35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Cj I looked at the beaba but found a lot of reviews talking about mold issues. Have you had any issues? Which model do you have? Thanks!!
Strange, haven't noticed any mold! Bought it in 2010, not sure which model it is... It was the newest one at that time!
One of my co-workers has the Beaba and she loves it as well. I was looking into that one to as I like the fact that it is kind of an all in one product. It is expensive though $150.00! It also doesn't come with food storage containers,you have to purchase those separately. I looked at another all in one I think by Baby First, but that one received terrible reviews.

I think for now, I will just use our cuisnart and/or hand blender and get the storage cube trays. We may have a steamer already...I will have to ask my hubby. We have so many kitchen gadgets that it may be in a closet somewhere LOL.

Rebekah - yay on the first family outing. Isn't it nice to do that. I am sure the weather was nice in your area. We are going through a cold/hot spell. It was over 100 last week and now it is in the 50's in the mornings and then mid 70s in the afternoon.

CJ - I love Zach and Zoe they do go PERFECTLY together. Awww am sure Zoe will be a great big sister and a helpful one at that. BTW I love your new avatar photo...adorable!

Chris 1 - Don't worry about posting longer messages, we like that you pop in. It is hard to get on line when you are home with the baby. I was only able to do it when Katelyn was sleeping and then I got on using my Nook Color. It was such a chore to type using that thing, that I did short posts as well. The only reason I can post now is because I am back at work LOL.

AFM - We gave Katelyn sweet potatoes last night and she loved them. She ate about 2 tablespoons worth before she decided she had enough of eating with a spoon. She went to bed at 9:30 and slept until 7am YAY!!!!! This weekend she has a NICU reunion. So it will be interesting to see all the babies that were in the NICU when she was there and how they have all grown.

Hi to the rest of the mommies and mommies to be. Hope you all have a GREAT weekend.

Hello ladies!!

I wanted to pop in and say hi! I apologize my posts are few and far between - I feel SO incredibly lazy as of late!! I just want to sleep and eat:icecream::shock: I've gained 25lbs already LOL

Last weekend I had a bit of a shock - I had a weird pain in my left side that radiated down to my pelvis. I've been used to lots of weird twinges and sensations since the beginning of this pregnancy, but this was something new and the pain was moderate (I have a high pain tolerance in general).

I called my Dr's emergency line and went in..it seems as if my large fibroid is degenerating, causing the pain. I feel much better now but it was a bit of a scare.

As soon as I got to week 22 I have been feeling squishy move! It is the most amazing feeling..I get little, tiny kicks. I love feeling her in there - it makes me feel really good to know she's active.

I am so excited to give birth to this little one, it is all I think about! I know I will be coming in to ask for advice from you all :flower:

I hope you are all doing well!! Much love to everyone!! :hug:
Hope everyone is doing well. I am popping in as well just to say hi. I have a busy weekend planned with DH's birthday, working on the nursery, and church activities. I think I mentioned that I'm a Stephen Minister and the woman I was caring for who had pancreatic cancer passed away last night so I'm feeling a little down today. I will try to spend some time on Sunday catching up with posts & writing a better one (and Angela ... I owe you a PM). L
Hope everyone is doing well. I am popping in as well just to say hi. I have a busy weekend planned with DH's birthday, working on the nursery, and church activities. I think I mentioned that I'm a Stephen Minister and the woman I was caring for who had pancreatic cancer passed away last night so I'm feeling a little down today. I will try to spend some time on Sunday catching up with posts & writing a better one (and Angela ... I owe you a PM). L

So sorry for the loss of your friend. :hugs::flower: I pray for peace and comfort as you grieve and also for the family and friends left behind. May God get the glory for the legacy she left behind and may others come to know Him through her example in Jesus name...AMEN.
Hi Everyone!

quick-ish post for me as I'm pooped and ready for bed....had a busy busy busy day. I have a bake sale on Sunday for a local craft fair and today was my prep work day - making cookie doughs and bread doughs to bake up fresh tomorrow as well as making some candies and an apple cake recipe that I love..... I took my time today and took many breaks, kept drinking water and snacking throughout the day and put my feet up as much as I could but they are still swollen and I didn't get as much done, but I'm not worried, I'll get everything baked, bagged and boxed by tomorrow night!

And thank you to all who commented so sweetly on my little poppy pictures! I'm such a proud momma. I can't believe how detailed the pictures were! I didn't even ask for those kinds of pictures, they just flashed it on the monitor and my heart melted.

MA and Steph - boy or girl, I'm positive we will still use poppy as a nickname! Charlie asked me what we will call the next one as we can't use poppy, so we will have to think about that! But let me get through this delivery first! :haha:

Oh and Steph - there are 3 more pies in the freezer and some small apple cakes and apple breads in there too....we should be all set for a few months! :thumbup: And so glad that Katelyn liked her sweet potatoes! I've been forcing myself to eat some veggies I don't like as I know poppy gets a taste for things now from me....

Junebug - I'm SO happy that the results were so great AND that you are having a baby boy!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance: Love his name! Just so thrilled for you!

CeeDee - I appreciate your feedback on the shower, I need it! :hugs: And we are holding out on finding out what poppy is.....focusing on cream and green tones.... :flower: How are you feeling?

MA - big hooray on the outing.....did Adorable Amelia enjoy herself? :)

Svet - :hi: so glad to see you pop in!

Jules - I hear ya, I took two naps yesterday after getting up late! and between the naps, I just ate ate ate. yum. We have the perfect reason! I'm so sorry about the pain from the fibroid, but I'm glad you are feeling better now! They are keeping an eye on my two, but they are not large like yours. Isn't is amazing to feel the kicks!!!!! I love it. It was fun to feel the kicks and see poppy punching and jabbing and kicking me at the same time on the ultrasound! They are so active in there! It is the best feeling.

Lava - I'm so sorry for the loss of your friend. I will admit I did not know what a Stephen Minister was so I looked it up. What a beautiful thing to do for people. And knowing you just from the boards here, you are the perfect woman to do this; your caring spirit and friendship are a help to many people, I'm sure. I will keep your friend in my prayers and pray you find comfort knowing she is Heaven.

Ok, that was not a quick post! Big :hugs: to everyone else, hoping the weekend will be wonderful for you all!

Ok I have to go to bed as I have a huge day ahead of me tomorrow......I'll be baking up a storm! Much love to you all!

Hope everyone is enjoying their weekends. I managed to find a moment today to update my journal so thought I would cut and paste it here. It's hard enough to find time for everything so here is a little update from me:

...So busy with a baby! My parents were here from the 7th to the 14th. They came for Canadian Thanksgiving and to see their granddaughter of course. It was a really lovely week. The weather was like the height of summer! Amazing really. Sophie behaved so well. We went out for lunch a couple times and every time she slept in her car seat and then I fed her a bottle. We timed the lunches well of course to coincide with a nap. She is still sleeping amazingly at night as I said yesterday. He daytime naps are still far and few between but at least she's taking some. I am guilty of holding her now sometimes through a nap just so she'll have one... I never used to do that for fear of spoiling her, but an over tired baby makes for a cranky baby.

Sophie had her two month appt on Monday and consequently her shots. :cry: Yes I cried, but she did really well. She screamed really briefly after they did it and that's it. It didn't seem to affect her too badly. She slept the whole evening away that day which is unlike her, but I'll take that instead of fussing. She seemed to sleep more for a few days after and did have a bout or two of fussiness but nothing too extreme. She's sleeping with daddy right now. Too cute! She is now 12lbs1oz and 23". Healthy thriving baby :thumbup:

If you can believe I am still breastfeeding. I was still in a lot of pain when my parents were here and had decided to wean her. I am giving one bottle of formula a day and totally weaned myself off any medications. I also sopped using the nipple shield completely. I don't know what happened but after my parents left, breastfeeding started to become enjoyable. Now I can't imagine quitting just yet. :dohh: My plan is to continue through to three months while still giving her one bottle a day so she won't lose the taste for formula. It seems to really work and it gives me a break everyday. At three months I'll just take it day by day. I am actually enjoying the closeness and bonding with my daughter now that I am not in pain. I still have slight raw tenderness but nothing to keep me from continuing :thumbup: I feel really at peace with this now.

Fall has certainly arrived now and I am trying to get in as many walks as I can before the snow hits. I am not losing anymore weight now and am 8 lbs away from pre-pregnancy. It's been like that for a couple weeks now so I am going to have to say goodbye to the desserts. Doesn't help that I have been enjoying a glass or two of wine lately too.

Last night we had some friends over and my MIL popped by. She got her Sophie fix while we visited with friends. I decided to take the night off from her last two feedings and enjoyed myself like I haven't since Sophie was born! It felt really good to feel like my old self and get a little silly from a couple glasses of wine. Sophie went to bed at 11pm and I usually go to bed when she does but I stayed up until midnight. :happydance: Such a partyer I am :rofl:

I should post some pictures! Uh oh... I hear Sophie waking up. Time for lunch! Will try to post some pictures later today. xo
Chris, sounds like your settling into your own now with Sophie! :happydance:

Beth, we had a lovely time. In fact, we're headed to my parents shortly.

AFM: We're FINALLY getting the hang of this breastfeeding thing. :winkwink: Yesterday she spent most of the day on the boob and she was REALLY GOOD! I'm also pumping around 2 - 3 ounces on top of that "combined" when I pump after a feed. So I got 3 extra feeds 4 if you include this early mornings. When I pump, Doug gives Amelia the bottles during the AM hours so I an catch up on sleep. This morning though, I woke up with them and pumped extra because I knew we were going to my parents house.

She's up right now as we speak. She's being SO GOOD!

I also have to admit to having a couple crying fits. One yesterday out of the blue as we were riding and the other at 330am this morning. It's the anniversary of Jackson's birth and death and both Doug and I are having a hard time. Doug has been having dreams still and me, well, I just miss him.

What gets me frustrated though is my sister in law keeps sharing that we must move on. Like we must forget. I've also heard from someone, "you've got Amelia, you should move PAST your experience with Jackson and be grateful for her".

We ARE grateful for our little baby girl. In fact, I watch her and thank God for her every hour of everday but it doesn't mean that I'll forget my son. What people aren't getting is that I was in actual labor for 34 hours with Jackson. I had lower back labor with no meds, I went through the motions of EVERYTHING in birthing....I pushed him, Doug cut the cord, we cuddled with him, he wrapped his finger around mine and then because his little lungs couldn't handle it and because NICU doesn't intervene that early, he died. He was VERY MUCH ALIVE. He wasn't just a miscarriage. Not that it would make things any better. He was very much alive...I gave birth like any other mother only I couldn't take my son home afterwards.

It's NOT something you just get over or forget. In fact, I spent most of that time trying to get people to acknowledge he WAS ALIVE and IS a person beyond the birth and death certificate not just a puff of air. I celebrate his birthday because he lived and STILL lives but is only in heaven. I must say though, I'm sick and tired of my sil not acknowledging my son was even in existance.

The other day when putting photo's up of Amelia with them she said "no all we need is another boy in the family". My thought and I know it sounds unrealistic is we DO have another boy in the family. He's not here, but there IS another boy in the family...can we stop ignoring that?! :shrug:

Okay, I know I'm sounding over-dramatic. I guess I'm just trying to fit my sons life and existance in with the life my daughter has here on earth with us if that makes sense at all. We acknowledge Amelia, but Jackson deserves just as much acknowledgement. He is a person too or was.
:hugs: Rebekah, I can only just imagine the grief you and Doug are experiencing on the anniversary of Jackson's birth and subsequent death. Yes he very much was a person and now his little angel soul watches over you and your family. Don't waste your energy trying to change people's attitude regarding Jackson. No one can possibly understand unless they've been there. They should show more compassion but again, we can't change how people think. Big hugs to you on this day.
Thanks Chris,

The day for the most part went well with a whole lot of happiness. We spent time at my parents and my Aunt Lori was there who LOVES spending time with Amelia....both my parents have gone gaga over her as well. Kind of interesting to watch them with her. My Aunt is so cute with her.

We all had dinner together and then Doug and I took a ride to two homes in my hometown that have halloween decorations like CRAZY. We bought coffee and donuts and went for the ride with Amelia on the way back home. JUST love it and can't wait for our traditional Christmas light rides with Amelia, though she will more likely be sleeping!
glad the day went ok hon and that you could find happiness - good to spend time with family x
You're doing really good Viv. I keep thinkng how Callum & Sopie were born on the same day and all you've been through... in and out of hospital. I can not even imagine. :hugs: Hope you figure out the pic thing because we're all itching to see more pics of Callum. Happy two months How'd his shots go?

Thank you so much :hugs:
He was very good. Bit dopey for rest of day but fine after that.
Yeah the pic thing is a mystery, may have to get OH to have a play.
:hugs: MA! So glad nursing is working out better for you hun! You too Chris! I loved it so much, and cried when Zoë weaned herself... Can't wait to be nursing again!

My mom and dad now know and are thrilled! We are revealing the sex but not the name. I'm a bit frustrated with my MIL, she's been in town at my SILs for 2 weeks and hasn't bothered coming to see Zoë. She was supposed to come today and we would have told her in person, but now she's decided to take the train home up north rather than catch a ride with DH tonight, who is heading back there for 4weeks :cry: and of course we can't get a hold of her by phone, so until we do we can't tell our friends... Sorry for the mini-rant, I'm just so upset about her lack of interest in Zoë (SIL has a 4year old son with whom she's visited for 2 weeks now :grr:).
I'm glad you had a pleasant day with Amelia & your family. Jackson is a part of you & Doug and will never be forgotten. Your joy of having Amelia and the grief you have for Jackson's loss areseparate & cannot diminish the other. They simply are. Everyone must respect that on your behalf. L
Junebug, does your MIL live far away? Is she not close to you and your DH? What weird (horrible) behaviour to not visit her granddaughter. :(
Thanks everyone for the kind comments.

Junebug....So sad that mil didn't come by to visit zoe. She's missing out on a beautiful relationship with her grandaughter and missed out on such a special announcement. Maybe one day she'll regret that her behavior.
Lavalux, Sorry for your loss.

NWG, My mouth was wondering from your bake sale items. I think I might make something sweet tonight. I’m doing great. I get tired easy, so I’m taking more breaks and naps.

Sveta, Sounds like you had a great time with your family. I’m glad you’re continuing to breastfeed. It’s also good to hear that Sophie is doing so well.

MA, I am so sorry you’re having a hard time with Jackson’s death. I pray that you will be comforted and that God will grant you peace. Jackson’s life does need to be acknowledged. :hugs:

CJ, That is so strange that your MIL didn’t want to see Zoe. I can understand the mini-rant.
Thanks to all for their condolences. I went to my Stephen Ministry meeting after church today and it was a bit of a somber occasion b/c two beloved church members passed from cancer this week (one being my care receiver). The memorial service is on Thursday and my husband will go with me.

I also have 2 daycare tours, a court appearance on Wednesday, and an infant CPR class this week. I keep saying I'm going to start slowing down, but I never do. I hit my car bumper on a parking deck pole this morning because I am having trouble focusing on things and just going out to run errands seems to exhaust me these days. Much less working a full day and fitting in appointments etc. If I don't slow down voluntarily, my body is going to make me and I don't want to jeopardize the well-being of these babies. On that note, I am going to make myself take a nap right now. :)

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