35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Hi Viv so nice o hear from you! Glad to hear you are home now. How is everything going? BF in ublic can be intimidating the first few times but now i've gotten the hang of it. I love those mommy rooms. We have them at our malls too and they are great! How is Callum? What's his weight? He must be thriving with all the milk you are producing. When you give him a bottle how many ounces does he drink?
Sorry about your city. I imagine it will take a very lng time to rebuild. The shipping container mall is a brilliant idea.

Big hellos to everyone!!! Viv is right, its been awhile since we heard from Charmaine. With three girls, I can't imagine she gets online ever. We miss you Char!

It's good to be home. BF'ing in public is terrible. I can never get him latched properly without a pillow as I have whooping boobs and need the support!!
Callum gets weighed tomorrow so I'll let you know. I reckon around 12 pounds maybe?
With the bottle it depends. Sometimes he will have 50 mils sometimes 20 mils about an ounce on average. It's usually only at night during the 'witching hours' 5-10pm when he just arses around at the breast. He also gets really windy at night and hates to feed from me then. He usually does his bowel motions when feeding too so he's busy wriggling and fussing and latching and unlatching, crying and being generally miserable. It's a bit tiring for us all so that's when the bottle comes out.
Vivienne :hugs: you are doing awesome!!! It gets easier and easier with the BF'ing, I found with baby having head control it became easier to nurse in public!

I had my apt today! No trouble finding the HB with doppler. Final chromosome report normal, and it IS a boy. Got a prescription for my severe constipation issue (Colace), thank heavens! (sorry if TMI!)

My anatomy scan is booked for December 6th and then I see my OB right after.

AND I know little Z's birthday! He's coming on April 18th, as I predicted they would book the C-section.

So much jumping around in there, especially last night after I ate about 10 mini chocolate bars :blush: Darn Halloween!!! Now we have tons of left overs!

Hoping everyone is doing great, happy belated bday Laura!!!
Hi girls :)

Laura happy birthday :)) u seem well
looked after by the nearest and dearest. Well done to your Dh for being so sweet :) I have no idea about the godmother protocol but I would imagine the more the merryer since your twins will b loved and cherished more :)) thank u for well wishes xx

Viv I have no idea about breast feeding, hope he settles down bit more. Is he growing ok? And is your boobs all healed now???

Charmain, it's so nice to c u here finally :) I wanna see your peapods :)

Steph u r so good with all the bf tips :)) cant wait to see katelyn's photos. Hehehe bet she's so cuuute :))

Nmg how's furniture hunting?

Chris can't believe u r already thinking of the 2nd bb before you wean her hahaha! Now who is really brave???

Rebekah, Amelia is really cute :)) she is a gorgeous sunny bb :) lucky girl!!

Jules, Ceedee, Jb, Anna, Svet, Angela and all girls i managed not to mentionxxx

Afm i'm gonna copy paste what i put on the ttc thread since im on phone. So cross readers sorry to b boring ;)

Last night I ended up having a bit of a helloween night
There was a loud party last night so I didn't sleep untill 2-3 than around 5 am I woke up to go to toilet. When I came back I thought I was still peeing. I looked down and found lots of blood coming down my legs. Woke up dh and we rushed to hospital. Poor thing got really scared and started going through all the red lights. My low lying placenta vessels ruptured obviously.

They checked heart beats and scanned the bby. She was looking really sweet and healthy. Thank God. She is now 1,5 kilos which is better than the worst, and I'm 29 weeks today onwards. She was moving and kicking a lot this morning. I think perhaps a bit tired and sleeping now. My bleeding is much less, so it's stable but they are keeping me here untill it stops. The dr told me I might still b bleeding on and off untill delivery so if it happens again or more blood in 48 hrs they will keep me here permanently. also did the steroid injection today and the follow up will b tomorrow just in case.

I am sitting down still with soiled knickers and hospital gown :(( dhs coming soon to rescue my vanity hopefully with all the toiletries, clothes and mb a lipstick :)

Girls I remember back sometime ago there was a conversation about how to plump up bb in case it comes early. Charmain was talking about a book. Anyone remember what it was? Or what I should b eating to grow this bb as much as I can? It looks like she might b early. Hopefully not now but apparently placenta previa doesn't ever make it to 38 weeks. That's soo far away. I should at least get to 2,5 kilos apparently for her to be more safe. They did tell me even now she has a high chance but plumper and more far gone is better obviously.

I am feeling all right at the moment. Keeping it cool but I did get a scare last night. It was probobly my fault running around trying to get all bb shopping done ASAP so it was ready if she came early :-/ hehe! Better put mu feet up I realise finally :))

That's it for now, will update and catch up on all u girls more since there's nothing eher to do here except stare at the ceiling :) no distractions is my prize finally.
Jb 14 weeks and he's already jumping :))) yeeaah, he will b a party boy :) haha. Did u start having the belly really apparent?
:hugs: Skye what a scary experience!!!! I'm so glad everything is ok. Hang in there bubba for a few more weeks, you're mommy needs you a little plumper ;) Sounds like you're in good hands hon, my prayers are with you.
Jb 14 weeks and he's already jumping :))) yeeaah, he will b a party boy :) haha. Did u start having the belly really apparent?

First of all, yikes what a scare :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: Sounds like you're in good hands, and 1.5kg is a great weight for 29 weeks! Sorry I can't help with how to plump up a baby... Hoping some of the other ladies recall the book! Have they put you on full bedrest for the remainder of the pregnancy? :hugs: I'll pray for you my dear!!!

AFM, little Zach has been a jumping machine for a few weeks already. Amazing how much more aware I was the second time around as to what is baby movement and what is gas :haha: And yes, I popped last week, at 13 weeks now I looked like I did at 20 weeks with Zoë. He's definitely going to be a bigger baby (she was 7lbs 2oz and I'm only 5 feet 1 inch...).
Hi All,

Happy All Saints Day!!!

CJ - CONGRATS on a confirming that it is a boy!!! YAY one of each! I am so glad that everything went well with your scan!

Viv - I totally understand your need for a pillow. I have HUGE boobs as well and especially with Katelyn being so little I needed a pillow for Bfing as well. That is I also have a cover up thing for when I bf in public. I have only had to use it 2 (I don't count when I am at other peoples homes) out. I am with you, not very fond of doing it in public. I always get hot with the cover up on and always trying to make sure she can breathe. probably why in the beginning I didn't do it as much. It was just easier to give her a bottle. However, it DOES get easier and better. I still get sore nipples every now and then, but now that she can hold her head up I don't need a pillow any more. I can just put a hand under my boob and hold it (still bigger than her head though hee hee).

Skye - What a scare. I am so glad that the two of you are doing well though. Her weight is fantastic! Katelyn was further along by about 5 days and weighed less than you LO did when she was born. So your LO is doing good! I don't remember the name of the book, but know what you are talking about. I am praying that your LO stays in for several more weeks, but that if she does decide to make her entrance a bit sooner that she is healthy and safe.

AFM - we took Katelyn trick or treating yesterday so my DH could get some candy! We went with his sister and her daughter and her estranged BF. It started out as the most miserable experience ever. The neigborhood the BF wanted to go was soooo crowded. I kid you not, there were at least 300 people on the sidewalk. It was like being at Disneyland on a crowded day. There were LINES to walk up to the houses to get candy! WTH???? After 30 minutes I was done and Katelyn was ready to sleep (it was about 7pm). We went down a different street and it was normal (6-7 kids at a house waiting for candy as opposed to 40!)so we trick or treated on our way back to the car. My DH took photos and am just waiting for him to send them to me so I can post them.

Hope everyone else is doing well.

Hi Ladies,

sorry it's been awhile since I posted, I've been struggling with a decision and I'm so conflicted.

As you know, my joints are much worse since the beginning of pregnancy and going off my medication. When I saw my rheumatologist, she told me things are getting much worse, so she wants me to go on steroids to make the pain better and inflammation go down. I have a meeting with my cardiologist to talk to him about it too and the rheumy is calling my OB to discuss with her. Charlie and I are praying over it and talking about it non-stop as we both have reservations about it. There is a danger in early pregnancy with cleft palate and cleft lip when you take steroids, but they do give it to you later in pregnancy sometimes to mature the baby's lungs if need be. She told me it will only be a small dose but still..... i think i'd rather take narcotic pain killers for a day or two as needed than be on a course of steroids.

In the end, I know I have the final say, even if all the doctors clear it for use. And I think in my heart, I don't want to do it. The pain is intense and getting worse (pretty much bed-bound and not moving) but is it worth possibly harming poppy to get some relief? I also started physical therapy to get some movement to the joints and they told me the pain would get worse in the beginning...and it may not even help!

I don't know, I'm so conflicted, the body pain is screaming for pain relief any way I can get it, but my heart is saying, whoa, think about this.

I also got an email from my sister who was the closest to me growing up.... I sent her the 4D pics of poppy and she finally responded to me saying she refuses to look at the pictures, they freak her out and to stop sending them to her.

oh well. I'm sorry I haven't responded to everyone, I've just been preoccupied. Skye, I'm so sorry about your scare, I hope things will go well and you can take her to term. I will keep you both in my prayers. And happy belated bday laura!
Skye, That sounds so scary. I am so sorry you had to go through that. Hopefully you’ll get better soon.

Junebug, That’s great that you have an active bean.

MissMuffett, Can’t wait to see pics.

NMG, Sorry you are in so much pain. With prayer you will find the right answers. Wow! I’m shocked your sister had such a negative reaction to your pics. Some people!
Viv, I have whoppers for boobies too. :rofl: That's why we don't do public either. I've fed her in my parents room with a blanket over us...it was more private. I MAY do it later on when she's older but right now she's too wiggly, my boobs are too big and she has a hard time latching to my regular nipple so to keep the darn nipple cover over my nipple is a pain. I need the pillow as well. :winkwink:

CJ, WTG on the good outcome. SO GLAD to hear! :hugs:

Skye, Charmaine and I were talking about it because my friend had twins. You boost the babies weight with more protein. I can't remember the name of the book but maybe charmaine will come by again but it's adding more protein. A LOT more protein.

also, the good thing is your past 28wks. If you DO go early, she's more likely to be safer than had you gone before 28wks. I'm praying you at least get to 36wks though. :hugs: So sorry your going through this dear friend.

NMG, so sorry about your sister and to top it off that your in severe pain. Take a moment, pray on it, weight the pro's and cons from feedback on your OB's perspective and go from there. Sounds like your doing all you can, so as long as you keep informed and make your decision from there...I think you'll be going the right direction for you and baby.

Steph 300 ppl on one sidewalk?? CRAZY! :wacko: So glad you got to trick or treat on the way back though. Can't WAIT to see pics of the little cutie-pie.

Ceedee, how are you??

As for us, after I complained about the one step forward, two steps back of bf'ing...Amelia started latching to one boob only and drinking it for about an hour until it was done. It's been going on today AND I got 3 ounces of breast milk this morning and am up to over 6 ounces today...that's both boobs combined! So there seem to be enough for one feeding in the morning and I'm working on more for storage for the rest of the night. Woohoo! :happydance: As I said, it's an uphill battle sometimes when she starts eating more and I'm trying to get ahead with storing some. I'm enjoying it while it's here.

Christmas music started on the radio this weekend and decorations have been in the stores for weeks now. SO odd. I LOVE Christmas though and am SO GLAD we have Amelia. Can't wait to give thanks for her during Thanksgiving too. :winkwink:

Hoping everyone is doing well. Haven't seen Rowan in here lately. Praying she's okay too.
Real quick ... but I think the book may be one for twins ... called When You Are Expecting Twins Multiples Or More by Dr. Barbara Luke. The gist is 100 grams of protein a day to plump up the babies & for mom to gain the same amount as the week # you are on ... so for example, I am 25 weeks, and I've gained 25 lbs already. You & Shirin are in good hands. But definitely rest up.

Congrats on the boy!!!

Well done on the b'feeding.

Wow,.I'm.so sorry you are in such pain. I'm sure you've tried everything like heat, massage, etc. Maybe hold off on the meds until.they are safer, but mommy needs some relief too!
Girls, thank u so much for all the support encouragement and good wishes. U girls are the best xxx it was v scary at the time, but I am goingto keep positive and leave the worst scenarios out. Thank you sooo much xxx

Cj I heard boys are bigger than girls and they are more greedy to eat so no wonder your lo has the energy to jump already :) I'm not on full bedrest yet, will find out in next 48 hrs depending on bleeding. Luckily it almost stopped now. Thank God!

Rebekah and Svet I love the bf cow ticker :)) haha so true that boobs become so public all of a sudden/ I'm really prim when it comes to showing breasts. I took up on Anna's suggestion and ordered Aden and Anais swaddle blankets. They look perfect for bf cover. They are basically printed v v soft medium weight muslin. I'm guessing the print will provide the cover. There must b other brands that do it too. Rebekah I can't wait to get into xmass cause it's my favourite time of the year. Although not sure if I can do much shopping this year. Mb I'll order cute little pressies on the net. Cute things come in small packages no? And I might have the best pressie myself by than. My very own crying and shitting machine who reflects amazing rays of love to dh and me already ;)

Nmg, I am worried about u with your rheumatoid advancing now. I have used steroids untill 12 weeks 10 mg a day than weened off next to weeks. Bbs ok so far. How many mg is the dr suggesting is very impt. My mum has multiple tissue disease, myotitis, ,dermamiosyt, Reynauds, schogren as well as rheumotoid arthritis. (U name it lol) She is on methotraxate as well as small amnt of daily steroids and I know what a pain is to arrange the dosage. She's had it almost 7-8 years now. If you won't use it for a while your condition can and would advance to a stage when it is much more difficult to stabilise and u might need a higher dose. Talk to your ob if chances of her having cleft palette etc is not very high than i would carry o. With your meds. Do u only have rheumatoid or do you have other related autoimmune issues and are u susceptible to getting any of them is sthg you should think about very carefully. I know that taking too little or none of the rheumatoid meds causes serious results. Talk to your ob yourself to get a better picture too. Good luck hon and pls update.

Laura thanx for the name of the book. I think that's the one. Protein diet makes sense but I absolutely hated it when I was ivfing. Yet I will try anything to get this lady ready from now on.

Steph I hate crowds like that :-/ what q nightmare for a bag full of candy.
Also q not very nice halloween experience: People celebrate halloween week more than one particular day here sort of. So you get kids going around any time that week. I was at a local pub the other day. these 2 little kids walked in asking for Treat or Money!!!!! No one keeps candy in the pub so these kids started literally begging. No parents attending with them!!!!! The people in this city has turned crazy really. How can they get their kid to beg like that for petty cash???? That area is very residential, they could b going to many houses instead of the pub???

Xxxx lots of love all
Hey ladies so sorry I have been away so long. Going on day 11 of a horrible cold turned sinus infection and bronchitis. Have just been surviving and I am so sorry, I know I owe several people responses. I will catch up on the news as soon as i can and am starting antibiotics today (thank GOD) so should be feeling better soon.

Love and hugs and prayers to all and Skye honey I am so glad you are both okay!
Oh Angela, :hugs: so sorry your not feeling well. Get better and we'll catch up with you soon.
Get better soon Angela!! :hugs:

NMG, wow you have alot to think about. I wish we could take your pain away. Listen to your doctors. Do what you feel is right but don't suffer needlessly. Maybe there is a hapoy medium with the steroids? I just don't now what to say re. your sister. I swear, how did your family produce such a sweet caring person like you? I hate to put down othe people's family but they seem cold as ice. What did you decide in the end re the baby shwer?

Hi to everyone e,se! I feel like I am comig down with something. I think I partied too hard for my bday this weekend. I've been very blue and sooooo exhausted. :(

Went for a hufe walk this morning with my new friend. It's a girl I met at my prenatal class. I bumped int her a few weeks back at th doctors and we exchanged numbers. It was like going on a first date. When she texted this evenig i got all excited :rofl: She likes me, she really likes me!!! :haha:
Hahaha :)) Chris could it be cause you are a sweet , pleasant girl :))))). Enjoy the new friendship :)))

Hey Angela so sorry that sounds nasty :(( Get well soon. How's Ethan, does he have it too???
:hugs: Angela it really sucks to be sick when you have an LO to take care of!!!

NMG, I follow many patients with chronic diseases who are pregnant, many are on much worse drugs than steroids! :hugs: take care of yourself and a bit of steroids won't do much harm. Plus your baby's far past the point of essential organ formation (heart/palate, etc...) so this also decreases the likelihood of congenital defects :hugs:

LOLLL Chris, I know what you mean, I was like that too, giddy as a school girl when making new mommy friends in RL. They've turned into my closest friends now! So glad you found someone you can relate to!

AFM, I'm a royal idiot. Thought the 2 hour talk for students I needed to give was tomorrow, but found out yesterday at 3PM it is TODAY. Am scrambling now, it is at 3... Will check in tonight, hugs to all!!!
Thanks so much ladies! It definitely is tough to be sick with a little one, because there is no more calling in sick! :rofl: Ethan did not get it thank God and I am so thankful for that. He was sick just a couple weeks ago as was my hubby so hopefully they won't get it. More soon from me and hugs and love to all in the meantime!
Good Morning Ladies,

NMG - I think you have already gotten great advice and it is awesome that we have CJ here who works in that field and can provide guidance as well. Please let us know what your OB says and what you decide. We support whatever decision you make. As for your sister...I am sorry that she said that to you. You should be having POSTIVE comments coming your way and your family should be supporting and making your first pregnancy an enjoyable experience for you. Well we (your BNB) family will make sure that from now on everything is enjoyable...:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:Share all your fantastic photos with us! We WANT to see them and oooh and ahh over your little Poppy!:thumbup: I also can't wait to hear about all the fabulous things you may be making for THanksgiving and Christmas!!!! :happydance:

Angela - Feel better friend. I know how awful a sinus infection AND bronchitis can be. I got your message the other day as well...right now don't worry about posting stuff...get better :flower:

Chris - YAY on making a new mommy friend. It is awesome. I have become really really close with one of the mommys I met in the NICU. Her daughter is 3 day older than Katelyn. Well she and I have been hanging out since July and are now thick as thieves and always dress our daughters alike hee hee. Enjoy your new friend. You can now have mommy and me play dates!:winkwink:

Skye - Keep us posted and we will continue the prayers for you and baby girl.

Rebekah - Yeah, they are starting the Christmas stuff here too. I don't mind it either. For me Halloween is a gateway to the REAL holidays LOL. Christmas is my most favorite time of the year and I am soo excited for Katelyn's 1st Christmas.

We are actually having a small dilemma. My Mom, brother, and Sister want us to go to Denver for Christmas, but I am sure that my Hubby's family want us to stay in town for Katelyn's 1st Christmas. My mom said that she would come to California if we decided to stay, but then her other grandchildren miss out on her. Not sure what to do.

Anyway, here is 1 photo of Katelyn. I am still waiting for my hubby to send me the rest...I know ridiculous right! Katelyn is with another little girl (a co-workers baby. She and I were preggers at the same time and her EDD was 1 week after mine was...but Katie came early so techincally they are two months apart, but size wise they are about the same.) I cropped the other baby out cuz I don't want to post photos of another persons child on the internet without their permission.

Halloween at work2.jpg

I will post more photos later.


P.S HI to everyone else...Mommies and Mommies to be!

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