35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

You look awesome! I look huge and it is amazing how just a week can make such a difference. Your husband is a sweetheart. You stick with him and ignore any negativity coming from family!! You've got enough to deal with. You only have a couple more weeks to go before you are in your 3rd trimester and can feel better about getting the steroids. In the meantime, you have a plan and our support so I hope that helps pull you through. Come on here and vent all you want!!!

I was trying to park for court this morning and a nasty women was on my bumper, refused to back up so I could pull into a parking lot. She was screaming and sitting there refusing to move, leaving me stuck. So I got out of my car and asked her to please back up. The guy in back of her had reversed so she had room and she was telling me to move my ass and shaking her head. So I told her she was being a bitch and would get hers, then got into my car. (Ok, so I'm hormonal, but still that was bad form for me!) Anyway, people on the street were watching. One guy directed me to do a 10 point turn to get into the driveway and as I'm pulling in the driver behind is screaming at me to move. I was practically in tears. Another lady walking to her car offered me her space once I got into the lot. So, I finally pulled around, parked in this kind lady's spot, and was getting out and the stranger who'd given me her space pulled up a ways, got out of her car, gave me a hug, and told me it was going to be okay. Guess who followed me into the courtroom? The mean lady who happens to be another lawyer. Ugg. Anyway, I finished my case and left, but I just have to say ... thank God for people who take the time out to give a stranger a hug! Obviously, I needed it. Seven 1/2 months pregnant, stuffed in a ill-fitting maternity suit that I'm quickly growing out of, running on little sleep, with one baby on my bladder and the other wedged up against my rib ... it ain't pretty, ladies! :) Some days I'm hell on wheels and wonder where all my patience has gone! As a public service, I'm avoiding the mall and doing my future baby/Christmas shopping online. :)
Hi ladies, I was breastfeeding today and found a lump on my left breast. It's just between the lower part of my underarm and at the top of the breast. ((sigh)) I hope my OBGYN is open tomorrow to check it. I'm praying it's just a milk duct maybe?? A little scared but trying not to overthink it. I'm also noticing a bit of the baby blues the past two days. The dreary winter weather and longer days are taking a toll already. :wacko:

On another note, Amelia is laughing. She's SO adorable. I love these kids of ours ladies! Oh, and we took Amelia to get weighed at the pediatrician because I was nervous she wasn't getting enough. She's now gone up 10 ounces in two weeks from 8lbs 5.5 ounces and now she's 8lbs 14ounces which is one ounce bigger than when she was born. :happydance: I'd say she's doing well on mostly breastmilk.

Doug and I ARE finding it annoying though that we seem to be getting different information from different medical people. For instance the nurse today told me to get rid of the breast shield because it will stop my milk production. She said the hospital SHE worked at wouldn't even let us go home with them. Mine did. The Dr. however said, "Oh yeah! Keep on using the shield. If it's working, don't stop unless you and the baby are comfortable". Well I am, the baby has issue with one of my nipples. I'm guessing she'll get better when she grows and learns better attatchment as I keep teaching her.

Praying everyone else is doing well. Thanksgiving is coming and there's a lot to be thankful for.
I'm hoping, MA, that the lump is just a clogged milk duct but also I understand that it is natural during pregnancy & breastfeeding for little lumps in our breasts to develop. Definitely check it out so that your mind can be put at ease.

Great job on the b'feeding. Amelia is growing and growing. Not that I'm an expert and you can take this for what it is worth, but my night nurse (she is an RN & certified lactation consultant) during our interview said that it is fine to use a nipple shield if it means continuing to b'feed when you want to quit. Maybe use it until you and baby can comfortably go without. Obviously, it's not reducing your milk production, right? You are producing a lot! So, keep doing what you are doing.

AFM, according to my pregnancy phone app, I've completed 27 weeks, starting my 28th week, so I've completed my 2nd trimester! woo hoo! I know some books say I won't start my 3rd until next week, but since twins will probably come closer to 38 weeks than to 40, I'm thinking that I'm 2/3rd of the way through. 37 weeks is full term for twins, so 10 more weeks! Less than 3 months. I can make it, right? Some days I'm not sure, but today I'm feeling hopeful!!

Today is Veterans' Day in the U.S. so I'm off work on holiday. Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Hi Ladies!

We are finally home from 6 hours at Children's Hospital Boston. (the last hour was lunch and travel time home). Took them soooooo long (then a long wait for the doctor) but I am glad they were so thorough. We had a senior man teaching a new fellow how to do all the shots and man, she was pressing SO hard! I think that is the reason why Poppy decided to HIDE down behind my right hip bone. :haha: The senior man finally took over and much more gentle touch so Poppy decided to behave and come out from hiding.

The GREAT news is that from all the pictures and measurements they took, they do not see any abnormalities in poppy's heart! :happydance: They told me they can't be 100% sure until the baby is born, but they do not see any major malformations or abnormalities of the heart that would cause them to require me to come back for another scan. And they don't see any reason for me to deliver at Children's, so they said they would check out Poppy after birth (the hospital I hope to deliver at has a Children's Hospital doctor come out all the time there - strangely enough, it is one of the ones I used to see all those years ago for my own heart issue!). So we are so thrilled. Of course, two of the issues we both have do not show up until after birth, so we will just have poppy checked and make sure our pediatrician knows to watch too. But so far, I couldn't be happier with that news. It was the best we could hope for until we have a thorough checkout when Poppy is actually here.

And thank you to all who thought my bump was coming along. :) And lava remember - you have TWO in there! :flower: So excited you are in the 3rd tri! yay!!!! Those babies are baking nicely in there and here's hoping they stay in there until they are fully ready to make their debut.

MA - I'm so sorry about the lump, how scary. Even if it's a milk duct, it still can be such a looong wait until you find out. Praying it is only a clogged duct and can be resolved quickly.

looking to veg the rest of the day - I feel so drained from the visit and the anxiety leading up to it. I will find out about the gestational diabetes on Monday as the OB is closed for Veteran's Day.

and I must show off how much of a nerd/geek I am: today is 11/11/11....the last binary day of this century!!!!

Hope you all have a happy, fulfilling weekend.
Hi ladies,

Had my appointment today. She felt one concerning area and the area I felt she thought was a milk duct or normal cyst. I have two big x's on my breast and was supposed to go for a sonogram of the breast today but it was closed. So monday morning we have it along with Amelia's appointment for her hip to see if there's hip dysplasia from her breech birth. :wacko: I'm trying to keep a positive attitude as your right, breastfeeding women do get issues with breast growths.
Good Link Rebekah :hugs:

:hugs: Lava. MAN what a B%^*h!!!!!!

Chris. Hows Sophie?

I tried to look in Callum's mouth as he has been unbearable this week. Crying and drooling and chomping on our fingers hard!!! My FIL (who's visiting for a week and has been fantastic with Cal), reckons he can see a little white square on his lower jaw and says he's sure Cal's teething. I pray to god not yet!!!!!!!! He's so erratic with sleep patterns and eating. Last night he went down at 6.15 and stayed down til 10.15pm which was amazing.

Tonight he had feed, play/grizzle bath bed and went down at 7 for a grand total of 10 mins before starting up again. I couldn't get him down again until 9, and I'm praying as I write that he stays down for a couple of hours. He just flat out refuses to sleep more than 10-20mins at a time maybe twice a day and then is up half the night too! ARGH!! :dohh:

I wish he would at least take a dummy sometimes. Tried today as we were shopping but he kept spitting it out and at one point, grabbed it with his hand as my DH put it in and pulled it out almost as if he was actively trying to get rid of it!! He then crammed his fingers in there instead and kept wailing.

NMG you are amazing with your great attitude despite having these horrible health issues. So glad Poppy is fine :happydance:

Anna, you still alive???? Hows the colic?

Hi Junebug, Carole, Twinkle, Skye, Chris, Rottpaw, Charmaine :flower:

Sorry about the moaning, I am just sooo tired as I am sure you all can relate to in many ways!!
Lava your rage story totally reminds me of when I tried to break into Purolator :rofl: I must have36-37 weeks pregnant. I'll try to retell it later today when i'm no one finger typing on my tablet. Btw you owe us a bump pic.

Nmg, so glad to hear Poppy's heart looks normal :thumbup:

Rebekah, i am quite sure your lumps are bf related. I had so many in the begging too. But always best to get them checked out :hugs:

Viv, sorry Callum is a terrible sleeper. I'd be going mad right about now. Sophie has been occasionally waking up in the night for a feed and I become a walking zombie the next day. Sophie won't take a dummy either. I try and try but it's only her hands she wants. She used to take it on occassion but never now :shrug: It's been two weeks since I gave her a bottle so maybe it's the rubber she hates. She soaks outfits she's drooling so much. I looked for lil teeth buds under the gums but so far see none. My girlfriend's child is 8 mo and has only cut one tooth.

Hi to all the othe girls! We miss you! I know how hard it is to get to a computer. If it wasn't for this tablet which i'm on while bf it would be very difficult for me to keep up even now with Sophie almost three months.

Sorry quick pop by!

MA, I had a bunch of lumps and bumps while nursing, they were all ducts that were a bit blocked. I had 3 bouts of mastitis due to blocked ducts, in addition. I found that hard massages while showering (making a fist and running it from the outside of the breast toward the nipple) helped to release some of the blockage. I'm pretty sure what you're experiencing is all part of the BF'ing, but great to have it checked out!!! Keep us posted!

Viv and Chris, one thing to try to see if it is teething causing the sleep disruptions is a dose of Advil at bedtime. If the night goes better, there is a really good chance that is is teething pain causing your little ones their sleep disruptions. Their behaviour and the drooling is classic for it! I swear Advil is a miracle drug for the teething pain, I gave it at bedtime, and then when it got really bad, a dose in the morning too.

AFM, DH home for a quick visit right now, as is my dad who decided to pop by from 4 hours away to visit. I started sertraline last night as my depression is coming back :cry: I was awake for a big part of the night, so I guess it's causing some insomnia this time... I will try taking it in the morning instead. I hope it works... I really want to avoid the PPD this time around :cry:

Hope everyone is doing well, sorry for the fast fly-in :hugs:
Great big hugs to you all! :hugs: I'm so glad to have you ladies here for perspective! :winkwink: I'll keep you posted but boy have you all given me a sigh of relief!
I'm glad you have started your anti-depressants and are on the lookout for PPD. Hopefully, you will figure out the right dose/time to take the meds and head it off at the pass with as few side effects as possible. Sounds like you have great family support, which I'm sure helps a bit.

As I was on Wellbutrin before and got off of it Jan 2011 in preparation for starting fertility treatments, I have been very cautious about a return of anxiety or depression. Last night I'd been going all day and had a bit of a meltdown. My DH usually is sweet and understanding, but he was less so yesterday as he'd been working on the nursery and garage storage all day and felt defensive because he believed I was upset with him. It's hard to explain that I'm just hormonal and upset in general. He's up in Athens with his buddies for the game today and I'm at home with the cats trying to rest. I am really worried that after the babies come, I will feel so isolated and unprepared that my depression will return with a vengeance. If so, at least I know that I will not be alone and can find support on this thread. Don't forget that you are not alone either.
Good afternoon ladies!

I have a few "Hannah-free" moments, so I wanted to drop in and see how everyone's doing...

NMG - I'm so sorry for all you're going through! You have an amazing outlook, my friend - I really admire you and hope things get easier for you :flower: Great pump picture, too!

Lava - sounds like you had an AWESOME shower! You really hit the jackpot, girl!

Junebug - I really hope the meds work for you :hugs: Sometimes I wonder if I'm battling bouts of it myself. Not fun. :nope:

MA - my boobs get lumpy, too. In my case, it's just because they're clogged up. It's probably the same with you, too, but it's good you're getting it checked out. :thumbup:

Skye - OMG! What a scare you had! I'm so glad that the bleeding's stopped and you're home. Hang in there and plump up, little girl!

Viv - Cal is adorable! Absolutely adorable!

To everyone else I didn't address - hi!

AMF - nothing new. Just getting used to being a stay-at-home mom. A very TIRED stay-at-home mom... Just started using the breast pump I bought. The jury's still out on that - even though I got a good one (Medela Pump in Style Advanced) the most I've gotten out of one session is about 1.75 ounces. Combined. Although I must admit I've only used it three times so far... But I must be producing enough because at Hannah's checkup last week her growth was perfect, and she's producing the right amount of wet/dirty diapers. So who knows. :shrug: All I know is I want to be able to do more bottle feeding than breast. I don't mean to sound like a horrible mom, but I REALLY don't like the whole breastfeeding thing. I'd much rather feed her by bottle. But I can't do that if I can't pump enough... Sigh... Just another one of life's little disappointments. :nope: Get over it, right? :dohh:

Oh - on another note... I saw that a few of you (Lava & MA, I think) mentioned the story of Hannah in the bible. That story was a big reason why we gave that name to our daughter :flower:

Have a great weekend, ladies! :flow:
So nice to hear from you Chris! I hated BF too, then somewhere around 8 weeks, the pain went away and it clicked. It's like all of a sudden Sophie and I bonded in a way we hadn't before. I hope that happens for you, but if it doesn't bottles are awesome too! Pumping sucks. I do it occasionally and have a few bags frozen but honestly, if I need to go out without her (which I haven't yet lol) it's just too easy to give her formula. She's 99% BF so a little formula won't kill her. xo
Thanks ladies.

Am thinking of taking Cal to a sleep clinic just to see if there is anything they can suggest to help get him to sleep, day or night, as it is getting worse and worse everyday. He won't play much or smile as he is just too tired all day (as am I!!!) and it's having a bit of an effect on Chris and I as all we do is try to get him to sleep and then snap at each other :cry:

My dad the dentist doesn't think he's teething so we are back to square one with the gum rubbing and drooling and no sleeping.

Junebug, advil is just ibuprofen isn't it?

Argh will it never end!!!!:wacko:
Chris (Sunshine) Since pumping doesn't do as well as baby, try doing the following thing to boost your supply. 1. after every feeding from baby, pump 15 minutes per booby. It mimics that baby is still drinking and will start your supply. 2. try fenugreek tablets (3, 3 times a day) and milk thistle tincture twice a day following the instructions. Right now I'm getting a good 5 ounces by the end of the day though I'm not pumping after EVERY feed. I want enough for the bottle feed early morning which is when I take a break from bf'ing and doug gives her a bottle. It works well and she's taken to both breast AND bottle well. In fact, just the past couple of days I've re-introduced her to MY nipple and not the nipple shield. It's working well.

Try those things and see if it may help you get more milk supply from pumping! :winkwink: Good to hear from you. :hugs:
Thanks ladies.

Am thinking of taking Cal to a sleep clinic just to see if there is anything they can suggest to help get him to sleep, day or night, as it is getting worse and worse everyday. He won't play much or smile as he is just too tired all day (as am I!!!) and it's having a bit of an effect on Chris and I as all we do is try to get him to sleep and then snap at each other :cry:

My dad the dentist doesn't think he's teething so we are back to square one with the gum rubbing and drooling and no sleeping.

Junebug, advil is just ibuprofen isn't it?

Argh will it never end!!!!:wacko:

If it's colic, I've heard it gets better at the 3 month mark. On the other hand have you checked him for ear infection? The drooling is normal. Amelia has started that. She pulls at her eyes though. :wacko: I just calmly take her hand and replace it on either my breast during breastfeeding or somewhere else and tell her those are mommies precious eyes.:thumbup: They show their frustration any way they can. When we are tense, they sense it too. :hugs:
Thanks ladies.

Am thinking of taking Cal to a sleep clinic just to see if there is anything they can suggest to help get him to sleep, day or night, as it is getting worse and worse everyday. He won't play much or smile as he is just too tired all day (as am I!!!) and it's having a bit of an effect on Chris and I as all we do is try to get him to sleep and then snap at each other :cry:

My dad the dentist doesn't think he's teething so we are back to square one with the gum rubbing and drooling and no sleeping.

Junebug, advil is just ibuprofen isn't it?

Argh will it never end!!!!:wacko:

Sounds like a good idea Viv. My DH and I would be struggling bigtime if we were dealing with the same baby stuff still from 3-4 weeks ago. I need my sleep as do we all and once you get used to a certain amount of it again its really hard to go back. Have you tried swaddling and rocking? Its the only way to get Sophie to sleep. I do it now day or night at first sign of tiredness or she would probably never sleep ever either. Shes a pretty good napper now too because when she starts showing me shes tired I swaddle her up and rock her to sleep. Its not always easy and she certainly fights it but thats what works for us at the moment. Unfortunately there are always going to be bad days. It took us two hrs to get Sophie to stay down last night. She never went down until 10:30 :| so no adult time for us but at least she slept until after 7am. I was really liking her gong to bed before 9pm since daylight svgs. Hopefully last night was a one off.
Yes Viv, Advil is ibuprofen... Z started her teething symptoms at 2.5 months!
:hi: ladies

Can I cautiously sneak back in here...I sit in the corner for now though :winkwink:


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