35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Sophie really fights her sleep too. I have to swaddle and rock her and it takes upwards of twenty min. To get her down but once she's down she does well. She seems to be doing her nights again. Daylight savings pushed back bedtime and unfortunately wake up time. Wake up call for me at 6am :wacko:

Sophie is drooling like mad and constantly suckibg her hands but I think its jst aa self soothing method. Not necessarily a sign of teething. Shes not quit three months yet. I think thats a bit early. Hope his shots go well!! We dont have another round until four months.
Yes, 18 weeks ...

So glad all the new babies are doing well. ;)
Hey girls it's another drive by from me I'm afraid, but just had to say... For the first time EVER, I now officially HATE the fall time change. I used to gain an hour of sleep! Now, it's like a cruel joke and all that happens is my child wakes up at 5:30 again instead of the 6:30 we had achieved. AND. It messes with the babies schedules in other ways as well and we've had Mr. Cranky pants here for two days now. As I type this I can't believe it is not even three yet! :dohh::dohh::dohh::dohh:

Is there an emoticon for "beats head against wall?"

A big fat :grr: :grr: to whoever is responsible for this miserable time change. We need to stop this tradition already!

Okay, back to crazy day here... Promise a proper update and responses are coming soon! Love and hugs all around and Laura, YAYYYYYYYYY for a great shower and for your friends news!
Hi All - I am swamped at work, but I concur with Angela's statement about the time change. Katelyn was up at 5am yesterday and again this morning. She went back to sleep but was up again at 6:30 and stayed up.

This is the as close as I could get to beating head against wall ](*,)
Lol thanks steph! 5:45 here finally but feels like it should be bedtime, at least for Ethan! :haha:
I totally agree with you girls. Sophie had her morning nap already by 8am! That makes for a very long day!!! :dohh: Why on earth do we still do this ridiculous time change???? The war is over people!!!! :growlmad:
I agree Chris, I thought it was too early, but the Dr today said it can take two months from now for them to appear, but that the gums are itchy and a bit tender all ready as the teeth buds have started to slowly grow. And, the freaky bit, he's had babies born with teeth already erupted which makes for a bit of a hard time breast feeding!! Owweeee

Anyway he found his thumb last night so is sucking on that now.

Shots were good. Bit of a howl and then some boob to calm him down, and he's been dozing on and off today as well as grizzling and crying a bit. Will probably dope him up tonight to help him sleep. Yay! He's definitely back to only sleeping 2-3 hours at a stretch then feeding or as I call it snacking! So we were up three times last night argh!

Happy Monday up there all
Hi ladies, :hi:

Two words for you....GROWTH SPURT! :wacko: According to the ladies on the bf'ing board, wk 5-6 is a normal time for the babies to start going nuts for the milk. Amelia the past couple of days has started feeding every two hours. That means my boobs are sore like some of yours, that means she's making me wacko with the inability to get anything done other than have a baby attatched to my boobing for what is a 45 minute session every two hours. She's gone to 4.5 to 5 ounces. I literally pump all day after the session to get 5 ounces by night which goes toward Dougs early morning feeding so I can skip a feeding and sleep in. :happydance: NEITHER of us are really "sleeping in" now. We're both waking every couple of hours.

As for the fussy moments, I've figured a couple things out. 1. I'm wearing a nipple shield. This in tern lets air between the actual nipple and the baby's mouth thus possibly causing gas. 2. A friend of mine told me that the formula she's on has iron...iron causes constipation. She said we can get half-iron formula. It MUST be by prescription only though, because we've been around to all the stores today and have seen none with half-iron. All we see is soy based. Given the fact I have PCOS and she will most likely carry on with it, I'm VERY cautious about her having anything with added estrogen/soy based products when PCOS carries possible issues with too much estrogen and not enough progesterone. SO. Now I'll wait until her 2 month visit at the end of the month and see if we can get a prescription "just in case" we need to top off with formula, though we haven't used it all that much if at all.

Well, I'm skipping my 6wk appointment today at the perinatal center for my c-section. It's almost 5am and I'm exhausted. I do hope they'll be able to get me in shortly though.

Love to you all!

P.S., Daylight Savings time kills me all the time. I have seasonal disorder and have to take vitamin D with the longer and darker season. I think as it has your little ones, it's tainted our little ones schedule too. Praying all this levels out soon. :winkwink:
Hey Ladies sorry I haven't posted for a while but been exhausted with first tri of pregnancy and barely made it through the day at work. Fell asleep pretty soon after I got home and ate then spend most of the night with disrupted sleep coz needing to pee so much. Hey shouldn't complain as I have not had any MS at all.

I agree with you on the time change, I am lucky now that I live in the ME that we don't have this but it still changes back in UK which affects when I call home and they are still calling me late at night when I want to be asleep. I have now been strict and told my family that I won't answer calls after 9pm my time as I am in bed by 9.30pm latest. I feel like a kid again.

I love to lurk on this thread but somehow still feel a little in limbo as I am so early in my pregnancy and do not have experience of what you are going through right now so feel like I cannot contribute but I am looking forward to the day that I can share the things that you guys are going through now:flower:

Take care :hugs:
My exhaustion is returning as I start my 3rd trimester. Can't finish watching a tv program with DH & barely can keep my eyes open to eat dinner at night, but your energy should returning in a few weeks.

How are you coping with your pain management challenges? Hope you are getting some relief

Starting my modified work schedule today. ;)
Hi there Carole, good to see you. :hugs: Almost out of the first trimester. :happydance:
Viv I love your new avatar. Callum is too cute. He looks so grown up in that pic.
Hello ladies - I'm enjoying seeing all your LOs in your avatars - so cute!!

Just wondered if anyone knew anything about obstetric cholestasis? One of my close friends is due in the middle of Dec & has just been told she's got it and she's absolutely terrified.
Morning ladies!

I have been in quiet contemplation this past week about my steroid use starting now and going until I deliver. I GREATLY appreciate all your feedback, you are all very knowledgeable and I really do listen to the advice. June, the fact that you follow pg women with chronic issues puts me at ease. Honestly, the rheumatologist was asking ME why I couldn't take ibuprofen during pregnancy, so my faith in her to decide what I can use during pregnancy was a little shaky. I understand she has her own specialty and there is SO much information out there, but come on, even I knew you can't take that!

I called the cardiologist and he said while it was OK to take it, he would rather I waited until a little more into the 3rd tri to begin, if I could hold out. So I called the OB and she said it would only be starting at 10mg and pop down to 5mg but she said while it was OK too, she wasn't crazy about it now. I know they give it to mom's late in the 3rd sometimes to mature the baby's lungs, so it is not unheard of to take it. So I went to church and sat there for hours, for a few days and just thought. November is the month dedicated to our dearly departed, so I just talked to my best friend who passed away a few years ago from skin cancer about what to do (if poppy is a girl, she will be named after her). The other night, I came home, made a lovely roast chicken dinner with cream puffs as dessert and told Charlie I was going to wait a month or two to take the pills, despite the pain. I told him I would just give the physical therapy I started some time to work and I would just adjust my days to work around the pain. I told him that although the chances of anything happening was close to none, if something DID happen I would forever wonder if it had to do with the steroids and would blame myself, even if that sounds irrational. Charlie felt the same and was relieved. He then offered to do as much as he could to help me, even if that meant bringing the laptop up to bed and settling me in there all day long. He promised his support but told me he wouldn't cook - we would do take out! :haha: I am lucky to have him. But that is my decision, I will take it, just not now - even though that means my productivity is vastly reduced during the day because of the pain. I'm hoping with the physical therapy 2x a week, icing, heating, tylenol and resting will carry me through the next few weeks to get me firmly in the 3rd tri so I feel better about taking it.

Luckily, I baked a ton and put things in the freezer! :)

I haven't been sleeping well, and the other night Poppy decided to put on a tap dance recital in my belly from 1:30am to about 5am! :haha::haha:

We are having most of our rugs professionally cleaned this morning, the Sears guy is here now actually. Also getting the couch and loveseat cleaned. I was most interested in the nursery rug being cleaned as while I have vacuumed it, it was never professionally cleaned in the 3 years Charlie had the house and the previous owners had a cat - you can see some cat stains on that carpet in the nursery. So once that is done, Charlie will set up the beautiful crib and dresser we bought!

I took a picture of my bump 2 weeks ago, but boy does it seem much bigger already! The other night Charlie told me it is no longer a baby bump, it's a baby mountain! :haha::haha: Just tells me that poppy is growing nicely in there!

And thank you to all for thinking my sister was just plain mean. Shows it's not my hormones going wacky. and thank you all for being here for me!

Enough about me (been up since 4am!). Lava - your shower sounded lovely, I am so happy you had such a great time! And the news of your friend was very uplifting. How very special to have so many good friends pregnant with you!

Carole - yay on 13 weeks! I was sick with MS at that time, so happy you are symptom free! enjoy being pg!

steph - you are so sweet to be my positive cheerleader!!!! And I love the little ladybug! how adorable :hugs: What are you going to do about christmas? Where are you going?

skye - keep packing on the protein to plump up the little one! I feel for your mom, i really do! I have rheumatoid (and osteo) arthritis, sjogren's, reynauds and fibromyalgea as well as being borderline with Lupus (she told me it will morph into that as I am susceptible to auto-immunes and tests me all the time) as well as a mystery one she hasn't been able to pinpoint yet as many symptoms overlap.

angela - hope you are feeling much better from the sinus infection and bronchitis!

svet - in the end i decided to not invite anyone in my family :nope: I want it to be a fun carefree time and frankly we all know by now, it would stress me out! My friends have scheduled it for Sunday, Jan 8th and I gave them a list of about 12 -15 women. :) On another note, I am glad you partied for your bday! you deserved it!!!! :happydance: and yay on the new mommy friend!

MA - so sorry about the constipation issues :(

Viv - I love your avatar! He is such a little man!!!! Hope you both are doing well.

Hi Twinkle :hi: I don't know anything about it, sorry I can't help.

I am going to do the gestational diabetes test tomorrow morning....supposed to do it between week 24 and 28......I am on week 25 and I just want it over with and know!

Friday morning I have to go to the Children's Hospital here in Boston to get the fetal echocardiogram done. Trying not to get too nervous about it as I'm sure everything is just fine. But I will definitely feel better when that is over as well!

Much love to you all. I must get on a better schedule of responding so I'm not writing a novel when I do!



  • 23weeks.jpg
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Nmg great to hear from you. I think youve made the right decision re the steroids, but if it gets bad don't suffer needlessly either :hugs: I didn't realize you had so many health issues. :hugs: You are such a strong woman, to deal with all you do and with an unsupportive family on top of it. I think i'll have to take a drive down to mass. One of these days to test your baking! Lol Mmm cream puffs.
Awesome bump puc, you are looking really great!!!
Sophie really fights her sleep too. I have to swaddle and rock her and it takes upwards of twenty min. To get her down but once she's down she does well. She seems to be doing her nights again. Daylight savings pushed back bedtime and unfortunately wake up time. Wake up call for me at 6am :wacko:

Sophie is drooling like mad and constantly suckibg her hands but I think its jst aa self soothing method. Not necessarily a sign of teething. Shes not quit three months yet. I think thats a bit early. Hope his shots go well!! We dont have another round until four months.

Svet, it takes MONTHS for those teeth to come out, but they are already at work in those jaw bones! Z was drooling so much starting at 2.5 months she had to wear about 10 bibs per day to mop up the saliva... Do invest in infant advil, I swear it is a life saver for those nights coming up soon where she won't settle from crying in pain... Z had her first teeth come up at just over 5 months... I think you may have an early teether on your hands!
Hey girls it's another drive by from me I'm afraid, but just had to say... For the first time EVER, I now officially HATE the fall time change. I used to gain an hour of sleep! Now, it's like a cruel joke and all that happens is my child wakes up at 5:30 again instead of the 6:30 we had achieved. AND. It messes with the babies schedules in other ways as well and we've had Mr. Cranky pants here for two days now. As I type this I can't believe it is not even three yet! :dohh::dohh::dohh::dohh:

Is there an emoticon for "beats head against wall?"

A big fat :grr: :grr: to whoever is responsible for this miserable time change. We need to stop this tradition already!

Okay, back to crazy day here... Promise a proper update and responses are coming soon! Love and hugs all around and Laura, YAYYYYYYYYY for a great shower and for your friends news!

TOTALLY agree! I was up at 5:30 AM too with my 17 month old :hugs: She seems to have adapted now, but it can take up to 2 weeks!!!

Laura, so glad you had a wonderful shower and about the news for your friend, that is aboslutely wonderful!!!
Beth, love the bump pic!!! You look great :flower: I'm here if ever you want to bounce off ideas RE: your treatments hun. Take care of yourself and as long as you're comfortable with your decision that's what counts :hugs:

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