35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

MA, thanks for the good advice. It is 4 in the morning and I'm up of course. May try a hot bath. Tomorrow, Benedryl! :)

So glad you and your baby are getting into a routine. That is amazing. And 4 hours sleep! Wow! I love how you say your DH can soothe her at night. Very sweet. Hope the flush clears up soon. That is no fun!

Are you back in the hospital tonight? I'm sure you are getting all the assistance and resources available. Soon you will be home. Stay connected to friends and family when you are back so you don't feel too isolated. I know that I will feel that way for awhile once the babies come. I'm hoping that enough people can come over to help while my husband is at work. I've even looked into a post-partum doula coming over for a few hours each week for help with b'feeding/pumping, light cleaning, grocery shopping & baby care. Do you have access to one where you are?

Anyway, a collective hug and a yawn! Hope everyone has a great weekend.
Svet...Oh goodness the bursting was not a good thing for me. I'm not good with blood or bodily clear fluids. ((I better get used to it having a baby soon)) I've NEVER seen anything so gross and I'm not lying when I say my lower abdomen is 3 times the size filled with water.

Today's appointment proved to be an interesting one:

Well, my bp was high again today. The Dr. scheduled an Amnio for Tuesdays appointment if my bp is high again. That will tell if her lungs have matured. If they see protein in the urine they'll forgo the amnio and just schedule the c-section. What I got is that she doesn't want to wait the added week with potentially getting full blown pre-eclampsia. With my history she'd rather not risk anything further. SO, as it stands we may have Amelia next week sometime. I'm guess wed. or thurs.

I'm SO NERVOUS! I can't wait to hold her. She's been 10 years in the waiting. I think that's why I'm so nervous. All these emotions, all this love....wondering if I'll be a good mommy. I also don't have everything in order.

I'm sure it will all work out well. I'll keep everyone posted after Tuesdays appointment. In the meantime, I'm taking the weekend to try to get rid of this cold. The leaking Adema I have will continue. The Dr. said it will get worse before it gets better because they'll be giving me lots of liquid through IV. :wacko: I can't imagine how heavy in water weight I'll be. I'm already feeling like a truck. At any rate, we may have a baby next week. Holy Cats! ((FAINT))
Rebekah - you will be a GREAT mommy! SO excited can't even tell you. You and Chris may have babies on the same day or at least the same week. And if anyone knows about not having everything in order it is me...don't worry about it. It will be fine and will work out. And trust me you don't want it to develop into pre-eclampsia. Not fun. Keep us posted and so sorry to hear about leaking...I know after I had my c-section I gained about 25 lbs in water weight (in addition to the pregnancy weight). I didn't recognize myself in the mirror. It all went away after about two days though. So just think next week this time you will be back to your normal self...except you will have baby Amelia in your arms YAY!!!!!

Thank you Steph! :hugs:

My lower abdomen feels so heavy and I keep feeling like it's hanging to my feet. :haha: The Dr. think with the added water weight at surgery it could take up to 2 wks. :wacko: I must have it BAD. :duh: I've never seen anything like it.

You've put my mind at ease. I'm getting excited!
Good evening & happy Friday, girls!

Carole - congrats on seeing the heart beat! That's got to put your mind at ease. :happydance: Just wait until your next one - it's amazing the difference two weeks makes!

Angela - glad that Ethan did well at daycare. Once mine gets a little older I plan on sending her to daycare once a week or so, too. I think it's good for them to get used to being with other kids. :thumbup: I live out in the sticks, so there aren't any neighborhood kids for her to be with. Plus - with me being ancient, I can't have her play with any of my friends kids - they're all in their late teens and older. :wacko:

Lava - did you interview the night nurse yet? How'd it go? How exciting to have a baby shower to look forward to! How fun to keep it all girls, too. Sometimes a "no boys allowed" party is much more fun, and besides - they usually hate that kind of thing anyway. No sense having them there if they're just going to be party poopers. :) And even though your friend has no idea who I am, please give her my congratulations on her pregnancy. It'll be awesome to pregnant with a girlfriend! As for me taking an Ambien, no dice. My OB wouldn't write me a script for it when I asked. (Speaking of party poopers...) :nope:

Chris #1 - Is the Diflucan working for you yet? You poor thing! :hugs: But I must admit - I want to see pictures of the purple baby! :haha: Sounds too cute!

MA - sorry you're going through all this! You've had WAY more than your fair share of hurdles for this pregnancy! BUT - there's finally a light at the end of the tunnel! And of COURSE you'll be a good mommy! You have too much love in your heart for her not to be! And don't worry about not having everything in order, either. I don't think anyone ever really does. You prepare for what you can prepare for, then wing it on everything else. :thumbup: Who knows - maybe our girls will share a b-day! Pretty cool...

AFM - No baby yet. Not even a lousy cramp yet, either. :growlmad: I had raspberry leaf tea before dinner, went out for spicy Indian food, then came back and had MORE tea. Tomorrow the DH and I are going shopping for all the things we still haven't gotten yet, so I'll be on my feet walking all day. Then spicy left-overs for dinner. Then we plan on going for a marathon walk on Sunday. I'm also thinking of buying a pogo stick to shake this kid outta me... The idea of sex sounds absolutely ludicrous right now, but at this point I'm willing to try anything.

So for now, I'm consoling myself with a well deserved glass of red wine before I crawl into bed. Hopefully I'll be able to sleep. :nope: I'm starting to wonder how many years it'll be before I actually get to sleep through the night again... :dohh:

Have a good evening, everyone! :flower:
Charmain, they are gorgeous :))) 3 in a bundle. Wooooow I still can't get over the fact that yu've done so well having 3 healthy babies. Well done hon. I bet you can tell them apart but separating their clothes will be the thing when they grow. hahahha. A friend of mine had 3 sisters+mom. They were 5 girls in the house. So their mum colour coded them and stitched a little reminder colour dot in their underwear. That's how they could tell which belonged to who. Hahhahahaha!!!

Viv, I hope you would feel better soon and you could go home.. Getting used to a baby and a ruotine is hard so take one thing at a time hon.

Carole I had so much fruits and veggies in the first 12 weeks :winkwink: I was even dreaming of a broccoli. Weird but true. The baby will demand what it needs :)

Laura did they start kicking? You must feel it more since there is 2 in there. Are you going to start nesting and preparing soon? Clothes, nursery etc... So much fun :)) Babayshower sounds great. Hope you get a lot of pressies and have great fun. BBshower doesn't feel right for me since most of my good friends are in Turkey. And the ones here I see them often anyway. But I love the idea.

Svet your girl is already falling into a routine, she is a star :))) I need to trane my DH for soothing action as well :) Wonder what he will be like when the bb comes as he is a bit useless in the house on all other occasions. LOL!!!!

Rebekah Wooohoooo!!! yeeeaaaah she is coming home sooon. Can't wait to see her. You do sound like you are in a state (poor you) so the sooner she is the better it is perhaps. I bet everything will go smoothly. And don't you worry, after having all the hospital experience before and Doug being there, csection should be a piece of cake. You will be a great mum. Did you get your bag ready (paper pants, baby clothes, snacks, etc etc??) Pls keep updating when you can.

Chris you'll be a mama soon too. Yeeeeahhhh. She'll be quite grown already when she comes out. LOL!! Well cooked bun in the oven. Lol! Lol!.

AFM Started resarching for the birth essentials and baby list. Internet searching all the websites for brands etc. I love all that. Also need to get my freezing cold bathroom, due to bad insulation and wrong radiator, sorted. Will call a plumber next week and see what we can do. And the baby furniture... We will go to the shops with DH today. hahahahaaa his 'favourite' thing to do at the weekends' LOL!!! It usually takes 4 hours to stimulate him out of the sofa to go for weekly shopping or a short walk. But he has no excuse anymore since I can't do all this myself. So let's see how it goes.

Anna how are you hon? Bet you are battling with nursing and nappies with blood shot eyes right now. Hug Hugs :))) Hope Josephine is already smiling at you in between feeding and changing. BTW how did you manage to do all that mountain hiking at 8,5 month pregnant. I can walk the dogs all the way to the park but get stuck in the hill on the way and can't come back anymore. :wacko: Wooow you are a strong girl....

Have a great weekend girls xxx
Hi there. Chris, I've heard that most 1st time moms can go overdue. Hopefully it won't be too long. Schedule a deep tissue massage. That usually stimulates labor too. I bet you could use one! :winkwink:

Skye, I bet he'll start stepping it up. They usually do. I know Doug has been such a great support throughout this pregnancy and honestly I don't know how he did it other than by the grace of God. I haven't been the greatest person to be around.

Honestly this pregnancy was SO different from my last. I have people telling me it's because my pregnancy ended in a loss. Maybe so, but the loss was from a series of issues pertaining to IC which had we known, could have been taken care of and maybe we'd have the same ending like we'll have with Amelia. The only difference to me was while I had nausea, I felt the best I'd EVER felt with Jackson.

Maybe that is the reason things were so intense this time. I was the happiest most joyful woman while pregnant with Jackson. I had lost weight, he was a surprise baby, etc. I never thought anything could ever go wrong. When it did, there was a years worth of depression, added weight gain and then more weight gain from hormone treatments.

Then when I got pregnant with Amelia, in the back of my head, I had Jackson's ending always in the back of my mind. I never allowed myself to back down from researching, keeping blood sugars the same, etc. I was sick a lot with bacteria, in and out of hospital for one treatment or another and then my thought is with the weight gain from the past 3 years, I've ended up with this adema thing. Had I not been on bed rest and able to exercise, I wonder how much better I would have felt, etc. I don't regret any part of this.....but I DO understand now what my pregnancy after a loss pals feel when some have mentioned they missed out on the fun points of their pregnancy and great joy during some moment or another because they were SO FOCUSED on advocating for their conditions and little ones.

I pray next time I get pregnant, I'll be able to let my guard down a little bit more. Now that I know what I'll have to go through with a cerclage stitch, etc. I'll be more prepared and know that there are good endings just as there can be sad ones.

Now I have the beauty of delivering a little miracle 10 years in the waiting. To finally hold her will be one of the greatest gifts of my life. :cry: Does it matter she won't be born the way I had hoped or on the specific date I had hoped? :shrug: No, not at all. I'm just finally feeling blessed to become a mother to our little girl. Ugh! My cup runneth over. :cry:
Awww MA that was beautiful. I am so happy and excited for you! Not long now eh? :happydance:

Now on a lighter note, don't feel guilty if in the first few weeks you want to put her back. :haha: It happens to the best of us. xo
MA I totally understand and agree with you that all the things you went through are actually very tough and worrying. You had multiple problems with this pregnancy, none of that is imagined : cerciage, infections, bleeding etc. I got all a bit paranoid with just the IVf so I'm impressed how well you've coped hon. If people tell you that sort of thing again just ignore cause they are not in your shoes. I hope Amelia arrives smoothly and you can finally rest once you hold her in your arms xxxx

We did go furniture+ buggy shopping with DH :)) He did really well. I'm impressed by the attention he gave to this :) hahahahhaha I think I decided on the furniture more or less. I'm a bit limited anyway since we don't have a proper nursery and it will be the side of the guest room. I'm just worried about the buggy. We have a Mini cooper. It's tiny. And the only buggy we sew that could fit is a Bugaboo Bee which is expensive but looks cheap and flimsy. I'm not impressed by it at all. I don't think that push chair would last long. I have a bad back, I'm not good lifting heavy things. The only thing I like about that chair is that it's light and it folds very compact. But I don't think it could be good in a park for example. Any other small folding light push chair ideas?

Also how about the nappy bins girls. I know there was a conversation about it a while back and some of you swear by it. But the girls on the review thread said the room still smells when you se one of those. Is that true?
Now on a lighter note, don't feel guilty if in the first few weeks you want to put her back. :haha: It happens to the best of us. xo

:rofl: too funny! That and wondering what the dogs will think of this crying little thing. I'm sure it's going to get slightly comical.
Skye the diaper pail we like is the diaper champ. It can be used with any garbage bag and works great! No smell at all!
That sweet post made me tear up. Can't wait for Amelia to be born! You are.going to be the best mommy. Also, Thx for the benedryl suggestion. I slept great last night. I am now on the mend. I should be through with this cold by Mon I hope. How are you feeling? Better?

How are you doing? When is the big day? Sometime this week, right?

Hey Angela,
Thanks for the diaper champ tip. The Dekor & Genie ones require so many refill & they are expensive!

So glad you & your husband picked out some great baby furniture. I love the mini cooper! ;)

AFM, we signed a contract with an amazing night nanny today. Thx Austin for the tip!!! I heard you loud & clear. ;) I really loved her. She stayed for 2 hours and talked with DH & I. I am so relieved to have her in place. She will come 10 pm- 6 am Sun- Thursday night. My friend who used her with her twin girls calls her the baby whisperer! ;) Also, I got some great stuff at this church consignment sale. Everything was half off. It was a productive day. Now, I'm headed to bed early.

Hope all the new moms are doing well.

Hi to Carole, NMG, who am I missing? My Benedryl just kicked in.

Hope everyone is doing well. I will catch up more tomorrow night.
Good evening, ladies! Just a quick post them I'm off to :sleep:...

Glad you were able to get the DH out of the house and shopping today, Skye. I did the same thing with my DH today. I think we're all set now, although I'm sure that as soon as we bring her home we'll realize a bunch of stuff we still need... :dohh:

Lava - congrats on the night nurse! She'll be such a lifesaver, I'm sure. :thumbup: And yep - it looks like our little girl will be here this week. I go in Monday night for Cervidil (ripens the cervix) and they'll start the induction Tuesday morning. I keep hoping she'll decide to come before then, but time's pretty much run out now. My little procrastinator. :haha:

I apologize for not addressing everyone personally, buy my eyes are crossing and I'm off to bed. Have a good evening!
Good evening, ladies! Just a quick post them I'm off to :sleep:...

Glad you were able to get the DH out of the house and shopping today, Skye. I did the same thing with my DH today. I think we're all set now, although I'm sure that as soon as we bring her home we'll realize a bunch of stuff we still need... :dohh:

Lava - congrats on the night nurse! She'll be such a lifesaver, I'm sure. :thumbup: And yep - it looks like our little girl will be here this week. I go in Monday night for Cervidil (ripens the cervix) and they'll start the induction Tuesday morning. I keep hoping she'll decide to come before then, but time's pretty much run out now. My little procrastinator. :haha:

I apologize for not addressing everyone personally, buy my eyes are crossing and I'm off to bed. Have a good evening!

This will be interesting. I go into the office on Tuesday. If they see protein in my urine, they'll forgo everything and take me in for a c-section that day, if not, I'm most likely to be scheduled Wed. or Thursday..Maybe even Friday but highly doubt it because the perinatologists have some kind of regional function.

We both may have our little ones this week. I'm not nervous anymore. I'm filled with water 3 time my size so I'm READY. Ready to feel normal again (or somewhat normal), ready to see Amelia, ready to be with my husband and be a new family...I'm just ready!

Excited about your little one. Can't WAIT to hear she's here and praying for a smooth labor and entrance into the world! :happydance:
So many more babies on the way so excitng!!!


Skye, we have the diaper genie II. We love it and there is no smell. Also, breastfed newborn poop doesn't really have a smell so I suppose time will tell. :shrug: Downside the cartridges are expensive but you can buy them a t Costco for a fraction of the price.

Sophie just slept for 5 1/2 hrs! :happydance:
Hi Lava, Still sick with a cold. I'm praying it's completely gone by Monday though. I've been staying in bed and just trying to sleep it off, take meds, eat when I can. I've been supplementing with extend bars for diabetics...it's a protein bar that keeps sugars balanced for up to 9 hours. I pare it with skim milk. I had breakfast yesterday but felt just awful afterward so the extend bars along with milk and maybe a sugar free pudding or two helped to get something in my stomach. I'll try to eat regular food like soup, milk, etc. today. The sudafed works like a charm in the mornings....As you said the benedryl helped overnight. I was SO happy to get some kind of rest.

I AM hurting terribly on my lower abdomen from the swelling. It's sticking to the toilet and to the bed. Or should I say hitting the toilet seat and bed. The feel of leather makes me cringe. I'm honestly concerned about them cutting through it, so I'm going to see if they'll cut slightly above so I can take care of the wound better. I don't know why I'm so nervous about the c-section. Things in my head are "will they accidentally cut Amelia since she's transverse? I can't breathe flat on the table with all this water weight...I'm afraid I'll stop breathing....etc.

If anyone who's had a c-section can set my mind at ease I'd appreciate it. Women have them all the time, yet I'm nervous about being cut open. I'm nervous about not feeling anything for what I've seen on the internet at up to 6 hours...though I hope it's more like 2 hours. I'm wondering how I'll be able to touch her when she comes out. I've just been praying through this anxiety for peace. If I go in with a peaceful mind then the likelihood of a good c-section experience will more than likely happen. If I go in with anxiety and fear, I'm more likely to have a bad experience. So I want to set my mind at ease and just enjoy what WILL come out of this surgery. A baby we've waited so long for. :happydance:

Chris, 5 and a half hours?! WTG!! :happydance: I can't believe I'm excited about getting only 5 and a half hours of sleep but something tells me it's rare and exciting. :rofl:
I don't know why I'm so nervous about the c-section. Things in my head are "will they accidentally cut Amelia since she's transverse? I can't breathe flat on the table with all this water weight...I'm afraid I'll stop breathing....etc.

If anyone who's had a c-section can set my mind at ease I'd appreciate it. Women have them all the time, yet I'm nervous about being cut open. I'm nervous about not feeling anything for what I've seen on the internet at up to 6 hours...though I hope it's more like 2 hours. I'm wondering how I'll be able to touch her when she comes out. I've just been praying through this anxiety for peace. If I go in with a peaceful mind then the likelihood of a good c-section experience will more than likely happen. If I go in with anxiety and fear, I'm more likely to have a bad experience. So I want to set my mind at ease and just enjoy what WILL come out of this surgery. A baby we've waited so long for. :happydance:

Rebekah - I am quickly popping in, but wanted to address your concerns about the C-section, having VERY recently had one.... First of all, the most painful part about it was putting in the IV for me. Seriously, no pain at all in the OR. Secondly, my little Gemma (Baby "A") was on the bottom, transverse... She was the firstborn and not a mark on her. :) Little sweet Amelia will be just fine... Third, the WHOLE thing took less than 30 minutes or so for me.. And that was 3! lol... Seriously, my babies were born in 90 seconds. It took my doc less than 5 min to get to the uterus (and fyi... I specifically told her that I did NOT want a "play-by-play"... yuck... so she just told me when she was at the uterine wall)... babies were born & DH went up to NICU with them. You will HAVE Amelia there with you, likely...

I had a mag drip, so was more out of it than usual... And to be honest, the recovery wasn't near as bad as I had imagined. Note, you will likely feel great the day after she's born... it's the next few that really get ya.

Will be thinking of you this week, friend and checking in every time I can!!!
Prayers for a speedy & healthy delivery!!
Sunshine!!!!! Can't wait to hear how everything goes, sweetie!!!

You're a rock star momma!!!!!
I don't know why I'm so nervous about the c-section. Things in my head are "will they accidentally cut Amelia since she's transverse? I can't breathe flat on the table with all this water weight...I'm afraid I'll stop breathing....etc.

If anyone who's had a c-section can set my mind at ease I'd appreciate it. Women have them all the time, yet I'm nervous about being cut open. I'm nervous about not feeling anything for what I've seen on the internet at up to 6 hours...though I hope it's more like 2 hours. I'm wondering how I'll be able to touch her when she comes out. I've just been praying through this anxiety for peace. If I go in with a peaceful mind then the likelihood of a good c-section experience will more than likely happen. If I go in with anxiety and fear, I'm more likely to have a bad experience. So I want to set my mind at ease and just enjoy what WILL come out of this surgery. A baby we've waited so long for. :happydance:

Rebekah - I am quickly popping in, but wanted to address your concerns about the C-section, having VERY recently had one.... First of all, the most painful part about it was putting in the IV for me. Seriously, no pain at all in the OR. Secondly, my little Gemma (Baby "A") was on the bottom, transverse... She was the firstborn and not a mark on her. :) Little sweet Amelia will be just fine... Third, the WHOLE thing took less than 30 minutes or so for me.. And that was 3! lol... Seriously, my babies were born in 90 seconds. It took my doc less than 5 min to get to the uterus (and fyi... I specifically told her that I did NOT want a "play-by-play"... yuck... so she just told me when she was at the uterine wall)... babies were born & DH went up to NICU with them. You will HAVE Amelia there with you, likely...

I had a mag drip, so was more out of it than usual... And to be honest, the recovery wasn't near as bad as I had imagined. Note, you will likely feel great the day after she's born... it's the next few that really get ya.

Will be thinking of you this week, friend and checking in every time I can!!!
Prayers for a speedy & healthy delivery!!

Thank you SO MUCH!:hugs::kiss::flower:

I don't know why a week is making a difference. All of a sudden I'm a barrel of emotions. Excited, scared, having waited 10 years I was ready and then thinking in just a few short days this week she'll be here and I'm ill prepared. Doug shared some things a few weeks ago and I think that may be some of it too ....this is SUCH a different outcome than our last one. Amelia will actually be here, we'll be able to hold her and love her. The emotions of it all are so REAL. Then adding the c-section .....not by choice but in my opinion...now by Gods will...it's all so out of my "control".

Hearing your experience with the triplets helps a great deal. I can't believe how quick it was to get them out. From several others I've heard of how peaceful the c-section was. It helps to know that the fear I had about getting Amelia out is nothing to fear at all. I mean if they can do it safely with 3 babies at once, it can be done with just one infant.

Thanks again for taking the time to share. I feel I'm getting more strength and courage to overcome these fears. My goal is NOT to have them when it's time. I don't want to pass off anxiety to Amelia. I want her birth to be peaceful.

I'm so grateful for our group! You've all been such a gift and blessing over the past year or so. Even those of you who are fairly new have blessed my heart! Thank You! :hug:
I don't know why a week is making a difference. All of a sudden I'm a barrel of emotions. Excited, scared, having waited 10 years I was ready and then thinking in just a few short days this week she'll be here and I'm ill prepared.

I hear you about being a barrel of emotions, MA! I was sitting in the living room this afternoon thinking about how tonight's the last night it will be just the two of us in this house, and I started bawling. Bawling!! :wacko: A little bit of it was sadness for what we're leaving behind, but most of it was this enormous feeling of being blessed with this little girl and the husband I created her with. I'm completely humbled and in awe of what we're about to enter in to, and it's creating havoc with my hormonally charged emotions! :haha: Ah, well. At least I had my breakdown in private. :thumbup:

Austin - thanks for checking in! :flower: I was glad to hear about your c-section, too. I have this nagging fear that the induction won't go as planned and I'll wind up with one, so you've helped to put my mind at ease. Thank you!

Chris #1 - yay for 5 & 1/2 hours! Before you know it, it'll be 6! (And I'll be completely jealous!)

Well, time for me to get our last uninterruped dinner going... Have a good evening, everyone! :kiss:

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