35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

I don't know why a week is making a difference. All of a sudden I'm a barrel of emotions. Excited, scared, having waited 10 years I was ready and then thinking in just a few short days this week she'll be here and I'm ill prepared.

I hear you about being a barrel of emotions, MA! I was sitting in the living room this afternoon thinking about how tonight's the last night it will be just the two of us in this house, and I started bawling. Bawling!! :wacko: A little bit of it was sadness for what we're leaving behind, but most of it was this enormous feeling of being blessed with this little girl and the husband I created her with. I'm completely humbled and in awe of what we're about to enter in to, and it's creating havoc with my hormonally charged emotions! :haha: Ah, well. At least I had my breakdown in private. :thumbup:

Austin - thanks for checking in! :flower: I was glad to hear about your c-section, too. I have this nagging fear that the induction won't go as planned and I'll wind up with one, so you've helped to put my mind at ease. Thank you!

Chris #1 - yay for 5 & 1/2 hours! Before you know it, it'll be 6! (And I'll be completely jealous!)

Well, time for me to get our last uninterruped dinner going... Have a good evening, everyone! :kiss:
:hugs: We're very blessed dear friend! Abundantly blessed.:cloud9:
Hi girls!!

How is everyone doing?

MA - like you, I am anxious about a c section. I have been told I need one as I have a large fibroid by the birth canal making a natural delivery too difficult. In addition to that, apparently according to my Dr. I have a tiny pelvis - who knew? LOL

Anyway, I was also a little sad at first that the choice was taken away from me, but I have spoken to many mothers who have had c sections and I feel much better! Everyone I have spoken with has told me that the recovery isn't bad at all. Much luck and love to you MA! I can't wait to see little Amelia!!:happydance:

So tomorrow I have my level 2 ultrasound and an fetal echocardiogram to check baby's heart. I am SO NERVOUS!!! I haven't had an ultrasound since I was 12 weeks. That one was great, but now I can't stop thinking that they will find something wrong :nope:

I hope to come back tomorrow and post with some good news. Please wish me luck everyone.

Love to you all!! :hugs:
Good luck, Animal Cracker. I was nervous too, but you will find that you feel very relieved after you've had a chance to see your little one growing away and everything checks out great. Keep us posted. It's nice to have you and NMG right about the same place that I'm in with my pregnancy - all of us 18-20 weeks along. Some 2012 babies!!!
Just wanted to say a quick hello ladies! I am lurking and can't wait to hear about the birth of those little ones we are all so excited about!!! :hugs:
Hello Ladies!

wow, I take a small break (was feeling poorly - all the joints ache) and so much have happened....including getting VERY close to 2 new babies!:happydance:

Animal - sending you tons of good luck on the scan, I'm sure all is perfect!

Sunshine - praying for you, and that all goes very smoothly in the delivery. Before you know it, you will have her in your arms...what a lovely thought!!!!! it gives me chills to think of it.

MA - hon, I'm so sorry about the swelling. The finish line is in sight and Amelia is right there waiting for you! If you do end up with the c-section, know that so many of the stories on the internet are just that, stories. It's like when you tell someone you are first pregnant and they go into the worst labor stories they ever heard, complete with ALL the nasty gory details, so bad you wonder why anyone ever has babies after that..... Everyone is different, my sister had 4 c-sections and was just fine through all, my friend was terrified to get one but had to and came out with flying colors -she was worried about not feeling things too, crying to me when they told her she needed one, then they numbed her and all she said was "oh, not as bad as I thought", and mom and baby were perfect. Easy for me now to say to breathe and relax as I know it's scary but you have so many positive thoughts and prayers going at you!

lava - I, too, am so happy there are 3 of us at the same time going through this! So glad you got the night nurse, what a relief! Has the benedryl helped? I'm taking tylenol PM tonight (tylenol with benedryl) to get some sleep, finally!

Svet - 5 1/2 hours!!!!!! :happydance: what a good girl you have!!!!!

viv - you are in my thoughts! hope all is going well.

:hi: to carol, rottpaw, skye - did I miss anyone? I feel like I did.... many :hugs: to you all.

AFM - we had our monthly OB appointment this morning, poppy was moving around so much the doctor was chasing him/her all over my belly to get the heartbeat! Things are doing great, they said to not worry too much about the low lying placenta as they are checking it again next month...unless I start bleeding after sex, then they will say bedrest and no sex. :nope: ut that's ok, so far so good and no bleeding so we are just fine.

haven't been sleeping much lately, maybe about 2 hours total a night, I fall asleep and then sleep for only about 10 mins and wake up and up for hours. I have fibro and other issues that give fatigue like chronic fatigue so pregnancy is just kicking my butt on the non-restorative sleep.....hopefully the tylenol PM will help! My joints are also acting up pretty badly (could barely move all weekend, much less type anything here) and they offered me narcotics or to try some vitamin D as that is supposed to help. I chose the vitamin D and then physical therapy before the pain killers. I'm sure I'll need them as the pregnancy progresses but if I can hold off for a while now I will feel better.

Other than that, things are good! In case you were wondering, we decided not to find out what we are having....bring on team yellow or green!!!!! :happydance::cloud9:

Beth, I have the joint issue. You should see me get up from bed....I look like I've got a crick in my getalong. :rofl:

I'm impressed by the surprise gender. Doug wanted to know the first time with Jackson and this time I needed to know in order to bond with my baby this time because I was solely focused on the loss and what could happen I decided I need to know and NAME her so I could pray for her by name.

I'd love to have a surprise though. :thumbup: Can't wait until he or she is born! Do you have names picked out yet?
Beth, I have the joint issue. You should see me get up from bed....I look like I've got a crick in my getalong. :rofl:

I'm impressed by the surprise gender. Doug wanted to know the first time with Jackson and this time I needed to know in order to bond with my baby this time because I was solely focused on the loss and what could happen I decided I need to know and NAME her so I could pray for her by name.

I'd love to have a surprise though. :thumbup: Can't wait until he or she is born! Do you have names picked out yet?

good to know I'm not alone in the joint issues! :) I feel like I'm 90 in the mornings....wonder how it will be when I have poppy but we will manage!

I completely understand why you found out the gender, I would want to pray by name as well!!!! We decided as since all was going so well, we wouldn't get much in the way of surprises in life so this would be the best one! Of course, Charlie says if I cave and find out, that's ok too. :)

I'm sure I'll be crying when they announce: "it's a ....!" We do have names.....Charlie Jr if a boy and for a girl, we want to name her Aimee after my best friend for 20+ years who passed away 3 years ago from cancer. I did have a dream the other night, when I did finally sleep, that charlie and I were at a wedding and Aimee was there with us and kept getting me to try one of two drinks she had, one was Poppy martini the other Poppy fizz...considering we call the baby Poppy I think she was trying to tell me it's a girl! but then, maybe she was just telling me she was happy there is a poppy regardless of gender! :thumbup:
Afternoon ladies

Chris #1 – LOL on the putting her back comment. I do know that after 3 weeks with Katelyn, my hubby and I weren’t so sure about having another one. Just the lack of sleep alone put us off.

Rebekah – Not long now!!! What I did for my dogs was took a onesie that she had worn and had the dogs sniff it and get used to it right before I took Katelyn home. Yes, EVERY pregnancy is different and your next one will be different still. I am so overjoyed for you my friend. And your cup will runneth over many atimes once Amelia gets here. In terms of the c-section, I could feel a little pressure, and don’t even remember them closing me up. But like Charmaine said, it was very quick. The worst part for me was when they put in the cathader (YUCK!). My hubby was with me every minute and talked to me most of the procedure.

Skye – we used a Diaper Genie II and it works pretty well. But we only have one and we change her upstairs and downstairs. We take the trash out often upstairs cuz the smell is bad – even with breastfed babies – don’t let them tell you it doesn’t smell when breastfed cuz it still does! A friend gave us the trash inserts for the original Diaper Genie (which they don’t make any more) so now we use that upstairs and it has helped.

Chris #2 – First, I think we are the same age and I ain’t ancient LOL! I am super excited for you as well. Can’t wait to hear your birth story

Lava – Congrats on getting a night nanny. Fantastic!

Jules – Let us know how your appointment went!

Beth – YAY for team yellow/green HA HA HA. That is cool to be surprised. You are better than me. I wouldn’t be able to wait. Unfortunately, the joint pain is only going to get worse, especially in the hips. Invest in a good body pillow.

AFM - Katelyn is sleeping through the night now. Last night she went down at 9:30 and didn't wake up again until 7:30am. Unfortunately, her interest in nursing is less and less. In fact she seems to be really interested in food food. Her 6 month well baby check up is in 2 weeks. I will ask the Dr then if I can start her on solids. I still plan on pumping until the end of June though and then using whatever I have in the freezer past then.

Anna, June, Terri, Viv (hope you are ok – slow and steady…one day at a time), Angela, and anyone else I didn’t address I hope you all are doing well and Chris/Rebekah on pins and needles about your girls being born….

NMG, that will be such a lovely moment. More exciting when you find out who will be in your arms at that moment. Aimee is a cute little girls name. The dream was interesting too.

Steph, Oh I keep seeing that everyone talks about the catheter. I'm not a fan of that whatsoever either. I like to pee on my own. Why can't you pee without a catheter if you don't mind me asking. Also do you still bleed for a few weeks after a c-section? Will I still need the pads?

Not sure if I mentioned this in my last post but a friend of mine with the lower abdominal retention said once the Dr. cut her open she leaked all over the place. Ewww, how gross!
Oh Steph those first few weeks of no sleep!!! I was traumatized when I saw pregnant women and women with more than one child :haha: I was like- you chose to do thi s more than once???? :rofl: I'm not quite there yet but now that the worst is behind me (it is right?!?! Lol) I can start to see how one might want more than one. Lol

On my tablet so typing with one hand. MA & Chris I am so excited for you both! Best of luck and i pray for a safe and easy delivery with a perfect healthy baby at the end!
MA from friends I know who had c-sections you definitely do still bleed for just as long too I think. Sophie will be six weeks tomorrow and I am still bleeding, lightly but it's still there :wacko:

Ok Steph, newborn BF poop doesn't smell like roses bit just you wait until your lil beauty starts eating solids!!!!! :rofl:

NMG- yay for team green!! (My fave colour). I couldn't do it but how exciting!!!

Wish I could adress all of you but it's hard with the tablet.

AFM, Sophie slept from 11-5 last night and then again from 6-8 :shock: I am reluctant to get too excited as it could change at any moment but fx'd!!! I'm so scared now when she sleeps too much during the day... will it affect her nights? If you include her feedings I'd say she is awake a good ten hrs or more a day. pretty right on with where she should be so we'll see.

K, gotta run, dinner time!
You have to have the catheter because your legs are numb and you won't be able to walk for a few hours. Also, I think because of the surgery they need to put one in. I had to have one put in twice. The first time the nurse that did it was not gentle (putting it in or taking it out!). The second time was a bit better. Especially the taking it out part. The other bad part was that I could feel it every time they would move it to empty it out. VERY uncomfortable.

Yes, you do bleed after a c-section. The provide diaper size pads (which if you can take home as many as possible). Also they provided mesh underwear which fit almost up to my boobs. These were great because they went ABOVE the incision line and were comfortable. I still don't like when my undies rub against my incision. For me, the after effects weren't bad. I was up walking pretty much the next day. The nurses would ask me what my pain was from 1 to 10 with 10 being the highest, and I was always at like a 2. I never really needed my pain medication, but they make you take it. When I got home, i didn't even use it.

You will be fine. Seriously, for Katelyn after they finished prepping, the Dr. said "first incision 12pm, then baby born 12:10pm". It took them 10 minutes after the 1st incision. IT is really fast
Hey Chris - As Sophie gets older and drinking more her poops will definitely smell worse LOL. In fact you will be sitting holding her and she will grunt, and then you will hear a horrific squirting sound that can probably be heard throughout the house and she will have blown out her diaper. Then as soon as you get a new diaper on, she will poop again. This will happen at least 2 more times, and then she will pee. 4th time you will get her into a diaper that will be unscathed for a few hours.

Her sleeping sounds about right. In terms of sleeping during the day, the drs and nurses recommend not letting babies sleep for longer than 4 hours at a stretch. If she is sleeping alot, that means she probably going through a growth spurt. She will go through TONS and each time it will take like 2 days before you realize "Oh it must be a growth spurt". EVERY TIME Katelyn goes through one, I get worried and think, why is she sleeping so much. Man, she is eating a ton. Then my husband will say - it is probably a growth spurt and sure enough it is.

Yeah, not looking forward to solid food poop. Angela - is Ethan eating solids? WHat are those diapers like?

BTW - Is everyone on FB?
Hey Chris - As Sophie gets older and drinking more her poops will definitely smell worse LOL. In fact you will be sitting holding her and she will grunt, and then you will hear a horrific squirting sound that can probably be heard throughout the house and she will have blown out her diaper. Then as soon as you get a new diaper on, she will poop again. This will happen at least 2 more times, and then she will pee. 4th time you will get her into a diaper that will be unscathed for a few hours.

Her sleeping sounds about right. In terms of sleeping during the day, the drs and nurses recommend not letting babies sleep for longer than 4 hours at a stretch. If she is sleeping alot, that means she probably going through a growth spurt. She will go through TONS and each time it will take like 2 days before you realize "Oh it must be a growth spurt". EVERY TIME Katelyn goes through one, I get worried and think, why is she sleeping so much. Man, she is eating a ton. Then my husband will say - it is probably a growth spurt and sure enough it is.

Yeah, not looking forward to solid food poop. Angela - is Ethan eating solids? WHat are those diapers like?

BTW - Is everyone on FB?

:rofl: This conversation is too funny! I better get more prefolds by the sound of it. I only have 2 dozen and 3 aio's.

Speaking of diapers...Those who are cloth diapering. This is going to make me sound like a total idiot but when do I change Amelia? Do I change her after she pee's once? Wait until she wets through and change her? Let her pee and poop then change her? I don't want to leave her in too long, but I don't want to change her every second either. Is there a difference in changing times with cloth versus disposables?
Super fast post girls as like svet I am on a tabet and hard to type accurately, please forgive me! Promse a proper update soon!

Sunshine YAYYYYYYYYY! You are gonna be FINE and the induction will be fine. I also felt exactly like you the night before. It will go by fast! Update us whenever you can!:hugs:

Steph YES, the solids are going strong and we are having so much fun with that. But um.... Yeah, the odor of the poops is NASTY! :dohh::dohh: :rofl: but honestly you kind of get overit after a while.. The only thing I am worried about is how I will cope with that odor once I am (hopefully!) pregnant again! Yikes! I can imagine it would NOT go well with ms!:hugs:

Beth I too have joint issues. Feel like am a hundred when I get outnof bed in the middle of night and mornings. Lol! Trying to keep my sense of humor but... I am only 36! :dohh:

Love and hugs to ALL and i will update more soon, promise!
For disposibles - I change right before a feeding or right after she wakes up. I will also change her if I know she has blown out her diaper. Don't want her to sit in poop.
pS animal - love qnd hugs for your scan tomorrow, please share pics if you want! It will be FINE and I echo what lava said!:hugs:

Hugs Titi! :hugs:
Angela - when are you trying again? I am going to wait until Katelyn is at least 1. So glad to hear that you still have joint pain, as I thought I was the only one. Seriously, when I sit in the bed to fed Katelyn, my hip pain comes back - the same pain I had when I was preggers.

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