35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Oh.my.gosh Angela I want to EAT HIM UP!!!!! Those rosy cheeks and those dimples - he is too cute for words!!!!! (And I love the Hello Kitty shirt as well!) squeeeeeee!
I promise to read and catch up, just a quick hello. Hope everyone is well. We are still deaing with the colic thing and I turned 40 last week, so it's been a roller coaster. Will write moe later! X anna
Thanks girls! I just think that little outfit is SO cute and when he grins like that I just melt! I can't believe how fast he is growing. Today he officially moved up to his next "tier" of pajamas, as all the ones that have been fitting are suddenly too small. Thankfully the pumpkin one is new and should fit till at least halloween lol!
Happy Birthday, Anna!

That is one precious little boy! What a happy baby!

Love the 3D pics. We aren't going until 27 weeks. Hope they aren't too squished in there to get a good shot. I can't believe how much like a newborn s/he looks at 22 weeks.
Beth, I too am amazed you got a 4d at 22wks. Nobody would think of giving us one until 34wks. Then I had to FIGHT for one. :haha: Poppy looks so cute. If it's a girl I'm thinking your going to HAVE to name her poppy. :rofl: I'm used to hearing that name now. :lol: If it's a boy we're in trouble. :rofl:

Angela, he is ADORABLE. LOVE the hair...his cheeks are cute and he's SO alert! :happydance: I can't believe how quick he's growing. Tell him to STOP IT!! :lol: :hugs:

As for the peanut butter tongue...not sure what can be done. I'm sure it will correct itself, I'm going to meet with the lactation consultant and see what her thoughts on it are...or maybe I'll just ask the pediatrician on Monday. :shrug:

We've been tapering the supplementation from an ounce to half an ounce now because she's been throwing up the past day or so after what I'm seeing is latching on and eating longer. So I'm taking it upon myself to taper her down some from what the Dr.'s said. I think she's starting to get what she needs. NOW if I can start to store more. After she eats for a long period of time, I'm getting about an ounce or two at the most to store. Since we're using that at 5am when Doug feeds her so I can rest, we're not really storing anything. Now I have to figure out how in the world I'm going to up my milk production. She needs to go crazy with her latching. :rofl: I like having extra on hand so when we're out and about Doug can bottle feed her. Steph, sounds like you and I are on the same page.

We're now MOSTLY on cloth diapers. I'm actually starting to like them more. What I AM noticing is the difference between the cloth and the sposies. Cloth, Amelia is WET, though the covers are keeping it all safe. We've had no blowouts with the thirsties covers at all. The sposies keep the wetness on the bottom half of them. I DO notice that it's easier for diaper rashes and breakdowns with sposies than cloth as well. Overall I'm liking the cloth! We have the sprayer so we're doing our own laundry too. :winkwink: :thumbup: What your seeing in the picture is a fluffy diaper cover. :winkwink: You could go bananas with cloth diaper buying. I've had to cut back a little, though we DO need the next size up in prefolds right now.
MA, I’ve started to keep a journal while I’m pregnant. It will help me remember for the second time around.

NMG, I don’t see anything wrong with not inviting your family especially if they don’t agree with baby showers. I don’t think it’s necessary for Charlie to come, but it would be nice if he was there to thank everyone for their gifts. If there is just going to be girls there I don’t know if he should come. Poppy is so adorable. Are you or did you find out the gender?

Lava, I didn’t try coconut water. I don’t really like it, but I’ve only had it in cans, but I’m sure it would have been much better from a coconut.

Rottpaw, I love the new avatar. What a cutie! Those dimples!

Chris, that is wonderful that your daughter is already sleeping through the night.

Hello Anna!
Hello ladies!
Quick update here before I run to my meeting.
Chromosomes are normal and we're TEAM BLUE!!! His name is Zacharie Alexandre and we're working on a second middle name. I just had my NT and it's normal at 2.2mm so I'm quite relieved!
Sorry to write and run, hugs to all!!!
Great news, Junebug! I know you are so relieved!
Hello ladies!
Quick update here before I run to my meeting.
Chromosomes are normal and we're TEAM BLUE!!! His name is Zacharie Alexandre and we're working on a second middle name. I just had my NT and it's normal at 2.2mm so I'm quite relieved!
Sorry to write and run, hugs to all!!!

Praise God!! :happydance: I'm SO glad to hear this. I know it was scary for you to wait on those results. Especially after that gathering with your peers. SO glad to hear all is well and WOW! A little boy. Are you all excited or what?! :happydance:

The pic of Zoe is just darling too. I LOVE all these pics with the updates on the kids.:cloud9::hugs:
YAY CJ - I am so glad that everything is going well and now you are having a boy!!! Yipeee! That is probaby why you didn't have as many symptoms as last time. The old wives tale is that you get morning sickness and everything with little girls because of the extra girl hormones.

Beth - Love the 4d photos. It looks like Poppy has your cheeks! I had given Katelyn the nickname of Peachy and my family STILL calls her that. Don't be surprised if we all refer to your LO as Poppy from time to time LOL. By the way, how are your pies coming along...

Angela - Ethan is just yummy! :cloud9: Such a big boy! He will be walking before you know it. You ever look at him and think back to 5 months ago and how he has changed in that short of a time span. It is amazing...God is GOOD...All the Time!

Anna - let us know how your birthday went and let us know how Jo is doing. Sorry to hear that she is still colicky. Is she also taking Reflux medicine?

Rebekah - Kudos to you for sticking with the cloth diapers! I give you many props. I just don't think that I could do it. Especially with some of the diaper blowouts she has had where poop has seeped through the diaper and her clothes and just gotten everywhere...It sometimes make you wonder if they are sneaking in food other than breastmilk/formula, because it just is a LOT of poop LOL. As for storing your milk. You may need to do 1 extra pump session for storing purposes - you can start with an extra pump session maybe 1 or 2 times a week. Or you can add it in every day. I have tried Mother's milk tea - however it has sort of a licoricy taste to it, which I am not too fond of and I didn't really see much difference. I have had better success using Fenugreek tablets. I will say if you use them you will smell like maple syrup for the first few days. I kept smelling maple syrup and was like where is that coming from and then realized it was ME! :rofl: I googled it and sure enough it is the Fenugreek. It does go away though. I am in a similar predicament though - Katelyn is now drinking about 6-8 oz in a feeding and so I just don't have enough to store at the moment. I am hoping that as she begins to eat more solids I will be able to store more milk.

CeeDee - Good for you on the Pregnancy Journal. I tried to do one, but never kept it up. I am barely doing a good job at keeping Katelyn's baby book up to date :blush: If you are good at keeping it up, it will be a nice keepsake for your baby as well.

Lava, Charmaine, Chris, Chris 2, Skye, Rowan, Terri, Lucy, Viv, and if I left anyone out, I do apologize! I hope you are doing well. Send more photos when you can - bumps and babies...or I should say babies and bumps..:loopy: Ok I am officially a dork.

AFM - Katelyn is finally starting to get back to her normal sleeping pattern - which is bed at 9pm wake at 7am. My neighbor, whose daughter was born on the same day, said that her daugher (evelyn) did the same thing - right after he six month shots. She said it is common for babies to have sleep regression, but it only lasts a short time. So I am hoping that is what it was. After 5 days of rice cereal...Katelyn will be eating Sweet Potatoes tonight! I am hoping she will like it more than the cereal.

Do any of you mommies have a baby food processor? I am really considering getting the baby bullet (it comes with a steamer that steams, defrosts, and sterilizes), but not sure I want to spend the money. What are other mommies doing? Any thoughts?


P.S :hi: Happy Auntie!
Steph I am back and forth about the Baby Bullet too. Especially after I went the other day and bought ice cube trays without even THINKING about the BPA free issue (of course they aren't!) and then was like :dohh: and now I have two more ice cube trays I'll never use... I am really thinking about the bullet, just for storage if nothing else! I am going shopping with a friend this weekend to our local outlet center, and there is a store there that sells all the "as seen on TV" gadgets. I am pretty sure they have them (if not, I know our Costco does)... I just want to get a closer look. I really want to make my own food (especially after stocking up on Ella's at Target and having my eyes water at the prices!) but I am struggling with how best to safely freeze the food. I have no problem cooking it, but want to be able to store more. Then, I think to myself "how much longer will he really be eating purees..." and I have to weigh that against the investment of buying a major storage system. I dunno. I'm thinking out loud, I'm sorry! That's not much help but I'm in the same boat as you, anyway! :hugs: And yes I definitely think back 6 months and can't believe it is the same kid! He is amazingly different and yet, I will catch glimpses of those same expressions from the newborn days. Love him so much!

Junebug SO happy to hear everything is well, and YAYYYYYYYY!!!! for little boys!! I am so excited to see more boys on this thread. We seem to have mostly girls except for Callum and Terri's boys and Ethan... am I missing anyone? (sorry if so!) :hugs:

And Bek you are my HERO (you and all the other cloth-diapering mommies) - I could never do it. Especially with solid-food poops, man I can't throw those things away fast enough! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: I have told my husband for months - the ONLY thing that would have made my misery more complete (after losing my grandma and my Dad, losing almost all my sleep for five months, having to quit breastfeeding and then having PPD) would have been if I also had piles of poopy diapers to launder... I just dont' think I could have done it, but I give huge kudos to those who do! :hugs:

Okay girls, gotta run feed the munchkin. Hugs and love!
We love our cloth diapers! Breast milk poo washes away fine in the washing machine, and solid food poo clings to the flushable liners we use, just gets flushed away in toilet :)

Angela, I'm nervous but excited about a boy: we're 4 girls, I have no clue what to do with boys :rofl:
Angela - they have great food/freezer ice cube tray thingys on www.diapers.com. It is specifically made for baby food and they have lids. They sell them in 1oz, 2oz, and 4oz


They are only $6.99 for the 1oz.

As for the Bullet they sell it at Walmart as well, however it has one less cup than if you buy it on the baby bullet website. You will also get the steamer and magic bullet for free if you buy it on the baby bullet website.
CJ we posted at the same time - Kudos to you as well on the cloth diapers. You will be excellent with a boy.
I hope you're right! Need to start taking notes from my sister and friends with a son :rofl:
Thanks so much steph, you are a lifesaver! Since we already have the regular bullet and a food processor and blender I think I will try the ice cube trays you recommended first. As soon as I get any recipes worked up i will share them!

And cj I meant to add I LOVE your son's name! Both your children have gorgeous names. You will do fine with a boy! Just remember that they are a little more dangerous when changing diapers and you will be fine! :rofl: I throw a wipe over the strategic parts to avoid getting a shower while changing him!
LOL Angela my sis introduced me to the peepee teepee when I was visiting! And I made the crucial mistake of not pointing it DOWN while changing his diaper, she had a good laugh at my expense :blush:

Thank you, I think that Zach and Zoë sound great together :cloud9:

MA meant to say I'm glad you're loving cloth!!! I know what you mean, you have to control yourself there are so many cute ones out there! I LOVE your avi, Amelia is the sweetest little girl! :hugs:
Thanks Steph. I've been thinking about trying fenugreek. We bought the milk thistle and it's worked but now my supply isn't as much. I may move to fenugreek soon.

As for the baby bullet, we're not there yet but I've also been looking into it. My issue is I can food. It seems like a pain to buy a steamer, storage and and food processor. I like the idea of all in one. We have an old fashioned steamer but I"m not a fan of the wait. Many of the older moms I've talked to have said steam and puree. That's it.

Junebug I LOVE cd'ing. So far at least. We don't have blowouts "yet" the diaper covers "thirsties duo" are AWESOME at keeping everything in. Both Doug and I don't mind washing either. Technically I'm a homemaker anyways so It's a part of my job description. :rofl: The sprayer is super powerful and fun to use...then we just throw everything in the laundry bin of hers. Hasn't been an issue honestly. We're keeping some sposies on hand for emergencies though. :winkwink:

Not much else going on over here. We went on our first family fall outing. It was LOVELY.
Congrats Junebug on the cvs results and baby boy!!

Can't weigh in on the baby bullet convo, lol not there yet!

I swear one of these days i'll find time to write more than this. xo
I have the Béaba (steamer, warmer and food processor all in one) and LOVE it! Actually it's now with my sister!

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