35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Hey Rebekah :) That avatar is sooo cuute I wanna have a little nip on her little frilly bottom Hahahhahahahahaha!!!!! Where did you find that photographer. I wonder if there is one around here. I'm glad you girls are talking about all this bfeeding issues. Never heard of anyone having a difficulty back in Turkey. Everyone talks about how big and overly ripe and juicy their bloomin breasts and how their baby is getting better and fatter by their miraculous milk. :wacko: Also no talk about how it hurt while giving birth.

One thing everyone talks about is the gas issue though. And the answer to this is apparently keeping your feet warm. Anyone heard of this? Almost everyone I talked to keep asking me if I'm having socks on than remind me I have to do it especially when I'm breastfeeding. Doesn't make sense since gas doesn't pass into milk or blood does it?

Viv, he's gonna be a big boy :) Any more photos?

Laura I sometimes can't sleep at nights either. Cause there is only 2 sides to turn to and if you lie down long enough it definitely starts aching. Also sometimes I get the leg cramps. I read the cramps are because of the lack of calcium so I started having an extra large latte. I think it helped. For the ache I drink lot's of water before I go to bed and than keep drinking every time I go to the toilet. So the water intake demands me to wake up and go to toilet and I walk around a little if the ache's bad. It's normal but not very nice :shrug: I just use extra normal pillows where ever I need the support. You have twins so you must be same or even bigger than me already. When are you going for the maternity leave? When is your next dr's appt? Do you know how big they are now?

Angela I think there was a nasty woman on the TTc thread too. Some people just needs to get a life I guess :shrug:

Steph here is a list of super food a close friend who is a dr told me. :winkwink:
Hazelnut oil: You can use 1 spoon everyday in food purees etc. Good for the brain development.
Pumpkin: great puree material and very good for the baby
Spinach, salmon
No aubergines and no honey.

JB are you guys going to relocate? Woow good luck that's a big step. How's pregnancy going?

Ceedee I want that milkshake too, sounds yummy!!! Can't stop thinking of food nowadays LOL!

Anna how's it going? Any improvements on the gas issue?

Charmain, Sunshine, Terry xxxx

AF MY tummy is getting bigger which make me really sleepy or some reason. Can"t keep my eyes open in the afternoons.
Shriin's ok, she is moving and kicking in there :))

Lot's of kisses to all xx
Hey Rebekah :) That avatar is sooo cuute I wanna have a little nip on her little frilly bottom Hahahhahahahahaha!!!!! Where did you find that photographer. I wonder if there is one around here. I'm glad you girls are talking about all this bfeeding issues. Never heard of anyone having a difficulty back in Turkey. Everyone talks about how big and overly ripe and juicy their bloomin breasts and how their baby is getting better and fatter by their miraculous milk. :wacko: Also no talk about how it hurt while giving birth.

One thing everyone talks about is the gas issue though. And the answer to this is apparently keeping your feet warm. Anyone heard of this? Almost everyone I talked to keep asking me if I'm having socks on than remind me I have to do it especially when I'm breastfeeding. Doesn't make sense since gas doesn't pass into milk or blood does it?

Angela I think there was a nasty woman on the TTc thread too. Some people just needs to get a life I guess :shrug:

Lot's of kisses to all xx

I'm sleepy too. Seems I get REALLY tired when bf'ing. I mean REALLY tired. Don't know if it's me, but I feed Amelia at 1pm and I'll be napping right along with her afterwards.

I found the photographer through word of mouth. She actually works in her home. She's a teacher during her work hours and on the off does photographer with her husband and kids on the side. She's REALLY good!:winkwink:

The person who posted here probably posted over on the original thread too. She was a winner that one. I'm sure there are plenty more like her that think we shouldn't have children after a certain age. They can kiss my.....well, we get the hint. :winkwink: :thumbup:
The person who posted here probably posted over on the original thread too. She was a winner that one. I'm sure there are plenty more like her that think we shouldn't have children after a certain age. They can kiss my.....well, we get the hint. :winkwink: :thumbup:

No, actually, we got a pregnant 17yo calling us bitter old hags. She was a real charmer. Don't worry - we collectively kicked her a$$ and then reported her. :gun: :cool:
I am so sorry we had a troll here! I completely missed it... My hubby was gone forth weekend so had my mom and sister here with us for company, and did not get much computer time.

Lava yes, I think the aches are normal as I had plenty. I remember thinking it was good that there is an end in sight! Don't worry, it is not fun but mine actually peaked toward end of seond tri then never really got worse...I had terrible rib and back pain for a while, then It just went away, hang in there sweetie!
Yeah, I missed the person too. Glad I did cuz I probably would been thrown out of BNB for language, etc LOL. HA glad you all told her/him off!

Lava - hip pain unfortunately is normal due to the sofening of your ligaments, etc. I still get hip pain every now and then, but not often. Skye had a good suggestion of getting up and walking around to ease it a bit.

Anna - HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!! :cake: I believe your Bday was on Oct 13th? I hope you had a great bday and enjoyed it with Jo and your hubby!!!!!
Oh and I think that CJ has her CVS today! Good luck and keep us posted!

Sorry to post and run, but Im late for a meeting.

P.S I have been lurking on the original thread lately and there are several members from probably a year ago who are now preggers - I am thinking about sending them a pm to invite them to this thread.

Happy Tuesday to all my lovely mommies and mommies to be! (Twinkle had a cool group hug smiley that I would love to use here! - where'd you get that from) :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Hello dear friends,

Hope everyone is doing well today....chilly out here in Boston, MA....i love it! Went to knitting this morning and worked on my blanket, then went to the store and bought everything Except something for dinner! now I'm faced with going out again or saying the heck with it and either convincing Charlie to pick up something on his way home or get delivery!

lava - I usually have joint pain so it's hard for me to tell which is pregnancy related or my own issues but I also have hip pain (which gets much worse when i get up to walk it off, but that is my pre-existing issue) and back pain that comes on when I'm lying down for a period of time. With twins, I'm sure you get a double whammy! my rheumatolgist recommends going to bed while you are still up reading/watching TV with a heating pad on the hip/back. but make sure you DO NOT fall asleep with it! The heating pad gives nice moist heat that is helpful, then when you get up in the morning, before you get up, pull the heating pad back up and place back on your hip/back for about 15 mins before getting out of bed. What we do is Charlie gets up and takes a shower before breakfast, so before he goes in the bathroom, he positions the heating pad on me......when he gets out of the shower, he gets partially dressed and then helps me up and we go eat breakfast. I wake up with the alarm and got into a routine of flexing all joints before getting up, so having the heating pad on me as well helps immensely. Hope that helps you!

June - how was your CVS? Can't wait to hear about it, keeping you both in my prayers!

I completely missed the nasty poster. And I'm glad, I've been very weepy so I would have lashed out :dohh: I'm glad it was taken care of so quickly and efficiently. Hooray to the admins!

MA - love the pics, keep putting up the new avatars! how precious!

skye - fascinating about keeping the feet warm! Sometimes, the strange things do work! I am naturally a cold person so my tootsies will always be warm, I hope that will help poppy! :)

Ceedee - welcome back from what sounds like a heavenly time with your DH! :flower:

i love reading about how the new mommies are doing, the good and the challenging (I won't say bad as we all waited a long time for those little ones!) and it really gives me a better perspective as even my own sisters don't talk about any issues....and I just knew deep down not everything was a hallmark card and naturally happened! :haha:

Tomorrow is our ultrasound to check the position of the placenta to make sure it has moved back up....I hope it has as if they tell me to stop having sex with hubby that would kill me as I've been very very, um, amorous :blush: this WHOLE pregnancy and don't want to give it up yet! :haha::haha:

So far I've gained 9.5 lbs.....and not for lack of trying....we ate out over the weekend and for dessert had fried twix.....uh huh....warm, crunchy, deep fried king size twix bars....4 of them...and I ate 2.5 of the sticks!

Two of my high school friends are still telling me they are throwing me a baby shower in January and are starting the plans...which means I have to register.....is it very mean of me to just not include my family? they don't give them and dont' agree with them and would stress me out....so I told the girls I won't be inviting them! I asked my sister who is closest to me and she told me she would "think about it".....so I'm thinking of excluding them all and making it a fun time with about 15 girls.....my question is: does Charlie come? He says he will if I want him to, and since this is for poppy, he should prob be there. Any one else's hubby go? Or should it be all girls? :shrug:

Hello to everyone today and hope things are happy for you all!

oh I forgot to mention, I was looking at bassinets and found some beautiful ones that were cream and green (our baby colors!) and showed them to Charlie last night..... he looked kinda scared and said, "the baby needs all that?" (very nicely)....I'll admit, it was very frilly and sweet and FULL skirted...... I told him: you know I am a frilly, girly, over-the-top kinda girl, you married me! and he laughed and agreed and said: well, whatever poppy wants....and he put his hand on my belly and said "poppy do you really want a fluffy, frilly, mommy-type bassinet?" AND POPPY GAVE A HUGE BIG KICK ON HIS HAND!!!! :haha::haha:

Charlie looked up at me and said: order it.

Rats, I just did a long post and lost it b/c I got logged out. So here is an abbreviated post.

What a fabulous vacation! I think that where you stayed was across the water from the Jamaica Inn where we got married and had our honeymoon. Our balcony overlooked Royal Carribean's private beach. That smoothie sounds awesome. Did you try some coconut water?

Hope Ethan is enjoying the family visit and all of the attention from his relatives.

Hope you are doing well and Callum is thriving.

How are the girls doing? Are the pups adjusting to the new addition? Getting into a routine.

Mrs. Muffet,
Katelyn is so adorable. You know that I find her story very inspiring since my babies may come a little earlier than planned.

When do you get the results from your CVS? How was the actual procedure?

Hi! :)

You lucked out with that photographer!

Happy Birthday. Hope you had a lovely celebration!

Love the bassinet story! So jealous that Charlie can feel Poppy kick. I can feel the babies move around not, but no real strong kicks. I can't wait to feel it on the outside & share with my DH. I'd not include family in your shower and keep it all girlsfriends. I am not including my DH at my shower on Nov. 5th, but it's whatever you would prefer.

How are you doing? I am getting big. There is a girl in my office pregnant with one baby & due on Nov. 30th. She isn't much bigger than me. I've already outgrown some of my maternity clothes. The babies are doing well. At almost 23 weeks, they were both the same size ... 1 lb 1oz. Strong heartbeats. Everything looks good. Baby A (girl) is head down and Baby B is transverse, lodged underneath my ribs which is probably part of my rib pain issue, the rest is that relaxin. Why is a hormone that causes such muscle & joint pain called relaxin and not Stressin' or something? Is it a joke?

I really appreciate everyone's support about the back/rib/hip pain I'm experiencing. I know it is normal, but wow ... is it painful! I will try the heating pad trick. Someone also suggested a memory foam mattress pad. I have been taking epsom salt baths and DH has been giving me massages, but it is bad at night. Skye, I will also try walking around a bit when I get up to pee. Thanks again everyone! I know I need to just suck it up and keep these babies cooking, and just be glad that this is all temporary and worth it!!!

I will be starting a modified work schedule after Thanksgiving. I'll work at the office from 9-12:30, go home for lunch & a nap, and then work from home the rest of the day. Should keep me from having to deplete my leave balance. My boss has been super supportive so that is really nice!

Hope everyone is having a good week!
Sorry girls super fast but Beth I LOVE your husbands saying order the bassinette! He is catching on lol! :rofl: so sweet! And you can have husbands there at the shower if you want, either way's common these days but it is usually either couples or just girls, whichever you prefer. But I would not invite your family.you deserve a special day without anyone trying to rain on your parade!
Laura we posted at same time will pm you tomorrow!
Hi girls!!! Another quickie :wacko: I'm always on my tablet so typing with one finger is a little um archaic, lol

I just had to comment, NMG, you are quite possibly the cutest thing!!! First off re. Being amourous, so was I. Go get him while you can! Lol DH and I finally did the deed two mo later and it's jst so hard to find the time, but soooo important to our marriages. Re. Your baby shower, definitely don't invite your family. They've made their position clear on their feelngs towards baby showers so nothing is to be gained by inviting them. Personally I would keep it jusr girlfriends, but if their other halfs are game make it a couples thing. A big baby party with gfts and not necessarily a 'shower' per say.
You're story about the bassinet is so cute! I hope you ordered it! :haha:

I know i've missed so many of you. i'll try a proper post tomorrow if my princess actually takes a nap. She is consistantly sleeping 7-8hrs at night though so I really can not complain.

Sounds like everyone's s pregnancy's are progressing well. I am a loyal stalker and haven't mssed a post.

Speakng of missin, where are our new mommies? Anna, it sounds like a belated hapy bday is in order. How is Jo? Chris#2, how is lil Hannah doing? How are you both coping with breast feeding? Charmaine! How is life with three little girls?

I love you girls. The support and advice from this thread has seriously helped me through some of those tough early days xoxo
Beth, too cute! So glad poppy gave daddy that little kick. :lol: :hugs: Doug was present at my shower and he was SUCH a blessing to me. Also, I don't think there's anything wrong with not including your family. If they want one, they can have a separate one. This is thrown by YOUR friends who have been supportive of you. You are deserving of a fun and supportive memorable experience. So go ahead and let them throw it. What your family doesn't know, won't hurt them. :winkwink: :hugs:

Lets talk tongue action. Amelia still has the issue with "peanut butter tongue". Her tongue goes to the roof of her mouth. It's not as bad now at least where bf'ing is concerned. My question is that she moves throughout the night and I see her tongue move. Is that a normal reaction for babies? I've never seen the tongue thing in babies before....yet how many babies have I put to bed as an infant??:lol:
Wow Viv, maybe boys are different also. How are you doing? Hanging in there? Don't continue bf if it's becoming too much. I am currently still bf but giving one bottle of formula a day. My plan is to up it to two bottles a day on Monday and possibly three the week after that and so on until she is weaned. I am considering feeding exclusively formula by three mnths after everything I have been through. I think I can be at peace with bf to three mnths. We'll see.

Off to bed soon. I'll try to post proper tomorrow with an update. Sleep tight.

That was my theory too. 3 months is pretty much my cut off point
Still alive and still slogging away with the BF'ing. Supplementing with formula as Cal gets annoyed at kicks and fights at breast. Lactation lady thinks I have a strong letdown (which I cannot feel) which puts him off as he comes off spluttering and crying. :cry:

Svet I am so jealous 7-8 hours arrgghh LUCKY. I get maybe 2 at a time!!!

Beth love the bassinet and Poppy kicking.

Rebekah love the photos!

Hi Anna, hows Jo and the reflux/colic?

Can't figure out how to post photos. Seems to block them??

What was the troll on about, sorry I missed it??

Hi to everyone.

PS Sodding mastitis again!!!!! And still popping in and out of hospital. We share a ward with the anorexics which is terrible cos they make me look even fatter!!! Poor sods
You're doing really good Viv. I keep thinkng how Callum & Sopie were born on the same day and all you've been through... in and out of hospital. I can not even imagine. :hugs: Hope you figure out the pic thing because we're all itching to see more pics of Callum. Happy two months How'd his shots go?

We got back from our ultrasound appointment today and everything is perfect! The placenta moved back up on its own, so it's no longer previa....and no restrictions! :happydance::happydance::happydance:

Poppy is 1lb 3oz, heartbeat at 150, and feet are 1.5" long! I'm such a proud momma. Poppy was moving around do much but we did manage to get some cute 3D pics.....

Viv - I'm so sorry you are having so much difficulty with BF.....and the mastitis, yikes! keeping you in my prayers.

MA - how can the pb tongue be corrected? Or will it correct itself on its own? I wish I could help on that but I don't know.

svet - awesome on the sleeping so well at night! wow, that is wonderful!!!

I hope everyone else is doing well....I would love to see more pics of the babies as well as bumps!

Oh...and I DID buy the bassinet :winkwink:


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Beth, love the ultrasound photos! And you got 4D at 22 weeks, that is awesome! We had to go to a 3D ultrasound place to get our 3D images, and I ended up waiting till about 33 weeks, but I still love the photos I got because they looked EXACTLY like Ethan - even now, I am still amazed that I can see the same expression when he is sleeping!

Viv, so glad you are hanging in there and please know I think about you and pray for you every day! I know it is so hard, but as someone else mentioned, in two more months you will feel entirely different... some sleep will help SO much and I know how you feel, becuase Ethan wasn't anywhere close to sleeping thru the night at 2 months. Svet you are so lucky sweetie! Viv, if you want to PM me your photos or email them I can try to help you upload them... I just changed my avatar and the system is working ok for me right now.

Laura, I was going to say that my rib pain only lasted a few weeks, as I suspect (like you) Ethan was just lodged up against my ribs or something. But the hip pain, I am sorry to say, lingers a while even after they are born. I am not sure if it is just the hormones, or if the hips actually sustain some damage as the baby passes thru but MAN I still have issues with that. It is slowly getting better, but it's taking a while. Is it better when you are sitting? I started sleeping sort of propped up on a wedge. That helped with both the hip pain and the heartburn I was having.

Bek I do not know about hte tongue position issues but I hope you get it resolved soon! We also had issues with Ethan falling asleep while nursing. It was NOT fun and I do not remember those times happily LOL!

Steph I think Katelyn will love the veggies and fruits. I think the cereal is gross myself, so understand why the kiddos don't love it... try mixing some applesauce (baby applesauce, without sugar etc). Feeding solids is so much fun!

:hi: and :hugs: to all I have missed - Anna, Charmaine, Sunshine, Rowan - hope all is well with everyone and CAROLE, where are you babe!? LOL!

Okay girls, I have to share this one photo... it is in my avatar now but I have never been able to enlarge avatar photos to see them as well as attached photos, so I just have to share an enlargeable version because I think this is the cutest outfit I've put on Ethan EVER. LOL! My lil pumpkin!

hugs all!


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Angela - that has to be the most precious pumpkin I ever saw!!!! I love the picture!!!!

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