awesome job... I am still pumping, but plan on asking my doc about stopping when I go in for 6 week appt on Friday. I am only pumping enough for one feeding a day, per baby. The rest is ALL formula and they are doing FINE. Growing well & sleeping better every week! Before I left NICU, the doctor and lactation specialist pulled me aside and told me to not pressure myself to breastfeed or pump. There is QUITE enough to do and worry about with a new baby without that... And dang it, I want some time for myself. AND I am sick of big ol' honkers that feel like water balloons. lol. Talk about selfish, right? But that's how I feel... :)
SO if you want to stop, congratulate yourself on what you have done and make the decision. :)

Hi to everyone else!!!!
Welcome to the world, Hannah Elizabeth! Congrats Chris!

Good luck tomorrow. Can't wait to welcome Amelia!

Not that I'm a mom yet, but to weigh in on the b'feeding issue ... please be proud that you did this for the time you did and now embrace formula feeding. Give up the guilt b/c it is not deserved. I was fed formula from day 1 and was just as healthy & developmentally on track as my breastfed peers. I'm going to give it a shot if I can for a few months, but if it doesn't work then so be it. You are an awesome, mom!

Waiting at the OB office. Lots of waiting. ;)
Im going to forumla feed from day one - I admire ladies who bf but its not my cup of tea

congratulations sunshine :)

thinking of you MA x
sunshine!!!!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance: huge congratulations!!!! SO HAPPY FOR YOU! what a beautiful name and I can't wait to see some pics! what a happy day! :dance::dance::dance:

MA - you are next! oh my, my heart is bursting with all these babies this week! I will be praying you have a safe and easy birth and she is in your arms before you know it! :hugs::hugs::hugs:

lava - good luck at the OB appt!

As far as all the bf'ing issues go - I have no input except to agree with lava - I was formula fed and am fine and dandy so don't you feel so bad, the fact you have done it for a few months so far is wonderful! I hope to try but will swap out by around 6 months or so to formula if I can last that long, I may need to go back on the scary rheumatoid medication that are not allowed in pregnancy or feeding (i hear from my ob that babies sleep better at night with formula because it's heavier in their bellies and they won't wake up to feed as much since they don't get as much from BF....not sure if that is true but it sounds good!)

I'm just hanging out today not doing much except decorating some pumpkins. I just finished my counted cross stitch for the kitchen, I will post a pic when I press it.

many hugs to all you I didn't mention by name. I think of you all often!


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